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HRESULT ClearBrowsingData(COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS dataKinds, ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler handler)

Clear browsing data based on a data type. This method takes two parameters, the first being a mask of one or more COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS. OR operation(s) can be applied to multiple COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS to create a mask representing those data types. The browsing data kinds that are supported are listed below. These data kinds follow a hierarchical structure in which nested bullet points are included in their parent bullet point's data kind. Ex: All DOM storage is encompassed in all site data which is encompassed in all profile data. * All Profile * All Site Data * All DOM Storage: File Systems, Indexed DB, Local Storage, Web SQL, Cache Storage * Cookies * Disk Cache * Download History * General Autofill * Password Autosave * Browsing History * Settings The completed handler will be invoked when the browsing data has been cleared and will indicate if the specified data was properly cleared. In the case in which the operation is interrupted and the corresponding data is not fully cleared the handler will return E_ABORT and otherwise will return S_OK. Because this is an asynchronous operation, code that is dependent on the cleared data must be placed in the callback of this operation. If the WebView object is closed before the clear browsing data operation has completed, the handler will be released, but not invoked. In this case the clear browsing data operation may or may not be completed. ClearBrowsingData clears the dataKinds regardless of timestamp.

HRESULT ClearBrowsingDataAll(ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler handler)

ClearBrowsingDataAll behaves like ClearBrowsingData except that it clears the entirety of the data associated with the profile it is called on. It clears the data regardless of timestamp.

HRESULT ClearBrowsingDataInTimeRange(COREWEBVIEW2_BROWSING_DATA_KINDS dataKinds, double startTime, double endTime, ICoreWebView2ClearBrowsingDataCompletedHandler handler)

ClearBrowsingDataInTimeRange behaves like ClearBrowsingData except that it takes in two additional parameters for the start and end time for which it should clear the data between. The startTime and endTime parameters correspond to the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. startTime is inclusive while endTime is exclusive, therefore the data will be cleared between [startTime, endTime).

Inherited Members

From ICoreWebView2Profile

HRESULT get_ProfileName(LPWSTR* value)

Name of the profile.

HRESULT get_IsInPrivateModeEnabled(BOOL* value)

InPrivate mode is enabled or not.

HRESULT get_ProfilePath(LPWSTR* value)

Full path of the profile directory.

HRESULT get_DefaultDownloadFolderPath(LPWSTR* value)

Gets the DefaultDownloadFolderPath property. The default value is the system default download folder path for the user.

HRESULT put_DefaultDownloadFolderPath(LPCWSTR value)

Sets the DefaultDownloadFolderPath property. The default download folder path is persisted in the user data folder across sessions. The value should be an absolute path to a folder that the user and application can write to. Returns E_INVALIDARG if the value is invalid, and the default download folder path is not changed. Otherwise the path is changed immediately. If the directory does not yet exist, it is created at the time of the next download. If the host application does not have permission to create the directory, then the user is prompted to provide a new path through the Save As dialog. The user can override the default download folder path for a given download by choosing a different path in the Save As dialog.


The PreferredColorScheme property sets the overall color scheme of the WebView2s associated with this profile. This sets the color scheme for WebView2 UI like dialogs, prompts, and context menus by setting the media feature prefers-color-scheme for websites to respond to.


Sets the PreferredColorScheme property.
