The OpenD Programming Language

1 /*
2  * MD4C: Markdown parser for C
3  * (
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Martin Mitas
6  * Copyright (c) 2019 Guillaume Piolat (D translation)
7  *
8  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
9  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
10  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
11  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
12  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
13  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
14  *
15  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
16  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
17  *
25  */
26 module commonmarkd.md4c;
28 import core.stdc.string;
29 import core.stdc.stdio;
30 import core.stdc.stdlib: malloc, free;
32 nothrow:
33 @nogc:
34 @system:
36 // Compatibility with older DMDFE
37 static if (__VERSION__ < 2079)
38 {
39     import core.stdc.stdlib: _compare_fp_t;
40     // Provide @nogc nothrow bsearch and qsort for older compilers
41     extern (C):
42     @system:
43     inout(void)* bsearch(scope const void* key, scope inout(void)* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, _compare_fp_t compar);
44     void    qsort(scope void* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, _compare_fp_t compar);
45 }
46 else
47 {
48     import core.stdc.stdlib: qsort, bsearch;
49 }
51 alias MD_CHAR = char;
52 alias MD_SIZE = uint;
53 alias MD_OFFSET = uint;
55 /* Block represents a part of document hierarchy structure like a paragraph
56  * or list item.
57  */
58 alias MD_BLOCKTYPE = int;
59 enum : MD_BLOCKTYPE 
60 {
61     /* <body>...</body> */
62     MD_BLOCK_DOC = 0,
64     /* <blockquote>...</blockquote> */
67     /* <ul>...</ul>
68      * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_UL_DETAIL. */
69     MD_BLOCK_UL,
71     /* <ol>...</ol>
72      * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL. */
73     MD_BLOCK_OL,
75     /* <li>...</li>
76      * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL. */
77     MD_BLOCK_LI,
79     /* <hr> */
80     MD_BLOCK_HR,
82     /* <h1>...</h1> (for levels up to 6)
83      * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL. */
84     MD_BLOCK_H,
86     /* <pre><code>...</code></pre>
87      * Note the text lines within code blocks are terminated with '\n'
88      * instead of explicit MD_TEXT_BR. */
91     /* Raw HTML block. This itself does not correspond to any particular HTML
92      * tag. The contents of it _is_ raw HTML source intended to be put
93      * in verbatim form to the HTML output. */
96     /* <p>...</p> */
97     MD_BLOCK_P,
99     /* <table>...</table> and its contents.
100      * Detail: Structure MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL (used with MD_BLOCK_TH and MD_BLOCK_TD)
101      * Note all of these are used only if extension MD_FLAG_TABLES is enabled. */
105     MD_BLOCK_TR,
106     MD_BLOCK_TH,
107     MD_BLOCK_TD
108 }
110 /* Span represents an in-line piece of a document which should be rendered with
111  * the same font, color and other attributes. A sequence of spans forms a block
112  * like paragraph or list item. */
113 alias MD_SPANTYPE = int;
114 enum : MD_SPANTYPE 
115 {
116     /* <em>...</em> */
117     MD_SPAN_EM,
119     /* <strong>...</strong> */
122     /* <a href="xxx">...</a>
123      * Detail: Structure MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL. */
124     MD_SPAN_A,
126     /* <img src="xxx">...</a>
127      * Detail: Structure MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL.
128      * Note: Image text can contain nested spans and even nested images.
129      * If rendered into ALT attribute of HTML <IMG> tag, it's responsibility
130      * of the renderer to deal with it.
131      */
132     MD_SPAN_IMG,
134     /* <code>...</code> */
135     MD_SPAN_CODE,
137     /* <del>...</del>
138      * Note: Recognized only when MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH is enabled.
139      */
140     MD_SPAN_DEL,
142     /* For recognizing inline ($) and display ($$) equations
143      * Note: Recognized only when MD_FLAG_LATEXMATHSPANS is enabled.
144      */
147 }
149 /* Text is the actual textual contents of span. */
150 alias MD_TEXTTYPE = int;
151 enum : MD_TEXTTYPE 
152 {
153     /* Normal text. */
154     MD_TEXT_NORMAL = 0,
156     /* null character. CommonMark requires replacing null character with
157      * the replacement char U+FFFD, so this allows caller to do that easily. */
160     /* Line breaks.
161      * Note these are not sent from blocks with verbatim output (MD_BLOCK_CODE
162      * or MD_BLOCK_HTML). In such cases, '\n' is part of the text itself. */
163     MD_TEXT_BR,         /* <br> (hard break) */
164     MD_TEXT_SOFTBR,     /* '\n' in source text where it is not semantically meaningful (soft break) */
166     /* Entity.
167      * (a) Named entity, e.g. &nbsp; 
168      *     (Note MD4C does not have a list of known entities.
169      *     Anything matching the regexp /&[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{1,47};/ is
170      *     treated as a named entity.)
171      * (b) Numerical entity, e.g. &#1234;
172      * (c) Hexadecimal entity, e.g. &#x12AB;
173      *
174      * As MD4C is mostly encoding agnostic, application gets the verbatim
175      * entity text into the MD_RENDERER::text_callback(). */
178     /* Text in a code block (inside MD_BLOCK_CODE) or inlined code (`code`).
179      * If it is inside MD_BLOCK_CODE, it includes spaces for indentation and
180      * '\n' for new lines. MD_TEXT_BR and MD_TEXT_SOFTBR are not sent for this
181      * kind of text. */
182     MD_TEXT_CODE,
184     /* Text is a raw HTML. If it is contents of a raw HTML block (i.e. not
185      * an inline raw HTML), then MD_TEXT_BR and MD_TEXT_SOFTBR are not used.
186      * The text contains verbatim '\n' for the new lines. */
187     MD_TEXT_HTML,
189     /* Text is inside an equation. This is processed the same way as inlined code
190      * spans (`code`). */
192 }
195 /* Alignment enumeration. */
197 alias MD_ALIGN = int;
198 enum : MD_ALIGN
199 {
200     MD_ALIGN_DEFAULT = 0,   /* When unspecified. */
201     MD_ALIGN_LEFT,
204 }
207 /* String attribute.
208  *
209  * This wraps strings which are outside of a normal text flow and which are
210  * propagated within various detailed structures, but which still may contain
211  * string portions of different types like e.g. entities.
212  *
213  * So, for example, lets consider an image has a title attribute string
214  * set to "foo &quot; bar". (Note the string size is 14.)
215  *
216  * Then the attribute MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL::title shall provide the following:
217  *  -- [0]: "foo "   (substr_types[0] == MD_TEXT_NORMAL; substr_offsets[0] == 0)
218  *  -- [1]: "&quot;" (substr_types[1] == MD_TEXT_ENTITY; substr_offsets[1] == 4)
219  *  -- [2]: " bar"   (substr_types[2] == MD_TEXT_NORMAL; substr_offsets[2] == 10)
220  *  -- [3]: (n/a)    (n/a                              ; substr_offsets[3] == 14)
221  *
222  * Note that these conditions are guaranteed:
223  *  -- substr_offsets[0] == 0
224  *  -- substr_offsets[LAST+1] == size
225  *  -- Only MD_TEXT_NORMAL, MD_TEXT_ENTITY, MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR substrings can appear.
226  */
227 struct MD_ATTRIBUTE 
228 {
229     const (MD_CHAR)* text;
230     MD_SIZE size;
231     const (MD_TEXTTYPE)* substr_types;
232     const (MD_OFFSET)* substr_offsets;
233 }
236 /* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_UL. */
237 struct MD_BLOCK_UL_DETAIL 
238 {
239     int is_tight;           /* Non-zero if tight list, zero if loose. */
240     MD_CHAR mark;           /* Item bullet character in MarkDown source of the list, e.g. '-', '+', '*'. */
241 }
243 /* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_OL. */
244 struct MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL 
245 {
246     uint start;             /* Start index of the ordered list. */
247     int is_tight;           /* Non-zero if tight list, zero if loose. */
248     MD_CHAR mark_delimiter; /* Character delimiting the item marks in MarkDown source, e.g. '.' or ')' */
249 }
251 /* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_LI. */
252 struct MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL 
253 {
254     int is_task;            /* Can be non-zero only with MD_FLAG_TASKLISTS */
255     MD_CHAR task_mark;      /* If is_task, then one of 'x', 'X' or ' '. Undefined otherwise. */
256     MD_OFFSET task_mark_offset;  /* If is_task, then offset in the input of the char between '[' and ']'. */
257 }
259 /* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_H. */
260 struct MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL
261 {
262     uint level;         /* Header level (1 - 6) */
263 }
265 /* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_CODE. */
267 {
268     MD_ATTRIBUTE info;
269     MD_ATTRIBUTE lang;
270     MD_CHAR fence_char;     /* The character used for fenced code block; or zero for indented code block. */
271 }
273 /* Detailed info for MD_BLOCK_TH and MD_BLOCK_TD. */
274 struct MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL 
275 {
276     MD_ALIGN align_;
277 }
279 /* Detailed info for MD_SPAN_A. */
280 struct MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL 
281 {
282     MD_ATTRIBUTE href;
283     MD_ATTRIBUTE title;
284 }
286 /* Detailed info for MD_SPAN_IMG. */
287 struct MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL 
288 {
289     MD_ATTRIBUTE src;
290     MD_ATTRIBUTE title;
291 }
294 /* Flags specifying extensions/deviations from CommonMark specification.
295  *
296  * By default (when MD_RENDERER::flags == 0), we follow CommonMark specification.
297  * The following flags may allow some extensions or deviations from it.
298  */
299  enum
300  {
301      MD_FLAG_COLLAPSEWHITESPACE          = 0x0001,  /* In MD_TEXT_NORMAL, collapse non-trivial whitespace into single ' ' */
302      MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEATXHEADERS        = 0x0002,  /* Do not require space in ATX headers ( ###header ) */
303      MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS      = 0x0004,  /* Recognize URLs as autolinks even without '<', '>' */
304      MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEEMAILAUTOLINKS    = 0x0008,  /* Recognize e-mails as autolinks even without '<', '>' and 'mailto:' */
305      MD_FLAG_NOINDENTEDCODEBLOCKS        = 0x0010,  /* Disable indented code blocks. (Only fenced code works.) */
306      MD_FLAG_NOHTMLBLOCKS                = 0x0020,  /* Disable raw HTML blocks. */
307      MD_FLAG_NOHTMLSPANS                 = 0x0040,  /* Disable raw HTML (inline). */
308      MD_FLAG_TABLES                      = 0x0100,  /* Enable tables extension. */
309      MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH               = 0x0200,  /* Enable strikethrough extension. */
310      MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEWWWAUTOLINKS      = 0x0400,  /* Enable WWW autolinks (even without any scheme prefix, if they begin with 'www.') */
311      MD_FLAG_TASKLISTS                   = 0x0800,  /* Enable task list extension. */
312      MD_FLAG_LATEXMATHSPANS              = 0x1000,  /* Enable $ and $$ containing LaTeX equations. */
317     /* Convenient sets of flags corresponding to well-known Markdown dialects.
318      *
319      * Note we may only support subset of features of the referred dialect.
320      * The constant just enables those extensions which bring us as close as
321      * possible given what features we implement.
322      *
323      * ABI compatibility note: Meaning of these can change in time as new
324      * extensions, bringing the dialect closer to the original, are implemented.
325      */
326     MD_DIALECT_COMMONMARK               = 0,
328 }
330 /* Renderer structure.
331  */
332 struct MD_PARSER 
333 {
334 nothrow:
335 @nogc:
336     /* Reserved. Set to zero.
337      */
338     uint abi_version;
340     /* Dialect options. Bitmask of MD_FLAG_xxxx values.
341      */
342     uint flags;
344     /* Caller-provided rendering callbacks.
345      *
346      * For some block/span types, more detailed information is provided in a
347      * type-specific structure pointed by the argument 'detail'.
348      *
349      * The last argument of all callbacks, 'userdata', is just propagated from
350      * md_parse() and is available for any use by the application.
351      *
352      * Note any strings provided to the callbacks as their arguments or as
353      * members of any detail structure are generally not zero-terminated.
354      * Application has take the respective size information into account.
355      *
356      * Callbacks may abort further parsing of the document by returning non-zero.
357      */
358     int function(MD_BLOCKTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/) enter_block;
359     int function(MD_BLOCKTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/) leave_block;
361     int function(MD_SPANTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/) enter_span;
362     int function(MD_SPANTYPE /*type*/, void* /*detail*/, void* /*userdata*/) leave_span;
364     int function(MD_TEXTTYPE /*type*/, const(MD_CHAR)* /*text*/, MD_SIZE /*size*/, void* /*userdata*/) text;
366     /* Debug callback. Optional (may be null).
367      *
368      * If provided and something goes wrong, this function gets called.
369      * This is intended for debugging and problem diagnosis for developers;
370      * it is not intended to provide any errors suitable for displaying to an
371      * end user.
372      */
373     void function(const(char)* /*msg*/, void* /*userdata*/) debug_log;
375     /* Reserved. Set to null.
376      */
377     void function() syntax;
378 }
381 /*****************************
382  ***  Miscellaneous Stuff  ***
383  *****************************/
386 /* Misc. macros. */
388 enum TRUE = 1;
389 enum FALSE = 0;
392 /************************
393  ***  Internal Types  ***
394  ************************/
396 /* These are omnipresent so lets save some typing. */
397 alias CHAR = MD_CHAR;
398 alias SZ = MD_SIZE;
399 alias OFF = MD_OFFSET;
401 /* During analyzes of inline marks, we need to manage some "mark chains",
402  * of (yet unresolved) openers. This structure holds start/end of the chain.
403  * The chain internals are then realized through MD_MARK::prev and ::next.
404  */
405 struct MD_MARKCHAIN 
406 {
407     int head;   /* Index of first mark in the chain, or -1 if empty. */
408     int tail;   /* Index of last mark in the chain, or -1 if empty. */
409 }
412 enum OPENERS_CHAIN_LAST = 11;
414 /* Context propagated through all the parsing. */
415 struct MD_CTX 
416 {
417 nothrow:
418 @nogc:
420     /* Immutable stuff (parameters of md_parse()). */
421     const(CHAR)* text;
422     SZ size;
423     MD_PARSER parser;
424     void* userdata;
426     /* When this is true, it allows some optimizations. */
427     int doc_ends_with_newline;
429     /* Helper temporary growing buffer. */
430     CHAR* buffer;
431     uint alloc_buffer;
433     /* Reference definitions. */
434     MD_REF_DEF* ref_defs;
435     int n_ref_defs;
436     int alloc_ref_defs;
437     void** ref_def_hashtable;
438     int ref_def_hashtable_size;
440     /* Stack of inline/span markers.
441      * This is only used for parsing a single block contents but by storing it
442      * here we may reuse the stack for subsequent blocks; i.e. we have fewer
443      * (re)allocations. */
444     MD_MARK* marks;
445     int n_marks;
446     int alloc_marks;
448     ubyte[256] mark_char_map;
449     /* For resolving of inline spans. */
450     MD_MARKCHAIN[12] mark_chains;
452     MD_MARKCHAIN* PTR_CHAIN() return { return &mark_chains[0]; }
453     MD_MARKCHAIN* TABLECELLBOUNDARIES() return { return &mark_chains[1]; }
454     MD_MARKCHAIN* ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_0() return { return &mark_chains[2]; }
455     MD_MARKCHAIN* ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_1() return { return &mark_chains[3]; }
456     MD_MARKCHAIN* ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_2() return { return &mark_chains[4]; }
457     MD_MARKCHAIN* ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_0() return { return &mark_chains[5]; }
458     MD_MARKCHAIN* ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_1() return { return &mark_chains[6]; }
459     MD_MARKCHAIN* ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_2() return { return &mark_chains[7]; }
460     MD_MARKCHAIN* UNDERSCORE_OPENERS() return { return &mark_chains[8]; }
461     MD_MARKCHAIN* TILDE_OPENERS() return { return &mark_chains[9]; }
462     MD_MARKCHAIN* BRACKET_OPENERS() return { return &mark_chains[10]; }
463     MD_MARKCHAIN* DOLLAR_OPENERS() return { return &mark_chains[11]; }
465     int n_table_cell_boundaries;
467     /* For resolving links. */
468     int unresolved_link_head;
469     int unresolved_link_tail;
471     /* For resolving raw HTML. */
472     OFF html_comment_horizon;
473     OFF html_proc_instr_horizon;
474     OFF html_decl_horizon;
475     OFF html_cdata_horizon;
477     /* For block analysis.
478      * Notes:
479      *   -- It holds MD_BLOCK as well as MD_LINE structures. After each
480      *      MD_BLOCK, its (multiple) MD_LINE(s) follow.
481      *   -- For MD_BLOCK_HTML and MD_BLOCK_CODE, MD_VERBATIMLINE(s) are used
482      *      instead of MD_LINE(s).
483      */
484     void* block_bytes;
485     MD_BLOCK* current_block;
486     int n_block_bytes;
487     int alloc_block_bytes;
489     /* For container block analysis. */
490     MD_CONTAINER* containers;
491     int n_containers;
492     int alloc_containers;
494     /* Minimal indentation to call the block "indented code block". */
495     uint code_indent_offset;
497     /* Contextual info for line analysis. */
498     SZ code_fence_length;   /* For checking closing fence length. */
499     int html_block_type;    /* For checking closing raw HTML condition. */
500     int last_line_has_list_loosening_effect;
501     int last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines;
503     void MD_LOG(const(char)* msg)
504     {
505         if(parser.debug_log != null)
506             parser.debug_log(msg, userdata);
507     }
509     /* Character accessors. */
510     CHAR CH(OFF off)
511     {
512         return text[off];
513     }
515     const(CHAR)* STR(OFF off)
516     {
517         return text + off;
518     }
520     bool ISANYOF(OFF off, const(CHAR)* palette) { return ISANYOF_(CH(off), palette); }
521     bool ISANYOF2(OFF off, CHAR ch1, CHAR ch2)      { return ISANYOF2_(CH(off), ch1, ch2); }
522     bool ISANYOF3(OFF off, CHAR ch1, CHAR ch2, CHAR ch3) { return ISANYOF3_(CH(off), ch1, ch2, ch3); }
523     bool ISASCII(OFF off)                 { return ISASCII_(CH(off)); }
524     bool ISBLANK(OFF off)                 { return ISBLANK_(CH(off)); }
525     bool ISNEWLINE(OFF off)               { return ISNEWLINE_(CH(off)); }
526     bool ISWHITESPACE(OFF off)            { return ISWHITESPACE_(CH(off)); }
527     bool ISCNTRL(OFF off)                 { return ISCNTRL_(CH(off)); }
528     bool ISPUNCT(OFF off)                 { return ISPUNCT_(CH(off)); }
529     bool ISUPPER(OFF off)                 { return ISUPPER_(CH(off)); }
530     bool ISLOWER(OFF off)                 { return ISLOWER_(CH(off)); }
531     bool ISALPHA(OFF off)                 { return ISALPHA_(CH(off)); }
532     bool ISDIGIT(OFF off)                 { return ISDIGIT_(CH(off)); }
533     bool ISXDIGIT(OFF off)                { return ISXDIGIT_(CH(off)); }
534     bool ISALNUM(OFF off)                 { return ISALNUM_(CH(off)); }
535 }
537 alias MD_LINETYPE = int;
538 enum : MD_LINETYPE 
539 {
540     MD_LINE_BLANK,
541     MD_LINE_HR,
547     MD_LINE_HTML,
548     MD_LINE_TEXT,
549     MD_LINE_TABLE,
551 }
553 struct MD_LINE_ANALYSIS 
554 {
555 nothrow:
556 @nogc:
557     short type_;
558     ushort data_;
560     MD_LINETYPE type() const
561     {
562         return type_;
563     }
565     void type(MD_LINETYPE value)
566     {
567         type_ = cast(short)value;
568     }
570     int data() const
571     {
572         return data_;
573     }
575     void data(uint value)
576     {
577         data_ = cast(ushort)value;
578     }
580     OFF beg;
581     OFF end;
582     uint indent;        /* Indentation level. */
583 }
585 struct MD_LINE 
586 {
587     OFF beg;
588     OFF end;
589 }
592 {
593     OFF beg;
594     OFF end;
595     OFF indent;
596 }
599 /*****************
600  ***  Helpers  ***
601  *****************/
603 pure
604 {
605     /* Character classification.
606      * Note we assume ASCII compatibility of code points < 128 here. */
607     bool ISIN_(CHAR ch, CHAR ch_min, CHAR ch_max) 
608     { 
609         return (ch_min <= cast(uint)(ch) && cast(uint)(ch) <= ch_max); 
610     }
612     bool ISANYOF_(CHAR ch, const(CHAR)* palette) 
613     { 
614         return md_strchr(palette, ch) != null; 
615     }
617     bool ISANYOF2_(CHAR ch, CHAR ch1, CHAR ch2)
618     {
619         return (ch == ch1) || (ch == ch2);
620     }
622     bool ISANYOF3_(CHAR ch, CHAR ch1, CHAR ch2, CHAR ch3)
623     {
624         return (ch == ch1) || (ch == ch2) || (ch == ch3);
625     }
627     bool ISASCII_(CHAR ch)
628     {
629         return (cast(uint)ch) <= 127;
630     }
632     bool ISBLANK_(CHAR ch)
633     {
634         return ISANYOF2_(ch, ' ', '\t');
635     }
637     bool ISNEWLINE_(CHAR ch)
638     {
639         return ISANYOF2_(ch, '\r', '\n');
640     }
642     bool ISWHITESPACE_(CHAR ch)
643     {
644         return ISBLANK_(ch) || ISANYOF2_(ch, '\v', '\f');
645     }
647     bool ISCNTRL_(CHAR ch)
648     {
649         return (cast(uint)(ch) <= 31 || cast(uint)(ch) == 127);
650     }
652     bool ISPUNCT_(CHAR ch)
653     {
654         return ISIN_(ch, 33, 47) || ISIN_(ch, 58, 64) || ISIN_(ch, 91, 96) || ISIN_(ch, 123, 126);
655     }
657     bool ISUPPER_(CHAR ch)
658     {
659         return ISIN_(ch, 'A', 'Z');
660     }
662     bool ISLOWER_(CHAR ch)
663     {
664         return ISIN_(ch, 'a', 'z');
665     }
667     bool ISALPHA_(CHAR ch)
668     {
669         return ISUPPER_(ch) || ISLOWER_(ch);
670     }
672     bool ISDIGIT_(CHAR ch)
673     {
674         return ISIN_(ch, '0', '9');
675     }
677     bool ISXDIGIT_(CHAR ch)
678     {
679         return ISDIGIT_(ch) || ISIN_(ch, 'A', 'F') || ISIN_(ch, 'a', 'f');
680     }
682     bool ISALNUM_(CHAR ch)
683     {
684         return ISALPHA_(ch) || ISDIGIT_(ch);
685     }                    
686 }
688 const(CHAR)* md_strchr(const(CHAR)* str, CHAR ch) pure
689 {
690     OFF i;
691     for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
692         if(ch == str[i])
693             return (str + i);
694     }
695     return null;
696 }
698 /* Case insensitive check of string equality. */
699 int md_ascii_case_eq(const(CHAR)* s1, const(CHAR)* s2, SZ n)
700 {
701     OFF i;
702     for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
703         CHAR ch1 = s1[i];
704         CHAR ch2 = s2[i];
706         if(ISLOWER_(ch1))
707             ch1 += ('A'-'a');
708         if(ISLOWER_(ch2))
709             ch2 += ('A'-'a');
710         if(ch1 != ch2)
711             return FALSE;
712     }
713     return TRUE;
714 }
716 int md_ascii_eq(const(CHAR)* s1, const(CHAR)* s2, SZ n)
717 {
718     return memcmp(s1, s2, n * CHAR.sizeof) == 0;
719 }
721 int md_text_with_null_replacement(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_TEXTTYPE type, const(CHAR)* str, SZ size)
722 {
723     OFF off = 0;
724     int ret = 0;
726     while(1) {
727         while(off < size  &&  str[off] != '\0')
728             off++;
730         if(off > 0) {
731             ret = ctx.parser.text(type, str, off, ctx.userdata);
732             if(ret != 0)
733                 return ret;
735             str += off;
736             size -= off;
737             off = 0;
738         }
740         if(off >= size)
741             return 0;
743         ret = ctx.parser.text(MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR, "", 1, ctx.userdata);
744         if(ret != 0)
745             return ret;
746         off++;
747     }
748 }
750 int MD_TEMP_BUFFER(MD_CTX* ctx, SZ sz)
751 {
752     if(sz > ctx.alloc_buffer) 
753     {
754         CHAR* new_buffer;
755         SZ new_size = ((sz) + (sz) / 2 + 128) & ~127;
756         new_buffer = cast(CHAR*) realloc_safe(ctx.buffer, new_size);
757         if (new_buffer == null) 
758         {
759             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
760             return -1;
761         }
762         ctx.buffer = new_buffer;
763         ctx.alloc_buffer = new_size;
764     }
765     return 0;
766 }
768 int MD_ENTER_BLOCK(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE type, void* arg)
769 {
770     int ret = ctx.parser.enter_block(type, arg, ctx.userdata);
771     if(ret != 0)
772     {
773         ctx.MD_LOG("Aborted from enter_block() callback.");
774         return ret;
775     }
776     return 0;
777 }
779 int MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE type, void* arg)
780 {
781     int ret = ctx.parser.leave_block(type, arg, ctx.userdata);
782     if(ret != 0)
783     {
784         ctx.MD_LOG("Aborted from leave_block() callback.");
785         return ret;
786     }
787     return 0;
788 }
790 int MD_ENTER_SPAN(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_SPANTYPE type, void* arg)
791 {
792     int ret = ctx.parser.enter_span(type, arg, ctx.userdata);
793     if(ret != 0)
794     {
795         ctx.MD_LOG("Aborted from enter_span() callback.");
796         return ret;
797     }
798     return 0;
799 }
801 int MD_LEAVE_SPAN(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_SPANTYPE type, void* arg)
802 {
803     int ret = ctx.parser.leave_span(type, arg, ctx.userdata);
804     if(ret != 0)
805     {
806         ctx.MD_LOG("Aborted from leave_span() callback.");
807         return ret;
808     }
809     return 0;
810 }
812 int MD_TEXT(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_TEXTTYPE type, const(MD_CHAR)* str, MD_SIZE size)
813 {
814     if(size > 0)
815     {
816         int ret = ctx.parser.text((type), (str), (size), ctx.userdata);
817         if (ret != 0) 
818         {
819             ctx.MD_LOG("Aborted from text() callback.");
820             return ret;
821         }
822     }
823     return 0;
824 }
826 int MD_TEXT_INSECURE(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_TEXTTYPE type, const(MD_CHAR)* str, MD_SIZE size)
827 {
828     if(size > 0) 
829     {
830         int ret = md_text_with_null_replacement(ctx, type, str, size);
831         if(ret != 0) 
832         {
833             ctx.MD_LOG("Aborted from text() callback.");
834             return ret;
835         }
836     }
837     return 0;
838 }
840 /*************************
841  ***  Unicode Support  ***
842  *************************/
845 {
846     uint[3] codepoints;
847     int n_codepoints;
848 };
852 /* Binary search over sorted "map" of codepoints. Consecutive sequences
853  * of codepoints may be encoded in the map by just using the
854  * (MIN_CODEPOINT | 0x40000000) and (MAX_CODEPOINT | 0x80000000).
855  *
856  * Returns index of the found record in the map (in the case of ranges,
857  * the minimal value is used); or -1 on failure. */
858 int md_unicode_bsearch__(uint codepoint, const(uint)* map, size_t map_size)
859 {
860     int beg, end;
861     int pivot_beg, pivot_end;
863     beg = 0;
864     end = cast(int) map_size-1;
865     while(beg <= end) {
866         /* Pivot may be a range, not just a single value. */
867         pivot_beg = pivot_end = (beg + end) / 2;
868         if(map[pivot_end] & 0x40000000)
869             pivot_end++;
870         if(map[pivot_beg] & 0x80000000)
871             pivot_beg--;
873         if(codepoint < (map[pivot_beg] & 0x00ffffff))
874             end = pivot_beg - 1;
875         else if(codepoint > (map[pivot_end] & 0x00ffffff))
876             beg = pivot_end + 1;
877         else
878             return pivot_beg;
879     }
881     return -1;
882 }
884 bool md_is_unicode_whitespace__(uint codepoint)
885 {
886     /* Unicode "Zs" category.
