The OpenD Programming Language


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MemoryUsageTargetLevel indicates desired memory consumption level of WebView.


An app may set MemoryUsageTargetLevel to indicate desired memory consumption level of WebView. Scripts will not be impacted and continue to run. This is useful for inactive apps that still want to run scripts and/or keep network connections alive and therefore could not call TrySuspend and Resume to reduce memory consumption. These apps can set memory usage target level to COREWEBVIEW2_MEMORY_USAGE_TARGET_LEVEL_LOW when the app becomes inactive, and set back to COREWEBVIEW2_MEMORY_USAGE_TARGET_LEVEL_NORMAL when the app becomes active. It is not necessary to set CoreWebView2Controller's IsVisible property to false when setting the property. It is a best effort operation to change memory usage level, and the API will return before the operation completes. Setting the level to COREWEBVIEW2_MEMORY_USAGE_TARGET_LEVEL_LOW could potentially cause memory for some WebView browser processes to be swapped out to disk in some circumstances. It is a best effort to reduce memory usage as much as possible. If a script runs after its related memory has been swapped out, the memory will be swapped back in to ensure the script can still run, but performance might be impacted. Therefore, the app should set the level back to COREWEBVIEW2_MEMORY_USAGE_TARGET_LEVEL_NORMAL when the app becomes active again. Setting memory usage target level back to normal will not happen automatically. An app should choose to use either the combination of TrySuspend and Resume or the combination of setting MemoryUsageTargetLevel to low and normal. It is not advisable to mix them. Trying to set MemoryUsageTargetLevel while suspended will be ignored. The TrySuspend and Resume methods will change the MemoryUsageTargetLevel. TrySuspend will automatically set MemoryUsageTargetLevel to low while Resume on suspended WebView will automatically set MemoryUsageTargetLevel to normal. Calling Resume when the WebView is not suspended would not change MemoryUsageTargetLevel.

Inherited Members

From ICoreWebView2_18

HRESULT add_LaunchingExternalUriScheme(ICoreWebView2LaunchingExternalUriSchemeEventHandler eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken* token)

Add an event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event. The LaunchingExternalUriScheme event is raised when a navigation request is made to a URI scheme that is registered with the OS. The LaunchingExternalUriScheme event handler may suppress the default dialog or replace the default dialog with a custom dialog.

HRESULT remove_LaunchingExternalUriScheme(EventRegistrationToken token)

Remove an event handler previously added with add_LaunchingExternalUriScheme.
