The OpenD Programming Language


The window features for a WebView popup window. The fields match the windowFeatures passed to as specified in Window features

on MDN.

There is no requirement for you to respect the values. If your app does not have corresponding UI features (for example, no toolbar) or if all instance of WebView are opened in tabs and do not have distinct size or positions, then your app does not respect the values. You may want to respect values, but perhaps only some apply to the UI of you app. Accordingly, you may respect all, some, or none of the properties as appropriate for your app. For all numeric properties, if the value that is passed to is outside the range of an unsigned 32bit int, the resulting value is the absolute value of the maximum for unsigned 32bit integer. If you are not able to parse the value an integer, it is considered 0. If the value is a floating point value, it is rounded down to an integer.

In runtime versions 98 or later, the values of ShouldDisplayMenuBar, ShouldDisplayStatus, ShouldDisplayToolbar, and ShouldDisplayScrollBars will not directly depend on the equivalent fields in the windowFeatures string. Instead, they will all be false if the window is expected to be a popup, and true if it is not.

version(Windows && inline_webview2_bindings && all)
GUID IID_ICoreWebView2WindowFeatures;