887      * (generated by scripts/ */
888     static immutable uint[] WHITESPACE_MAP =
889     [
890         0x0020, 0x00a0, 0x1680, 0x2000| 0x40000000, 0x200a | 0x80000000, 0x202f, 0x205f, 0x3000
891     ];
893     /* The ASCII ones are the most frequently used ones, also CommonMark
894      * specification requests few more in this range. */
895     if(codepoint <= 0x7f)
896         return ISWHITESPACE_(cast(CHAR)codepoint);
898     return (md_unicode_bsearch__(codepoint, WHITESPACE_MAP.ptr, WHITESPACE_MAP.length) >= 0);
899 }
901 bool md_is_unicode_punct__(uint codepoint)
902 {
903     /* Unicode "Pc", "Pd", "Pe", "Pf", "Pi", "Po", "Ps" categories.
904      * (generated by scripts/ */
905     static immutable uint[] PUNCT_MAP =
906     [
907         0x0021 | 0x40000000,0x0023 | 0x80000000, 0x0025 | 0x40000000,0x002a | 0x80000000, 0x002c | 0x40000000,0x002f | 0x80000000, 0x003a | 0x40000000,0x003b | 0x80000000, 0x003f | 0x40000000,0x0040 | 0x80000000,
908         0x005b | 0x40000000,0x005d | 0x80000000, 0x005f, 0x007b, 0x007d, 0x00a1, 0x00a7, 0x00ab, 0x00b6 | 0x40000000,0x00b7 | 0x80000000,
909         0x00bb, 0x00bf, 0x037e, 0x0387, 0x055a | 0x40000000,0x055f | 0x80000000, 0x0589 | 0x40000000,0x058a | 0x80000000, 0x05be, 0x05c0,
910         0x05c3, 0x05c6, 0x05f3 | 0x40000000,0x05f4 | 0x80000000, 0x0609 | 0x40000000,0x060a | 0x80000000, 0x060c | 0x40000000,0x060d | 0x80000000, 0x061b, 0x061e | 0x40000000,0x061f | 0x80000000,
911         0x066a | 0x40000000,0x066d | 0x80000000, 0x06d4, 0x0700 | 0x40000000,0x070d | 0x80000000, 0x07f7 | 0x40000000,0x07f9 | 0x80000000, 0x0830 | 0x40000000,0x083e | 0x80000000, 0x085e,
912         0x0964 | 0x40000000,0x0965 | 0x80000000, 0x0970, 0x09fd, 0x0a76, 0x0af0, 0x0c77, 0x0c84, 0x0df4, 0x0e4f,
913         0x0e5a | 0x40000000,0x0e5b | 0x80000000, 0x0f04 | 0x40000000,0x0f12 | 0x80000000, 0x0f14, 0x0f3a | 0x40000000,0x0f3d | 0x80000000, 0x0f85, 0x0fd0 | 0x40000000,0x0fd4 | 0x80000000,
914         0x0fd9 | 0x40000000,0x0fda | 0x80000000, 0x104a | 0x40000000,0x104f | 0x80000000, 0x10fb, 0x1360 | 0x40000000,0x1368 | 0x80000000, 0x1400, 0x166e, 0x169b | 0x40000000,0x169c | 0x80000000,
915         0x16eb | 0x40000000,0x16ed | 0x80000000, 0x1735 | 0x40000000,0x1736 | 0x80000000, 0x17d4 | 0x40000000,0x17d6 | 0x80000000, 0x17d8 | 0x40000000,0x17da | 0x80000000, 0x1800 | 0x40000000,0x180a | 0x80000000,
916         0x1944 | 0x40000000,0x1945 | 0x80000000, 0x1a1e | 0x40000000,0x1a1f | 0x80000000, 0x1aa0 | 0x40000000,0x1aa6 | 0x80000000, 0x1aa8 | 0x40000000,0x1aad | 0x80000000, 0x1b5a | 0x40000000,0x1b60 | 0x80000000,
917         0x1bfc | 0x40000000,0x1bff | 0x80000000, 0x1c3b | 0x40000000,0x1c3f | 0x80000000, 0x1c7e | 0x40000000,0x1c7f | 0x80000000, 0x1cc0 | 0x40000000,0x1cc7 | 0x80000000, 0x1cd3, 0x2010 | 0x40000000,0x2027 | 0x80000000,
918         0x2030 | 0x40000000,0x2043 | 0x80000000, 0x2045 | 0x40000000,0x2051 | 0x80000000, 0x2053 | 0x40000000,0x205e | 0x80000000, 0x207d | 0x40000000,0x207e | 0x80000000, 0x208d | 0x40000000,0x208e | 0x80000000,
919         0x2308 | 0x40000000,0x230b | 0x80000000, 0x2329 | 0x40000000,0x232a | 0x80000000, 0x2768 | 0x40000000,0x2775 | 0x80000000, 0x27c5 | 0x40000000,0x27c6 | 0x80000000, 0x27e6 | 0x40000000,0x27ef | 0x80000000,
920         0x2983 | 0x40000000,0x2998 | 0x80000000, 0x29d8 | 0x40000000,0x29db | 0x80000000, 0x29fc | 0x40000000,0x29fd | 0x80000000, 0x2cf9 | 0x40000000,0x2cfc | 0x80000000, 0x2cfe | 0x40000000,0x2cff | 0x80000000, 0x2d70,
921         0x2e00 | 0x40000000,0x2e2e | 0x80000000, 0x2e30 | 0x40000000,0x2e4f | 0x80000000, 0x3001 | 0x40000000,0x3003 | 0x80000000, 0x3008 | 0x40000000,0x3011 | 0x80000000, 0x3014 | 0x40000000,0x301f | 0x80000000, 0x3030,
922         0x303d, 0x30a0, 0x30fb, 0xa4fe | 0x40000000,0xa4ff | 0x80000000, 0xa60d | 0x40000000,0xa60f | 0x80000000, 0xa673, 0xa67e,
923         0xa6f2 | 0x40000000,0xa6f7 | 0x80000000, 0xa874 | 0x40000000,0xa877 | 0x80000000, 0xa8ce | 0x40000000,0xa8cf | 0x80000000, 0xa8f8 | 0x40000000,0xa8fa | 0x80000000, 0xa8fc, 0xa92e | 0x40000000,0xa92f | 0x80000000,
924         0xa95f, 0xa9c1 | 0x40000000,0xa9cd | 0x80000000, 0xa9de | 0x40000000,0xa9df | 0x80000000, 0xaa5c | 0x40000000,0xaa5f | 0x80000000, 0xaade | 0x40000000,0xaadf | 0x80000000, 0xaaf0 | 0x40000000,0xaaf1 | 0x80000000,
925         0xabeb, 0xfd3e | 0x40000000,0xfd3f | 0x80000000, 0xfe10 | 0x40000000,0xfe19 | 0x80000000, 0xfe30 | 0x40000000,0xfe52 | 0x80000000, 0xfe54 | 0x40000000,0xfe61 | 0x80000000, 0xfe63, 0xfe68,
926         0xfe6a | 0x40000000,0xfe6b | 0x80000000, 0xff01 | 0x40000000,0xff03 | 0x80000000, 0xff05 | 0x40000000,0xff0a | 0x80000000, 0xff0c | 0x40000000,0xff0f | 0x80000000, 0xff1a | 0x40000000,0xff1b | 0x80000000,
927         0xff1f | 0x40000000,0xff20 | 0x80000000, 0xff3b | 0x40000000,0xff3d | 0x80000000, 0xff3f, 0xff5b, 0xff5d, 0xff5f | 0x40000000,0xff65 | 0x80000000, 0x10100 | 0x40000000,0x10102 | 0x80000000,
928         0x1039f, 0x103d0, 0x1056f, 0x10857, 0x1091f, 0x1093f, 0x10a50 | 0x40000000,0x10a58 | 0x80000000, 0x10a7f,
929         0x10af0 | 0x40000000,0x10af6 | 0x80000000, 0x10b39 | 0x40000000,0x10b3f | 0x80000000, 0x10b99 | 0x40000000,0x10b9c | 0x80000000, 0x10f55 | 0x40000000,0x10f59 | 0x80000000, 0x11047 | 0x40000000,0x1104d | 0x80000000,
930         0x110bb | 0x40000000,0x110bc | 0x80000000, 0x110be | 0x40000000,0x110c1 | 0x80000000, 0x11140 | 0x40000000,0x11143 | 0x80000000, 0x11174 | 0x40000000,0x11175 | 0x80000000, 0x111c5 | 0x40000000,0x111c8 | 0x80000000,
931         0x111cd, 0x111db, 0x111dd | 0x40000000,0x111df | 0x80000000, 0x11238 | 0x40000000,0x1123d | 0x80000000, 0x112a9, 0x1144b | 0x40000000,0x1144f | 0x80000000,
932         0x1145b, 0x1145d, 0x114c6, 0x115c1 | 0x40000000,0x115d7 | 0x80000000, 0x11641 | 0x40000000,0x11643 | 0x80000000, 0x11660 | 0x40000000,0x1166c | 0x80000000,
933         0x1173c | 0x40000000,0x1173e | 0x80000000, 0x1183b, 0x119e2, 0x11a3f | 0x40000000,0x11a46 | 0x80000000, 0x11a9a | 0x40000000,0x11a9c | 0x80000000, 0x11a9e | 0x40000000,0x11aa2 | 0x80000000,
934         0x11c41 | 0x40000000,0x11c45 | 0x80000000, 0x11c70 | 0x40000000,0x11c71 | 0x80000000, 0x11ef7 | 0x40000000,0x11ef8 | 0x80000000, 0x11fff, 0x12470 | 0x40000000,0x12474 | 0x80000000,
935         0x16a6e | 0x40000000,0x16a6f | 0x80000000, 0x16af5, 0x16b37 | 0x40000000,0x16b3b | 0x80000000, 0x16b44, 0x16e97 | 0x40000000,0x16e9a | 0x80000000, 0x16fe2,
936         0x1bc9f, 0x1da87 | 0x40000000,0x1da8b | 0x80000000, 0x1e95e | 0x40000000,0x1e95f | 0x80000000
937     ];
939     /* The ASCII ones are the most frequently used ones, also CommonMark
940      * specification requests few more in this range. */
941     if(codepoint <= 0x7f)
942         return ISPUNCT_(cast(CHAR)codepoint);
944     return (md_unicode_bsearch__(codepoint, PUNCT_MAP.ptr, PUNCT_MAP.length) >= 0);
945 }
947 void md_get_unicode_fold_info(uint codepoint, MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO* info)
948 {
949     /* Unicode "Pc", "Pd", "Pe", "Pf", "Pi", "Po", "Ps" categories.
950      * (generated by scripts/ */
951     static immutable uint[] FOLD_MAP_1 =
952     [
953         0x0041 | 0x40000000, 0x005a | 0x80000000, 0x00b5, 0x00c0 | 0x40000000, 0x00d6 | 0x80000000, 0x00d8 | 0x40000000, 0x00de | 0x80000000, 0x0100 | 0x40000000, 0x012e | 0x80000000, 0x0132 | 0x40000000, 0x0136 | 0x80000000,
954         0x0139 | 0x40000000, 0x0147 | 0x80000000, 0x014a | 0x40000000, 0x0176 | 0x80000000, 0x0178, 0x0179 | 0x40000000, 0x017d | 0x80000000, 0x017f, 0x0181, 0x0182,
955         0x0186, 0x0187, 0x0189, 0x018b, 0x018e, 0x018f, 0x0190, 0x0191, 0x0193,
956         0x0194, 0x0196, 0x0197, 0x0198, 0x019c, 0x019d, 0x019f, 0x01a0 | 0x40000000, 0x01a4 | 0x80000000, 0x01a6,
957         0x01a7, 0x01a9, 0x01ac, 0x01ae, 0x01af, 0x01b1, 0x01b3, 0x01b7, 0x01b8,
958         0x01bc, 0x01c4, 0x01c5, 0x01c7, 0x01c8, 0x01ca, 0x01cb | 0x40000000, 0x01db | 0x80000000, 0x01de | 0x40000000, 0x01ee | 0x80000000,
959         0x01f1, 0x01f2, 0x01f6, 0x01f7, 0x01f8 | 0x40000000, 0x021e | 0x80000000, 0x0220, 0x0222 | 0x40000000, 0x0232 | 0x80000000, 0x023a,
960         0x023b, 0x023d, 0x023e, 0x0241, 0x0243, 0x0244, 0x0245, 0x0246 | 0x40000000, 0x024e | 0x80000000, 0x0345,
961         0x0370, 0x0376, 0x037f, 0x0386, 0x0388 | 0x40000000, 0x038a | 0x80000000, 0x038c, 0x038e, 0x0391 | 0x40000000, 0x03a1 | 0x80000000,
962         0x03a3 | 0x40000000, 0x03ab | 0x80000000, 0x03c2, 0x03cf, 0x03d0, 0x03d1, 0x03d5, 0x03d6, 0x03d8 | 0x40000000, 0x03ee | 0x80000000,
963         0x03f0, 0x03f1, 0x03f4, 0x03f5, 0x03f7, 0x03f9, 0x03fa, 0x03fd | 0x40000000, 0x03ff | 0x80000000,
964         0x0400 | 0x40000000, 0x040f | 0x80000000, 0x0410 | 0x40000000, 0x042f | 0x80000000, 0x0460 | 0x40000000, 0x0480 | 0x80000000, 0x048a | 0x40000000, 0x04be | 0x80000000, 0x04c0, 0x04c1 | 0x40000000, 0x04cd | 0x80000000,
965         0x04d0 | 0x40000000, 0x052e | 0x80000000, 0x0531 | 0x40000000, 0x0556 | 0x80000000, 0x10a0 | 0x40000000, 0x10c5 | 0x80000000, 0x10c7, 0x10cd, 0x13f8 | 0x40000000, 0x13fd | 0x80000000, 0x1c80,
966         0x1c81, 0x1c82, 0x1c83, 0x1c85, 0x1c86, 0x1c87, 0x1c88, 0x1c90 | 0x40000000, 0x1cba | 0x80000000,
967         0x1cbd | 0x40000000, 0x1cbf | 0x80000000, 0x1e00 | 0x40000000, 0x1e94 | 0x80000000, 0x1e9b, 0x1ea0 | 0x40000000, 0x1efe | 0x80000000, 0x1f08 | 0x40000000, 0x1f0f | 0x80000000, 0x1f18 | 0x40000000, 0x1f1d | 0x80000000,
968         0x1f28 | 0x40000000, 0x1f2f | 0x80000000, 0x1f38 | 0x40000000, 0x1f3f | 0x80000000, 0x1f48 | 0x40000000, 0x1f4d | 0x80000000, 0x1f59, 0x1f5b, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5f,
969         0x1f68 | 0x40000000, 0x1f6f | 0x80000000, 0x1fb8, 0x1fba, 0x1fbe, 0x1fc8 | 0x40000000, 0x1fcb | 0x80000000, 0x1fd8, 0x1fda, 0x1fe8,
970         0x1fea, 0x1fec, 0x1ff8, 0x1ffa, 0x2126, 0x212a, 0x212b, 0x2132, 0x2160 | 0x40000000, 0x216f | 0x80000000,
971         0x2183, 0x24b6 | 0x40000000, 0x24cf | 0x80000000, 0x2c00 | 0x40000000, 0x2c2e | 0x80000000, 0x2c60, 0x2c62, 0x2c63, 0x2c64,
972         0x2c67 | 0x40000000, 0x2c6b | 0x80000000, 0x2c6d, 0x2c6e, 0x2c6f, 0x2c70, 0x2c72, 0x2c75, 0x2c7e,
973         0x2c80 | 0x40000000, 0x2ce2 | 0x80000000, 0x2ceb, 0x2cf2, 0xa640 | 0x40000000, 0xa66c | 0x80000000, 0xa680 | 0x40000000, 0xa69a | 0x80000000, 0xa722 | 0x40000000, 0xa72e | 0x80000000,
974         0xa732 | 0x40000000, 0xa76e | 0x80000000, 0xa779, 0xa77d, 0xa77e | 0x40000000, 0xa786 | 0x80000000, 0xa78b, 0xa78d, 0xa790,
975         0xa796 | 0x40000000, 0xa7a8 | 0x80000000, 0xa7aa, 0xa7ab, 0xa7ac, 0xa7ad, 0xa7ae, 0xa7b0, 0xa7b1, 0xa7b2,
976         0xa7b3, 0xa7b4 | 0x40000000, 0xa7be | 0x80000000, 0xa7c2, 0xa7c4, 0xa7c5, 0xa7c6, 0xab70 | 0x40000000, 0xabbf | 0x80000000,
977         0xff21 | 0x40000000, 0xff3a | 0x80000000, 0x10400 | 0x40000000, 0x10427 | 0x80000000, 0x104b0 | 0x40000000, 0x104d3 | 0x80000000, 0x10c80 | 0x40000000, 0x10cb2 | 0x80000000, 0x118a0 | 0x40000000, 0x118bf | 0x80000000,
978         0x16e40 | 0x40000000, 0x16e5f | 0x80000000, 0x1e900 | 0x40000000, 0x1e921 | 0x80000000
979     ];
981     static immutable uint[] FOLD_MAP_1_DATA =
982     [
983         0x0061, 0x007a, 0x03bc, 0x00e0, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x00fe, 0x0101, 0x012f, 0x0133, 0x0137, 0x013a, 0x0148,
984         0x014b, 0x0177, 0x00ff, 0x017a, 0x017e, 0x0073, 0x0253, 0x0183, 0x0254, 0x0188, 0x0256, 0x018c, 0x01dd,
985         0x0259, 0x025b, 0x0192, 0x0260, 0x0263, 0x0269, 0x0268, 0x0199, 0x026f, 0x0272, 0x0275, 0x01a1, 0x01a5,
986         0x0280, 0x01a8, 0x0283, 0x01ad, 0x0288, 0x01b0, 0x028a, 0x01b4, 0x0292, 0x01b9, 0x01bd, 0x01c6, 0x01c6,
987         0x01c9, 0x01c9, 0x01cc, 0x01cc, 0x01dc, 0x01df, 0x01ef, 0x01f3, 0x01f3, 0x0195, 0x01bf, 0x01f9, 0x021f,
988         0x019e, 0x0223, 0x0233, 0x2c65, 0x023c, 0x019a, 0x2c66, 0x0242, 0x0180, 0x0289, 0x028c, 0x0247, 0x024f,
989         0x03b9, 0x0371, 0x0377, 0x03f3, 0x03ac, 0x03ad, 0x03af, 0x03cc, 0x03cd, 0x03b1, 0x03c1, 0x03c3, 0x03cb,
990         0x03c3, 0x03d7, 0x03b2, 0x03b8, 0x03c6, 0x03c0, 0x03d9, 0x03ef, 0x03ba, 0x03c1, 0x03b8, 0x03b5, 0x03f8,
991         0x03f2, 0x03fb, 0x037b, 0x037d, 0x0450, 0x045f, 0x0430, 0x044f, 0x0461, 0x0481, 0x048b, 0x04bf, 0x04cf,
992         0x04c2, 0x04ce, 0x04d1, 0x052f, 0x0561, 0x0586, 0x2d00, 0x2d25, 0x2d27, 0x2d2d, 0x13f0, 0x13f5, 0x0432,
993         0x0434, 0x043e, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x044a, 0x0463, 0xa64b, 0x10d0, 0x10fa, 0x10fd, 0x10ff, 0x1e01, 0x1e95,
994         0x1e61, 0x1ea1, 0x1eff, 0x1f00, 0x1f07, 0x1f10, 0x1f15, 0x1f20, 0x1f27, 0x1f30, 0x1f37, 0x1f40, 0x1f45,
995         0x1f51, 0x1f53, 0x1f55, 0x1f57, 0x1f60, 0x1f67, 0x1fb0, 0x1f70, 0x03b9, 0x1f72, 0x1f75, 0x1fd0, 0x1f76,
996         0x1fe0, 0x1f7a, 0x1fe5, 0x1f78, 0x1f7c, 0x03c9, 0x006b, 0x00e5, 0x214e, 0x2170, 0x217f, 0x2184, 0x24d0,
997         0x24e9, 0x2c30, 0x2c5e, 0x2c61, 0x026b, 0x1d7d, 0x027d, 0x2c68, 0x2c6c, 0x0251, 0x0271, 0x0250, 0x0252,
998         0x2c73, 0x2c76, 0x023f, 0x2c81, 0x2ce3, 0x2cec, 0x2cf3, 0xa641, 0xa66d, 0xa681, 0xa69b, 0xa723, 0xa72f,
999         0xa733, 0xa76f, 0xa77a, 0x1d79, 0xa77f, 0xa787, 0xa78c, 0x0265, 0xa791, 0xa797, 0xa7a9, 0x0266, 0x025c,
1000         0x0261, 0x026c, 0x026a, 0x029e, 0x0287, 0x029d, 0xab53, 0xa7b5, 0xa7bf, 0xa7c3, 0xa794, 0x0282, 0x1d8e,
1001         0x13a0, 0x13ef, 0xff41, 0xff5a, 0x10428, 0x1044f, 0x104d8, 0x104fb, 0x10cc0, 0x10cf2, 0x118c0, 0x118df,
1002         0x16e60, 0x16e7f, 0x1e922, 0x1e943
1003     ];
1005     static immutable uint[] FOLD_MAP_2 =
1006     [
1007         0x00df, 0x0130, 0x0149, 0x01f0, 0x0587, 0x1e96, 0x1e97, 0x1e98, 0x1e99,
1008         0x1e9a, 0x1e9e, 0x1f50, 0x1f80 | 0x40000000, 0x1f87 | 0x80000000, 0x1f88 | 0x40000000, 0x1f8f | 0x80000000, 0x1f90 | 0x40000000, 0x1f97 | 0x80000000, 0x1f98 | 0x40000000, 0x1f9f | 0x80000000,
1009         0x1fa0 | 0x40000000, 0x1fa7 | 0x80000000, 0x1fa8 | 0x40000000, 0x1faf | 0x80000000, 0x1fb2, 0x1fb3, 0x1fb4, 0x1fb6, 0x1fbc, 0x1fc2,
1010         0x1fc3, 0x1fc4, 0x1fc6, 0x1fcc, 0x1fd6, 0x1fe4, 0x1fe6, 0x1ff2, 0x1ff3,
1011         0x1ff4, 0x1ff6, 0x1ffc, 0xfb00, 0xfb01, 0xfb02, 0xfb05, 0xfb06, 0xfb13,
1012         0xfb14, 0xfb15, 0xfb16, 0xfb17
1013     ];
1015     static immutable uint[] FOLD_MAP_2_DATA =
1016     [
1017         0x0073,0x0073, 0x0069,0x0307, 0x02bc,0x006e, 0x006a,0x030c, 0x0565,0x0582, 0x0068,0x0331, 0x0074,0x0308,
1018         0x0077,0x030a, 0x0079,0x030a, 0x0061,0x02be, 0x0073,0x0073, 0x03c5,0x0313, 0x1f00,0x03b9, 0x1f07,0x03b9,
1019         0x1f00,0x03b9, 0x1f07,0x03b9, 0x1f20,0x03b9, 0x1f27,0x03b9, 0x1f20,0x03b9, 0x1f27,0x03b9, 0x1f60,0x03b9,
1020         0x1f67,0x03b9, 0x1f60,0x03b9, 0x1f67,0x03b9, 0x1f70,0x03b9, 0x03b1,0x03b9, 0x03ac,0x03b9, 0x03b1,0x0342,
1021         0x03b1,0x03b9, 0x1f74,0x03b9, 0x03b7,0x03b9, 0x03ae,0x03b9, 0x03b7,0x0342, 0x03b7,0x03b9, 0x03b9,0x0342,
1022         0x03c1,0x0313, 0x03c5,0x0342, 0x1f7c,0x03b9, 0x03c9,0x03b9, 0x03ce,0x03b9, 0x03c9,0x0342, 0x03c9,0x03b9,
1023         0x0066,0x0066, 0x0066,0x0069, 0x0066,0x006c, 0x0073,0x0074, 0x0073,0x0074, 0x0574,0x0576, 0x0574,0x0565,
1024         0x0574,0x056b, 0x057e,0x0576, 0x0574,0x056d
1025     ];
1027     static immutable uint[] FOLD_MAP_3 = 
1028     [
1029         0x0390, 0x03b0, 0x1f52, 0x1f54, 0x1f56, 0x1fb7, 0x1fc7, 0x1fd2, 0x1fd3,
1030         0x1fd7, 0x1fe2, 0x1fe3, 0x1fe7, 0x1ff7, 0xfb03, 0xfb04
1031     ];
1033     static immutable uint[] FOLD_MAP_3_DATA = 
1034     [
1035         0x03b9,0x0308,0x0301, 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0301, 0x03c5,0x0313,0x0300, 0x03c5,0x0313,0x0301,
1036         0x03c5,0x0313,0x0342, 0x03b1,0x0342,0x03b9, 0x03b7,0x0342,0x03b9, 0x03b9,0x0308,0x0300,
1037         0x03b9,0x0308,0x0301, 0x03b9,0x0308,0x0342, 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0300, 0x03c5,0x0308,0x0301,
1038         0x03c5,0x0308,0x0342, 0x03c9,0x0342,0x03b9, 0x0066,0x0066,0x0069, 0x0066,0x0066,0x006c
1039     ];
1041     static struct FOLD_MAP
1042     {
1043         const(uint)* map;
1044         const(uint)* data;
1045         size_t map_size;
1046         int n_codepoints;
1047     }
1049     /*static immutable*/ FOLD_MAP[3] FOLD_MAP_LIST = 
1050     [
1051         FOLD_MAP(FOLD_MAP_1.ptr, FOLD_MAP_1_DATA.ptr, FOLD_MAP_1.length, 1),
1052         FOLD_MAP(FOLD_MAP_2.ptr, FOLD_MAP_2_DATA.ptr, FOLD_MAP_2.length, 2),
1053         FOLD_MAP(FOLD_MAP_3.ptr, FOLD_MAP_3_DATA.ptr, FOLD_MAP_3.length, 3),
1054     ];
1056     int i;
1058     /* Fast path for ASCII characters. */
1059     if(codepoint <= 0x7f) {
1060         info.codepoints[0] = codepoint;
1061         if(ISUPPER_(cast(CHAR)codepoint))
1062             info.codepoints[0] += 'a' - 'A';
1063         info.n_codepoints = 1;
1064         return;
1065     }
1067     /* Try to locate the codepoint in any of the maps. */
1068     for(i = 0; i < cast(int) (FOLD_MAP_LIST.length); i++) {
1069         int index;
1071         index = md_unicode_bsearch__(codepoint, FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map, FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map_size);
1072         if(index >= 0) {
1073             /* Found the mapping. */
1074             int n_codepoints = FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].n_codepoints;
1075             const uint* map = FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map;
1076             const uint* codepoints = FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].data + (index * n_codepoints);
1078             memcpy(info.codepoints.ptr, codepoints, uint.sizeof * n_codepoints);
1079             info.n_codepoints = n_codepoints;
1081             if(FOLD_MAP_LIST[i].map[index] != codepoint) {
1082                 /* The found mapping maps whole range of codepoints,
1083                  * i.e. we have to offset info.codepoints[0] accordingly. */
1084                 if((map[index] & 0x00ffffff)+1 == codepoints[0]) {
1085                     /* Alternating type of the range. */
1086                     info.codepoints[0] = codepoint + ((codepoint & 0x1) == (map[index] & 0x1) ? 1 : 0);
1087                 } else {
1088                     /* Range to range kind of mapping. */
1089                     info.codepoints[0] += (codepoint - (map[index] & 0x00ffffff));
1090                 }
1091             }
1093             return;
1094         }
1095     }
1097     /* No mapping found. Map the codepoint to itself. */
1098     info.codepoints[0] = codepoint;
1099     info.n_codepoints = 1;
1100 }
1103 bool IS_UTF8_LEAD1(CHAR ch)
1104 {
1105     return cast(ubyte)(ch) <= 0x7f;
1106 }
1108 bool IS_UTF8_LEAD2(CHAR ch)
1109 {
1110     return (cast(ubyte)(ch) & 0xe0) == 0xc0;
1111 }
1113 bool IS_UTF8_LEAD3(CHAR ch)
1114 {
1115     return (cast(ubyte)(ch) & 0xf0) == 0xe0;
1116 }
1118 bool IS_UTF8_LEAD4(CHAR ch)
1119 {
1120     return (cast(ubyte)(ch) & 0xf8) == 0xf0;
1121 }
1123 bool IS_UTF8_TAIL(CHAR ch)
1124 {
1125     return  (cast(ubyte)(ch) & 0xc0) == 0x80;
1126 }
1128 uint md_decode_utf8__(const(CHAR)* str, SZ str_size, SZ* p_size)
1129 {
1130     if(!IS_UTF8_LEAD1(str[0])) {
1131         if(IS_UTF8_LEAD2(str[0])) {
1132             if(1 < str_size && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[1])) {
1133                 if(p_size != null)
1134                     *p_size = 2;
1136                 return ((cast(uint)str[0] & 0x1f) << 6) |
1137                        ((cast(uint)str[1] & 0x3f) << 0);
1138             }
1139         } else if(IS_UTF8_LEAD3(str[0])) {
1140             if(2 < str_size && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[1]) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[2])) {
1141                 if(p_size != null)
1142                     *p_size = 3;
1144                 return ((cast(uint)str[0] & 0x0f) << 12) |
1145                        ((cast(uint)str[1] & 0x3f) << 6) |
1146                        ((cast(uint)str[2] & 0x3f) << 0);
1147             }
1148         } else if(IS_UTF8_LEAD4(str[0])) {
1149             if(3 < str_size && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[1]) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[2]) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(str[3])) {
1150                 if(p_size != null)
1151                     *p_size = 4;
1153                 return ((cast(uint)str[0] & 0x07) << 18) |
1154                        ((cast(uint)str[1] & 0x3f) << 12) |
1155                        ((cast(uint)str[2] & 0x3f) << 6) |
1156                        ((cast(uint)str[3] & 0x3f) << 0);
1157             }
1158         }
1159     }
1161     if(p_size != null)
1162         *p_size = 1;
1163     return cast(uint) str[0];
1164 }
1166 uint md_decode_utf8_before__(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF off)
1167 {
1168     if(!IS_UTF8_LEAD1(ctx.CH(off-1))) {
1169         if(off > 1 && IS_UTF8_LEAD2(ctx.CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(ctx.CH(off-1)))
1170             return ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-2) & 0x1f) << 6) |
1171                    ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-1) & 0x3f) << 0);
1173         if(off > 2 && IS_UTF8_LEAD3(ctx.CH(off-3)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(ctx.CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(ctx.CH(off-1)))
1174             return ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-3) & 0x0f) << 12) |
1175                    ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-2) & 0x3f) << 6) |
1176                    ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-1) & 0x3f) << 0);
1178         if(off > 3 && IS_UTF8_LEAD4(ctx.CH(off-4)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(ctx.CH(off-3)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(ctx.CH(off-2)) && IS_UTF8_TAIL(ctx.CH(off-1)))
1179             return ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-4) & 0x07) << 18) |
1180                    ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-3) & 0x3f) << 12) |
1181                    ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-2) & 0x3f) << 6) |
1182                    ((cast(uint)ctx.CH(off-1) & 0x3f) << 0);
1183     }
1185     return cast(uint) ctx.CH(off-1);
1186 }
1188 bool ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(uint codepoint)
1189 {
1190     return md_is_unicode_whitespace__(codepoint);
1191 }
1194 {
1195     return md_is_unicode_whitespace__(md_decode_utf8__(ctx.STR(off), ctx.size - (off), null));
1196 }
1199 {
1200     return md_is_unicode_whitespace__(md_decode_utf8_before__(ctx, off));
1201 }
1203 bool ISUNICODEPUNCT(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF off)
1204 {
1205     return md_is_unicode_punct__(md_decode_utf8__(ctx.STR(off), ctx.size - (off), null));
1206 }
1209 {
1210     return md_is_unicode_punct__(md_decode_utf8_before__(ctx, off));
1211 }
1213 uint md_decode_unicode(const(CHAR)* str, OFF off, SZ str_size, SZ* p_char_size)
1214 {
1215     return md_decode_utf8__(str+off, str_size-off, p_char_size);
1216 }
1218 /*************************************
1219  ***  Helper string manipulations  ***
1220  *************************************/
1222 /* Fill buffer with copy of the string between 'beg' and 'end' but replace any
1223  * line breaks with given replacement character.
