Get the ButtonChangeKind of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ButtonChangeKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the DisplayRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the FrameID of the pointer event. This corresponds to the frameId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the HimetricLocation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the HimetricLocationRaw of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the HistoryCount of the pointer event. This corresponds to the historyCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the InputData of the pointer event. This corresponds to the InputData property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the KeyStates of the pointer event. This corresponds to the dwKeyStates property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenFlags of the pointer event. This corresponds to the penFlags property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenMask of the pointer event. This corresponds to the penMask property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenPressure of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenRotation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the rotation property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenTiltX of the pointer event. This corresponds to the tiltX property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PenTiltY of the pointer event. This corresponds to the tiltY property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PerformanceCount of the pointer event. This corresponds to the PerformanceCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PixelLocation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptPixelLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PixelLocationRaw of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptPixelLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerDeviceRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerFlags of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pointerFlags property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerId of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pointerId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the PointerKind of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pointerKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_INPUT_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). Supports PT_PEN and PT_TOUCH.
Get the Time of the pointer event. This corresponds to the dwTime property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchContact of the pointer event. This corresponds to the rcContact property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchContactRaw of the pointer event. This corresponds to the rcContactRaw property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchFlags of the pointer event. This corresponds to the touchFlags property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchMask of the pointer event. This corresponds to the touchMask property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchOrientation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the orientation property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Get the TouchPressure of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the ButtonChangeKind of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ButtonChangeKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the DisplayRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the FrameID of the pointer event. This corresponds to the frameId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the HimetricLocation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the HimetricLocationRaw of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptHimetricLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the HistoryCount of the pointer event. This corresponds to the historyCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the InputData of the pointer event. This corresponds to the InputData property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the KeyStates of the pointer event. This corresponds to the dwKeyStates property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenFlags of the pointer event. This corresponds to the penFlags property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenMask of the pointer event. This corresponds to the penMask property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct. The values are defined by the PEN_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenPressure of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenRotation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the rotation property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenTiltX of the pointer event. This corresponds to the tiltX property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PenTiltY of the pointer event. This corresponds to the tiltY property of the POINTER_PEN_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PerformanceCount of the pointer event. This corresponds to the PerformanceCount property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PixelLocation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptPixelLocation property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PixelLocationRaw of the pointer event. This corresponds to the ptPixelLocationRaw property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerDeviceRect of the sourceDevice property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerFlags of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pointerFlags property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerId of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pointerId property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the PointerKind of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pointerKind property of the POINTER_INFO struct. The values are defined by the POINTER_INPUT_KIND enum in the Windows SDK (winuser.h). Supports PT_PEN and PT_TOUCH.
Set the Time of the pointer event. This corresponds to the dwTime property of the POINTER_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchContact of the pointer event. This corresponds to the rcContact property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchContactRaw of the pointer event. This corresponds to the rcContactRaw property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchFlags of the pointer event. This corresponds to the touchFlags property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_FLAGS constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchMask of the pointer event. This corresponds to the touchMask property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct. The values are defined by the TOUCH_MASK constants in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchOrientation of the pointer event. This corresponds to the orientation property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).
Set the TouchPressure of the pointer event. This corresponds to the pressure property of the POINTER_TOUCH_INFO struct as defined in the Windows SDK (winuser.h).