The OpenD Programming Language


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HRESULT add_BrowserProcessExited(ICoreWebView2BrowserProcessExitedEventHandler eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken* token)

Add an event handler for the BrowserProcessExited event. The BrowserProcessExited event is raised when the collection of WebView2 Runtime processes for the browser process of this environment terminate due to browser process failure or normal shutdown (for example, when all associated WebViews are closed), after all resources have been released (including the user data folder). To learn about what these processes are, go to Process model.

HRESULT remove_BrowserProcessExited(EventRegistrationToken token)

Remove an event handler previously added with add_BrowserProcessExited.

Inherited Members

From ICoreWebView2Environment4

HRESULT GetAutomationProviderForWindow(HWND hwnd, IUnknown* provider)

Returns the Automation Provider for the WebView that matches the provided window. Host apps are expected to implement IRawElementProviderHwndOverride. When GetOverrideProviderForHwnd is called, the app can pass the HWND to GetAutomationProviderForWindow to find the matching WebView Automation Provider.