1224  *
1225  * NOTE: Caller is responsible to make sure the buffer is large enough.
1226  * (Given the output is always shorter then input, (end - beg) is good idea
1227  * what the caller should allocate.)
1228  */
1229 void md_merge_lines(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines,
1230                     CHAR line_break_replacement_char, CHAR* buffer, SZ* p_size)
1231 {
1232     CHAR* ptr = buffer;
1233     int line_index = 0;
1234     OFF off = beg;
1236     while(1) {
1237         const MD_LINE* line = &lines[line_index];
1238         OFF line_end = line.end;
1239         if(end < line_end)
1240             line_end = end;
1242         while(off < line_end) {
1243             *ptr = ctx.CH(off);
1244             ptr++;
1245             off++;
1246         }
1248         if(off >= end) {
1249             *p_size = cast(uint)(ptr - buffer);
1250             return;
1251         }
1253         *ptr = line_break_replacement_char;
1254         ptr++;
1256         line_index++;
1257         off = lines[line_index].beg;
1258     }
1259 }
1261 /* Wrapper of md_merge_lines() which allocates new buffer for the output string.
1262  */
1263 int md_merge_lines_alloc(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines,
1264                          CHAR line_break_replacement_char, const(CHAR)** p_str, SZ* p_size)
1265 {
1266     CHAR* buffer;
1268     buffer = cast(CHAR*) malloc(CHAR.sizeof * (end - beg));
1269     if(buffer == null) {
1270         ctx.MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
1271         return -1;
1272     }
1274     md_merge_lines(ctx, beg, end, lines, n_lines,
1275                 line_break_replacement_char, buffer, p_size);
1277     *p_str = buffer;
1278     return 0;
1279 }
1281 OFF md_skip_unicode_whitespace(const(CHAR)* label, OFF off, SZ size)
1282 {
1283     SZ char_size;
1284     uint codepoint;
1286     while(off < size) {
1287         codepoint = md_decode_unicode(label, off, size, &char_size);
1288         if(!ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint)  &&  !ISNEWLINE_(label[off]))
1289             break;
1290         off += char_size;
1291     }
1293     return off;
1294 }
1297 /******************************
1298  ***  Recognizing raw HTML  ***
1299  ******************************/
1301 /* md_is_html_tag() may be called when processing inlines (inline raw HTML)
1302  * or when breaking document to blocks (checking for start of HTML block type 7).
1303  *
1304  * When breaking document to blocks, we do not yet know line boundaries, but
1305  * in that case the whole tag has to live on a single line. We distinguish this
1306  * by n_lines == 0.
1307  */
1308 int md_is_html_tag(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1309 {
1310     int attr_state;
1311     OFF off = beg;
1312     OFF line_end = (n_lines > 0) ? lines[0].end : ctx.size;
1313     int i = 0;
1315     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '<');
1317     if(off + 1 >= line_end)
1318         return FALSE;
1319     off++;
1321     /* For parsing attributes, we need a little state automaton below.
1322      * State -1: no attributes are allowed.
1323      * State 0: attribute could follow after some whitespace.
1324      * State 1: after a whitespace (attribute name may follow).
1325      * State 2: after attribute name ('=' MAY follow).
1326      * State 3: after '=' (value specification MUST follow).
1327      * State 41: in middle of unquoted attribute value.
1328      * State 42: in middle of single-quoted attribute value.
1329      * State 43: in middle of double-quoted attribute value.
1330      */
1331     attr_state = 0;
1333     if(ctx.CH(off) == '/') {
1334         /* Closer tag "</ ... >". No attributes may be present. */
1335         attr_state = -1;
1336         off++;
1337     }
1339     /* Tag name */
1340     if(off >= line_end  ||  !ctx.ISALPHA(off))
1341         return FALSE;
1342     off++;
1343     while(off < line_end  &&  (ctx.ISALNUM(off)  ||  ctx.CH(off) == '-'))
1344         off++;
1346     /* (Optional) attributes (if not closer), (optional) '/' (if not closer)
1347      * and final '>'. */
1348     while(1) {
1349         while(off < line_end  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
1350             if(attr_state > 40) {
1351                 if(attr_state == 41 && (ctx.ISBLANK(off) || ctx.ISANYOF(off, "\"'=<>`"))) {
1352                     attr_state = 0;
1353                     off--;  /* Put the char back for re-inspection in the new state. */
1354                 } else if(attr_state == 42 && ctx.CH(off) == '\'') {
1355                     attr_state = 0;
1356                 } else if(attr_state == 43 && ctx.CH(off) == '"') {
1357                     attr_state = 0;
1358                 }
1359                 off++;
1360             } else if(ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off)) {
1361                 if(attr_state == 0)
1362                     attr_state = 1;
1363                 off++;
1364             } else if(attr_state <= 2 && ctx.CH(off) == '>') {
1365                 /* End. */
1366                 goto done;
1367             } else if(attr_state <= 2 && ctx.CH(off) == '/' && off+1 < line_end && ctx.CH(off+1) == '>') {
1368                 /* End with digraph '/>' */
1369                 off++;
1370                 goto done;
1371             } else if((attr_state == 1 || attr_state == 2) && (ctx.ISALPHA(off) || ctx.CH(off) == '_' || ctx.CH(off) == ':')) {
1372                 off++;
1373                 /* Attribute name */
1374                 while(off < line_end && (ctx.ISALNUM(off) || ctx.ISANYOF(off, "_.:-")))
1375                     off++;
1376                 attr_state = 2;
1377             } else if(attr_state == 2 && ctx.CH(off) == '=') {
1378                 /* Attribute assignment sign */
1379                 off++;
1380                 attr_state = 3;
1381             } else if(attr_state == 3) {
1382                 /* Expecting start of attribute value. */
1383                 if(ctx.CH(off) == '"')
1384                     attr_state = 43;
1385                 else if(ctx.CH(off) == '\'')
1386                     attr_state = 42;
1387                 else if(!ctx.ISANYOF(off, "\"'=<>`")  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))
1388                     attr_state = 41;
1389                 else
1390                     return FALSE;
1391                 off++;
1392             } else {
1393                 /* Anything unexpected. */
1394                 return FALSE;
1395             }
1396         }
1398         /* We have to be on a single line. See definition of start condition
1399          * of HTML block, type 7. */
1400         if(n_lines == 0)
1401             return FALSE;
1403         i++;
1404         if(i >= n_lines)
1405             return FALSE;
1407         off = lines[i].beg;
1408         line_end = lines[i].end;
1410         if(attr_state == 0  ||  attr_state == 41)
1411             attr_state = 1;
1413         if(off >= max_end)
1414             return FALSE;
1415     }
1417 done:
1418     if(off >= max_end)
1419         return FALSE;
1421     *p_end = off+1;
1422     return TRUE;
1423 }
1425 static int
1426 md_scan_for_html_closer(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_CHAR* str, MD_SIZE len,
1427                         const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines,
1428                         OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
1429                         OFF* p_scan_horizon)
1430 {
1431     OFF off = beg;
1432     int i = 0;
1434     if(off < *p_scan_horizon  &&  *p_scan_horizon >= max_end - len) {
1435         /* We have already scanned the range up to the max_end so we know
1436          * there is nothing to see. */
1437         return FALSE;
1438     }
1440     while(TRUE) {
1441         while(off + len <= lines[i].end  &&  off + len <= max_end) {
1442             if(md_ascii_eq(ctx.STR(off), str, len)) {
1443                 /* Success. */
1444                 *p_end = off + len;
1445                 return TRUE;
1446             }
1447             off++;
1448         }
1450         i++;
1451         if(off >= max_end  ||  i >= n_lines) {
1452             /* Failure. */
1453             *p_scan_horizon = off;
1454             return FALSE;
1455         }
1457         off = lines[i].beg;
1458     }
1459 }
1461 static int
1462 md_is_html_comment(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1463 {
1464     OFF off = beg;
1466     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '<');
1468     if(off + 4 >= lines[0].end)
1469         return FALSE;
1470     if(ctx.CH(off+1) != '!'  ||  ctx.CH(off+2) != '-'  ||  ctx.CH(off+3) != '-')
1471         return FALSE;
1472     off += 4;
1474     /* ">" and "." must not follow the opening. */
1475     if(off < lines[0].end  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '>')
1476         return FALSE;
1477     if(off+1 < lines[0].end  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '-'  &&  ctx.CH(off+1) == '>')
1478         return FALSE;
1480     /* HTML comment must not contain "--", so we scan just for "--" instead
1481      * of "-." and verify manually that '>' follows. */
1482     if(md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, "--", 2,
1483                 lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx.html_comment_horizon))
1484     {
1485         if(*p_end < max_end  &&  ctx.CH(*p_end) == '>') {
1486             *p_end = *p_end + 1;
1487             return TRUE;
1488         }
1489     }
1491     return FALSE;
1492 }
1494 static int
1495 md_is_html_processing_instruction(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1496 {
1497     OFF off = beg;
1499     if(off + 2 >= lines[0].end)
1500         return FALSE;
1501     if(ctx.CH(off+1) != '?')
1502         return FALSE;
1503     off += 2;
1505     return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, "?>", 2,
1506                 lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx.html_proc_instr_horizon);
1507 }
1509 static int
1510 md_is_html_declaration(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1511 {
1512     OFF off = beg;
1514     if(off + 2 >= lines[0].end)
1515         return FALSE;
1516     if(ctx.CH(off+1) != '!')
1517         return FALSE;
1518     off += 2;
1520     /* Declaration name. */
1521     if(off >= lines[0].end  ||  !ctx.ISALPHA(off))
1522         return FALSE;
1523     off++;
1524     while(off < lines[0].end  &&  ctx.ISALPHA(off))
1525         off++;
1526     if(off < lines[0].end  &&  !ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
1527         return FALSE;
1529     return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, ">", 1,
1530                 lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx.html_decl_horizon);
1531 }
1533 static int
1534 md_is_html_cdata(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1535 {
1536     string open_str = "<![CDATA[";
1538     OFF off = beg;
1540     if(off + open_str.length >= lines[0].end)
1541         return FALSE;
1542     if(memcmp(ctx.STR(off), open_str.ptr, open_str.length) != 0)
1543         return FALSE;
1544     off += open_str.length;
1546     if(lines[n_lines-1].end < max_end)
1547         max_end = lines[n_lines-1].end - 2;
1549     return md_scan_for_html_closer(ctx, "]]>", 3,
1550                 lines, n_lines, off, max_end, p_end, &ctx.html_cdata_horizon);
1551 }
1553 static int
1554 md_is_html_any(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1555 {
1556     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '<');
1557     return (md_is_html_tag(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end)  ||
1558             md_is_html_comment(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end)  ||
1559             md_is_html_processing_instruction(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end)  ||
1560             md_is_html_declaration(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end)  ||
1561             md_is_html_cdata(ctx, lines, n_lines, beg, max_end, p_end));
1562 }
1565 /****************************
1566  ***  Recognizing Entity  ***
1567  ****************************/
1569 static int
1570 md_is_hex_entity_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const(CHAR)* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1571 {
1572     OFF off = beg;
1574     while(off < max_end  &&  ISXDIGIT_(text[off])  &&  off - beg <= 8)
1575         off++;
1577     if(1 <= off - beg  &&  off - beg <= 6) {
1578         *p_end = off;
1579         return TRUE;
1580     } else {
1581         return FALSE;
1582     }
1583 }
1585 static int
1586 md_is_dec_entity_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const(CHAR)* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1587 {
1588     OFF off = beg;
1590     while(off < max_end  &&  ISDIGIT_(text[off])  &&  off - beg <= 8)
1591         off++;
1593     if(1 <= off - beg  &&  off - beg <= 7) {
1594         *p_end = off;
1595         return TRUE;
1596     } else {
1597         return FALSE;
1598     }
1599 }
1601 static int
1602 md_is_named_entity_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const(CHAR)* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1603 {
1604     OFF off = beg;
1606     if(off < max_end  &&  ISALPHA_(text[off]))
1607         off++;
1608     else
1609         return FALSE;
1611     while(off < max_end  &&  ISALNUM_(text[off])  &&  off - beg <= 48)
1612         off++;
1614     if(2 <= off - beg  &&  off - beg <= 48) {
1615         *p_end = off;
1616         return TRUE;
1617     } else {
1618         return FALSE;
1619     }
1620 }
1622 static int
1623 md_is_entity_str(MD_CTX* ctx, const(CHAR)* text, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1624 {
1625     int is_contents;
1626     OFF off = beg;
1628     assert(text[off] == '&');
1629     off++;
1631     if(off+2 < max_end  &&  text[off] == '#'  &&  (text[off+1] == 'x' || text[off+1] == 'X'))
1632         is_contents = md_is_hex_entity_contents(ctx, text, off+2, max_end, &off);
1633     else if(off+1 < max_end  &&  text[off] == '#')
1634         is_contents = md_is_dec_entity_contents(ctx, text, off+1, max_end, &off);
1635     else
1636         is_contents = md_is_named_entity_contents(ctx, text, off, max_end, &off);
1638     if(is_contents  &&  off < max_end  &&  text[off] == ';') {
1639         *p_end = off+1;
1640         return TRUE;
1641     } else {
1642         return FALSE;
1643     }
1644 }
1646 static int
1647 md_is_entity(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
1648 {
1649     return md_is_entity_str(ctx, ctx.text, beg, max_end, p_end);
1650 }
1653 /******************************
1654  ***  Attribute Management  ***
1655  ******************************/
1658 {
1659     CHAR* text = null;
1660     MD_TEXTTYPE* substr_types = null;
1661     OFF* substr_offsets = null;
1662     int substr_count = 0;
1663     int substr_alloc = 0;
1664     MD_TEXTTYPE[1] trivial_types = [0];
1665     OFF[2] trivial_offsets = [0, 0];
1666 }
1669 enum MD_BUILD_ATTR_NO_ESCAPES = 0x0001;
1671 void* realloc_safe(void* ptr, size_t newSize)
1672 {
1673     import core.stdc.stdlib : free, realloc;
1675     if (newSize == 0)
1676     {
1677         free(ptr);
1678         return null;
1679     }
1681     return realloc(ptr, newSize);
1682 }
1685 int md_build_attr_append_substr(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* build,
1686                                 MD_TEXTTYPE type, OFF off)
1687 {
1688     if(build.substr_count >= build.substr_alloc) {
1689         MD_TEXTTYPE* new_substr_types;
1690         OFF* new_substr_offsets;
1692         build.substr_alloc = (build.substr_alloc == 0 ? 8 : build.substr_alloc * 2);
1694         new_substr_types = cast(MD_TEXTTYPE*) realloc_safe(build.substr_types,
1695                                     build.substr_alloc * MD_TEXTTYPE.sizeof);
1696         if(new_substr_types == null) {
1697             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
1698             return -1;
1699         }
1700         /* Note +1 to reserve space for final offset (== raw_size). */
1701         new_substr_offsets = cast(OFF*) realloc_safe(build.substr_offsets,
1702                                     (build.substr_alloc+1) * OFF.sizeof);
1703         if(new_substr_offsets == null) {
1704             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
1705             free(new_substr_types);
1706             return -1;
1707         }
1709         build.substr_types = new_substr_types;
1710         build.substr_offsets = new_substr_offsets;
1711     }
1713     build.substr_types[build.substr_count] = type;
1714     build.substr_offsets[build.substr_count] = off;
1715     build.substr_count++;
1716     return 0;
1717 }
1719 void md_free_attribute(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* build)
1720 {
1721     if(build.substr_alloc > 0) {
1722         free(build.text);
1723         free(build.substr_types);
1724         free(build.substr_offsets);
1725     }
1726 }
1728 int md_build_attribute(MD_CTX* ctx, const(CHAR)* raw_text, SZ raw_size,
1729                        uint flags, MD_ATTRIBUTE* attr, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* build)
1730 {
1731     OFF raw_off, off;
1732     int is_trivial;
1733     int ret = 0;
1735     memset(build, 0, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD.sizeof);
1737     /* If there is no backslash and no ampersand, build trivial attribute
1738      * without any malloc(). */
1739     is_trivial = TRUE;
1740     for(raw_off = 0; raw_off < raw_size; raw_off++) {
1741         if(ISANYOF3_(raw_text[raw_off], '\\', '&', '\0')) {
1742             is_trivial = FALSE;
1743             break;
1744         }
1745     }
1747     if(is_trivial) {
1748         build.text = cast(CHAR*) (raw_size ? raw_text : null);
1749         build.substr_types = build.trivial_types.ptr;
1750         build.substr_offsets = build.trivial_offsets.ptr;
1751         build.substr_count = 1;
1752         build.substr_alloc = 0;
1753         build.trivial_types[0] = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
1754         build.trivial_offsets[0] = 0;
1755         build.trivial_offsets[1] = raw_size;
1756         off = raw_size;
1757     } else {
1758         build.text = cast(CHAR*) malloc(raw_size * CHAR.sizeof);
1759         if(build.text == null) {
1760             ctx.MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
1761             goto abort;
1762         }
1764         raw_off = 0;
1765         off = 0;
1767         while(raw_off < raw_size) {
1768             if(raw_text[raw_off] == '\0') {
1769                 ret = (md_build_attr_append_substr(ctx, build, MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR, off));
1770                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
1771                 memcpy(build.text + off, raw_text + raw_off, 1);
1772                 off++;
1773                 raw_off++;
1774                 continue;
1775             }
1777             if(raw_text[raw_off] == '&') {
1778                 OFF ent_end;
1780                 if(md_is_entity_str(ctx, raw_text, raw_off, raw_size, &ent_end)) {
1781                     ret = (md_build_attr_append_substr(ctx, build, MD_TEXT_ENTITY, off));
1782                     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
1783                     memcpy(build.text + off, raw_text + raw_off, ent_end - raw_off);
1784                     off += ent_end - raw_off;
1785                     raw_off = ent_end;
1786                     continue;
1787                 }
1788             }
1790             if(build.substr_count == 0  ||  build.substr_types[build.substr_count-1] != MD_TEXT_NORMAL)
1791             {
1792                 ret = (md_build_attr_append_substr(ctx, build, MD_TEXT_NORMAL, off));
1793                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
1794             }
1796             if(!(flags & MD_BUILD_ATTR_NO_ESCAPES)  &&
1797                raw_text[raw_off] == '\\'  &&  raw_off+1 < raw_size  &&
1798                (ISPUNCT_(raw_text[raw_off+1]) || ISNEWLINE_(raw_text[raw_off+1])))
1799                 raw_off++;
1801             build.text[off++] = raw_text[raw_off++];
1802         }
1803         build.substr_offsets[build.substr_count] = off;
1804     }
1806     attr.text = build.text;
1807     attr.size = off;
1808     attr.substr_offsets = build.substr_offsets;
1809     attr.substr_types = build.substr_types;
1810     return 0;
1812 abort:
1813     md_free_attribute(ctx, build);
1814     return -1;
1815 }
1818 /*********************************************
1819  ***  Dictionary of Reference Definitions  ***
1820  *********************************************/
1822 enum MD_FNV1A_BASE =  2166136261;
1823 enum MD_FNV1A_PRIME = 16777619;
1825 uint md_fnv1a(uint base, const(void)* data, size_t n)
1826 {
1827     const(ubyte)* buf = cast(const(ubyte)*) data;
1828     uint hash = base;
1829     size_t i;
1831     for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1832         hash ^= buf[i];
1833         hash *= MD_FNV1A_PRIME;
1834     }
1836     return hash;
1837 }
1840 struct MD_REF_DEF
1841 {
1842     const(CHAR)* label;
1843     const(CHAR)* title;
1844     uint hash;
1845     SZ label_size;
1846     bool label_needs_free;
1847     bool title_needs_free;
1848     SZ title_size;
1849     OFF dest_beg;
1850     OFF dest_end;
1851 };
1853 /* Label equivalence is quite complicated with regards to whitespace and case
1854  * folding. This complicates computing a hash of it as well as direct comparison
1855  * of two labels. */
1857 uint md_link_label_hash(const(CHAR)* label, SZ size)
1858 {
1859     uint hash = MD_FNV1A_BASE;
1860     OFF off;
1861     uint codepoint;
1862     int is_whitespace = FALSE;
1864     off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(label, 0, size);
1865     while(off < size) {
1866         SZ char_size;
1868         codepoint = md_decode_unicode(label, off, size, &char_size);
1869         is_whitespace = ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint) || ISNEWLINE_(label[off]);
1871         if(is_whitespace) {
1872             codepoint = ' ';
1873             hash = md_fnv1a(hash, &codepoint, uint.sizeof);
1874             off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(label, off, size);
1875         } else {
1876             MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO fold_info;
1878             md_get_unicode_fold_info(codepoint, &fold_info);
1879             hash = md_fnv1a(hash, fold_info.codepoints.ptr, fold_info.n_codepoints * uint.sizeof);
1880             off += char_size;
1881         }
1882     }
1884     return hash;
1885 }
1887 OFF md_link_label_cmp_load_fold_info(const(CHAR)* label, OFF off, SZ size,
1888                                      MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO* fold_info)
1889 {
1890     uint codepoint;
1891     SZ char_size;
1893     if(off >= size) {
1894         /* Treat end of link label as a whitespace. */
1895         goto whitespace;
1896     }
1898     if(ISNEWLINE_(label[off])) {
1899         /* Treat new lines as a whitespace. */
1900         off++;
1901         goto whitespace;
1902     }
1904     codepoint = md_decode_unicode(label, off, size, &char_size);
1905     off += char_size;
1906     if(ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint)) {
1907         /* Treat all whitespace as equivalent */
1908         goto whitespace;
1909     }
1911     /* Get real folding info. */
1912     md_get_unicode_fold_info(codepoint, fold_info);
1913     return off;
1915 whitespace:
1916     fold_info.codepoints[0] = ' ';
1917     fold_info.n_codepoints = 1;
1918     return off;
1919 }
1921 static int
1922 md_link_label_cmp(const(CHAR)* a_label, SZ a_size, const(CHAR)* b_label, SZ b_size)
1923 {
1924     OFF a_off;
1925     OFF b_off;
1926     int a_reached_end = FALSE;
1927     int b_reached_end = FALSE;
1928     MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO a_fi = { 0 };
1929     MD_UNICODE_FOLD_INFO b_fi = { 0 };
1930     OFF a_fi_off = 0;
1931     OFF b_fi_off = 0;
1932     int cmp;
1934     a_off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(a_label, 0, a_size);
1935     b_off = md_skip_unicode_whitespace(b_label, 0, b_size);
1936     while(!a_reached_end  &&  !b_reached_end) {
1937         /* If needed, load fold info for next char. */
1938         if(a_fi_off >= a_fi.n_codepoints) {
1939             a_fi_off = 0;
1940             a_off = md_link_label_cmp_load_fold_info(a_label, a_off, a_size, &a_fi);
1941             a_reached_end = (a_off >= a_size);
1942         }
1943         if(b_fi_off >= b_fi.n_codepoints) {
1944             b_fi_off = 0;
1945             b_off = md_link_label_cmp_load_fold_info(b_label, b_off, b_size, &b_fi);
1946             b_reached_end = (b_off >= b_size);
1947         }
1949         cmp = b_fi.codepoints[b_fi_off] - a_fi.codepoints[a_fi_off];
1950         if(cmp != 0)
1951             return cmp;
1953         a_fi_off++;
1954         b_fi_off++;
1955     }
1957     return 0;
1958 }
1960 struct MD_REF_DEF_LIST 
1961 {
1962 nothrow:
1963 @nogc:
1965     int n_ref_defs;
1966     int alloc_ref_defs;
1968     /* Valid items always point into ctx.ref_defs[] */
1969     MD_REF_DEF* ref_defs_space; // Starting here, a list of pointer at the end of the struct
1971     // To allocate a MD_REF_DEF_LIST
1972     static size_t SIZEOF(int numDefRefs)
1973     {
1974         return 8 + (MD_REF_DEF*).sizeof * numDefRefs;
1975     }
1977     // Returns: a slice of ref defs embedded at the end of the struct
1978     static MD_REF_DEF*[] refDefs(MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list)
1979     {
1980         return (&(list.ref_defs_space))[0..list.n_ref_defs];
1981     }
1983     ref MD_REF_DEF* ref_defs_nth(size_t index)
1984     {
1985         MD_REF_DEF** base = &ref_defs_space;
1986         return base[index];
1987     }
1988 }
1990 extern(C) int md_ref_def_cmp(scope const(void)* a, scope const void* b)
1991 {
1992     const(MD_REF_DEF)* a_ref = *cast(const(MD_REF_DEF*)*)a;
1993     const(MD_REF_DEF)* b_ref = *cast(const(MD_REF_DEF*)*)b;
1995     if(a_ref.hash < b_ref.hash)
1996         return -1;
1997     else if(a_ref.hash > b_ref.hash)
1998         return +1;
1999     else
2000         return md_link_label_cmp(a_ref.label, a_ref.label_size, b_ref.label, b_ref.label_size);
2001 }
2003 extern(C) int md_ref_def_cmp_stable(scope const(void)* a, scope const(void)* b)
2004 {
2005     int cmp;
2007     cmp = md_ref_def_cmp(a, b);
2009     /* Ensure stability of the sorting. */
2010     if(cmp == 0) {
2011         const(MD_REF_DEF)* a_ref = *cast(const(MD_REF_DEF*)*)a;
2012         const(MD_REF_DEF)* b_ref = *cast(const(MD_REF_DEF*)*)b;
2014         if(a_ref < b_ref)
2015             cmp = -1;
2016         else if(a_ref > b_ref)
2017             cmp = +1;
2018         else
2019             cmp = 0;
2020     }
2022     return cmp;
2023 }
2025 int md_build_ref_def_hashtable(MD_CTX* ctx)
2026 {
2027     int i, j;
2029     if(ctx.n_ref_defs == 0)
2030         return 0;
2032     ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size = (ctx.n_ref_defs * 5) / 4;
2033     ctx.ref_def_hashtable = cast(void**) malloc(ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size * (void*).sizeof);
2034     if(ctx.ref_def_hashtable == null) {
2035         ctx.MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
2036         goto abort;
2037     }
2038     memset(ctx.ref_def_hashtable, 0, ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size * (void*).sizeof);
2040     /* Each member of ctx.ref_def_hashtable[] can be:
2041      *  -- null,
2042      *  -- pointer to the MD_REF_DEF in ctx.ref_defs[], or
2043      *  -- pointer to a MD_REF_DEF_LIST, which holds multiple pointers to
2044      *     such MD_REF_DEFs.
