The OpenD Programming Language


Assert failure functions in the GLIBC library.

  1. noreturn __assert(const(char)* func, const(char)* file, uint line, const(char)* exp)
  2. noreturn __assert(const(char)* file, int line, const(char)* exp)
  3. noreturn __assert(const(char)* file, int line, const(char)* exp)
  4. noreturn __assert(const(char)* func, const(char)* file, uint line, const(char)* exp)
  5. noreturn __assert(const(char)* exp, const(char)* file, uint line)
    version(!CRuntime_DigitalMars && !CRuntime_Microsoft && !Darwin && !FreeBSD && !NetBSD && !OpenBSD && !DragonFlyBSD && CRuntime_Glibc)
    extern (C) @trusted nothrow @nogc
    const(char)* exp
    const(char)* file
    uint line
  6. noreturn __assert(const(char)* __file, int __line, const(char)* __msg)
