The OpenD Programming Language


Undocumented in source.
version(Windows && inline_webview2_bindings && all)
interface ICoreWebView2Settings8 : ICoreWebView2Settings7 {
static const
GUID iid;



HRESULT get_IsReputationCheckingRequired(BOOL* value)

SmartScreen helps webviews identify reported phishing and malware websites and also helps users make informed decisions about downloads. IsReputationCheckingRequired is used to control whether SmartScreen enabled or not. SmartScreen is enabled or disabled for all CoreWebView2s using the same user data folder. If CoreWebView2Setting.IsReputationCheckingRequired is true for any CoreWebView2 using the same user data folder, then SmartScreen is enabled. If CoreWebView2Setting.IsReputationCheckingRequired is false for all CoreWebView2 using the same user data folder, then SmartScreen is disabled. When it is changed, the change will be applied to all WebViews using the same user data folder on the next navigation or download. The default value for IsReputationCheckingRequired is true. If the newly created CoreWebview2 does not set SmartScreen to false, when navigating(Such as Navigate(), LoadDataUrl(), ExecuteScript(), etc.), the default value will be applied to all CoreWebview2 using the same user data folder. SmartScreen of WebView2 apps can be controlled by Windows system setting "SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge", specially, for WebView2 in Windows Store apps, SmartScreen is controlled by another Windows system setting "SmartScreen for Microsoft Store apps". When the Windows setting is enabled, the SmartScreen operates under the control of the IsReputationCheckingRequired. When the Windows setting is disabled, the SmartScreen will be disabled regardless of the IsReputationCheckingRequired value set in WebView2 apps. In other words, under this circumstance the value of IsReputationCheckingRequired will be saved but overridden by system setting. Upon re-enabling the Windows setting, the CoreWebview2 will reference the IsReputationCheckingRequired to determine the SmartScreen status. \snippet SettingsComponent.cpp ToggleSmartScreen

HRESULT put_IsReputationCheckingRequired(BOOL value)

Sets whether this webview2 instance needs SmartScreen protection for its content. Set the IsReputationCheckingRequired property.

Inherited Members

From ICoreWebView2Settings7

HRESULT get_HiddenPdfToolbarItems(COREWEBVIEW2_PDF_TOOLBAR_ITEMS* hidden_pdf_toolbar_items)

HiddenPdfToolbarItems is used to customize the PDF toolbar items. By default, it is COREWEBVIEW2_PDF_TOOLBAR_ITEMS_NONE and so it displays all of the items. Changes to this property apply to all CoreWebView2s in the same environment and using the same profile. Changes to this setting apply only after the next navigation. \snippet SettingsComponent.cpp ToggleHidePdfToolbarItems

HRESULT put_HiddenPdfToolbarItems(COREWEBVIEW2_PDF_TOOLBAR_ITEMS hidden_pdf_toolbar_items)

Set the HiddenPdfToolbarItems property.