2045      */
2046     for(i = 0; i < ctx.n_ref_defs; i++) {
2047         MD_REF_DEF* def = &ctx.ref_defs[i];
2048         void* bucket;
2049         MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list;
2051         def.hash = md_link_label_hash(def.label, def.label_size);
2052         bucket = ctx.ref_def_hashtable[def.hash % ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size];
2054         if(bucket == null) {
2055             ctx.ref_def_hashtable[def.hash % ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size] = def;
2056             continue;
2057         }
2059         if(ctx.ref_defs <= cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket  &&  cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx.ref_defs + ctx.n_ref_defs) {
2060             /* The bucket already contains one ref. def. Lets see whether it
2061              * is the same label (ref. def. duplicate) or different one
2062              * (hash conflict). */
2063             MD_REF_DEF* old_def = cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket;
2065             if(md_link_label_cmp(def.label, def.label_size, old_def.label, old_def.label_size) == 0) {
2066                 /* Ignore this ref. def. */
2067                 continue;
2068             }
2070             /* Make the bucket capable of holding more ref. defs. */
2071             list = cast(MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) malloc(MD_REF_DEF_LIST.SIZEOF(4));
2072             if(list == null) {
2073                 ctx.MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
2074                 goto abort;
2075             }
2076             list.ref_defs_nth(0) = old_def;
2077             list.ref_defs_nth(1) = def;
2078             list.n_ref_defs = 2;
2079             list.alloc_ref_defs = 4;
2080             ctx.ref_def_hashtable[def.hash % ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size] = list;
2081             continue;
2082         }
2084         /* Append the def to the bucket list. */
2085         list = cast(MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) bucket;
2086         if(list.n_ref_defs >= list.alloc_ref_defs) {
2087             MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list_tmp = cast(MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) realloc_safe(list, MD_REF_DEF_LIST.SIZEOF( 2 * list.alloc_ref_defs ));
2088             if(list_tmp == null) {
2089                 ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
2090                 goto abort;
2091             }
2092             list = list_tmp;
2093             list.alloc_ref_defs *= 2;
2094             ctx.ref_def_hashtable[def.hash % ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size] = list;
2095         }
2097         list.ref_defs_nth(list.n_ref_defs) = def;
2098         list.n_ref_defs++;
2099     }
2101     /* Sort the complex buckets so we can use bsearch() with them. */
2102     for(i = 0; i < ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size; i++) {
2103         void* bucket = ctx.ref_def_hashtable[i];
2104         MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list;
2106         if(bucket == null)
2107             continue;
2108         if(ctx.ref_defs <= cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket  && cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx.ref_defs + ctx.n_ref_defs)
2109             continue;
2111         list = cast(MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) bucket;
2112         qsort(MD_REF_DEF_LIST.refDefs(list).ptr, list.n_ref_defs, (MD_REF_DEF*).sizeof, &md_ref_def_cmp_stable);
2114         /* Disable duplicates. */
2115         for(j = 1; j < list.n_ref_defs; j++) {
2116             if(md_ref_def_cmp(&list.ref_defs_nth(j-1), &list.ref_defs_nth(j)) == 0)
2117                 list.ref_defs_nth(j) = list.ref_defs_nth(j-1);
2118         }
2119     }
2121     return 0;
2123 abort:
2124     return -1;
2125 }
2127 static void
2128 md_free_ref_def_hashtable(MD_CTX* ctx)
2129 {
2130     if(ctx.ref_def_hashtable != null) {
2131         int i;
2133         for(i = 0; i < ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size; i++) {
2134             void* bucket = ctx.ref_def_hashtable[i];
2135             if(bucket == null)
2136                 continue;
2137             if(ctx.ref_defs <= cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket  && cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx.ref_defs + ctx.n_ref_defs)
2138                 continue;
2139             free(bucket);
2140         }
2142         free(ctx.ref_def_hashtable);
2143     }
2144 }
2146 const(MD_REF_DEF)* md_lookup_ref_def(MD_CTX* ctx, const(CHAR)* label, SZ label_size)
2147 {
2148     uint hash;
2149     void* bucket;
2151     if(ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size == 0)
2152         return null;
2154     hash = md_link_label_hash(label, label_size);
2155     bucket = ctx.ref_def_hashtable[hash % ctx.ref_def_hashtable_size];
2157     if(bucket == null) {
2158         return null;
2159     } else if(ctx.ref_defs <= cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket  &&  cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket < ctx.ref_defs + ctx.n_ref_defs) {
2160         const MD_REF_DEF* def = cast(MD_REF_DEF*) bucket;
2162         if(md_link_label_cmp(def.label, def.label_size, label, label_size) == 0)
2163             return def;
2164         else
2165             return null;
2166     } else {
2167         MD_REF_DEF_LIST* list = cast(MD_REF_DEF_LIST*) bucket;
2168         MD_REF_DEF key_buf;
2169         const MD_REF_DEF* key = &key_buf;
2170         const(MD_REF_DEF*)* ret;
2172         key_buf.label = cast(CHAR*) label;
2173         key_buf.label_size = label_size;
2174         key_buf.hash = md_link_label_hash(key_buf.label, key_buf.label_size);
2176         ret = cast(const(MD_REF_DEF*)*) bsearch(&key, MD_REF_DEF_LIST.refDefs(list).ptr,
2177                     list.n_ref_defs, (MD_REF_DEF*).sizeof, &md_ref_def_cmp);
2178         if(ret != null)
2179             return *ret;
2180         else
2181             return null;
2182     }
2183 }
2186 /***************************
2187  ***  Recognizing Links  ***
2188  ***************************/
2190 /* Note this code is partially shared between processing inlines and blocks
2191  * as reference definitions and links share some helper parser functions.
2192  */
2194 struct MD_LINK_ATTR
2195 {
2196     OFF dest_beg;
2197     OFF dest_end;
2199     const(CHAR)* title;
2200     SZ title_size;
2201     bool title_needs_free;
2202 }
2205 static int
2206 md_is_link_label(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg,
2207                  OFF* p_end, int* p_beg_line_index, int* p_end_line_index,
2208                  OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
2209 {
2210     OFF off = beg;
2211     OFF contents_beg = 0;
2212     OFF contents_end = 0;
2213     int line_index = 0;
2214     int len = 0;
2216     if(ctx.CH(off) != '[')
2217         return FALSE;
2218     off++;
2220     while(1) {
2221         OFF line_end = lines[line_index].end;
2223         while(off < line_end) {
2224             if(ctx.CH(off) == '\\'  &&  off+1 < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.ISPUNCT(off+1) || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
2225                 if(contents_end == 0) {
2226                     contents_beg = off;
2227                     *p_beg_line_index = line_index;
2228                 }
2229                 contents_end = off + 2;
2230                 off += 2;
2231             } else if(ctx.CH(off) == '[') {
2232                 return FALSE;
2233             } else if(ctx.CH(off) == ']') {
2234                 if(contents_beg < contents_end) {
2235                     /* Success. */
2236                     *p_contents_beg = contents_beg;
2237                     *p_contents_end = contents_end;
2238                     *p_end = off+1;
2239                     *p_end_line_index = line_index;
2240                     return TRUE;
2241                 } else {
2242                     /* Link label must have some non-whitespace contents. */
2243                     return FALSE;
2244                 }
2245             } else {
2246                 uint codepoint;
2247                 SZ char_size;
2249                 codepoint = md_decode_unicode(ctx.text, off, ctx.size, &char_size);
2250                 if(!ISUNICODEWHITESPACE_(codepoint)) {
2251                     if(contents_end == 0) {
2252                         contents_beg = off;
2253                         *p_beg_line_index = line_index;
2254                     }
2255                     contents_end = off + char_size;
2256                 }
2258                 off += char_size;
2259             }
2261             len++;
2262             if(len > 999)
2263                 return FALSE;
2264         }
2266         line_index++;
2267         len++;
2268         if(line_index < n_lines)
2269             off = lines[line_index].beg;
2270         else
2271             break;
2272     }
2274     return FALSE;
2275 }
2277 static int
2278 md_is_link_destination_A(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
2279                          OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
2280 {
2281     OFF off = beg;
2283     if(off >= max_end  ||  ctx.CH(off) != '<')
2284         return FALSE;
2285     off++;
2287     while(off < max_end) {
2288         if(ctx.CH(off) == '\\'  &&  off+1 < max_end  &&  ctx.ISPUNCT(off+1)) {
2289             off += 2;
2290             continue;
2291         }
2293         if(ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)  ||  ctx.CH(off) == '<')
2294             return FALSE;
2296         if(ctx.CH(off) == '>') {
2297             /* Success. */
2298             *p_contents_beg = beg+1;
2299             *p_contents_end = off;
2300             *p_end = off+1;
2301             return TRUE;
2302         }
2304         off++;
2305     }
2307     return FALSE;
2308 }
2310 static int
2311 md_is_link_destination_B(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
2312                          OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
2313 {
2314     OFF off = beg;
2315     int parenthesis_level = 0;
2317     while(off < max_end) {
2318         if(ctx.CH(off) == '\\'  &&  off+1 < max_end  &&  ctx.ISPUNCT(off+1)) {
2319             off += 2;
2320             continue;
2321         }
2323         if(ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off) || ctx.ISCNTRL(off))
2324             break;
2326         /* Link destination may include balanced pairs of unescaped '(' ')'.
2327          * Note we limit the maximal nesting level by 32 to protect us from
2328          * */
2329         if(ctx.CH(off) == '(') {
2330             parenthesis_level++;
2331             if(parenthesis_level > 32)
2332                 return FALSE;
2333         } else if(ctx.CH(off) == ')') {
2334             if(parenthesis_level == 0)
2335                 break;
2336             parenthesis_level--;
2337         }
2339         off++;
2340     }
2342     if(parenthesis_level != 0  ||  off == beg)
2343         return FALSE;
2345     /* Success. */
2346     *p_contents_beg = beg;
2347     *p_contents_end = off;
2348     *p_end = off;
2349     return TRUE;
2350 }
2352 static int
2353 md_is_link_destination(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end,
2354                        OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
2355 {
2356     if(ctx.CH(beg) == '<')
2357         return md_is_link_destination_A(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end, p_contents_beg, p_contents_end);
2358     else
2359         return md_is_link_destination_B(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end, p_contents_beg, p_contents_end);
2360 }
2362 static int
2363 md_is_link_title(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg,
2364                  OFF* p_end, int* p_beg_line_index, int* p_end_line_index,
2365                  OFF* p_contents_beg, OFF* p_contents_end)
2366 {
2367     OFF off = beg;
2368     CHAR closer_char;
2369     int line_index = 0;
2371     /* White space with up to one line break. */
2372     while(off < lines[line_index].end  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
2373         off++;
2374     if(off >= lines[line_index].end) {
2375         line_index++;
2376         if(line_index >= n_lines)
2377             return FALSE;
2378         off = lines[line_index].beg;
2379     }
2380     if(off == beg)
2381         return FALSE;
2383     *p_beg_line_index = line_index;
2385     /* First char determines how to detect end of it. */
2386     switch(ctx.CH(off)) {
2387         case '"':   closer_char = '"'; break;
2388         case '\'':  closer_char = '\''; break;
2389         case '(':   closer_char = ')'; break;
2390         default:        return FALSE;
2391     }
2392     off++;
2394     *p_contents_beg = off;
2396     while(line_index < n_lines) {
2397         OFF line_end = lines[line_index].end;
2399         while(off < line_end) {
2400             if(ctx.CH(off) == '\\'  &&  off+1 < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.ISPUNCT(off+1) || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
2401                 off++;
2402             } else if(ctx.CH(off) == closer_char) {
2403                 /* Success. */
2404                 *p_contents_end = off;
2405                 *p_end = off+1;
2406                 *p_end_line_index = line_index;
2407                 return TRUE;
2408             } else if(closer_char == ')'  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '(') {
2409                 /* ()-style title cannot contain (unescaped '(')) */
2410                 return FALSE;
2411             }
2413             off++;
2414         }
2416         line_index++;
2417     }
2419     return FALSE;
2420 }
2422 /* Returns 0 if it is not a reference definition.
2423  *
2424  * Returns N > 0 if it is a reference definition. N then corresponds to the
2425  * number of lines forming it). In this case the definition is stored for
2426  * resolving any links referring to it.
2427  *
2428  * Returns -1 in case of an error (out of memory).
2429  */
2430 int md_is_link_reference_definition(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines)
2431 {
2432     OFF label_contents_beg;
2433     OFF label_contents_end;
2434     int label_contents_line_index = -1;
2435     int label_is_multiline;
2436     const(CHAR)* label;
2437     SZ label_size;
2438     bool label_needs_free = false;
2439     OFF dest_contents_beg;
2440     OFF dest_contents_end;
2441     OFF title_contents_beg;
2442     OFF title_contents_end;
2443     int title_contents_line_index;
2444     int title_is_multiline;
2445     OFF off;
2446     int line_index = 0;
2447     int tmp_line_index;
2448     MD_REF_DEF* def;
2449     int ret;
2451     /* Link label. */
2452     if(!md_is_link_label(ctx, lines, n_lines, lines[0].beg,
2453                 &off, &label_contents_line_index, &line_index,
2454                 &label_contents_beg, &label_contents_end))
2455         return FALSE;
2456     label_is_multiline = (label_contents_line_index != line_index);
2458     /* Colon. */
2459     if(off >= lines[line_index].end  ||  ctx.CH(off) != ':')
2460         return FALSE;
2461     off++;
2463     /* Optional white space with up to one line break. */
2464     while(off < lines[line_index].end  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
2465         off++;
2466     if(off >= lines[line_index].end) {
2467         line_index++;
2468         if(line_index >= n_lines)
2469             return FALSE;
2470         off = lines[line_index].beg;
2471     }
2473     /* Link destination. */
2474     if(!md_is_link_destination(ctx, off, lines[line_index].end,
2475                 &off, &dest_contents_beg, &dest_contents_end))
2476         return FALSE;
2478     /* (Optional) title. Note we interpret it as an title only if nothing
2479      * more follows on its last line. */
2480     if(md_is_link_title(ctx, lines + line_index, n_lines - line_index, off,
2481                 &off, &title_contents_line_index, &tmp_line_index,
2482                 &title_contents_beg, &title_contents_end)
2483         &&  off >= lines[line_index + tmp_line_index].end)
2484     {
2485         title_is_multiline = (tmp_line_index != title_contents_line_index);
2486         title_contents_line_index += line_index;
2487         line_index += tmp_line_index;
2488     } else {
2489         /* Not a title. */
2490         title_is_multiline = FALSE;
2491         title_contents_beg = off;
2492         title_contents_end = off;
2493         title_contents_line_index = 0;
2494     }
2496     /* Nothing more can follow on the last line. */
2497     if(off < lines[line_index].end)
2498         return FALSE;
2500     /* Construct label. */
2501     if(!label_is_multiline) {
2502         label = cast(CHAR*) ctx.STR(label_contents_beg);
2503         label_size = label_contents_end - label_contents_beg;
2504         label_needs_free = false;
2505     } else {
2506         ret = (md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, label_contents_beg, label_contents_end,
2507                     lines + label_contents_line_index, n_lines - label_contents_line_index,
2508                     ' ', &label, &label_size));
2509         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
2510         label_needs_free = true;
2511     }
2513     /* Store the reference definition. */
2514     if(ctx.n_ref_defs >= ctx.alloc_ref_defs) {
2515         MD_REF_DEF* new_defs;
2517         ctx.alloc_ref_defs = (ctx.alloc_ref_defs > 0 ? ctx.alloc_ref_defs * 2 : 16);
2518         new_defs = cast(MD_REF_DEF*) realloc_safe(ctx.ref_defs, ctx.alloc_ref_defs * MD_REF_DEF.sizeof);
2519         if(new_defs == null) {
2520             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
2521             ret = -1;
2522             goto abort;
2523         }
2525         ctx.ref_defs = new_defs;
2526     }
2528     def = &ctx.ref_defs[ctx.n_ref_defs];
2529     memset(def, 0, MD_REF_DEF.sizeof);
2531     def.label = label;
2532     def.label_size = label_size;
2533     def.label_needs_free = label_needs_free;
2535     def.dest_beg = dest_contents_beg;
2536     def.dest_end = dest_contents_end;
2538     if(title_contents_beg >= title_contents_end) {
2539         def.title = null;
2540         def.title_size = 0;
2541     } else if(!title_is_multiline) {
2542         def.title = cast(CHAR*) ctx.STR(title_contents_beg);
2543         def.title_size = title_contents_end - title_contents_beg;
2544     } else {
2545         ret = (md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, title_contents_beg, title_contents_end,
2546                     lines + title_contents_line_index, n_lines - title_contents_line_index,
2547                     '\n', &def.title, &def.title_size));
2548         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
2549         def.title_needs_free = true;
2550     }
2552     /* Success. */
2553     ctx.n_ref_defs++;
2554     return line_index + 1;
2556 abort:
2557     /* Failure. */
2558     if(label_needs_free)
2559         free(cast(void*)label); // Note: const_cast here
2560     return -1;
2561 }
2563 static int
2564 md_is_link_reference(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines,
2565                      OFF beg, OFF end, MD_LINK_ATTR* attr)
2566 {
2567     const(MD_REF_DEF)* def;
2568     const(MD_LINE)* beg_line;
2569     const(MD_LINE)* end_line;
2570     const(CHAR)* label;
2571     SZ label_size;
2572     int ret;
2574     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '[' || ctx.CH(beg) == '!');
2575     assert(ctx.CH(end-1) == ']');
2577     beg += (ctx.CH(beg) == '!' ? 2 : 1);
2578     end--;
2580     /* Find lines corresponding to the beg and end positions. */
2581     assert(lines[0].beg <= beg);
2582     beg_line = lines;
2583     while(beg >= beg_line.end)
2584         beg_line++;
2586     assert(end <= lines[n_lines-1].end);
2587     end_line = beg_line;
2588     while(end >= end_line.end)
2589         end_line++;
2591     if(beg_line != end_line) {
2592         ret = (md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, beg, end, beg_line,
2593             cast(int)(n_lines - (beg_line - lines)), ' ', &label, &label_size));
2594         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
2595     } else {
2596         label = cast(CHAR*) ctx.STR(beg);
2597         label_size = end - beg;
2598     }
2600     def = md_lookup_ref_def(ctx, label, label_size);
2601     if(def != null) {
2602         attr.dest_beg = def.dest_beg;
2603         attr.dest_end = def.dest_end;
2604         attr.title = def.title;
2605         attr.title_size = def.title_size;
2606         attr.title_needs_free = false;
2607     }
2609     if(beg_line != end_line)
2610         free(cast(void*)label); // Note: const_cast here
2612     ret = (def != null);
2614 abort:
2615     return ret;
2616 }
2618 static int
2619 md_is_inline_link_spec(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines,
2620                        OFF beg, OFF* p_end, MD_LINK_ATTR* attr)
2621 {
2622     int line_index = 0;
2623     int tmp_line_index;
2624     OFF title_contents_beg;
2625     OFF title_contents_end;
2626     int title_contents_line_index;
2627     int title_is_multiline;
2628     OFF off = beg;
2629     int ret = FALSE;
2631     while(off >= lines[line_index].end)
2632         line_index++;
2634     assert(ctx.CH(off) == '(');
2635     off++;
2637     /* Optional white space with up to one line break. */
2638     while(off < lines[line_index].end  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
2639         off++;
2640     if(off >= lines[line_index].end  &&  ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
2641         line_index++;
2642         if(line_index >= n_lines)
2643             return FALSE;
2644         off = lines[line_index].beg;
2645     }
2647     /* Link destination may be omitted, but only when not also having a title. */
2648     if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ')') {
2649         attr.dest_beg = off;
2650         attr.dest_end = off;
2651         attr.title = null;
2652         attr.title_size = 0;
2653         attr.title_needs_free = false;
2654         off++;
2655         *p_end = off;
2656         return TRUE;
2657     }
2659     /* Link destination. */
2660     if(!md_is_link_destination(ctx, off, lines[line_index].end,
2661                         &off, &attr.dest_beg, &attr.dest_end))
2662         return FALSE;
2664     /* (Optional) title. */
2665     if(md_is_link_title(ctx, lines + line_index, n_lines - line_index, off,
2666                 &off, &title_contents_line_index, &tmp_line_index,
2667                 &title_contents_beg, &title_contents_end))
2668     {
2669         title_is_multiline = (tmp_line_index != title_contents_line_index);
2670         title_contents_line_index += line_index;
2671         line_index += tmp_line_index;
2672     } else {
2673         /* Not a title. */
2674         title_is_multiline = FALSE;
2675         title_contents_beg = off;
2676         title_contents_end = off;
2677         title_contents_line_index = 0;
2678     }
2680     /* Optional whitespace followed with final ')'. */
2681     while(off < lines[line_index].end  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
2682         off++;
2683     if(off >= lines[line_index].end  &&  ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
2684         line_index++;
2685         if(line_index >= n_lines)
2686             return FALSE;
2687         off = lines[line_index].beg;
2688     }
2689     if(ctx.CH(off) != ')')
2690         goto abort;
2691     off++;
2693     if(title_contents_beg >= title_contents_end) {
2694         attr.title = null;
2695         attr.title_size = 0;
2696         attr.title_needs_free = false;
2697     } else if(!title_is_multiline) {
2698         attr.title = cast(CHAR*) ctx.STR(title_contents_beg); // Note: const_cast here!
2699         attr.title_size = title_contents_end - title_contents_beg;
2700         attr.title_needs_free = false;
2701     } else {
2702         ret = (md_merge_lines_alloc(ctx, title_contents_beg, title_contents_end,
2703                     lines + title_contents_line_index, n_lines - title_contents_line_index,
2704                     '\n', &attr.title, &attr.title_size));
2705         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
2706         attr.title_needs_free = true;
2707     }
2709     *p_end = off;
2710     ret = TRUE;
2712 abort:
2713     return ret;
2714 }
2716 void md_free_ref_defs(MD_CTX* ctx)
2717 {
2718     int i;
2720     for(i = 0; i < ctx.n_ref_defs; i++) {
2721         MD_REF_DEF* def = &ctx.ref_defs[i];
2723         if(def.label_needs_free)
2724             free(cast(void*)def.label); // Note: const_cast here
2725         if(def.title_needs_free)
2726             free(cast(void*)def.title); // Note: const_cast here
2727     }
2729     free(ctx.ref_defs);
2730 }
2733 /******************************************
2734  ***  Processing Inlines (a.k.a Spans)  ***
2735  ******************************************/
2737 /* We process inlines in few phases:
2738  *
2739  * (1) We go through the block text and collect all significant characters
2740  *     which may start/end a span or some other significant position into
2741  *     ctx.marks[]. Core of this is what md_collect_marks() does.
2742  *
2743  *     We also do some very brief preliminary context-less analysis, whether
2744  *     it might be opener or closer (e.g. of an emphasis span).
2745  *
2746  *     This speeds the other steps as we do not need to re-iterate over all
2747  *     characters anymore.
2748  *
2749  * (2) We analyze each potential mark types, in order by their precedence.
2750  *
2751  *     In each md_analyze_XXX() function, we re-iterate list of the marks,
2752  *     skipping already resolved regions (in preceding precedences) and try to
2753  *     resolve them.
2754  *
2755  * (2.1) For trivial marks, which are single (e.g. HTML entity), we just mark
2756  *       them as resolved.
2757  *
2758  * (2.2) For range-type marks, we analyze whether the mark could be closer
2759  *       and, if yes, whether there is some preceding opener it could satisfy.
2760  *
2761  *       If not we check whether it could be really an opener and if yes, we
2762  *       remember it so subsequent closers may resolve it.
2763  *
2764  * (3) Finally, when all marks were analyzed, we render the block contents
2765  *     by calling MD_RENDERER::text() callback, interrupting by ::enter_span()
2766  *     or ::close_span() whenever we reach a resolved mark.
2767  */
2770 /* The mark structure.
2771  *
2772  * '\\': Maybe escape sequence.
2773  * '\0': null char.
2774  *  '*': Maybe (strong) emphasis start/end.
2775  *  '_': Maybe (strong) emphasis start/end.
2776  *  '~': Maybe strikethrough start/end (needs MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH).
2777  *  '`': Maybe code span start/end.
2778  *  '&': Maybe start of entity.
2779  *  ';': Maybe end of entity.
2780  *  '<': Maybe start of raw HTML or autolink.
2781  *  '>': Maybe end of raw HTML or autolink.
2782  *  '[': Maybe start of link label or link text.
2783  *  '!': Equivalent of '[' for image.
2784  *  ']': Maybe end of link label or link text.
2785  *  '@': Maybe permissive e-mail auto-link (needs MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEEMAILAUTOLINKS).
2786  *  ':': Maybe permissive URL auto-link (needs MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS).
2787  *  '.': Maybe permissive WWW auto-link (needs MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEWWWAUTOLINKS).
2788  *  'D': Dummy mark, it reserves a space for splitting a previous mark
2789  *       (e.g. emphasis) or to make more space for storing some special data
2790  *       related to the preceding mark (e.g. link).
2791  *
2792  * Note that not all instances of these chars in the text imply creation of the
2793  * structure. Only those which have (or may have, after we see more context)
2794  * the special meaning.
2795  *
2796  * (Keep this struct as small as possible to fit as much of them into CPU
2797  * cache line.)
2798  */
2800 struct MD_MARK {
2801     OFF beg;
2802     OFF end;
2804     /* For unresolved openers, 'prev' and 'next' form the chain of open openers
2805      * of given type 'ch'.
2806      *
2807      * During resolving, we disconnect from the chain and point to the
2808      * corresponding counterpart so opener points to its closer and vice versa.
