The OpenD Programming Language


Specializes Document for handling generic XML. (always uses strict mode, uses xml mime type and file header)

class XmlDocument : Document {}

Inherited Members

From Document

Document fromUrl(string url, bool strictMode)

Convenience method for web scraping. Requires arsd.http2 to be included in the build as well as arsd.characterencodings.

ElementCollection opIndex(string selector)

This is just something I'm toying with. Right now, you use opIndex to put in css selectors. It returns a struct that forwards calls to all elements it holds, and returns itself so you can chain it.

string contentType [@property setter]

If you're using this for some other kind of XML, you can set the content type here.

string filename [@property getter]

implementing the FileResource interface, useful for sending via http automatically.

string contentType [@property getter]

implementing the FileResource interface, useful for sending via http automatically.

immutable(ubyte)[] getData()

implementing the FileResource interface; it calls toString.

void enableAddingSpecialTagsToDom()

Adds objects to the dom representing things normally stripped out during the default parse, like comments, <!instructions>, <% code%>, and <? code?> all at once.

bool delegate(string) parseSawComment;

If the parser sees a html comment, it will call this callback <!-- comment --> will call parseSawComment(" comment ") Return true if you want the node appended to the document. It will be in a HtmlComment object.

bool delegate(string) parseSawAspCode;

If the parser sees <% asp code... %>, it will call this callback. It will be passed "% asp code... %" or "%= asp code .. %" Return true if you want the node appended to the document. It will be in an AspCode object.

bool delegate(string) parseSawPhpCode;

If the parser sees <?php php code... ?>, it will call this callback. It will be passed "?php php code... ?" or "?= asp code .. ?" Note: dom.d cannot identify the other php <? code ?> short format. Return true if you want the node appended to the document. It will be in a PhpCode object.

bool delegate(string) parseSawQuestionInstruction;

if it sees a <?xxx> that is not php or asp it calls this function with the contents. <?SOMETHING foo> calls parseSawQuestionInstruction("?SOMETHING foo") Unlike the php/asp ones, this ends on the first > it sees, without requiring ?>. Return true if you want the node appended to the document. It will be in a QuestionInstruction object.

bool delegate(string) parseSawBangInstruction;

if it sees a <! that is not CDATA or comment (CDATA is handled automatically and comments call parseSawComment), it calls this function with the contents. <!SOMETHING foo> calls parseSawBangInstruction("SOMETHING foo") Return true if you want the node appended to the document. It will be in a BangInstruction object.

void parseGarbage(string data)

Given the kind of garbage you find on the Internet, try to make sense of it. Equivalent to document.parse(data, false, false, null); (Case-insensitive, non-strict, determine character encoding from the data.) NOTE: this makes no attempt at added security, but it will try to recover from anything instead of throwing.

void parseStrict(string data, bool pureXmlMode)

Parses well-formed UTF-8, case-sensitive, XML or XHTML Will throw exceptions on things like unclosed tags.

void parseUtf8(string data, bool caseSensitive, bool strict)

Parses well-formed UTF-8 in loose mode (by default). Tries to correct tag soup, but does NOT try to correct bad character encodings.

immutable(string)[] selfClosedElements;

List of elements that can be assumed to be self-closed in this document. The default for a Document are a hard-coded list of ones appropriate for HTML. For XmlDocument, it defaults to empty. You can modify this after construction but before parsing.

immutable(string)[] rawSourceElements;

List of elements that contain raw CDATA content for this document, e.g. <script> and <style> for HTML. The parser will read until the closing string and put everything else in a RawSource object for future processing, not trying to do any further child nodes or attributes, etc.

immutable(string)[] inlineElements;

List of elements that are considered inline for pretty printing. The default for a Document are hard-coded to something appropriate for HTML. For XmlDocument, it defaults to empty. You can modify this after construction but before parsing.

void parse(string rawdata, bool caseSensitive, bool strict, string dataEncoding)

Take XMLish data and try to make the DOM tree out of it.

string title [@property getter]

Gets the <title> element's innerText, if one exists

string title [@property setter]

Sets the title of the page, creating a <title> element if needed.

Element getElementById(string id)
SomeElementType requireElementById(string id, string file, size_t line)
SomeElementType requireSelector(string selector, string file, size_t line)
MaybeNullElement!SomeElementType optionSelector(string selector, string file, size_t line)
Element querySelector(string selector)
Element[] querySelectorAll(string selector)
deprecated Element[] getElementsBySelector(string selector)
Element[] getElementsByTagName(string tag)
Element[] getElementsByClassName(string tag)

These functions all forward to the root element. See the documentation in the Element class.

Element getFirstElementByTagName(string tag)

FIXME: btw, this could just be a lazy range......

Element mainBody()
alias body = mainBody

This returns the <body> element, if there is one. (It different than Javascript, where it is called 'body', because body used to be a keyword in D.)

string getMeta(string name)

this uses a weird thing... it's [name=] if no colon and [property=] if colon

void setMeta(string name, string value)

Sets a meta tag in the document header. It is kinda hacky to work easily for both Facebook open graph and traditional html meta tags/

Form[] forms()


Form createForm()


Element createElement(string name)


Element createFragment()


Element createTextNode(string content)


Element findFirst(bool delegate(Element) doesItMatch)


void clear()


string prolog [@property getter]
void setProlog(string d)

Returns or sets the string before the root element. This is, for example, <!DOCTYPE html>\n or similar.

string toString()

Returns the document as string form. Please note that if there is anything in piecesAfterRoot, they are discarded. If you want to add them to the file, loop over that and append it yourself (but remember xml isn't supposed to have anything after the root element).

string toPrettyString(bool insertComments, int indentationLevel, string indentWith)

Writes it out with whitespace for easier eyeball debugging

Element root;

The root element, like <html>. Most the methods on Document forward to this object.

Element[] piecesBeforeRoot;

if these were kept, this is stuff that appeared before the root element, such as <?xml version ?> decls and <!DOCTYPE>s

Element[] piecesAfterRoot;

stuff after the root, only stored in non-strict mode and not used in toString, but available in case you want it

bool loose;


See Also



On December 16, 2022, it disabled the special case treatment of <script> and <style> that Document does for HTML. To get the old behavior back, add , true to your constructor call.