The OpenD Programming Language


Specifies the process failure type used in the ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs interface. The values in this enum make reference to the process kinds in the Chromium architecture. For more information about what these processes are and what they do, see Browser Architecture - Inside look at modern web browser.



Indicates that the browser process ended unexpectedly. The WebView automatically moves to the Closed state. The app has to recreate a new WebView to recover from this failure.


Indicates that the main frame's render process ended unexpectedly. Any subframes in the WebView will be gone too. A new render process is created automatically and navigated to an error page. You can use the Reload method to try to recover from this failure. Alternatively, you can Close and recreate the WebView.


Indicates that the main frame's render process is unresponsive. Renderer process unresponsiveness can happen for the following reasons:

* There is a **long-running script** being executed. For example, the web content in your WebView might be performing a synchronous XHR, or have entered an infinite loop. * The **system is busy**.

The ProcessFailed event will continue to be raised every few seconds until the renderer process has become responsive again. The application can consider taking action if the event keeps being raised. For example, the application might show UI for the user to decide to keep waiting or reload the page, or navigate away.


Indicates that a frame-only render process ended unexpectedly. The process exit does not affect the top-level document, only a subset of the subframes within it. The content in these frames is replaced with an error page in the frame. Your application can communicate with the main frame to recover content in the impacted frames, using ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2::FrameInfosForFailedProcess to get information about the impacted frames.


Indicates that a utility process ended unexpectedly. The failed process is recreated automatically. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs and ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 to collect information about the failure, including ProcessDescription.


Indicates that a sandbox helper process ended unexpectedly. This failure is not fatal. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs and ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 to collect information about the failure.


Indicates that the GPU process ended unexpectedly. The failed process is recreated automatically. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs and ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 to collect information about the failure.


Indicates that a PPAPI plugin process ended unexpectedly. This failure is not fatal. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs and ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 to collect information about the failure, including ProcessDescription.


Indicates that a PPAPI plugin broker process ended unexpectedly. This failure is not fatal. Your application does **not** need to handle recovery for this event, but can use ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs and ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 to collect information about the failure.


Indicates that a process of unspecified kind ended unexpectedly. Your application can use ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs and ICoreWebView2ProcessFailedEventArgs2 to collect information about the failure.