2809      */
2810     int prev;
2811     int next;
2812     CHAR ch;
2813     ubyte flags;
2814 };
2816 /* Mark flags (these apply to ALL mark types). */
2817 enum MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER            = 0x01;  /* Maybe opener. */
2818 enum MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER            = 0x02;  /* Maybe closer. */
2819 enum MD_MARK_OPENER                      = 0x04;  /* Definitely opener. */
2820 enum MD_MARK_CLOSER                      = 0x08;  /* Definitely closer. */
2821 enum MD_MARK_RESOLVED                    = 0x10;  /* Resolved in any definite way. */
2823 /* Mark flags specific for various mark types (so they can share bits). */
2824 enum MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD              = 0x20;  /* Helper for the "rule of 3". */
2825 enum MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0                 = 0x40;
2826 enum MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1                 = 0x80;
2827 enum MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2                 = (0x40 | 0x80);
2828 enum MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK              = (0x40 | 0x80);
2829 enum MD_MARK_AUTOLINK                    = 0x20;  /* Distinguisher for '<', '>'. */
2830 enum MD_MARK_VALIDPERMISSIVEAUTOLINK     = 0x20;  /* For permissive autolinks. */
2832 MD_MARKCHAIN* md_asterisk_chain(MD_CTX* ctx, uint flags)
2833 {
2834     switch(flags & (MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD | MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK)) 
2835     {
2836         case MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD | MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0:  return ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_0;
2837         case MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD | MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1:  return ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_1;
2838         case MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD | MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2:  return ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_2;
2839         case MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0:                           return ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_0;
2840         case MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1:                           return ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_1;
2841         case MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2:                           return ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_2;
2842         default:                                            assert(false);
2843     }
2844 }
2846 MD_MARKCHAIN* md_mark_chain(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
2847 {
2848     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
2850     switch( {
2851         case '*':   return md_asterisk_chain(ctx, mark.flags);
2852         case '_':   return ctx.UNDERSCORE_OPENERS;
2853         case '~':   return ctx.TILDE_OPENERS;
2854         case '[':   return ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS;
2855         case '|':   return ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES;
2856         default:        return null;
2857     }
2858 }
2860 MD_MARK* md_push_mark(MD_CTX* ctx)
2861 {
2862     if(ctx.n_marks >= ctx.alloc_marks) {
2863         MD_MARK* new_marks;
2865         ctx.alloc_marks = (ctx.alloc_marks > 0 ? ctx.alloc_marks * 2 : 64);
2866         new_marks = cast(MD_MARK*) realloc_safe(ctx.marks, ctx.alloc_marks * MD_MARK.sizeof);
2867         if(new_marks == null) {
2868             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
2869             return null;
2870         }
2872         ctx.marks = new_marks;
2873     }
2875     return &ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks++];
2876 }
2878 int PUSH_MARK_(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARK** mark)
2879 {
2880     *mark = md_push_mark(ctx);
2881     if(*mark == null) 
2882     {
2883         return -1;
2884     }
2885     return 0;
2886 }
2888 int PUSH_MARK(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARK** mark, CHAR ch_, OFF beg_, OFF end_, int flags_)
2889 {
2890     int ret = PUSH_MARK_(ctx, mark);
2891     if (ret != 0)
2892         return ret;
2894     (*mark).beg = (beg_);
2895     (*mark).end = (end_);
2896     (*mark).prev = -1;
2897     (*mark).next = -1;
2898     (*mark).ch = cast(char)(ch_);
2899     (*mark).flags = cast(ubyte)flags_;
2900     return 0;
2901 }
2903 static void
2904 md_mark_chain_append(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARKCHAIN* chain, int mark_index)
2905 {
2906     if(chain.tail >= 0)
2907         ctx.marks[chain.tail].next = mark_index;
2908     else
2909         chain.head = mark_index;
2911     ctx.marks[mark_index].prev = chain.tail;
2912     chain.tail = mark_index;
2913 }
2915 /* Sometimes, we need to store a pointer into the mark. It is quite rare
2916  * so we do not bother to make MD_MARK use union, and it can only happen
2917  * for dummy marks. */
2918 void md_mark_store_ptr(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index, const(void)* ptr)
2919 {
2920     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
2921     assert( == 'D');
2923     /* Check only members beg and end are misused for this. */
2924     assert((void*).sizeof <= 2 * OFF.sizeof);
2925     memcpy(mark, &ptr, (void*).sizeof);
2926 }
2928 static void*
2929 md_mark_get_ptr(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
2930 {
2931     void* ptr;
2932     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
2933     assert( == 'D');
2934     memcpy(&ptr, mark, (void*).sizeof);
2935     return ptr;
2936 }
2938 static void
2939 md_resolve_range(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_MARKCHAIN* chain, int opener_index, int closer_index)
2940 {
2941     MD_MARK* opener = &ctx.marks[opener_index];
2942     MD_MARK* closer = &ctx.marks[closer_index];
2944     /* Remove opener from the list of openers. */
2945     if(chain != null) {
2946         if(opener.prev >= 0)
2947             ctx.marks[opener.prev].next =;
2948         else
2949             chain.head =;
2951         if( >= 0)
2952             ctx.marks[].prev = opener.prev;
2953         else
2954             chain.tail = opener.prev;
2955     }
2957     /* Interconnect opener and closer and mark both as resolved. */
2958 = closer_index;
2959     opener.flags |= MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
2960     closer.prev = opener_index;
2961     closer.flags |= MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
2962 }
2965 enum MD_ROLLBACK_ALL         = 0;
2966 enum MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING    = 1;
2968 /* In the range ctx.marks[opener_index] ... [closer_index], undo some or all
2969  * resolvings accordingly to these rules:
2970  *
2971  * (1) All openers BEFORE the range corresponding to any closer inside the
2972  *     range are un-resolved and they are re-added to their respective chains
2973  *     of unresolved openers. This ensures we can reuse the opener for closers
2974  *     AFTER the range.
2975  *
2976  * (2) If 'how' is MD_ROLLBACK_ALL, then ALL resolved marks inside the range
2977  *     are discarded.
2978  *
2979  * (3) If 'how' is MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING, only closers with openers handled
2980  *     in (1) are discarded. I.e. pairs of openers and closers which are both
2981  *     inside the range are retained as well as any unpaired marks.
2982  */
2983 static void
2984 md_rollback(MD_CTX* ctx, int opener_index, int closer_index, int how)
2985 {
2986     int i;
2987     int mark_index;
2989     /* Cut all unresolved openers at the mark index. */
2990     for(i = OPENERS_CHAIN_FIRST; i < OPENERS_CHAIN_LAST+1; i++) {
2991         MD_MARKCHAIN* chain = &ctx.mark_chains[i];
2993         while(chain.tail >= opener_index)
2994             chain.tail = ctx.marks[chain.tail].prev;
2996         if(chain.tail >= 0)
2997             ctx.marks[chain.tail].next = -1;
2998         else
2999             chain.head = -1;
3000     }
3002     /* Go backwards so that un-resolved openers are re-added into their
3003      * respective chains, in the right order. */
3004     mark_index = closer_index - 1;
3005     while(mark_index > opener_index) {
3006         MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
3007         int mark_flags = mark.flags;
3008         int discard_flag = (how == MD_ROLLBACK_ALL);
3010         if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_CLOSER) {
3011             int mark_opener_index = mark.prev;
3013             /* Undo opener BEFORE the range. */
3014             if(mark_opener_index < opener_index) {
3015                 MD_MARK* mark_opener = &ctx.marks[mark_opener_index];
3016                 MD_MARKCHAIN* chain;
3018                 mark_opener.flags &= ~(MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3019                 chain = md_mark_chain(ctx, opener_index);
3020                 if(chain != null) {
3021                     md_mark_chain_append(ctx, chain, mark_opener_index);
3022                     discard_flag = 1;
3023                 }
3024             }
3025         }
3027         /* And reset our flags. */
3028         if(discard_flag)
3029             mark.flags &= ~(MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3031         /* Jump as far as we can over unresolved or non-interesting marks. */
3032         switch(how) {
3033             case MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING:
3034                 if((mark_flags & MD_MARK_CLOSER)  &&  mark.prev > opener_index) {
3035                     /* If we are closer with opener INSIDE the range, there may
3036                      * not be any other crosser inside the subrange. */
3037                     mark_index = mark.prev;
3038                     break;
3039                 }
3040                 goto default;
3041                 /* Pass through. */
3042             default:
3043                 mark_index--;
3044                 break;
3045         }
3046     }
3047 }
3049 void md_build_mark_char_map(MD_CTX* ctx)
3050 {
3051     memset(ctx.mark_char_map.ptr, 0, ctx.mark_char_map.length);
3053     ctx.mark_char_map['\\'] = 1;
3054     ctx.mark_char_map['*'] = 1;
3055     ctx.mark_char_map['_'] = 1;
3056     ctx.mark_char_map['`'] = 1;
3057     ctx.mark_char_map['&'] = 1;
3058     ctx.mark_char_map[';'] = 1;
3059     ctx.mark_char_map['<'] = 1;
3060     ctx.mark_char_map['>'] = 1;
3061     ctx.mark_char_map['['] = 1;
3062     ctx.mark_char_map['!'] = 1;
3063     ctx.mark_char_map[']'] = 1;
3064     ctx.mark_char_map['\0'] = 1;
3066     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_STRIKETHROUGH)
3067         ctx.mark_char_map['~'] = 1;
3069     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_LATEXMATHSPANS)
3070         ctx.mark_char_map['$'] = 1;
3072     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEEMAILAUTOLINKS)
3073         ctx.mark_char_map['@'] = 1;
3075     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEURLAUTOLINKS)
3076         ctx.mark_char_map[':'] = 1;
3078     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEWWWAUTOLINKS)
3079         ctx.mark_char_map['.'] = 1;
3081     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_TABLES)
3082         ctx.mark_char_map['|'] = 1;
3084     if(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_COLLAPSEWHITESPACE) {
3085         int i;
3087         for(i = 0; i < cast(int) (ctx.mark_char_map).sizeof; i++) {
3088             if(ISWHITESPACE_(cast(CHAR)i))
3089                 ctx.mark_char_map[i] = 1;
3090         }
3091     }
3092 }
3094 /* We limit code span marks to lower then 32 backticks. This solves the
3095  * pathologic case of too many openers, each of different length: Their
3096  * resolving would be then O(n^2). */
3097 enum CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN    = 32;
3099 int md_is_code_span(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines, OFF beg,
3100                     OFF* p_opener_beg, OFF* p_opener_end,
3101                     OFF* p_closer_beg, OFF* p_closer_end,
3102                     OFF* last_potential_closers,
3103                     int* p_reached_paragraph_end)
3104 {
3105     OFF opener_beg = beg;
3106     OFF opener_end;
3107     OFF closer_beg;
3108     OFF closer_end;
3109     SZ mark_len;
3110     OFF line_end;
3111     int has_space_after_opener = FALSE;
3112     int has_eol_after_opener = FALSE;
3113     int has_space_before_closer = FALSE;
3114     int has_eol_before_closer = FALSE;
3115     int has_only_space = TRUE;
3116     int line_index = 0;
3118     line_end = lines[0].end;
3119     opener_end = opener_beg;
3120     while(opener_end < line_end  &&  ctx.CH(opener_end) == '`')
3121         opener_end++;
3122     has_space_after_opener = (opener_end < line_end && ctx.CH(opener_end) == ' ');
3123     has_eol_after_opener = (opener_end == line_end);
3125     /* The caller needs to know end of the opening mark even if we fail. */
3126     *p_opener_end = opener_end;
3128     mark_len = opener_end - opener_beg;
3129     if(mark_len > CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN)
3130         return FALSE;
3132     /* Check whether we already know there is no closer of this length.
3133      * If so, re-scan does no sense. This fixes issue #59. */
3134     if(last_potential_closers[mark_len-1] >= lines[n_lines-1].end  ||
3135        (*p_reached_paragraph_end  &&  last_potential_closers[mark_len-1] < opener_end))
3136         return FALSE;
3138     closer_beg = opener_end;
3139     closer_end = opener_end;
3141     /* Find closer mark. */
3142     while(TRUE) {
3143         while(closer_beg < line_end  &&  ctx.CH(closer_beg) != '`') {
3144             if(ctx.CH(closer_beg) != ' ')
3145                 has_only_space = FALSE;
3146             closer_beg++;
3147         }
3148         closer_end = closer_beg;
3149         while(closer_end < line_end  &&  ctx.CH(closer_end) == '`')
3150             closer_end++;
3152         if(closer_end - closer_beg == mark_len) {
3153             /* Success. */
3154             has_space_before_closer = (closer_beg > lines[line_index].beg && ctx.CH(closer_beg-1) == ' ');
3155             has_eol_before_closer = (closer_beg == lines[line_index].beg);
3156             break;
3157         }
3159         if(closer_end - closer_beg > 0) {
3160             /* We have found a back-tick which is not part of the closer. */
3161             has_only_space = FALSE;
3163             /* But if we eventually fail, remember it as a potential closer
3164              * of its own length for future attempts. This mitigates needs for
3165              * rescans. */
3166             if(closer_end - closer_beg < CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN) {
3167                 if(closer_beg > last_potential_closers[closer_end - closer_beg - 1])
3168                     last_potential_closers[closer_end - closer_beg - 1] = closer_beg;
3169             }
3170         }
3172         if(closer_end >= line_end) {
3173             line_index++;
3174             if(line_index >= n_lines) {
3175                 /* Reached end of the paragraph and still nothing. */
3176                 *p_reached_paragraph_end = TRUE;
3177                 return FALSE;
3178             }
3179             /* Try on the next line. */
3180             line_end = lines[line_index].end;
3181             closer_beg = lines[line_index].beg;
3182         } else {
3183             closer_beg = closer_end;
3184         }
3185     }
3187     /* If there is a space or a new line both after and before the opener
3188      * (and if the code span is not made of spaces only), consume one initial
3189      * and one trailing space as part of the marks. */
3190     if(!has_only_space  &&
3191        (has_space_after_opener || has_eol_after_opener)  &&
3192        (has_space_before_closer || has_eol_before_closer))
3193     {
3194         if(has_space_after_opener)
3195             opener_end++;
3196         else
3197             opener_end = lines[1].beg;
3199         if(has_space_before_closer)
3200             closer_beg--;
3201         else {
3202             closer_beg = lines[line_index-1].end;
3203             /* We need to eat the preceding "\r\n" but not any line trailing
3204              * spaces. */
3205             while(closer_beg < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISBLANK(closer_beg))
3206                 closer_beg++;
3207         }
3208     }
3210     *p_opener_beg = opener_beg;
3211     *p_opener_end = opener_end;
3212     *p_closer_beg = closer_beg;
3213     *p_closer_end = closer_end;
3214     return TRUE;
3215 }
3217 static int
3218 md_is_autolink_uri(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
3219 {
3220     OFF off = beg+1;
3222     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '<');
3224     /* Check for scheme. */
3225     if(off >= max_end  ||  !ctx.ISASCII(off))
3226         return FALSE;
3227     off++;
3228     while(1) {
3229         if(off >= max_end)
3230             return FALSE;
3231         if(off - beg > 32)
3232             return FALSE;
3233         if(ctx.CH(off) == ':'  &&  off - beg >= 3)
3234             break;
3235         if(!ctx.ISALNUM(off) && ctx.CH(off) != '+' && ctx.CH(off) != '-' && ctx.CH(off) != '.')
3236             return FALSE;
3237         off++;
3238     }
3240     /* Check the path after the scheme. */
3241     while(off < max_end  &&  ctx.CH(off) != '>') {
3242         if(ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off) || ctx.ISCNTRL(off) || ctx.CH(off) == '<')
3243             return FALSE;
3244         off++;
3245     }
3247     if(off >= max_end)
3248         return FALSE;
3250     assert(ctx.CH(off) == '>');
3251     *p_end = off+1;
3252     return TRUE;
3253 }
3255 static int
3256 md_is_autolink_email(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end)
3257 {
3258     OFF off = beg + 1;
3259     int label_len;
3261     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '<');
3263     /* The code should correspond to this regexp:
3264             /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+
3265             @[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?
3266             (?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/
3267      */
3269     /* Username (before '@'). */
3270     while(off < max_end  &&  (ctx.ISALNUM(off) || ctx.ISANYOF(off, ".!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-")))
3271         off++;
3272     if(off <= beg+1)
3273         return FALSE;
3275     /* '@' */
3276     if(off >= max_end  ||  ctx.CH(off) != '@')
3277         return FALSE;
3278     off++;
3280     /* Labels delimited with '.'; each label is sequence of 1 - 62 alnum
3281      * characters or '-', but '-' is not allowed as first or last char. */
3282     label_len = 0;
3283     while(off < max_end) {
3284         if(ctx.ISALNUM(off))
3285             label_len++;
3286         else if(ctx.CH(off) == '-'  &&  label_len > 0)
3287             label_len++;
3288         else if(ctx.CH(off) == '.'  &&  label_len > 0  &&  ctx.CH(off-1) != '-')
3289             label_len = 0;
3290         else
3291             break;
3293         if(label_len > 62)
3294             return FALSE;
3296         off++;
3297     }
3299     if(label_len <= 0  || off >= max_end  ||  ctx.CH(off) != '>' ||  ctx.CH(off-1) == '-')
3300         return FALSE;
3302     *p_end = off+1;
3303     return TRUE;
3304 }
3306 static int
3307 md_is_autolink(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF max_end, OFF* p_end, int* p_missing_mailto)
3308 {
3309     if(md_is_autolink_uri(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end)) {
3310         *p_missing_mailto = FALSE;
3311         return TRUE;
3312     }
3314     if(md_is_autolink_email(ctx, beg, max_end, p_end)) {
3315         *p_missing_mailto = TRUE;
3316         return TRUE;
3317     }
3319     return FALSE;
3320 }
3322 /* For 8-bit encodings, mark_char_map[] covers all 256 elements. */
3323 bool IS_MARK_CHAR(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF off)
3324 {
3325     return (ctx.mark_char_map[cast(ubyte) ctx.CH(off)]) != 0;
3326 }
3328 int md_collect_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_LINE)* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
3329 {
3330     int i;
3331     int ret = 0;
3332     MD_MARK* mark;
3333     OFF[CODESPAN_MARK_MAXLEN] codespan_last_potential_closers = 
3334     [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
3335       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
3337     int codespan_scanned_till_paragraph_end = FALSE;
3339     for(i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) 
3340     {
3341         const(MD_LINE)* line = &lines[i];
3342         OFF off = line.beg;
3343         OFF line_end = line.end;
3345         while(true) 
3346         {
3347             CHAR ch;
3349             /* Optimization: Use some loop unrolling. */
3350             while(off + 3 < line_end  &&  !IS_MARK_CHAR(ctx, off+0)  &&  !IS_MARK_CHAR(ctx, off+1)
3351                                       &&  !IS_MARK_CHAR(ctx, off+2)  &&  !IS_MARK_CHAR(ctx, off+3))
3352                 off += 4;
3353             while(off < line_end  &&  !IS_MARK_CHAR(ctx, off+0))
3354                 off++;
3356             if(off >= line_end)
3357                 break;
3359             ch = ctx.CH(off);
3361             /* A backslash escape.
3362              * It can go beyond line.end as it may involve escaped new
3363              * line to form a hard break. */
3364             if(ch == '\\'  &&  off+1 < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.ISPUNCT(off+1) || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
3365                 /* Hard-break cannot be on the last line of the block. */
3366                 if(!ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1)  ||  i+1 < n_lines)
3367                 {
3368                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, off+2, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3369                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3370                 }
3371                 off += 2;
3372                 continue;
3373             }
3375             /* A potential (string) emphasis start/end. */
3376             if(ch == '*'  ||  ch == '_') {
3377                 OFF tmp = off+1;
3378                 int left_level;     /* What precedes: 0 = whitespace; 1 = punctuation; 2 = other char. */
3379                 int right_level;    /* What follows: 0 = whitespace; 1 = punctuation; 2 = other char. */
3381                 while(tmp < line_end  &&  ctx.CH(tmp) == ch)
3382                     tmp++;
3384                 if(off == line.beg  ||  ctx.ISUNICODEWHITESPACEBEFORE(off))
3385                     left_level = 0;
3386                 else if(ctx.ISUNICODEPUNCTBEFORE(off))
3387                     left_level = 1;
3388                 else
3389                     left_level = 2;
3391                 if(tmp == line_end  ||  ctx.ISUNICODEWHITESPACE(tmp))
3392                     right_level = 0;
3393                 else if(ctx.ISUNICODEPUNCT(tmp))
3394                     right_level = 1;
3395                 else
3396                     right_level = 2;
3398                 /* Intra-word underscore doesn't have special meaning. */
3399                 if(ch == '_'  &&  left_level == 2  &&  right_level == 2) {
3400                     left_level = 0;
3401                     right_level = 0;
3402                 }
3404                 if(left_level != 0  ||  right_level != 0) {
3405                     uint flags = 0;
3407                     if(left_level > 0  &&  left_level >= right_level)
3408                         flags |= MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER;
3409                     if(right_level > 0  &&  right_level >= left_level)
3410                         flags |= MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER;
3411                     if(left_level == 2  &&  right_level == 2)
3412                         flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD;
3414                     /* For "the rule of three" we need to remember the original
3415                      * size of the mark (modulo three), before we potentially
3416                      * split the mark when being later resolved partially by some
3417                      * shorter closer. */
3418                     switch((tmp - off) % 3) 
3419                     {
3420                         case 0: flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_0; break;
3421                         case 1: flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1; break;
3422                         case 2: flags |= MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2; break;
3423                         default: break;
3424                     }
3426                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, tmp, flags);
3427                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3429                     /* During resolving, multiple asterisks may have to be
3430                      * split into independent span start/ends. Consider e.g.
3431                      * "**foo* bar*". Therefore we push also some empty dummy
3432                      * marks to have enough space for that. */
3433                     off++;
3434                     while(off < tmp) {
3435                         ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx,  &mark, 'D', off, off, 0);
3436                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3437                         off++;
3438                     }
3439                     continue;
3440                 }
3442                 off = tmp;
3443                 continue;
3444             }
3446             /* A potential code span start/end. */
3447             if(ch == '`') {
3448                 OFF opener_beg, opener_end;
3449                 OFF closer_beg, closer_end;
3450                 int is_code_span;
3452                 is_code_span = md_is_code_span(ctx, lines + i, n_lines - i, off,
3453                                     &opener_beg, &opener_end, &closer_beg, &closer_end,
3454                                     codespan_last_potential_closers.ptr,
3455                                     &codespan_scanned_till_paragraph_end);
3456                 if(is_code_span) {
3457                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, '`', opener_beg, opener_end, MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3458                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3459                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, '`', closer_beg, closer_end, MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3460                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3461                     ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-2].next = ctx.n_marks-1;
3462                     ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-1].prev = ctx.n_marks-2;
3464                     off = closer_end;
3466                     /* Advance the current line accordingly. */
3467                     while(off > line_end) {
3468                         i++;
3469                         line++;
3470                         line_end = line.end;
3471                     }
3472                     continue;
3473                 }
3475                 off = opener_end;
3476                 continue;
3477             }
3479             /* A potential entity start. */
3480             if(ch == '&') {
3481                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx,  &mark, ch, off, off+1, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER);
3482                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3483                 off++;
3484                 continue;
3485             }
3487             /* A potential entity end. */
3488             if(ch == ';') {
3489                 /* We surely cannot be entity unless the previous mark is '&'. */
3490                 if(ctx.n_marks > 0  &&  ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-1].ch == '&')
3491                 {
3492                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, off+1, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER);
3493                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3494                 }
3496                 off++;
3497                 continue;
3498             }
3500             /* A potential autolink or raw HTML start/end. */
3501             if(ch == '<') {
3502                 int is_autolink;
3503                 OFF autolink_end;
3504                 int missing_mailto;
3506                 if(!(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_NOHTMLSPANS)) {
3507                     int is_html;
3508                     OFF html_end;
3510                     /* Given the nature of the raw HTML, we have to recognize
3511                      * it here. Doing so later in md_analyze_lt_gt() could
3512                      * open can of worms of quadratic complexity. */
3513                     is_html = md_is_html_any(ctx, lines + i, n_lines - i, off,
3514                                     lines[n_lines-1].end, &html_end);
3515                     if(is_html) {
3516                         ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, '<', off, off, MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3517                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3518                         ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, '>', html_end, html_end, MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3519                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3520                         ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-2].next = ctx.n_marks-1;
3521                         ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-1].prev = ctx.n_marks-2;
3522                         off = html_end;
3524                         /* Advance the current line accordingly. */
3525                         while(off > line_end) {
3526                             i++;
3527                             line++;
3528                             line_end = line.end;
3529                         }
3530                         continue;
3531                     }
3532                 }
3534                 is_autolink = md_is_autolink(ctx, off, lines[n_lines-1].end,
3535                                     &autolink_end, &missing_mailto);
3536                 if(is_autolink) {
3537                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, (missing_mailto ? '@' : '<'), off, off+1,
3538                                     MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED | MD_MARK_AUTOLINK);
3539                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3540                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, '>', autolink_end-1, autolink_end,
3541                                     MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED | MD_MARK_AUTOLINK);
3542                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3543                     ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-2].next = ctx.n_marks-1;
3544                     ctx.marks[ctx.n_marks-1].prev = ctx.n_marks-2;
3545                     off = autolink_end;
3546                     continue;
3547                 }
3549                 off++;
3550                 continue;
3551             }
3553             /* A potential link or its part. */
3554             if(ch == '['  ||  (ch == '!' && off+1 < line_end && ctx.CH(off+1) == '[')) {
3555                 OFF tmp = (ch == '[' ? off+1 : off+2);
3556                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, tmp, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER);
3557                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3558                 off = tmp;
3559                 /* Two dummies to make enough place for data we need if it is
3560                  * a link. */
3561                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, 'D', off, off, 0);
3562                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3563                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, 'D', off, off, 0);
3564                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3565                 continue;
3566             }
3567             if(ch == ']') {
3568                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, off+1, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER);
3569                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3570                 off++;
3571                 continue;
3572             }
3574             /* A potential permissive e-mail autolink. */
3575             if(ch == '@') {
3576                 if(line.beg + 1 <= off  &&  ctx.ISALNUM(off-1)  &&
3577                     off + 3 < line.end  &&  ctx.ISALNUM(off+1))
3578                 {
3579                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, off+1, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER);
3580                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3581                     /* Push a dummy as a reserve for a closer. */
3582                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, 'D', off, off, 0);
3583                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3584                 }
3586                 off++;
3587                 continue;
3588             }
3590             /* A potential permissive URL autolink. */
3591             if(ch == ':') 
3592             {
3593                 static struct Scheme
3594                 {
3595                     const(CHAR)* scheme;
3596                     SZ scheme_size;
3597                     const(CHAR)* suffix;
3598                     SZ suffix_size;
3599                 }
3601                 static immutable Scheme[] scheme_map =
3602                 [
3603                     Scheme("http", 4,    "//", 2),
3604                     Scheme("https", 5,    "//", 2),
3605                     Scheme("ftp", 3,    "//", 2)
3606                 ];
3608                 int scheme_index;
3610                 for(scheme_index = 0; scheme_index < cast(int) (scheme_map.length); scheme_index++) {
3611                     const(CHAR)* scheme = scheme_map[scheme_index].scheme;
3612                     const SZ scheme_size = scheme_map[scheme_index].scheme_size;
3613                     const(CHAR)* suffix = scheme_map[scheme_index].suffix;
3614                     const SZ suffix_size = scheme_map[scheme_index].suffix_size;
3616                     if(line.beg + scheme_size <= off  &&  md_ascii_eq(ctx.STR(off-scheme_size), scheme, scheme_size)  &&
3617                         (line.beg + scheme_size == off || ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off-scheme_size-1) || ctx.ISANYOF(off-scheme_size-1, "*_~(["))  &&
3618                         off + 1 + suffix_size < line.end  &&  md_ascii_eq(ctx.STR(off+1), suffix, suffix_size))
3619                     {
3620                         ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off-scheme_size, off+1+suffix_size, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER);
3621                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3622                         /* Push a dummy as a reserve for a closer. */
3623                         ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, 'D', off, off, 0);
3624                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3625                         off += 1 + suffix_size;
3626                         continue;
3627                     }
3628                 }
3630                 off++;
3631                 continue;
3632             }
3634             /* A potential permissive WWW autolink. */
3635             if(ch == '.') {
3636                 if(line.beg + 3 <= off  &&  md_ascii_eq(ctx.STR(off-3), "www", 3)  &&
3637                     (line.beg + 3 == off || ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off-4) || ctx.ISANYOF(off-4, "*_~(["))  &&
3638                     off + 1 < line_end)
3639                 {
3640                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off-3, off+1, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER);
3641                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3642                     /* Push a dummy as a reserve for a closer. */
3643                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, 'D', off, off, 0);
3644                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3645                     off++;
3646                     continue;
3647                 }
3649                 off++;
3650                 continue;
3651             }
3653             /* A potential table cell boundary. */
3654             if(table_mode  &&  ch == '|') {
3655                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, off+1, 0);
3656                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3657                 off++;
3658                 continue;
3659             }
3661             /* A potential strikethrough start/end. */
3662             if(ch == '~') {
3663                 OFF tmp = off+1;
3665                 while(tmp < line_end  &&  ctx.CH(tmp) == '~')
3666                     tmp++;
3668                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, tmp, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER | MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER);
3669                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3670                 off = tmp;
3671                 continue;
3672             }
3674             /* A potential equation start/end */
3675             if(ch == '$') {
3676                 /* We can have at most two consecutive $ signs,
3677                  * where two dollar signs signify a display equation. */
3678                 OFF tmp = off+1;
3680                 while(tmp < line_end && ctx.CH(tmp) == '$')
3681                     tmp++;
3683                 if (tmp - off <= 2)
3684                 {
3685                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, tmp, MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER | MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER);
3686                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3687                 }
3688                 off = tmp;
3689                 continue;
3690             }
3692             /* Turn non-trivial whitespace into single space. */
3693             if(ISWHITESPACE_(ch)) {
3694                 OFF tmp = off+1;
3696                 while(tmp < line_end  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(tmp))
3697                     tmp++;
3699                 if(tmp - off > 1  ||  ch != ' ')
3700                 {
3701                     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, tmp, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3702                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3703                 }
3705                 off = tmp;
3706                 continue;
3707             }
3709             /* null character. */
3710             if(ch == '\0') {
3711                 ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, ch, off, off+1, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3712                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3713                 off++;
3714                 continue;
3715             }
3717             off++;
3718         }
3719     }
3721     /* Add a dummy mark at the end of the mark vector to simplify
3722      * process_inlines(). */
3723     ret = PUSH_MARK(ctx, &mark, 127, ctx.size, ctx.size, MD_MARK_RESOLVED);
3724     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
3726 abort:
3727     return ret;
3728 }
3730 static void
3731 md_analyze_bracket(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
3732 {
3733     /* We cannot really resolve links here as for that we would need
3734      * more context. E.g. a following pair of brackets (reference link),
3735      * or enclosing pair of brackets (if the inner is the link, the outer
3736      * one cannot be.)
