The OpenD Programming Language


Structure used to represent a frame in the browser window. When used in the browser process the functions of this structure may be called on any thread unless otherwise indicated in the comments. When used in the render process the functions of this structure may only be called on the main thread.

version(cef && embedded_cef_bindings)
extern (C)
struct cef_frame_t {
extern (System)
int function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow is_valid;



cef_base_ref_counted_t base;

Base structure.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow copy;

Execute copy in this frame.

cef_urlrequest_t* function(cef_frame_t* self, cef_request_t* request, cef_urlrequest_client_t* client) nothrow create_urlrequest;

Create a new URL request that will be treated as originating from this frame and the associated browser. Use cef_urlrequest_t::Create instead if you do not want the request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see documentation on that function). A request created with this function may only originate from the browser process, and will behave as follows: - It may be intercepted by the client via CefResourceRequestHandler or CefSchemeHandlerFactory. - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow cut;

Execute cut in this frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow del;

Execute delete in this frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, const(cef_string_t)* code, const(cef_string_t)* script_url, int start_line) nothrow execute_java_script;

Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame. The |script_url| parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any. The renderer may request this URL to show the developer the source of the error. The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error reporting.

cef_browser_t* function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow get_browser;

Returns the browser that this frame belongs to.

cef_string_userfree_t function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow get_identifier;

Returns the globally unique identifier for this frame or NULL if the underlying frame does not yet exist.

cef_string_userfree_t function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow get_name;

Returns the name for this frame. If the frame has an assigned name (for example, set via the iframe "name" attribute) then that value will be returned. Otherwise a unique name will be constructed based on the frame parent hierarchy. The main (top-level) frame will always have an NULL name value.

cef_frame_t* function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow get_parent;

Returns the parent of this frame or NULL if this is the main (top-level) frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, cef_string_visitor_t* visitor) nothrow get_source;

Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified visitor.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, cef_string_visitor_t* visitor) nothrow get_text;

Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified visitor.

cef_string_userfree_t function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow get_url;

Returns the URL currently loaded in this frame.

cef_v8context_t* function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow get_v8context;

Get the V8 context associated with the frame. This function can only be called from the render process.

int function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow is_focused;

Returns true (1) if this is the focused frame.

int function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow is_main;

Returns true (1) if this is the main (top-level) frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, cef_request_t* request) nothrow load_request;

Load the request represented by the |request| object.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, const(cef_string_t)* url) nothrow load_url;

Load the specified |url|.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow paste;

Execute paste in this frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow redo;

Execute redo in this frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow select_all;

Execute select all in this frame.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, cef_process_id_t target_process, cef_process_message_t* message) nothrow send_process_message;

Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Ownership of the message contents will be transferred and the |message| reference will be invalidated. Message delivery is not guaranteed in all cases (for example, if the browser is closing, navigating, or if the target process crashes). Send an ACK message back from the target process if confirmation is required.

void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow undo;
void function(cef_frame_t* self) nothrow view_source;

Save this frame's HTML source to a temporary file and open it in the default text viewing application. This function can only be called from the browser process.

void function(cef_frame_t* self, cef_domvisitor_t* visitor) nothrow visit_dom;

Visit the DOM document. This function can only be called from the render process.
