The OpenD Programming Language


Add a message to a message queue, block up to a certain time if the queue is full.

version(Posix && CRuntime_Glibc)
extern (C) @nogc nothrow pragma(mangle, muslRedirTime64Mangle!("mq_timedsend", "__mq_timedsend_time64"))
const(char)* msg_ptr
size_t msg_len
const(timespec)* abs_timeout


mqdes mqd_t

Message queue descriptor.

msg_ptr const(char)*

Buffer to read the message from

msg_len size_t

Size of the message provided via msg_ptr. Must be lower or equal to the mq_msgsize attribute of the queue.

msg_prio uint

Priority of this message.

abs_timeout const(timespec)*

Specify a ceiling on the time to block if the queue is empty.

Return Value

Type: int

On success, mq_timedsend() return zero; on error, -1 is returned, with errno set to indicate the error.