3737      *
3738      * Therefore we here only construct a list of resolved '[' ']' pairs
3739      * ordered by position of the closer. This allows ur to analyze what is
3740      * or is not link in the right order, from inside to outside in case
3741      * of nested brackets.
3742      *
3743      * The resolving itself is deferred into md_resolve_links().
3744      */
3746     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
3748     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER) {
3749         md_mark_chain_append(ctx, ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS, mark_index);
3750         return;
3751     }
3753     if(ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS.tail >= 0) {
3754         /* Pop the opener from the chain. */
3755         int opener_index = ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS.tail;
3756         MD_MARK* opener = &ctx.marks[opener_index];
3757         if(opener.prev >= 0)
3758             ctx.marks[opener.prev].next = -1;
3759         else
3760             ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS.head = -1;
3761         ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS.tail = opener.prev;
3763         /* Interconnect the opener and closer. */
3764 = mark_index;
3765         mark.prev = opener_index;
3767         /* Add the pair into chain of potential links for md_resolve_links().
3768          * Note we misuse opener.prev for this as points to its
3769          * closer. */
3770         if(ctx.unresolved_link_tail >= 0)
3771             ctx.marks[ctx.unresolved_link_tail].prev = opener_index;
3772         else
3773             ctx.unresolved_link_head = opener_index;
3774         ctx.unresolved_link_tail = opener_index;
3775         opener.prev = -1;
3776     }
3777 }
3779 /* Forward declaration. */
3780 static void md_analyze_link_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines,
3781                                      int mark_beg, int mark_end);
3783 static int
3784 md_resolve_links(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines)
3785 {
3786     int opener_index = ctx.unresolved_link_head;
3787     OFF last_link_beg = 0;
3788     OFF last_link_end = 0;
3789     OFF last_img_beg = 0;
3790     OFF last_img_end = 0;
3792     while(opener_index >= 0) {
3793         MD_MARK* opener = &ctx.marks[opener_index];
3794         int closer_index =;
3795         MD_MARK* closer = &ctx.marks[closer_index];
3796         int next_index = opener.prev;
3797         MD_MARK* next_opener;
3798         MD_MARK* next_closer;
3799         MD_LINK_ATTR attr;
3800         int is_link = FALSE;
3802         if(next_index >= 0) {
3803             next_opener = &ctx.marks[next_index];
3804             next_closer = &ctx.marks[];
3805         } else {
3806             next_opener = null;
3807             next_closer = null;
3808         }
3810         /* If nested ("[ [ ] ]"), we need to make sure that:
3811          *   - The outer does not end inside of (...) belonging to the inner.
3812          *   - The outer cannot be link if the inner is link (i.e. not image).
3813          *
3814          * (Note we here analyze from inner to outer as the marks are ordered
3815          * by closer.beg.)
3816          */
3817         if((opener.beg < last_link_beg  &&  closer.end < last_link_end)  ||
3818            (opener.beg < last_img_beg  &&  closer.end < last_img_end)  ||
3819            (opener.beg < last_link_end  && == '['))
3820         {
3821             opener_index = next_index;
3822             continue;
3823         }
3825         if(next_opener != null  &&  next_opener.beg == closer.end) {
3826             if(next_closer.beg > closer.end + 1) {
3827                 /* Might be full reference link. */
3828                 is_link = md_is_link_reference(ctx, lines, n_lines, next_opener.beg, next_closer.end, &attr);
3829             } else {
3830                 /* Might be shortcut reference link. */
3831                 is_link = md_is_link_reference(ctx, lines, n_lines, opener.beg, closer.end, &attr);
3832             }
3834             if(is_link < 0)
3835                 return -1;
3837             if(is_link) {
3838                 /* Eat the 2nd "[...]". */
3839                 closer.end = next_closer.end;
3840             }
3841         } else {
3842             if(closer.end < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(closer.end) == '(') {
3843                 /* Might be inline link. */
3844                 OFF inline_link_end = uint.max;
3846                 is_link = md_is_inline_link_spec(ctx, lines, n_lines, closer.end, &inline_link_end, &attr);
3847                 if(is_link < 0)
3848                     return -1;
3850                 /* Check the closing ')' is not inside an already resolved range
3851                  * (i.e. a range with a higher priority), e.g. a code span. */
3852                 if(is_link) {
3853                     int i = closer_index + 1;
3855                     while(i < ctx.n_marks) {
3856                         MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[i];
3858                         if(mark.beg >= inline_link_end)
3859                             break;
3860                         if((mark.flags & (MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED)) == (MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED)) {
3861                             if(ctx.marks[].beg >= inline_link_end) {
3862                                 /* Cancel the link status. */
3863                                 if(attr.title_needs_free)
3864                                     free(cast(void*)(attr.title));
3865                                 is_link = FALSE;
3866                                 break;
3867                             }
3869                             i = + 1;
3870                         } else {
3871                             i++;
3872                         }
3873                     }
3874                 }
3876                 if(is_link) {
3877                     /* Eat the "(...)" */
3878                     closer.end = inline_link_end;
3879                 }
3880             }
3882             if(!is_link) {
3883                 /* Might be collapsed reference link. */
3884                 is_link = md_is_link_reference(ctx, lines, n_lines, opener.beg, closer.end, &attr);
3885                 if(is_link < 0)
3886                     return -1;
3887             }
3888         }
3890         if(is_link) {
3891             /* Resolve the brackets as a link. */
3892             opener.flags |= MD_MARK_OPENER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
3893             closer.flags |= MD_MARK_CLOSER | MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
3895             /* If it is a link, we store the destination and title in the two
3896              * dummy marks after the opener. */
3897             assert(ctx.marks[opener_index+1].ch == 'D');
3898             ctx.marks[opener_index+1].beg = attr.dest_beg;
3899             ctx.marks[opener_index+1].end = attr.dest_end;
3901             assert(ctx.marks[opener_index+2].ch == 'D');
3902             md_mark_store_ptr(ctx, opener_index+2, attr.title);
3903             if(attr.title_needs_free)
3904                 md_mark_chain_append(ctx, ctx.PTR_CHAIN, opener_index+2);
3905             ctx.marks[opener_index+2].prev = attr.title_size;
3907             if( == '[') {
3908                 last_link_beg = opener.beg;
3909                 last_link_end = closer.end;
3910             } else {
3911                 last_img_beg = opener.beg;
3912                 last_img_end = closer.end;
3913             }
3915             md_analyze_link_contents(ctx, lines, n_lines, opener_index+1, closer_index);
3916         }
3918         opener_index = next_index;
3919     }
3921     return 0;
3922 }
3924 /* Analyze whether the mark '&' starts a HTML entity.
3925  * If so, update its flags as well as flags of corresponding closer ';'. */
3926 static void
3927 md_analyze_entity(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
3928 {
3929     MD_MARK* opener = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
3930     MD_MARK* closer;
3931     OFF off;
3933     /* Cannot be entity if there is no closer as the next mark.
3934      * (Any other mark between would mean strange character which cannot be
3935      * part of the entity.
3936      *
3937      * So we can do all the work on '&' and do not call this later for the
3938      * closing mark ';'.
3939      */
3940     if(mark_index + 1 >= ctx.n_marks)
3941         return;
3942     closer = &ctx.marks[mark_index+1];
3943     if( != ';')
3944         return;
3946     if(md_is_entity(ctx, opener.beg, closer.end, &off)) {
3947         assert(off == closer.end);
3949         md_resolve_range(ctx, null, mark_index, mark_index+1);
3950         opener.end = closer.end;
3951     }
3952 }
3954 static void
3955 md_analyze_table_cell_boundary(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
3956 {
3957     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
3958     mark.flags |= MD_MARK_RESOLVED;
3960     md_mark_chain_append(ctx, ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES, mark_index);
3961     ctx.n_table_cell_boundaries++;
3962 }
3964 /* Split a longer mark into two. The new mark takes the given count of
3965  * characters. May only be called if an adequate number of dummy 'D' marks
3966  * follows.
3967  */
3968 static int
3969 md_split_emph_mark(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index, SZ n)
3970 {
3971     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
3972     int new_mark_index = mark_index + (mark.end - mark.beg - n);
3973     MD_MARK* dummy = &ctx.marks[new_mark_index];
3975     assert(mark.end - mark.beg > n);
3976     assert( == 'D');
3978     memcpy(dummy, mark, MD_MARK.sizeof);
3979     mark.end -= n;
3980     dummy.beg = mark.end;
3982     return new_mark_index;
3983 }
3985 static void
3986 md_analyze_emph(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
3987 {
3988     MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
3989     MD_MARKCHAIN* chain = md_mark_chain(ctx, mark_index);
3991     /* If we can be a closer, try to resolve with the preceding opener. */
3992     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_CLOSER) {
3993         MD_MARK* opener = null;
3994         int opener_index;
3996         if( == '*') {
3997             MD_MARKCHAIN*[6] opener_chains;
3998             int i, n_opener_chains;
3999             uint flags = mark.flags;
4001             /* Apply "rule of three". (This is why we break asterisk opener
4002              * marks into multiple chains.) */
4003             n_opener_chains = 0;
4004             opener_chains[n_opener_chains++] = ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_0;
4005             if((flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2)
4006                 opener_chains[n_opener_chains++] = ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_1;
4007             if((flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1)
4008                 opener_chains[n_opener_chains++] = ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_2;
4009             opener_chains[n_opener_chains++] = ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_0;
4010             if(!(flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD)  ||  (flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_2)
4011                 opener_chains[n_opener_chains++] = ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_1;
4012             if(!(flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_INTRAWORD)  ||  (flags & MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_MASK) != MD_MARK_EMPH_MOD3_1)
4013                 opener_chains[n_opener_chains++] = ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_2;
4015             /* Opener is the most recent mark from the allowed chains. */
4016             for(i = 0; i < n_opener_chains; i++) {
4017                 if(opener_chains[i].tail >= 0) {
4018                     int tmp_index = opener_chains[i].tail;
4019                     MD_MARK* tmp_mark = &ctx.marks[tmp_index];
4020                     if(opener == null  ||  tmp_mark.end > opener.end) {
4021                         opener_index = tmp_index;
4022                         opener = tmp_mark;
4023                     }
4024                 }
4025             }
4026         } else {
4027             /* Simple emph. mark */
4028             if(chain.tail >= 0) {
4029                 opener_index = chain.tail;
4030                 opener = &ctx.marks[opener_index];
4031             }
4032         }
4034         /* Resolve, if we have found matching opener. */
4035         if(opener != null) {
4036             SZ opener_size = opener.end - opener.beg;
4037             SZ closer_size = mark.end - mark.beg;
4039             if(opener_size > closer_size) {
4040                 opener_index = md_split_emph_mark(ctx, opener_index, closer_size);
4041                 md_mark_chain_append(ctx, md_mark_chain(ctx, opener_index), opener_index);
4042             } else if(opener_size < closer_size) {
4043                 md_split_emph_mark(ctx, mark_index, closer_size - opener_size);
4044             }
4046             md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, mark_index, MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING);
4047             md_resolve_range(ctx, chain, opener_index, mark_index);
4048             return;
4049         }
4050     }
4052     /* If we could not resolve as closer, we may be yet be an opener. */
4053     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_POTENTIAL_OPENER)
4054         md_mark_chain_append(ctx, chain, mark_index);
4055 }
4057 static void
4058 md_analyze_tilde(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
4059 {
4060     /* We attempt to be Github Flavored Markdown compatible here. GFM says
4061      * that length of the tilde sequence is not important at all. Note that
4062      * implies the ctx.TILDE_OPENERS chain can have at most one item. */
4064     if(ctx.TILDE_OPENERS.head >= 0) {
4065         /* The chain already contains an opener, so we may resolve the span. */
4066         int opener_index = ctx.TILDE_OPENERS.head;
4068         md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, mark_index, MD_ROLLBACK_CROSSING);
4069         md_resolve_range(ctx, ctx.TILDE_OPENERS, opener_index, mark_index);
4070     } else {
4071         /* We can only be opener. */
4072         md_mark_chain_append(ctx, ctx.TILDE_OPENERS, mark_index);
4073     }
4074 }
4076 static void
4077 md_analyze_dollar(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
4078 {
4079     /* This should mimic the way inline equations work in LaTeX, so there
4080      * can only ever be one item in the chain (i.e. the dollars can't be
4081      * nested). This is basically the same as the md_analyze_tilde function,
4082      * except that we require matching openers and closers to be of the same
4083      * length.
4084      *
4085      * E.g.: $abc$$def$$ => abc (display equation) def (end equation) */
4086     if(ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS.head >= 0) {
4087         /* If the potential closer has a non-matching number of $, discard */
4088         MD_MARK* open = &ctx.marks[ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS.head];
4089         MD_MARK* close = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
4091         int opener_index = ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS.head;
4092         md_rollback(ctx, opener_index, mark_index, MD_ROLLBACK_ALL);
4093         if (open.end - open.beg == close.end - close.beg) {
4094             /* We are the matching closer */
4095             md_resolve_range(ctx, ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS, opener_index, mark_index);
4096         } else {
4097             /* We don't match the opener, so discard old opener and insert as opener */
4098             md_mark_chain_append(ctx, ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS, mark_index);
4099         }
4100     } else {
4101         /* No unmatched openers, so we are opener */
4102         md_mark_chain_append(ctx, ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS, mark_index);
4103     }
4104 }
4106 static void
4107 md_analyze_permissive_url_autolink(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
4108 {
4109     MD_MARK* opener = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
4110     int closer_index = mark_index + 1;
4111     MD_MARK* closer = &ctx.marks[closer_index];
4112     MD_MARK* next_resolved_mark;
4113     OFF off = opener.end;
4114     int n_dots = FALSE;
4115     int has_underscore_in_last_seg = FALSE;
4116     int has_underscore_in_next_to_last_seg = FALSE;
4117     int n_opened_parenthesis = 0;
4119     /* Check for domain. */
4120     while(off < ctx.size) {
4121         if(ctx.ISALNUM(off) || ctx.CH(off) == '-') {
4122             off++;
4123         } else if(ctx.CH(off) == '.') {
4124             /* We must see at least one period. */
4125             n_dots++;
4126             has_underscore_in_next_to_last_seg = has_underscore_in_last_seg;
4127             has_underscore_in_last_seg = FALSE;
4128             off++;
4129         } else if(ctx.CH(off) == '_') {
4130             /* No underscore may be present in the last two domain segments. */
4131             has_underscore_in_last_seg = TRUE;
4132             off++;
4133         } else {
4134             break;
4135         }
4136     }
4137     if(off > opener.end  &&  ctx.CH(off-1) == '.') {
4138         off--;
4139         n_dots--;
4140     }
4141     if(off <= opener.end || n_dots == 0 || has_underscore_in_next_to_last_seg || has_underscore_in_last_seg)
4142         return;
4144     /* Check for path. */
4145     next_resolved_mark = closer + 1;
4146     while( == 'D' || !(next_resolved_mark.flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED))
4147         next_resolved_mark++;
4148     while(off < next_resolved_mark.beg  &&  ctx.CH(off) != '<'  &&  !ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off)  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
4149         /* Parenthesis must be balanced. */
4150         if(ctx.CH(off) == '(') {
4151             n_opened_parenthesis++;
4152         } else if(ctx.CH(off) == ')') {
4153             if(n_opened_parenthesis > 0)
4154                 n_opened_parenthesis--;
4155             else
4156                 break;
4157         }
4159         off++;
4160     }
4161     /* These cannot be last char In such case they are more likely normal
4162      * punctuation. */
4163     if(ctx.ISANYOF(off-1, "?!.,:*_~"))
4164         off--;
4166     /* Ok. Lets call it auto-link. Adapt opener and create closer to zero
4167      * length so all the contents becomes the link text. */
4168     assert( == 'D');
4169     opener.end = opener.beg;
4170 =;
4171     closer.beg = off;
4172     closer.end = off;
4173     md_resolve_range(ctx, null, mark_index, closer_index);
4174 }
4176 /* The permissive autolinks do not have to be enclosed in '<' '>' but we
4177  * instead impose stricter rules what is understood as an e-mail address
4178  * here. Actually any non-alphanumeric characters with exception of '.'
4179  * are prohibited both in username and after '@'. */
4180 static void
4181 md_analyze_permissive_email_autolink(MD_CTX* ctx, int mark_index)
4182 {
4183     MD_MARK* opener = &ctx.marks[mark_index];
4184     int closer_index;
4185     MD_MARK* closer;
4186     OFF beg = opener.beg;
4187     OFF end = opener.end;
4188     int dot_count = 0;
4190     assert(ctx.CH(beg) == '@');
4192     /* Scan for name before '@'. */
4193     while(beg > 0  &&  (ctx.ISALNUM(beg-1) || ctx.ISANYOF(beg-1, ".-_+")))
4194         beg--;
4196     /* Scan for domain after '@'. */
4197     while(end < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.ISALNUM(end) || ctx.ISANYOF(end, ".-_"))) {
4198         if(ctx.CH(end) == '.')
4199             dot_count++;
4200         end++;
4201     }
4202     if(ctx.CH(end-1) == '.') {  /* Final '.' not part of it. */
4203         dot_count--;
4204         end--;
4205     }
4206     else if(ctx.ISANYOF2(end-1, '-', '_')) /* These are forbidden at the end. */
4207         return;
4208     if(ctx.CH(end-1) == '@'  ||  dot_count == 0)
4209         return;
4211     /* Ok. Lets call it auto-link. Adapt opener and create closer to zero
4212      * length so all the contents becomes the link text. */
4213     closer_index = mark_index + 1;
4214     closer = &ctx.marks[closer_index];
4215     assert( == 'D');
4217     opener.beg = beg;
4218     opener.end = beg;
4219 =;
4220     closer.beg = end;
4221     closer.end = end;
4222     md_resolve_range(ctx, null, mark_index, closer_index);
4223 }
4225 static void
4226 md_analyze_marks(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines,
4227                  int mark_beg, int mark_end, const(CHAR)* mark_chars)
4228 {
4229     int i = mark_beg;
4231     while(i < mark_end) {
4232         MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[i];
4234         /* Skip resolved spans. */
4235         if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED) {
4236             if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
4237                 assert(i <;
4238                 i = + 1;
4239             } else {
4240                 i++;
4241             }
4242             continue;
4243         }
4245         /* Skip marks we do not want to deal with. */
4246         if(!ISANYOF_(, mark_chars)) {
4247             i++;
4248             continue;
4249         }
4251         /* Analyze the mark. */
4252         switch( {
4253             case '[':   /* Pass through. */
4254             case '!':   /* Pass through. */
4255             case ']':   md_analyze_bracket(ctx, i); break;
4256             case '&':   md_analyze_entity(ctx, i); break;
4257             case '|':   md_analyze_table_cell_boundary(ctx, i); break;
4258             case '_':   /* Pass through. */
4259             case '*':   md_analyze_emph(ctx, i); break;
4260             case '~':   md_analyze_tilde(ctx, i); break;
4261             case '$':   md_analyze_dollar(ctx, i); break;
4262             case '.':   /* Pass through. */
4263             case ':':   md_analyze_permissive_url_autolink(ctx, i); break;
4264             case '@':   md_analyze_permissive_email_autolink(ctx, i); break;
4265             default:    break;
4266         }
4268         i++;
4269     }
4270 }
4272 /* Analyze marks (build ctx.marks). */
4273 static int
4274 md_analyze_inlines(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines, int table_mode)
4275 {
4276     int ret;
4278     /* Reset the previously collected stack of marks. */
4279     ctx.n_marks = 0;
4281     /* Collect all marks. */
4282     ret = (md_collect_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, table_mode));
4283     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4285     /* We analyze marks in few groups to handle their precedence. */
4286     /* (1) Entities; code spans; autolinks; raw HTML. */
4287     md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx.n_marks, "&");
4289     if(table_mode) {
4290         /* (2) Analyze table cell boundaries.
4291          * Note we reset ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES chain prior to the call md_analyze_marks(),
4292          * not after, because caller may need it. */
4293         assert(n_lines == 1);
4294         ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES.head = -1;
4295         ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES.tail = -1;
4296         ctx.n_table_cell_boundaries = 0;
4297         md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx.n_marks, "|");
4298         return ret;
4299     }
4301     /* (3) Links. */
4302     md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx.n_marks, "[]!");
4303     ret = (md_resolve_links(ctx, lines, n_lines));
4304     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4305     ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS.head = -1;
4306     ctx.BRACKET_OPENERS.tail = -1;
4307     ctx.unresolved_link_head = -1;
4308     ctx.unresolved_link_tail = -1;
4310     /* (4) Emphasis and strong emphasis; permissive autolinks. */
4311     md_analyze_link_contents(ctx, lines, n_lines, 0, ctx.n_marks);
4313 abort:
4314     return ret;
4315 }
4317 static void
4318 md_analyze_link_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines,
4319                          int mark_beg, int mark_end)
4320 {
4321     md_analyze_marks(ctx, lines, n_lines, mark_beg, mark_end, "*_~$@:.");
4322     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_0.head = -1;
4323     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_0.tail = -1;
4324     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_1.head = -1;
4325     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_1.tail = -1;
4326     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_2.head = -1;
4327     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_extraword_mod3_2.tail = -1;
4328     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_0.head = -1;
4329     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_0.tail = -1;
4330     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_1.head = -1;
4331     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_1.tail = -1;
4332     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_2.head = -1;
4333     ctx.ASTERISK_OPENERS_intraword_mod3_2.tail = -1;
4334     ctx.UNDERSCORE_OPENERS.head = -1;
4335     ctx.UNDERSCORE_OPENERS.tail = -1;
4336     ctx.TILDE_OPENERS.head = -1;
4337     ctx.TILDE_OPENERS.tail = -1;
4338     ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS.head = -1;
4339     ctx.DOLLAR_OPENERS.tail = -1;
4340 }
4342 static int
4343 md_enter_leave_span_a(MD_CTX* ctx, int enter, MD_SPANTYPE type,
4344                       const(CHAR)* dest, SZ dest_size, int prohibit_escapes_in_dest,
4345                       const(CHAR)* title, SZ title_size)
4346 {
4347     MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD href_build = MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD.init;
4348     MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD title_build = MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD.init;
4349     MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL det;
4350     int ret = 0;
4352     /* Note we here rely on fact that MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL and
4353      * MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL are binary-compatible. */
4354     memset(&det, 0, MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL.sizeof);
4355     ret = (md_build_attribute(ctx, dest, dest_size,
4356                     (prohibit_escapes_in_dest ? MD_BUILD_ATTR_NO_ESCAPES : 0),
4357                     &det.href, &href_build));
4358     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4359     ret = (md_build_attribute(ctx, title, title_size, 0, &det.title, &title_build));
4360     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4362     if(enter)
4363     {
4364         ret = MD_ENTER_SPAN(ctx, type, &det);
4365         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4366     }
4367     else
4368     {
4369         ret = MD_LEAVE_SPAN(ctx, type, &det);
4370         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4371     }
4373 abort:
4374     md_free_attribute(ctx, &href_build);
4375     md_free_attribute(ctx, &title_build);
4376     return ret;
4377 }
4379 /* Render the output, accordingly to the analyzed ctx.marks. */
4380 static int
4381 md_process_inlines(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines)
4382 {
4383     MD_TEXTTYPE text_type;
4384     const(MD_LINE)* line = lines;
4385     MD_MARK* prev_mark = null;
4386     MD_MARK* mark;
4387     OFF off = lines[0].beg;
4388     OFF end = lines[n_lines-1].end;
4389     int enforce_hardbreak = 0;
4390     int ret = 0;
4392     /* Find first resolved mark. Note there is always at least one resolved
4393      * mark,  the dummy last one after the end of the latest line we actually
4394      * never really reach. This saves us of a lot of special checks and cases
4395      * in this function. */
4396     mark = ctx.marks;
4397     while(!(mark.flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED))
4398         mark++;
4400     text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
4402     while(1) {
4403         /* Process the text up to the next mark or end-of-line. */
4404         OFF tmp = (line.end < mark.beg ? line.end : mark.beg);
4405         if(tmp > off) {
4406             ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, ctx.STR(off), tmp - off);
4407             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4408             off = tmp;
4409         }
4411         /* If reached the mark, process it and move to next one. */
4412         if(off >= mark.beg) {
4413             switch( {
4414                 case '\\':      /* Backslash escape. */
4415                     if(ctx.ISNEWLINE(mark.beg+1))
4416                         enforce_hardbreak = 1;
4417                     else
4418                     {
4419                         ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, ctx.STR(mark.beg+1), 1);
4420                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4421                     }
4422                     break;
4424                 case ' ':       /* Non-trivial space. */
4425                     ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, " ", 1);
4426                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4427                     break;
4429                 case '`':       /* Code span. */
4430                     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
4431                         ret = MD_ENTER_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_CODE, null);
4432                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4433                         text_type = MD_TEXT_CODE;
4434                     } else {
4435                         ret = MD_LEAVE_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_CODE, null);
4436                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4437                         text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
4438                     }
4439                     break;
4441                 case '_':
4442                 case '*':       /* Emphasis, strong emphasis. */
4443                     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
4444                         if((mark.end - off) % 2) {
4445                             ret = MD_ENTER_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_EM, null);
4446                             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4447                             off++;
4448                         }
4449                         while(off + 1 < mark.end) {
4450                             ret = MD_ENTER_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_STRONG, null);
4451                             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4452                             off += 2;
4453                         }
4454                     } else {
4455                         while(off + 1 < mark.end) {
4456                             ret = MD_LEAVE_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_STRONG, null);
4457                             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4458                             off += 2;
4459                         }
4460                         if((mark.end - off) % 2) {
4461                             ret = MD_LEAVE_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_EM, null);
4462                             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4463                             off++;
4464                         }
4465                     }
4466                     break;
4468                 case '~':
4469                     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
4470                     {
4471                         ret = MD_ENTER_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_DEL, null);
4472                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4473                     }
4474                     else
4475                     {
4476                         ret = MD_LEAVE_SPAN(ctx, MD_SPAN_DEL, null);
4477                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4478                     }
4479                     break;
4481                 case '$':
4482                     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) {
4483                         ret = MD_ENTER_SPAN(ctx, (mark.end - off) % 2 ? MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH : MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH_DISPLAY, null);
4484                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4485                         text_type = MD_TEXT_LATEXMATH;
4486                     } else {
4487                         ret = MD_LEAVE_SPAN(ctx, (mark.end - off) % 2 ? MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH : MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH_DISPLAY, null);
4488                         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4489                         text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
4490                     }
4491                     break;
4493                 case '[':       /* Link, image. */
4494                 case '!':
4495                 case ']':
4496                 {
4497                     const MD_MARK* opener = ( != ']' ? mark : &ctx.marks[mark.prev]);
4498                     const MD_MARK* dest_mark = opener+1;
4499                     const MD_MARK* title_mark = opener+2;
4501                     assert( == 'D');
4502                     assert( == 'D');
4504                     ret = (md_enter_leave_span_a(ctx, ( != ']') ? 1 : 0,
4505                                 ( == '!' ? MD_SPAN_IMG : MD_SPAN_A),
4506                                 ctx.STR(dest_mark.beg), dest_mark.end - dest_mark.beg, FALSE,
4507                                 cast(char*) md_mark_get_ptr(ctx, cast(int)(title_mark - ctx.marks)), title_mark.prev));
4508                     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4510                     /* link/image closer may span multiple lines. */
4511                     if( == ']') {
4512                         while(mark.end > line.end)
4513                             line++;
4514                     }
4516                     break;
4517                 }
4519                 case '<':
4520                 case '>':       /* Autolink or raw HTML. */
4521                     if(!(mark.flags & MD_MARK_AUTOLINK)) {
4522                         /* Raw HTML. */
4523                         if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
4524                             text_type = MD_TEXT_HTML;
4525                         else
4526                             text_type = MD_TEXT_NORMAL;
4527                         break;
4528                     }
4529                     /* Pass through, if auto-link. */
4530                     goto case '.';
4532                 case '@':       /* Permissive e-mail autolink. */
4533                 case ':':       /* Permissive URL autolink. */
4534                 case '.':       /* Permissive WWW autolink. */
4535                 {
4536                     MD_MARK* opener = ((mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER) ? mark : &ctx.marks[mark.prev]);
4537                     MD_MARK* closer = &ctx.marks[];
4538                     const(CHAR)* dest = ctx.STR(opener.end);
4539                     SZ dest_size = closer.beg - opener.end;
4541                     /* For permissive auto-links we do not know closer mark
4542                      * position at the time of md_collect_marks(), therefore
4543                      * it can be out-of-order in ctx.marks[].
