The OpenD Programming Language


Callback structure for cef_browser_host_t::AddDevToolsMessageObserver. The functions of this structure will be called on the browser process UI thread.



cef_base_ref_counted_t base;

Base structure.

void function(cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser) nothrow on_dev_tools_agent_attached;

Method that will be called when the DevTools agent has attached. |browser| is the originating browser instance. This will generally occur in response to the first message sent while the agent is detached.

void function(cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser) nothrow on_dev_tools_agent_detached;

Method that will be called when the DevTools agent has detached. |browser| is the originating browser instance. Any function results that were pending before the agent became detached will not be delivered, and any active event subscriptions will be canceled.

void function(cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, const(cef_string_t)* method, const(void)* params, size_t params_size) nothrow on_dev_tools_event;

Method that will be called on receipt of a DevTools protocol event. |browser| is the originating browser instance. |function| is the "function" value. |params| is the UTF8-encoded JSON "params" dictionary value (which may be NULL). |params| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if necessary. See the OnDevToolsMessage documentation for additional details on |params| contents.

int function(cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, const(void)* message, size_t message_size) nothrow on_dev_tools_message;

orginating function call sent from

void function(cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, int message_id, int success, const(void)* result, size_t result_size) nothrow on_dev_tools_method_result;

Method that will be called after attempted execution of a DevTools protocol function. |browser| is the originating browser instance. |message_id| is the "id" value that identifies the originating function call message. If the function succeeded |success| will be true (1) and |result| will be the UTF8-encoded JSON "result" dictionary value (which may be NULL). If the function failed |success| will be false (0) and |result| will be the UTF8-encoded JSON "error" dictionary value. |result| is only valid for the scope of this callback and should be copied if necessary. See the OnDevToolsMessage documentation for additional details on |result| contents.
