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HRESULT Print(ICoreWebView2PrintSettings printSettings, ICoreWebView2PrintCompletedHandler handler)

Print the current web page asynchronously to the specified printer with the provided settings. See ICoreWebView2PrintSettings for description of settings. Passing nullptr for printSettings results in default print settings used.

HRESULT PrintToPdfStream(ICoreWebView2PrintSettings printSettings, ICoreWebView2PrintToPdfStreamCompletedHandler handler)

Provides the Pdf data of current web page asynchronously for the provided settings. Stream will be rewound to the start of the pdf data.


Opens the print dialog to print the current web page. See COREWEBVIEW2_PRINT_DIALOG_KIND for descriptions of print dialog kinds.

Inherited Members

From ICoreWebView2_15

HRESULT add_FaviconChanged(ICoreWebView2FaviconChangedEventHandler eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken* token)

Add an event handler for the FaviconChanged event. The FaviconChanged event is raised when the favicon

had a different URL then the previous URL. The FaviconChanged event will be raised for first navigating to a new document, whether or not a document declares a Favicon in HTML if the favicon is different from the previous fav icon. The event will be raised again if a favicon is declared in its HTML or has script to set its favicon. The favicon information can then be retrieved with GetFavicon and FaviconUri.

HRESULT remove_FaviconChanged(EventRegistrationToken token)

Remove the event handler for FaviconChanged event.

HRESULT get_FaviconUri(LPWSTR* value)

Get the current Uri of the favicon as a string. If the value is null, then the return value is E_POINTER, otherwise it is S_OK. If a page has no favicon then the value is an empty string.

HRESULT GetFavicon(COREWEBVIEW2_FAVICON_IMAGE_FORMAT format, ICoreWebView2GetFaviconCompletedHandler completedHandler)

Async function for getting the actual image data of the favicon. The image is copied to the imageStream object in ICoreWebView2GetFaviconCompletedHandler. If there is no image then no data would be copied into the imageStream. The format is the file format to return the image stream. completedHandler is executed at the end of the operation.