4544                      *
4545                      * With this flag, we make sure that we output the closer
4546                      * only if we processed the opener. */
4547                     if(mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER)
4548                         closer.flags |= MD_MARK_VALIDPERMISSIVEAUTOLINK;
4550                     if( == '@' || == '.') {
4551                         dest_size += 7;
4552                         ret = MD_TEMP_BUFFER(ctx, dest_size * CHAR.sizeof);
4553                         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4554                         memcpy(ctx.buffer,
4555                                 ( == '@' ? "mailto:" : "http://").ptr,
4556                                 7 * CHAR.sizeof);
4557                         memcpy(ctx.buffer + 7, dest, (dest_size-7) * CHAR.sizeof);
4558                         dest = ctx.buffer;
4559                     }
4561                     if(closer.flags & MD_MARK_VALIDPERMISSIVEAUTOLINK)
4562                     {
4563                         ret = (md_enter_leave_span_a(ctx, (mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER),
4564                                     MD_SPAN_A, dest, dest_size, TRUE, null, 0));
4565                         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4566                     }
4567                     break;
4568                 }
4570                 case '&':       /* Entity. */
4571                     ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, MD_TEXT_ENTITY, ctx.STR(mark.beg), mark.end - mark.beg);
4572                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4573                     break;
4575                 case '\0':
4576                     ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR, "", 1);
4577                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4578                     break;
4580                 case 127:
4581                     goto abort;
4583                 default:
4584                     break;
4585             }
4587             off = mark.end;
4589             /* Move to next resolved mark. */
4590             prev_mark = mark;
4591             mark++;
4592             while(!(mark.flags & MD_MARK_RESOLVED)  ||  mark.beg < off)
4593                 mark++;
4594         }
4596         /* If reached end of line, move to next one. */
4597         if(off >= line.end) {
4598             /* If it is the last line, we are done. */
4599             if(off >= end)
4600                 break;
4602             if(text_type == MD_TEXT_CODE || text_type == MD_TEXT_LATEXMATH) {
4603                 OFF tmp2;
4605                 assert(prev_mark != null);
4606                 assert(ISANYOF2_(, '`', '$')  &&  (prev_mark.flags & MD_MARK_OPENER));
4607                 assert(ISANYOF2_(, '`', '$')  &&  (mark.flags & MD_MARK_CLOSER));
4609                 /* Inside a code span, trailing line whitespace has to be
4610                  * outputted. */
4611                 tmp2 = off;
4612                 while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISBLANK(off))
4613                     off++;
4614                 if(off > tmp2)
4615                 {
4616                     ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, ctx.STR(tmp2), off-tmp2);
4617                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4618                 }
4620                 /* and new lines are transformed into single spaces. */
4621                 if(prev_mark.end < off  &&  off < mark.beg)
4622                 {
4623                     ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, " ", 1);
4624                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4625                 }
4626             } else if(text_type == MD_TEXT_HTML) {
4627                 /* Inside raw HTML, we output the new line verbatim, including
4628                  * any trailing spaces. */
4629                 OFF tmp2 = off;
4631                 while(tmp2 < end  &&  ctx.ISBLANK(tmp2))
4632                     tmp2++;
4633                 if(tmp2 > off)
4634                 {
4635                     ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, MD_TEXT_HTML, ctx.STR(off), tmp2 - off);
4636                     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4637                 }
4638                 ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, MD_TEXT_HTML, "\n", 1);
4639                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4640             } else {
4641                 /* Output soft or hard line break. */
4642                 MD_TEXTTYPE break_type = MD_TEXT_SOFTBR;
4644                 if(text_type == MD_TEXT_NORMAL) {
4645                     if(enforce_hardbreak)
4646                         break_type = MD_TEXT_BR;
4647                     else if((ctx.CH(line.end) == ' ' && ctx.CH(line.end+1) == ' '))
4648                         break_type = MD_TEXT_BR;
4649                 }
4651                 ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, break_type, "\n", 1);
4652                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4653             }
4655             /* Move to the next line. */
4656             line++;
4657             off = line.beg;
4659             enforce_hardbreak = 0;
4660         }
4661     }
4663 abort:
4664     return ret;
4665 }
4668 /***************************
4669  ***  Processing Tables  ***
4670  ***************************/
4672 void md_analyze_table_alignment(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF end, MD_ALIGN* align_, int n_align)
4673 {
4674     static immutable MD_ALIGN[] align_map = 
4675     [ 
4676         MD_ALIGN_DEFAULT, 
4677         MD_ALIGN_LEFT, 
4678         MD_ALIGN_RIGHT, 
4679         MD_ALIGN_CENTER 
4680     ];
4681     OFF off = beg;
4683     while(n_align > 0) {
4684         int index = 0;  /* index into align_map[] */
4686         while(ctx.CH(off) != '-')
4687             off++;
4688         if(off > beg  &&  ctx.CH(off-1) == ':')
4689             index |= 1;
4690         while(off < end  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '-')
4691             off++;
4692         if(off < end  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ':')
4693             index |= 2;
4695         *align_ = align_map[index];
4696         align_++;
4697         n_align--;
4698     }
4700 }
4702 int md_process_table_cell(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE cell_type, MD_ALIGN align_, OFF beg, OFF end)
4703 {
4704     MD_LINE line;
4705     MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL det;
4706     int ret = 0;
4708     while(beg < end  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(beg))
4709         beg++;
4710     while(end > beg  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(end-1))
4711         end--;
4713     det.align_ = align_;
4714     line.beg = beg;
4715     line.end = end;
4717     ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, cell_type, &det);
4718     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4719     ret = (md_process_normal_block_contents(ctx, &line, 1));
4720     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4721     ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, cell_type, &det);
4722     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4724 abort:
4725     return ret;
4726 }
4728 int md_process_table_row(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE cell_type, OFF beg, OFF end,
4729                          const MD_ALIGN* align_, int col_count)
4730 {
4731     MD_LINE line;
4732     OFF* pipe_offs = null;
4733     int i, j, n;
4734     int ret = 0;
4736     line.beg = beg;
4737     line.end = end;
4739     /* Break the line into table cells by identifying pipe characters who
4740      * form the cell boundary. */
4741     ret = (md_analyze_inlines(ctx, &line, 1, TRUE));
4742     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4744     /* We have to remember the cell boundaries in local buffer because
4745      * ctx.marks[] shall be reused during cell contents processing. */
4746     n = ctx.n_table_cell_boundaries;
4747     pipe_offs = cast(OFF*) malloc(n * OFF.sizeof);
4748     if(pipe_offs == null) {
4749         ctx.MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
4750         ret = -1;
4751         goto abort;
4752     }
4753     for(i = ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES.head, j = 0; i >= 0; i = ctx.marks[i].next) {
4754         MD_MARK* mark = &ctx.marks[i];
4755         pipe_offs[j++] = mark.beg;
4756     }
4758     /* Process cells. */
4759     ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TR, null);
4760     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4762     j = 0;
4763     if(beg < pipe_offs[0]  &&  j < col_count)
4764     {
4765         ret = (md_process_table_cell(ctx, cell_type, align_[j++], beg, pipe_offs[0]));
4766         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4767     }
4768     for(i = 0; i < n-1  &&  j < col_count; i++)
4769     {
4770         ret = (md_process_table_cell(ctx, cell_type, align_[j++], pipe_offs[i]+1, pipe_offs[i+1]));
4771         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4772     }
4773     if(pipe_offs[n-1] < end-1  &&  j < col_count)
4774     {
4775         ret = (md_process_table_cell(ctx, cell_type, align_[j++], pipe_offs[n-1]+1, end));
4776         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4777     }
4778     /* Make sure we call enough table cells even if the current table contains
4779      * too few of them. */
4780     while(j < col_count)
4781     {
4782         ret = (md_process_table_cell(ctx, cell_type, align_[j++], 0, 0));
4783         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4784     }
4786     ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TR, null);
4787     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4789 abort:
4790     free(pipe_offs);
4792     /* Free any temporary memory blocks stored within some dummy marks. */
4793     for(i = ctx.PTR_CHAIN.head; i >= 0; i = ctx.marks[i].next)
4794         free(md_mark_get_ptr(ctx, i));
4795     ctx.PTR_CHAIN.head = -1;
4796     ctx.PTR_CHAIN.tail = -1;
4798     return ret;
4799 }
4801 int md_process_table_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, int col_count, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines)
4802 {
4803     MD_ALIGN* align_;
4804     int i;
4805     int ret = 0;
4807     /* At least two lines have to be present: The column headers and the line
4808      * with the underlines. */
4809     assert(n_lines >= 2);
4811     align_ = cast(MD_ALIGN*) malloc(col_count * MD_ALIGN.sizeof);
4812     if(align_ == null) {
4813         ctx.MD_LOG("malloc() failed.");
4814         ret = -1;
4815         goto abort;
4816     }
4818     md_analyze_table_alignment(ctx, lines[1].beg, lines[1].end, align_, col_count);
4820     ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_THEAD, null);
4821     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4822     ret = (md_process_table_row(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TH,
4823                         lines[0].beg, lines[0].end, align_, col_count));
4824     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4825     ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_THEAD, null);
4826     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4828     ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TBODY, null);
4829     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4830     for(i = 2; i < n_lines; i++) {
4831         ret = (md_process_table_row(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TD,
4832                         lines[i].beg, lines[i].end, align_, col_count));
4833         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4834     }
4835     ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_TBODY, null);
4836     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4838 abort:
4839     free(align_);
4840     return ret;
4841 }
4843 int md_is_table_row(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
4844 {
4845     MD_LINE line;
4846     int i;
4847     int ret = FALSE;
4849     line.beg = beg;
4850     line.end = beg;
4852     /* Find end of line. */
4853     while(line.end < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(line.end))
4854         line.end++;
4856     ret = (md_analyze_inlines(ctx, &line, 1, TRUE));
4857     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4859     if(ctx.TABLECELLBOUNDARIES.head >= 0) {
4860         if(p_end != null)
4861             *p_end = line.end;
4862         ret = TRUE;
4863     }
4865 abort:
4866     /* Free any temporary memory blocks stored within some dummy marks. */
4867     for(i = ctx.PTR_CHAIN.head; i >= 0; i = ctx.marks[i].next)
4868         free(md_mark_get_ptr(ctx, i));
4869     ctx.PTR_CHAIN.head = -1;
4870     ctx.PTR_CHAIN.tail = -1;
4872     return ret;
4873 }
4876 /**************************
4877  ***  Processing Block  ***
4878  **************************/
4880 enum MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER   = 0x01;
4881 enum MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER   = 0x02;
4883 enum MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST         = 0x04;
4884 enum MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER      = 0x08;
4886 struct MD_BLOCK 
4887 {
4888 nothrow:
4889 @nogc:
4890     ubyte type_;
4891     ubyte flags_;
4892     ushort data_;
4894     MD_BLOCKTYPE type() const { return type_; }
4895     void type(MD_BLOCKTYPE value) { type_ = cast(ubyte)value; }
4897     uint flags() const { return flags_; }
4898     void flags(uint value) { flags_ = cast(ubyte)value; }
4900     /* MD_BLOCK_H:      Header level (1 - 6)
4901      * MD_BLOCK_CODE:   Non-zero if fenced, zero if indented.
4902      * MD_BLOCK_LI:     Task mark character (0 if not task list item, 'x', 'X' or ' ').
4903      * MD_BLOCK_TABLE:  Column count (as determined by the table underline).
4904      */
4905     uint data() const { return data_; }
4906     void data(uint value) { data_ = cast(ubyte)value; }
4908     /* Leaf blocks:     Count of lines (MD_LINE or MD_VERBATIMLINE) on the block.
4909      * MD_BLOCK_LI:     Task mark offset in the input doc.
4910      * MD_BLOCK_OL:     Start item number.
4911      */
4912     uint n_lines;
4913 }
4915 static assert(MD_BLOCK.sizeof == 8);
4917 struct MD_CONTAINER 
4918 {
4919 nothrow:
4920 @nogc:
4922     CHAR ch;
4924     ubyte is_loose_;
4925     ubyte is_task_;
4927     uint is_loose() { return is_loose_; }
4928     void is_loose(uint value) { is_loose_ = cast(ubyte)value; }
4930     uint is_task() { return is_task_; }
4931     void is_task(uint value) { is_task_ = cast(ubyte)value; }
4933     uint start;
4934     uint mark_indent;
4935     uint contents_indent;
4936     OFF block_byte_off;
4937     OFF task_mark_off;
4938 }
4941 int md_process_normal_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE* lines, int n_lines)
4942 {
4943     int i;
4944     int ret;
4946     ret = (md_analyze_inlines(ctx, lines, n_lines, FALSE));
4947     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4948     ret = (md_process_inlines(ctx, lines, n_lines));
4949     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
4951 abort:
4952     /* Free any temporary memory blocks stored within some dummy marks. */
4953     for(i = ctx.PTR_CHAIN.head; i >= 0; i = ctx.marks[i].next)
4954         free(md_mark_get_ptr(ctx, i));
4955     ctx.PTR_CHAIN.head = -1;
4956     ctx.PTR_CHAIN.tail = -1;
4958     return ret;
4959 }
4961 int md_process_verbatim_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_TEXTTYPE text_type, const MD_VERBATIMLINE* lines, int n_lines)
4962 {
4963     static immutable string indent_chunk_str = "                ";
4965     int i;
4966     int ret = 0;
4968     for(i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
4969         const MD_VERBATIMLINE* line = &lines[i];
4970         int indent = line.indent;
4972         assert(indent >= 0);
4974         /* Output code indentation. */
4975         while(indent > cast(int)(indent_chunk_str.length)) {
4976             ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, indent_chunk_str.ptr, cast(SZ)(indent_chunk_str.length));
4977             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4978             indent -= indent_chunk_str.length;
4979         }
4980         if(indent > 0)
4981         {
4982             ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, indent_chunk_str.ptr, indent);
4983             if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4984         }
4986         /* Output the code line itself. */
4987         ret = MD_TEXT_INSECURE(ctx, text_type, ctx.STR(line.beg), line.end - line.beg);
4988         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4990         /* Enforce end-of-line. */
4991         ret = MD_TEXT(ctx, text_type, "\n", 1);
4992         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
4993     }
4995 abort:
4996     return ret;
4997 }
4999 static int
5000 md_process_code_block_contents(MD_CTX* ctx, int is_fenced, const(MD_VERBATIMLINE)* lines, int n_lines)
5001 {
5002     if(is_fenced) {
5003         /* Skip the first line in case of fenced code: It is the fence.
5004          * (Only the starting fence is present due to logic in md_analyze_line().) */
5005         lines++;
5006         n_lines--;
5007     } else {
5008         /* Ignore blank lines at start/end of indented code block. */
5009         while(n_lines > 0  &&  lines[0].beg == lines[0].end) {
5010             lines++;
5011             n_lines--;
5012         }
5013         while(n_lines > 0  &&  lines[n_lines-1].beg == lines[n_lines-1].end) {
5014             n_lines--;
5015         }
5016     }
5018     if(n_lines == 0)
5019         return 0;
5021     return md_process_verbatim_block_contents(ctx, MD_TEXT_CODE, lines, n_lines);
5022 }
5024 int md_setup_fenced_code_detail(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_BLOCK)* block, MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL* det,
5025                                 MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* info_build, MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD* lang_build)
5026 {
5027     const(MD_VERBATIMLINE)* fence_line = cast(const(MD_VERBATIMLINE)*)(block + 1);
5028     OFF beg = fence_line.beg;
5029     OFF end = fence_line.end;
5030     OFF lang_end;
5031     CHAR fence_ch = ctx.CH(fence_line.beg);
5032     int ret = 0;
5034     /* Skip the fence itself. */
5035     while(beg < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(beg) == fence_ch)
5036         beg++;
5037     /* Trim initial spaces. */
5038     while(beg < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(beg) == ' ')
5039         beg++;
5041     /* Trim trailing spaces. */
5042     while(end > beg  &&  ctx.CH(end-1) == ' ')
5043         end--;
5045     /* Build info string attribute. */
5046     ret = (md_build_attribute(ctx, ctx.STR(beg), end - beg, 0, &, info_build));
5047     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5049     /* Build info string attribute. */
5050     lang_end = beg;
5051     while(lang_end < end  &&  !ctx.ISWHITESPACE(lang_end))
5052         lang_end++;
5053     ret = (md_build_attribute(ctx, ctx.STR(beg), lang_end - beg, 0, &det.lang, lang_build));
5054     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5056     det.fence_char = fence_ch;
5058 abort:
5059     return ret;
5060 }
5062 static int
5063 md_process_leaf_block(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_BLOCK* block)
5064 {
5065     static union HeaderOrCode 
5066     {
5067         MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL header;
5068         MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL code;
5069     } 
5070     HeaderOrCode det;
5071     MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD info_build;
5072     MD_ATTRIBUTE_BUILD lang_build;
5073     int is_in_tight_list;
5074     int clean_fence_code_detail = FALSE;
5075     int ret = 0;
5077     memset(&det, 0, det.sizeof);
5079     if(ctx.n_containers == 0)
5080         is_in_tight_list = FALSE;
5081     else
5082         is_in_tight_list = !ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers-1].is_loose;
5084     switch(block.type) 
5085     {
5086         case MD_BLOCK_H:
5087             det.header.level =;
5088             break;
5090         case MD_BLOCK_CODE:
5091             /* For fenced code block, we may need to set the info string. */
5092             if( != 0) {
5093                 memset(&det.code, 0, MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL.sizeof);
5094                 clean_fence_code_detail = TRUE;
5095                 ret = (md_setup_fenced_code_detail(ctx, block, &det.code, &info_build, &lang_build));
5096                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5097             }
5098             break;
5100         default:
5101             /* Noop. */
5102             break;
5103     }
5105     if(!is_in_tight_list  ||  block.type != MD_BLOCK_P)
5106     {
5107         ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, block.type, cast(void*) &det);
5108         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
5109     }
5111     /* Process the block contents accordingly to is type. */
5112     switch(block.type) {
5113         case MD_BLOCK_HR:
5114             /* noop */
5115             break;
5117         case MD_BLOCK_CODE:
5118             ret = (md_process_code_block_contents(ctx, ( != 0),
5119                             cast(const(MD_VERBATIMLINE)*)(block + 1), block.n_lines));
5120             if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5121             break;
5123         case MD_BLOCK_HTML:
5124             ret = (md_process_verbatim_block_contents(ctx, MD_TEXT_HTML,
5125                             cast(const(MD_VERBATIMLINE)*)(block + 1), block.n_lines));
5126             if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5127             break;
5129         case MD_BLOCK_TABLE:
5130             ret = (md_process_table_block_contents(ctx,,
5131                             cast(const(MD_LINE)*)(block + 1), block.n_lines));
5132             if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5133             break;
5135         default:
5136             ret = (md_process_normal_block_contents(ctx,
5137                             cast(const(MD_LINE)*)(block + 1), block.n_lines));
5138             if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5139             break;
5140     }
5142     if(!is_in_tight_list  ||  block.type != MD_BLOCK_P)
5143     {
5144         ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, block.type, cast(void*) &det);
5145         if (ret != 0) goto abort;
5146     }
5148 abort:
5149     if(clean_fence_code_detail) {
5150         md_free_attribute(ctx, &info_build);
5151         md_free_attribute(ctx, &lang_build);
5152     }
5153     return ret;
5154 }
5156 int md_process_all_blocks(MD_CTX* ctx)
5157 {
5158     int byte_off = 0;
5159     int ret = 0;
5161     /* ctx.containers now is not needed for detection of lists and list items
5162      * so we reuse it for tracking what lists are loose or tight. We rely
5163      * on the fact the vector is large enough to hold the deepest nesting
5164      * level of lists. */
5165     ctx.n_containers = 0;
5167     while(byte_off < ctx.n_block_bytes) {
5168         MD_BLOCK* block = cast(MD_BLOCK*)(cast(char*)ctx.block_bytes + byte_off);
5169         static union Det 
5170         {
5171             MD_BLOCK_UL_DETAIL ul;
5172             MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL ol;
5173             MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL li;
5174         } 
5176         Det det;
5178         switch(block.type) {
5179             case MD_BLOCK_UL:
5180                 det.ul.is_tight = (block.flags & MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST) ? FALSE : TRUE;
5181                 det.ul.mark = cast(CHAR);
5182                 break;
5184             case MD_BLOCK_OL:
5185                 det.ol.start = block.n_lines;
5186                 det.ol.is_tight =  (block.flags & MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST) ? FALSE : TRUE;
5187                 det.ol.mark_delimiter = cast(CHAR);
5188                 break;
5190             case MD_BLOCK_LI:
5191        = ( != 0);
5192        = cast(CHAR);
5193        = cast(OFF) block.n_lines;
5194                 break;
5196             default:
5197                 /* noop */
5198                 break;
5199         }
5201         if(block.flags & MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER) {
5202             if(block.flags & MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER) {
5203                 ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, block.type, &det);
5204                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
5206                 if(block.type == MD_BLOCK_UL || block.type == MD_BLOCK_OL || block.type == MD_BLOCK_QUOTE)
5207                     ctx.n_containers--;
5208             }
5210             if(block.flags & MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER) {
5211                 ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, block.type, &det);
5212                 if (ret != 0) goto abort;
5214                 if(block.type == MD_BLOCK_UL || block.type == MD_BLOCK_OL) {
5215                     ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers].is_loose = (block.flags & MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST);
5216                     ctx.n_containers++;
5217                 } else if(block.type == MD_BLOCK_QUOTE) {
5218                     /* This causes that any text in a block quote, even if
5219                      * nested inside a tight list item, is wrapped with
5220                      * <p>...</p>. */
5221                     ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers].is_loose = TRUE;
5222                     ctx.n_containers++;
5223                 }
5224             }
5225         } else {
5226             ret = (md_process_leaf_block(ctx, block));
5227             if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5229             if(block.type == MD_BLOCK_CODE || block.type == MD_BLOCK_HTML)
5230                 byte_off += block.n_lines * MD_VERBATIMLINE.sizeof;
5231             else
5232                 byte_off += block.n_lines * MD_LINE.sizeof;
5233         }
5235         byte_off += MD_BLOCK.sizeof;
5236     }
5238     ctx.n_block_bytes = 0;
5240 abort:
5241     return ret;
5242 }
5245 /************************************
5246  ***  Grouping Lines into Blocks  ***
5247  ************************************/
5249 static void*
5250 md_push_block_bytes(MD_CTX* ctx, int n_bytes)
5251 {
5252     void* ptr;
5254     if(ctx.n_block_bytes + n_bytes > ctx.alloc_block_bytes) {
5255         void* new_block_bytes;
5257         ctx.alloc_block_bytes = (ctx.alloc_block_bytes > 0 ? ctx.alloc_block_bytes * 2 : 512);
5258         new_block_bytes = realloc_safe(ctx.block_bytes, ctx.alloc_block_bytes);
5259         if(new_block_bytes == null) {
5260             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
5261             return null;
5262         }
5264         /* Fix the .current_block after the reallocation. */
5265         if(ctx.current_block != null) {
5266             OFF off_current_block = cast(uint)( cast(char*) ctx.current_block - cast(char*) ctx.block_bytes );
5267             ctx.current_block = cast(MD_BLOCK*) (cast(char*) new_block_bytes + off_current_block);
5268         }
5270         ctx.block_bytes = new_block_bytes;
5271     }
5273     ptr = cast(char*)ctx.block_bytes + ctx.n_block_bytes;
5274     ctx.n_block_bytes += n_bytes;
5275     return ptr;
5276 }
5278 static int
5279 md_start_new_block(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line)
5280 {
5281     MD_BLOCK* block;
5283     assert(ctx.current_block == null);
5285     block = cast(MD_BLOCK*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK.sizeof);
5286     if(block == null)
5287         return -1;
5289     switch(line.type) {
5290         case MD_LINE_HR:
5291             block.type = MD_BLOCK_HR;
5292             break;
5294         case MD_LINE_ATXHEADER:
5295         case MD_LINE_SETEXTHEADER:
5296             block.type = MD_BLOCK_H;
5297             break;
5299         case MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE:
5300         case MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE:
5301             block.type = MD_BLOCK_CODE;
5302             break;
5304         case MD_LINE_TEXT:
5305             block.type = MD_BLOCK_P;
5306             break;
5308         case MD_LINE_HTML:
5309             block.type = MD_BLOCK_HTML;
5310             break;
5312         case MD_LINE_BLANK:
5313         case MD_LINE_SETEXTUNDERLINE:
5314         case MD_LINE_TABLEUNDERLINE:
5315         default:
5316             assert(false);
5317     }
5319     block.flags = 0;
5320 =;
5321     block.n_lines = 0;
5323     ctx.current_block = block;
5324     return 0;
5325 }
5327 /* Eat from start of current (textual) block any reference definitions and
5328  * remember them so we can resolve any links referring to them.
5329  *
5330  * (Reference definitions can only be at start of it as they cannot break
5331  * a paragraph.)
