The OpenD Programming Language


Undocumented in source.
version(Windows && inline_webview2_bindings && all)
interface ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs3 : ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs2 {
static const
GUID iid;



HRESULT get_SavesInProfile(BOOL* value)

The permission state set from the PermissionRequested event is saved in the profile by default; it persists across sessions and becomes the new default behavior for future PermissionRequested events. Browser heuristics can affect whether the event continues to be raised when the state is saved in the profile. Set the SavesInProfile property to FALSE to not persist the state beyond the current request, and to continue to receive PermissionRequested events for this origin and permission kind.

HRESULT put_SavesInProfile(BOOL value)

Sets the SavesInProfile property.

Inherited Members

From ICoreWebView2PermissionRequestedEventArgs2

HRESULT get_Handled(BOOL* handled)

By default, both the PermissionRequested event handlers on the CoreWebView2Frame and the CoreWebView2 will be invoked, with the CoreWebView2Frame event handlers invoked first. The host may set this flag to TRUE within the CoreWebView2Frame event handlers to prevent the remaining CoreWebView2 event handlers from being invoked.

HRESULT put_Handled(BOOL handled)

Sets the Handled property.
