Add an event handler for the PermissionRequested event. PermissionRequested is raised when content in an iframe any of its descendant iframes requests permission to privileged resources.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_PermissionRequested
Add an event handler for the NavigationStarting event. A frame navigation will raise a NavigationStarting event and a CoreWebView2.FrameNavigationStarting event. All of the FrameNavigationStarting event handlers for the current frame will be run before the NavigationStarting event handlers. All of the event handlers share a common NavigationStartingEventArgs object. Whichever event handler is last to change the NavigationStartingEventArgs.Cancel property will decide if the frame navigation will be cancelled. Redirects raise this event as well, and the navigation id is the same as the original one.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_NavigationStarting.
Add an event handler for the ContentLoading event. ContentLoading triggers before any content is loaded, including scripts added with AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated. ContentLoading does not trigger if a same page navigation occurs (such as through fragment navigations or history.pushState navigations). This operation follows the NavigationStarting and precedes NavigationCompleted events.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_ContentLoading.
Add an event handler for the NavigationCompleted event. NavigationCompleted runs when the CoreWebView2Frame has completely loaded (concurrently when body.onload runs) or loading stopped with error.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_NavigationCompleted.
Add an event handler for the DOMContentLoaded event. DOMContentLoaded is raised when the iframe html document has been parsed. This aligns with the document's DOMContentLoaded event in html.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_DOMContentLoaded.
Run JavaScript code from the javascript parameter in the current frame. The result of evaluating the provided JavaScript is passed to the completion handler. The result value is a JSON encoded string. If the result is undefined, contains a reference cycle, or otherwise is not able to be encoded into JSON, then the result is considered to be null, which is encoded in JSON as the string "null".
Posts the specified webMessage to the frame. The frame receives the message by subscribing to the message event of the of the frame document.
Posts a message that is a simple string rather than a JSON string representation of a JavaScript object. This behaves in exactly the same manner as PostWebMessageAsJson, but the data property of the event args of the message is a string with the same value as webMessageAsString. Use this instead of PostWebMessageAsJson if you want to communicate using simple strings rather than JSON objects.
Add an event handler for the WebMessageReceived event. WebMessageReceived runs when the ICoreWebView2Settings::IsWebMessageEnabled setting is set and the frame document runs The postMessage function is void postMessage(object) where object is any object supported by JSON conversion.
Remove an event handler previously added with add_WebMessageReceived.