The OpenD Programming Language


Computes the hypergeometric complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF).

Additional algorithms may be provided for calculating CCDF that allow trading off time and accuracy. If approxPoisson is provided, PoissonAlgo.gamma is assumed.

Setting hypergeometricAlgo = results in direct summation being used, which can result in significant slowdowns for large values of k.

  1. T hypergeometricCCDF(size_t k, size_t N, size_t K, size_t n)
    @safe pure @nogc nothrow
    const size_t k
    const size_t N
    const size_t K
    const size_t n
    if (
  2. template hypergeometricCCDF(HypergeometricAlgo hypergeometricAlgo =
  3. template hypergeometricCCDF(T, string hypergeometricAlgo)
  4. template hypergeometricCCDF(string hypergeometricAlgo)


k size_t

value to evaluate CCDF (e.g. number of correct draws of object of interest)

N size_t

total population size

K size_t

number of relevant objects in population

n size_t

number of draws


import mir.test: shouldApprox;

0.hypergeometricCCDF(7, 4, 3).shouldApprox == 0.9714286;
1.hypergeometricCCDF(7, 4, 3).shouldApprox == 0.6285714;
2.hypergeometricCCDF(7, 4, 3).shouldApprox == 0.1142857;
3.hypergeometricCCDF(7, 4, 3).shouldApprox == 0.0;

// can also provide a template argument to change output type
static assert(is(typeof(hypergeometricCCDF!float(3, 7, 4, 3)) == float));

Alternate algorithms

import mir.test: shouldApprox;
import mir.math.common: exp;

// Can approximate hypergeometric with binomial distribution
20.hypergeometricCCDF!"approxBinomial"(750_000, 250_000, 50).shouldApprox(1e-2) == 0.1259161;
// Can approximate hypergeometric with poisson distribution
8.hypergeometricCCDF!"approxPoisson"(100_000, 100, 5_000).shouldApprox(1e-1) == 0.0629937;
// Can approximate hypergeometric with normal distribution
3_750.hypergeometricCCDF!"approxNormal"(10_000, 7_500, 5_000).shouldApprox(2e-2) == 0.4907878;
// Can approximate hypergeometric with normal distribution
3_750.hypergeometricCCDF!"approxNormalContinuityCorrection"(10_000, 7_500, 5_000).shouldApprox(1e-2) == 0.4907878;

See Also
