The OpenD Programming Language


Represents the registration of a custom scheme with the CoreWebView2Environment. This allows the WebView2 app to be able to handle WebResourceRequested event for requests with the specified scheme and be able to navigate the WebView2 to the custom scheme. Once the environment is created, the registrations are valid and immutable throughout the lifetime of the associated WebView2s' browser process and any WebView2 environments sharing the browser process must be created with identical custom scheme registrations, otherwise the environment creation will fail. Any further attempts to register the same scheme will fail during environment creation. The URIs of registered custom schemes will be treated similar to http URIs for their origins. They will have tuple origins for URIs with host and opaque origins for URIs without host as specified in 7.5 Origin - HTML Living Standard

version(Windows && inline_webview2_bindings && all)
GUID IID_ICoreWebView2CustomSchemeRegistration;


custom-scheme-with-host://hostname/path/to/resource has origin of custom-scheme-with-host://hostname. custom-scheme-without-host:path/to/resource has origin of custom-scheme-without-host:path/to/resource. For WebResourceRequested event, the cases of request URIs and filter URIs with custom schemes will be normalized according to generic URI syntax rules. Any non-ASCII characters will be preserved. The registered custom schemes also participate in CORS and adheres to CSP. The app needs to set the appropriate access headers in its WebResourceRequested event handler to allow CORS requests. \snippet AppWindow.cpp CoreWebView2CustomSchemeRegistration
