The OpenD Programming Language


Get a random index into a list of weights corresponding to each index

Similar to rolling a die with relative probabilities stored in proportions. Returns the index in proportions that was chosen.

Note: Usually, dice are 'fair', meaning that each side has equal probability to come up, in which case 1 + uniform(0, 6) can simply be used. In future Phobos versions, this function might get renamed to something like weightedChoice to avoid confusion.

  1. size_t dice(Rng rnd, Num[] proportions)
  2. size_t dice(R rnd, Range proportions)
    ref R rnd
    if (
    isForwardRange!Range &&
  3. size_t dice(Range proportions)
  4. size_t dice(Num[] proportions)


rnd R

(optional) random number generator to use; if not specified, defaults to rndGen

proportions Range

forward range or list of individual values whose elements correspond to the probabilities with which to choose the corresponding index value

Return Value

Type: size_t

Random variate drawn from the index values [0, ... proportions.length - 1], with the probability of getting an individual index value i being proportional to proportions[i].


auto d6  = 1 + dice(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); // fair dice roll
auto d6b = 1 + dice(2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); // double the chance to roll '1'

auto x = dice(0.5, 0.5);   // x is 0 or 1 in equal proportions
auto y = dice(50, 50);     // y is 0 or 1 in equal proportions
auto z = dice(70, 20, 10); // z is 0 70% of the time, 1 20% of the time,
                           // and 2 10% of the time
auto rnd = MinstdRand0(42);
auto z = rnd.dice(70, 20, 10);
assert(z == 0);
z = rnd.dice(30, 20, 40, 10);
assert(z == 2);
