By default, both the PermissionRequested event handlers on the CoreWebView2Frame and the CoreWebView2 will be invoked, with the CoreWebView2Frame event handlers invoked first. The host may set this flag to TRUE within the CoreWebView2Frame event handlers to prevent the remaining CoreWebView2 event handlers from being invoked.
Sets the Handled property.
The origin of the web content that requests the permission.
The type of the permission that is requested.
TRUE when the permission request was initiated through a user gesture.
The status of a permission request, (for example is the request is granted). The default value is COREWEBVIEW2_PERMISSION_STATE_DEFAULT.
Sets the State property.
Gets an ICoreWebView2Deferral object. Use the deferral object to make the permission decision at a later time. The deferral only applies to the current request, and does not prevent the PermissionRequested event from getting raised for new requests. However, for some permission kinds the WebView will avoid creating a new request if there is a pending request of the same kind.