The OpenD Programming Language


Changes the behavior of the WebView. The arguments are passed to the browser process as part of the command. For more information about using command-line switches with Chromium browser processes, navigate to Run Chromium with Flags. The value appended to a switch is appended to the browser process, for example, in --edge-webview-switches=xxx the value is xxx. If you specify a switch that is important to WebView functionality, it is ignored, for example, --user-data-dir. Specific features are disabled internally and blocked from being enabled. If a switch is specified multiple times, only the last instance is used.

\> [!NOTE]\n\> A merge of the different values of the same switch is not attempted, except for disabled and enabled features. The features specified by --enable-features and --disable-features are merged with simple logic.\n\> * The features is the union of the specified features and built-in features. If a feature is disabled, it is removed from the enabled features list.

If you specify command-line switches and use the additionalBrowserArguments parameter, the --edge-webview-switches value takes precedence and is processed last. If a switch fails to parse, the switch is ignored. The default state for the operation is to run the browser process with no extra flags.

The caller must free the returned string with CoTaskMemFree. See API Conventions.

interface ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions
@" propget"
LPWSTR* value
