The OpenD Programming Language


Creates new circle arc shaped sub-path. The arc center is at (cx, cy), the arc radius is r, and the arc is drawn from angle a0 to a1, and swept in direction dir (NVGWinding.CCW, or NVGWinding.CW). Angles are specified in radians.

mode is: "original", "move", "line" -- first command will be like original NanoVega, MoveTo, or LineTo

  1. void arc(NVGContext ctx, NVGWinding dir, float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1)
    nothrow @trusted @nogc
    string mode = "original"
    in float cx
    in float cy
    in float r
    in float a0
    in float a1
  2. void arc(NVGContext ctx, NVGWinding dir, float[] args)

See Also
