The OpenD Programming Language


Performs uint remainder = (overflow$big) /= scalar operatrion, where $ denotes big-endian concatenation. Precondition: non-empty coefficients, overflow < rhs

  1. bool opOpAssign(BigUIntView!(const W) rhs, bool overflow)
  2. bool opOpAssign(BigIntView!(const W) rhs, bool overflow)
  3. bool opOpAssign(T rhs)
  4. bool opOpAssign(T rhs)
  5. W opOpAssign(W rhs, W overflow)
  6. uint opOpAssign(uint rhs, uint overflow)
    struct BigUIntView(W)
    @safe @safe pure nothrow @nogc scope
    static if(isMutable!W && W.sizeof == 4 || W.sizeof == 8)
    string op : "/"
    uint rhs
    uint overflow = 0
    if (
    __traits(isUnsigned, W)
  7. UInt!size opOpAssign(UInt!size rhs, UInt!size overflow)


rhs uint

unsigned value to devide by

overflow uint

initial unsigned overflow

Return Value

Type: uint

unsigned remainder value (evaluated overflow)