5332  */
5333 int md_consume_link_reference_definitions(MD_CTX* ctx)
5334 {
5335     MD_LINE* lines = cast(MD_LINE*) (ctx.current_block + 1);
5336     int n_lines = ctx.current_block.n_lines;
5337     int n = 0;
5339     /* Compute how many lines at the start of the block form one or more
5340      * reference definitions. */
5341     while(n < n_lines) {
5342         int n_link_ref_lines;
5344         n_link_ref_lines = md_is_link_reference_definition(ctx,
5345                                     lines + n, n_lines - n);
5346         /* Not a reference definition? */
5347         if(n_link_ref_lines == 0)
5348             break;
5350         /* We fail if it is the ref. def. but it could not be stored due
5351          * a memory allocation error. */
5352         if(n_link_ref_lines < 0)
5353             return -1;
5355         n += n_link_ref_lines;
5356     }
5358     /* If there was at least one reference definition, we need to remove
5359      * its lines from the block, or perhaps even the whole block. */
5360     if(n > 0) {
5361         if(n == n_lines) {
5362             /* Remove complete block. */
5363             ctx.n_block_bytes -= n * MD_LINE.sizeof;
5364             ctx.n_block_bytes -= MD_BLOCK.sizeof;
5365             ctx.current_block = null;
5366         } else {
5367             /* Remove just some initial lines from the block. */
5368             memmove(lines, lines + n, (n_lines - n) * MD_LINE.sizeof);
5369             ctx.current_block.n_lines -= n;
5370             ctx.n_block_bytes -= n * MD_LINE.sizeof;
5371         }
5372     }
5374     return 0;
5375 }
5377 static int
5378 md_end_current_block(MD_CTX* ctx)
5379 {
5380     int ret = 0;
5382     if(ctx.current_block == null)
5383         return ret;
5385     /* Check whether there is a reference definition. (We do this here instead
5386      * of in md_analyze_line() because reference definition can take multiple
5387      * lines.) */
5388     if(ctx.current_block.type == MD_BLOCK_P  ||
5389        (ctx.current_block.type == MD_BLOCK_H  &&  (ctx.current_block.flags & MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER)))
5390     {
5391         MD_LINE* lines = cast(MD_LINE*) (ctx.current_block + 1);
5392         if(ctx.CH(lines[0].beg) == '[') {
5393             ret = (md_consume_link_reference_definitions(ctx));
5394             if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5395             if(ctx.current_block == null)
5396                 return ret;
5397         }
5398     }
5400     if(ctx.current_block.type == MD_BLOCK_H  &&  (ctx.current_block.flags & MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER)) {
5401         int n_lines = ctx.current_block.n_lines;
5403         if(n_lines > 1) {
5404             /* Get rid of the underline. */
5405             ctx.current_block.n_lines--;
5406             ctx.n_block_bytes -= MD_LINE.sizeof;
5407         } else {
5408             /* Only the underline has left after eating the ref. defs.
5409              * Keep the line as beginning of a new ordinary paragraph. */
5410             ctx.current_block.type = MD_BLOCK_P;
5411             return 0;
5412         }
5413     }
5415     /* Mark we are not building any block anymore. */
5416     ctx.current_block = null;
5418 abort:
5419     return ret;
5420 }
5422 static int
5423 md_add_line_into_current_block(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* analysis)
5424 {
5425     assert(ctx.current_block != null);
5427     if(ctx.current_block.type == MD_BLOCK_CODE || ctx.current_block.type == MD_BLOCK_HTML) {
5428         MD_VERBATIMLINE* line;
5430         line = cast(MD_VERBATIMLINE*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, MD_VERBATIMLINE.sizeof);
5431         if(line == null)
5432             return -1;
5434         line.indent = analysis.indent;
5435         line.beg = analysis.beg;
5436         line.end = analysis.end;
5437     } else {
5438         MD_LINE* line;
5440         line = cast(MD_LINE*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, MD_LINE.sizeof);
5441         if(line == null)
5442             return -1;
5444         line.beg = analysis.beg;
5445         line.end = analysis.end;
5446     }
5447     ctx.current_block.n_lines++;
5449     return 0;
5450 }
5452 static int
5453 md_push_container_bytes(MD_CTX* ctx, MD_BLOCKTYPE type, uint start,
5454                         uint data, uint flags)
5455 {
5456     MD_BLOCK* block;
5457     int ret = 0;
5459     ret = (md_end_current_block(ctx));
5460     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5462     block = cast(MD_BLOCK*) md_push_block_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK.sizeof);
5463     if(block == null)
5464         return -1;
5466     block.type = type;
5467     block.flags = flags;
5468 = data;
5469     block.n_lines = start;
5471 abort:
5472     return ret;
5473 }
5477 /***********************
5478  ***  Line Analysis  ***
5479  ***********************/
5481 static int
5482 md_is_hr_line(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, OFF* p_killer)
5483 {
5484     OFF off = beg + 1;
5485     int n = 1;
5487     while(off < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.CH(off) == ctx.CH(beg) || ctx.CH(off) == ' ' || ctx.CH(off) == '\t')) {
5488         if(ctx.CH(off) == ctx.CH(beg))
5489             n++;
5490         off++;
5491     }
5493     if(n < 3) {
5494         *p_killer = off;
5495         return FALSE;
5496     }
5498     /* Nothing else can be present on the line. */
5499     if(off < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
5500         *p_killer = off;
5501         return FALSE;
5502     }
5504     *p_end = off;
5505     return TRUE;
5506 }
5508 static int
5509 md_is_atxheader_line(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_beg, OFF* p_end, uint* p_level)
5510 {
5511     int n;
5512     OFF off = beg + 1;
5514     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '#'  &&  off - beg < 7)
5515         off++;
5516     n = off - beg;
5518     if(n > 6)
5519         return FALSE;
5520     *p_level = n;
5522     if(!(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEATXHEADERS)  &&  off < ctx.size  &&
5523        ctx.CH(off) != ' '  &&  ctx.CH(off) != '\t'  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))
5524         return FALSE;
5526     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ' ')
5527         off++;
5528     *p_beg = off;
5529     *p_end = off;
5530     return TRUE;
5531 }
5533 static int
5534 md_is_setext_underline(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, uint* p_level)
5535 {
5536     OFF off = beg + 1;
5538     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ctx.CH(beg))
5539         off++;
5541     /* Optionally, space(s) can follow. */
5542     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ' ')
5543         off++;
5545     /* But nothing more is allowed on the line. */
5546     if(off < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))
5547         return FALSE;
5549     *p_level = (ctx.CH(beg) == '=' ? 1 : 2);
5550     *p_end = off;
5551     return TRUE;
5552 }
5554 int md_is_table_underline(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, uint* p_col_count)
5555 {
5556     OFF off = beg;
5557     int found_pipe = FALSE;
5558     uint col_count = 0;
5560     if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '|') {
5561         found_pipe = TRUE;
5562         off++;
5563         while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
5564             off++;
5565     }
5567     while(1) {
5568         OFF cell_beg;
5569         int delimited = FALSE;
5571         /* Cell underline ("-----", ":----", "----:" or ":----:") */
5572         cell_beg = off;
5573         if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ':')
5574             off++;
5575         while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '-')
5576             off++;
5577         if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ':')
5578             off++;
5579         if(off - cell_beg < 3)
5580             return FALSE;
5582         col_count++;
5584         /* Pipe delimiter (optional at the end of line). */
5585         while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
5586             off++;
5587         if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '|') {
5588             delimited = TRUE;
5589             found_pipe =  TRUE;
5590             off++;
5591             while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
5592                 off++;
5593         }
5595         /* Success, if we reach end of line. */
5596         if(off >= ctx.size  ||  ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))
5597             break;
5599         if(!delimited)
5600             return FALSE;
5601     }
5603     if(!found_pipe)
5604         return FALSE;
5606     *p_end = off;
5607     *p_col_count = col_count;
5608     return TRUE;
5609 }
5611 static int
5612 md_is_opening_code_fence(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
5613 {
5614     OFF off = beg;
5616     while(off < ctx.size && ctx.CH(off) == ctx.CH(beg))
5617         off++;
5619     /* Fence must have at least three characters. */
5620     if(off - beg < 3)
5621         return FALSE;
5623     ctx.code_fence_length = off - beg;
5625     /* Optionally, space(s) can follow. */
5626     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ' ')
5627         off++;
5629     /* Optionally, an info string can follow. */
5630     while(off < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
5631         /* Backtick-based fence must not contain '`' in the info string. */
5632         if(ctx.CH(beg) == '`'  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '`')
5633             return FALSE;
5634         off++;
5635     }
5637     *p_end = off;
5638     return TRUE;
5639 }
5641 static int
5642 md_is_closing_code_fence(MD_CTX* ctx, CHAR ch, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
5643 {
5644     OFF off = beg;
5645     int ret = FALSE;
5647     /* Closing fence must have at least the same length and use same char as
5648      * opening one. */
5649     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ch)
5650         off++;
5651     if(off - beg < ctx.code_fence_length)
5652         goto out_;
5654     /* Optionally, space(s) can follow */
5655     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == ' ')
5656         off++;
5658     /* But nothing more is allowed on the line. */
5659     if(off < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))
5660         goto out_;
5662     ret = TRUE;
5664 out_:
5665     /* Note we set *p_end even on failure: If we are not closing fence, caller
5666      * would eat the line anyway without any parsing. */
5667     *p_end = off;
5668     return ret;
5669 }
5671 /* Returns type of the raw HTML block, or FALSE if it is not HTML block.
5672  * (Refer to CommonMark specification for details about the types.)
5673  */
5674 int md_is_html_block_start_condition(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg)
5675 {
5676     /* Type 6 is started by a long list of allowed tags. We use two-level
5677      * tree to speed-up the search. */
5679     static immutable string Xend = null;
5680     static immutable string[] t1 = [ "script", "pre", "style", Xend ];
5681     static immutable string[] a6 = [ "address", "article", "aside", Xend ];
5682     static immutable string[] b6 = [ "base", "basefont", "blockquote", "body", Xend ];
5683     static immutable string[] c6 = [ "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", Xend ];
5684     static immutable string[] d6 = [ "dd", "details", "dialog", "dir",
5685                                      "div", "dl", "dt", Xend ];
5686     static immutable string[] f6 = [ "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer",
5687                                      "form", "frame", "frameset", Xend ];
5688     static immutable string[] h6 = [ "h1", "head", "header", "hr", "html", Xend ];
5689     static immutable string[] i6 = [ "iframe", Xend ];
5690     static immutable string[] l6 = [ "legend", "li", "link", Xend ];
5691     static immutable string[] m6 = [ "main", "menu", "menuitem", Xend ];
5692     static immutable string[] n6 = [ "nav", "noframes", Xend ];
5693     static immutable string[] o6 = [ "ol", "optgroup", "option", Xend ];
5694     static immutable string[] p6 = [ "p", "param", Xend ];
5695     static immutable string[] s6 = [ "section", "source", "summary", Xend ];
5696     static immutable string[] t6 = [ "table", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th",
5697                                      "thead", "title", "tr", "track", Xend ];
5698     static immutable string[] u6 = [ "ul", Xend ];
5699     static immutable string[] xx = [ Xend ];
5701     immutable(string)*[26] map6;
5702     map6[0] = a6.ptr;
5703     map6[1] = b6.ptr;
5704     map6[2] = c6.ptr;
5705     map6[3] = d6.ptr;
5706     map6[4] = xx.ptr;
5707     map6[5] = f6.ptr;
5708     map6[6] = xx.ptr;
5709     map6[7] = h6.ptr;
5710     map6[8] = i6.ptr;
5711     map6[9] = xx.ptr;
5712     map6[10] = xx.ptr;
5713     map6[11] = l6.ptr;
5714     map6[12] = m6.ptr;
5715     map6[13] = n6.ptr;
5716     map6[14] = o6.ptr;
5717     map6[15] = p6.ptr;
5718     map6[16] = xx.ptr;
5719     map6[17] = xx.ptr;
5720     map6[18] = s6.ptr;
5721     map6[19] = t6.ptr;
5722     map6[20] = u6.ptr;
5723     map6[21] = xx.ptr;
5724     map6[22] = xx.ptr;
5725     map6[23] = xx.ptr;
5726     map6[24] = xx.ptr;
5727     map6[25] = xx.ptr;
5729     OFF off = beg + 1;
5730     int i;
5732     /* Check for type 1: <script, <pre, or <style */
5733     for(i = 0; t1[i].ptr != null; i++) 
5734     {
5735         if(off + t1[i].length <= ctx.size) 
5736         {
5737             if(md_ascii_case_eq(ctx.STR(off), t1[i].ptr, cast(uint)(t1[i].length)))
5738                 return 1;
5739         }
5740     }
5742     /* Check for type 2: <!-- */
5743     if(off + 3 < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '!'  &&  ctx.CH(off+1) == '-'  &&  ctx.CH(off+2) == '-')
5744         return 2;
5746     /* Check for type 3: <? */
5747     if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '?')
5748         return 3;
5750     /* Check for type 4 or 5: <! */
5751     if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '!') {
5752         /* Check for type 4: <! followed by uppercase letter. */
5753         if(off + 1 < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISUPPER(off+1))
5754             return 4;
5756         /* Check for type 5: <![CDATA[ */
5757         if(off + 8 < ctx.size) {
5758             if(md_ascii_eq(ctx.STR(off), "![CDATA[", 8 * CHAR.sizeof))
5759                 return 5;
5760         }
5761     }
5763     /* Check for type 6: Many possible starting tags listed above. */
5764     if(off + 1 < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.ISALPHA(off) || (ctx.CH(off) == '/' && ctx.ISALPHA(off+1)))) {
5765         int slot;
5766         const(string)* tags;
5768         if(ctx.CH(off) == '/')
5769             off++;
5771         slot = (ctx.ISUPPER(off) ? ctx.CH(off) - 'A' : ctx.CH(off) - 'a');
5772         tags = map6[slot];
5774         for(i = 0; tags[i].ptr != null; i++) {
5775             if(off + tags[i].length <= ctx.size) {
5776                 if(md_ascii_case_eq(ctx.STR(off), tags[i].ptr, cast(uint) tags[i].length)) {
5777                     OFF tmp = cast(uint)(off + tags[i].length);
5778                     if(tmp >= ctx.size)
5779                         return 6;
5780                     if(ctx.ISBLANK(tmp) || ctx.ISNEWLINE(tmp) || ctx.CH(tmp) == '>')
5781                         return 6;
5782                     if(tmp+1 < ctx.size && ctx.CH(tmp) == '/' && ctx.CH(tmp+1) == '>')
5783                         return 6;
5784                     break;
5785                 }
5786             }
5787         }
5788     }
5790     /* Check for type 7: any COMPLETE other opening or closing tag. */
5791     if(off + 1 < ctx.size) {
5792         OFF end;
5794         if(md_is_html_tag(ctx, null, 0, beg, ctx.size, &end)) {
5795             /* Only optional whitespace and new line may follow. */
5796             while(end < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISWHITESPACE(end))
5797                 end++;
5798             if(end >= ctx.size  ||  ctx.ISNEWLINE(end))
5799                 return 7;
5800         }
5801     }
5803     return FALSE;
5804 }
5806 /* Case sensitive check whether there is a substring 'what' between 'beg'
5807  * and end of line. */
5808 static int
5809 md_line_contains(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, const(CHAR)* what, SZ what_len, OFF* p_end)
5810 {
5811     OFF i;
5812     for(i = beg; i + what_len < ctx.size; i++) {
5813         if(ctx.ISNEWLINE(i))
5814             break;
5815         if(memcmp(ctx.STR(i), what, what_len * CHAR.sizeof) == 0) {
5816             *p_end = i + what_len;
5817             return TRUE;
5818         }
5819     }
5821     *p_end = i;
5822     return FALSE;
5823 }
5825 /* Returns type of HTML block end condition or FALSE if not an end condition.
5826  *
5827  * Note it fills p_end even when it is not end condition as the caller
5828  * does not need to analyze contents of a raw HTML block.
5829  */
5830 int md_is_html_block_end_condition(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
5831 {
5832     switch(ctx.html_block_type) {
5833         case 1:
5834         {
5835             OFF off = beg;
5837             while(off < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
5838                 if(ctx.CH(off) == '<') {
5839                     if(md_ascii_case_eq(ctx.STR(off), "</script>", 9)) {
5840                         *p_end = off + 9;
5841                         return TRUE;
5842                     }
5844                     if(md_ascii_case_eq(ctx.STR(off), "</style>", 8)) {
5845                         *p_end = off + 8;
5846                         return TRUE;
5847                     }
5849                     if(md_ascii_case_eq(ctx.STR(off), "</pre>", 6)) {
5850                         *p_end = off + 6;
5851                         return TRUE;
5852                     }
5853                 }
5855                 off++;
5856             }
5857             *p_end = off;
5858             return FALSE;
5859         }
5861         case 2:
5862             return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, "-->", 3, p_end) ? 2 : FALSE);
5864         case 3:
5865             return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, "?>", 2, p_end) ? 3 : FALSE);
5867         case 4:
5868             return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, ">", 1, p_end) ? 4 : FALSE);
5870         case 5:
5871             return (md_line_contains(ctx, beg, "]]>", 3, p_end) ? 5 : FALSE);
5873         case 6:     /* Pass through */
5874         case 7:
5875             *p_end = beg;
5876             return (ctx.ISNEWLINE(beg) ? ctx.html_block_type : FALSE);
5878         default:
5879             assert(false);
5880     }
5881 }
5884 static int
5885 md_is_container_compatible(const MD_CONTAINER* pivot, const MD_CONTAINER* container)
5886 {
5887     /* Block quote has no "items" like lists. */
5888     if( == '>')
5889         return FALSE;
5891     if( !=
5892         return FALSE;
5893     if(container.mark_indent > pivot.contents_indent)
5894         return FALSE;
5896     return TRUE;
5897 }
5899 static int
5900 md_push_container(MD_CTX* ctx, const MD_CONTAINER* container)
5901 {
5902     if(ctx.n_containers >= ctx.alloc_containers) {
5903         MD_CONTAINER* new_containers;
5905         ctx.alloc_containers = (ctx.alloc_containers > 0 ? ctx.alloc_containers * 2 : 16);
5906         new_containers = cast(MD_CONTAINER*) realloc_safe(ctx.containers, ctx.alloc_containers * MD_CONTAINER.sizeof);
5907         if (new_containers == null) {
5908             ctx.MD_LOG("realloc() failed.");
5909             return -1;
5910         }
5912         ctx.containers = new_containers;
5913     }
5915     memcpy(&ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers++], container, MD_CONTAINER.sizeof);
5916     return 0;
5917 }
5919 static int
5920 md_enter_child_containers(MD_CTX* ctx, int n_children, uint data)
5921 {
5922     int i;
5923     int ret = 0;
5925     for(i = ctx.n_containers - n_children; i < ctx.n_containers; i++) {
5926         MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx.containers[i];
5927         int is_ordered_list = FALSE;
5929         switch( {
5930             case ')':
5931             case '.':
5932                 is_ordered_list = TRUE;
5933                 /* Pass through */
5934                 goto case '-';
5936             case '-':
5937             case '+':
5938             case '*':
5939                 /* Remember offset in ctx.block_bytes so we can revisit the
5940                  * block if we detect it is a loose list. */
5941                 md_end_current_block(ctx);
5942                 c.block_byte_off = ctx.n_block_bytes;
5944                 ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx,
5945                                 (is_ordered_list ? MD_BLOCK_OL : MD_BLOCK_UL),
5946                                 c.start, data, MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER));
5947                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5948                 ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
5949                                 c.task_mark_off,
5950                                 (c.is_task ? ctx.CH(c.task_mark_off) : 0),
5951                                 MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER));
5952                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5953                 break;
5955             case '>':
5956                 ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_QUOTE, 0, 0, MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER));
5957                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5958                 break;
5960             default:
5961                 assert(false);
5962         }
5963     }
5965 abort:
5966     return ret;
5967 }
5969 static int
5970 md_leave_child_containers(MD_CTX* ctx, int n_keep)
5971 {
5972     int ret = 0;
5974     while(ctx.n_containers > n_keep) {
5975         MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers-1];
5976         int is_ordered_list = FALSE;
5978         switch( {
5979             case ')':
5980             case '.':
5981                 is_ordered_list = TRUE;
5982                 /* Pass through */
5983                 goto case '-';
5985             case '-':
5986             case '+':
5987             case '*':
5988                 ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
5989                                 c.task_mark_off, (c.is_task ? ctx.CH(c.task_mark_off) : 0),
5990                                 MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER));
5991                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5992                 ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx,
5993                                 (is_ordered_list ? MD_BLOCK_OL : MD_BLOCK_UL), 0,
5994                       , MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER));
5995                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
5996                 break;
5998             case '>':
5999                 ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_QUOTE, 0,
6000                                 0, MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER));
6001                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6002                 break;
6004             default:
6005                 assert(false);
6006         }
6008         ctx.n_containers--;
6009     }
6011 abort:
6012     return ret;
6013 }
6015 static int
6016 md_is_container_mark(MD_CTX* ctx, uint indent, OFF beg, OFF* p_end, MD_CONTAINER* p_container)
6017 {
6018     OFF off = beg;
6019     OFF max_end;
6021     if(indent >= ctx.code_indent_offset)
6022         return FALSE;
6024     /* Check for block quote mark. */
6025     if(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '>') {
6026         off++;
6027 = '>';
6028         p_container.is_loose = FALSE;
6029         p_container.is_task = FALSE;
6030         p_container.mark_indent = indent;
6031         p_container.contents_indent = indent + 1;
6032         *p_end = off;
6033         return TRUE;
6034     }
6036     /* Check for list item bullet mark. */
6037     if(off+1 < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISANYOF(off, "-+*")  &&  (ctx.ISBLANK(off+1) || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
6038 = ctx.CH(off);
6039         p_container.is_loose = FALSE;
6040         p_container.is_task = FALSE;
6041         p_container.mark_indent = indent;
6042         p_container.contents_indent = indent + 1;
6043         *p_end = off + 1;
6044         return TRUE;
6045     }
6047     /* Check for ordered list item marks. */
6048     max_end = off + 9;
6049     if(max_end > ctx.size)
6050         max_end = ctx.size;
6051     p_container.start = 0;
6052     while(off < max_end  &&  ctx.ISDIGIT(off)) {
6053         p_container.start = p_container.start * 10 + ctx.CH(off) - '0';
6054         off++;
6055     }
6056     if(off+1 < ctx.size  &&  (ctx.CH(off) == '.' || ctx.CH(off) == ')')   &&  (ctx.ISBLANK(off+1) || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1))) {
6057 = ctx.CH(off);
6058         p_container.is_loose = FALSE;
6059         p_container.is_task = FALSE;
6060         p_container.mark_indent = indent;
6061         p_container.contents_indent = indent + off - beg + 1;
6062         *p_end = off + 1;
6063         return TRUE;
6064     }
6066     return FALSE;
6067 }
6069 uint md_line_indentation(MD_CTX* ctx, uint total_indent, OFF beg, OFF* p_end)
6070 {
6071     OFF off = beg;
6072     uint indent = total_indent;
6074     while(off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.ISBLANK(off)) {
6075         if(ctx.CH(off) == '\t')
6076             indent = (indent + 4) & ~3;
6077         else
6078             indent++;
6079         off++;
6080     }
6082     *p_end = off;
6083     return indent - total_indent;
6084 }
6086 static const MD_LINE_ANALYSIS md_dummy_blank_line = { MD_LINE_BLANK, 0 };
6088 /* Analyze type of the line and find some its properties. This serves as a
6089  * main input for determining type and boundaries of a block. */
6090 int md_analyze_line(MD_CTX* ctx, OFF beg, OFF* p_end,
6091                     const(MD_LINE_ANALYSIS)* pivot_line, MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line)
6092 {
6093     uint total_indent = 0;
6094     int n_parents = 0;
6095     int n_brothers = 0;
6096     int n_children = 0;
6097     MD_CONTAINER container = { 0 };
6098     int prev_line_has_list_loosening_effect = ctx.last_line_has_list_loosening_effect;
6099     OFF off = beg;
6100     OFF hr_killer = 0;
6101     int ret = 0;
6103     line.indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
6104     total_indent += line.indent;
6105     line.beg = off;
6107     /* Given the indentation and block quote marks '>', determine how many of
6108      * the current containers are our parents. */
6109     while(n_parents < ctx.n_containers) {
6110         MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx.containers[n_parents];
6112         if( == '>'  &&  line.indent < ctx.code_indent_offset  &&
6113             off < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '>')
6114         {
6115             /* Block quote mark. */
6116             off++;
6117             total_indent++;
6118             line.indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
6119             total_indent += line.indent;
6121             /* The optional 1st space after '>' is part of the block quote mark. */
6122             if(line.indent > 0)
6123                 line.indent--;
6125             line.beg = off;
6126         } else if( != '>'  &&  line.indent >= c.contents_indent) {
6127             /* List. */
6128             line.indent -= c.contents_indent;
6129         } else {
6130             break;
6131         }
6133         n_parents++;
6134     }
6136     if(off >= ctx.size  ||  ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
6137         /* Blank line does not need any real indentation to be nested inside
6138          * a list. */
6139         if(n_brothers + n_children == 0) {
6140             while(n_parents < ctx.n_containers  &&  ctx.containers[n_parents].ch != '>')
6141                 n_parents++;
6142         }
6143     }
6145     while(TRUE) {
6146         /* Check whether we are fenced code continuation. */
6147         if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE) {
6148             line.beg = off;
6150             /* We are another MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE unless we are closing fence
6151              * which we transform into MD_LINE_BLANK. */
6152             if(line.indent < ctx.code_indent_offset) {
6153                 if(md_is_closing_code_fence(ctx, ctx.CH(pivot_line.beg), off, &off)) {
6154                     line.type = MD_LINE_BLANK;
6155                     ctx.last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = FALSE;
6156                     break;
6157                 }
6158             }
6160             /* Change indentation accordingly to the initial code fence. */
6161             if(n_parents == ctx.n_containers) {
6162                 if(line.indent > pivot_line.indent)
6163                     line.indent -= pivot_line.indent;
6164                 else
6165                     line.indent = 0;
6167                 line.type = MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE;
6168                 break;
6169             }
6170         }
6172         /* Check whether we are HTML block continuation. */
6173         if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_HTML  &&  ctx.html_block_type > 0) {
6174             int html_block_type;
6176             html_block_type = md_is_html_block_end_condition(ctx, off, &off);
6177             if(html_block_type > 0) {
6178                 assert(html_block_type == ctx.html_block_type);
6180                 /* Make sure this is the last line of the block. */
6181                 ctx.html_block_type = 0;
6183                 /* Some end conditions serve as blank lines at the same time. */
6184                 if(html_block_type == 6 || html_block_type == 7) {
6185                     line.type = MD_LINE_BLANK;
6186                     line.indent = 0;
6187                     break;
6188                 }
6189             }
6191             if(n_parents == ctx.n_containers) {
6192                 line.type = MD_LINE_HTML;
6193                 break;
6194             }
6195         }
6197         /* Check for blank line. */
6198         if(off >= ctx.size  ||  ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
6199             if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE  &&  n_parents == ctx.n_containers) {
6200                 line.type = MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE;
6201                 if(line.indent > ctx.code_indent_offset)
6202                     line.indent -= ctx.code_indent_offset;
6203                 else
6204                     line.indent = 0;
6205                 ctx.last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = FALSE;
6206             } else {
6207                 line.type = MD_LINE_BLANK;
6208                 ctx.last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = (n_parents > 0  &&
6209                         n_brothers + n_children == 0  &&
6210                         ctx.containers[n_parents-1].ch != '>');
6212                 /* See
6213                  *
6214                  * This ugly checking tests we are in (yet empty) list item but not
6215                  * its very first line (with the list item mark).
6216                  *
6217                  * If we are such blank line, then any following non-blank line
6218                  * which would be part of this list item actually ends the list
6219                  * because "a list item can begin with at most one blank line."
6220                  */
6221                 if(n_parents > 0  &&  ctx.containers[n_parents-1].ch != '>'  &&
6222                    n_brothers + n_children == 0  &&  ctx.current_block == null  &&
6223                    ctx.n_block_bytes > cast(int) MD_BLOCK.sizeof)
6224                 {
6225                     MD_BLOCK* top_block = cast(MD_BLOCK*) (cast(char*)ctx.block_bytes + ctx.n_block_bytes - MD_BLOCK.sizeof);
6226                     if(top_block.type == MD_BLOCK_LI)
6227                         ctx.last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines = TRUE;
6228                 }
6229                 }
6230             break;
6231         } else {
6232             /* This is 2nd half of the hack. If the flag is set (that is there
6233              * were 2nd blank line at the start of the list item) and we would also
6234              * belonging to such list item, then interrupt the list. */
6235             ctx.last_line_has_list_loosening_effect = FALSE;
6236             if(ctx.last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines) {
6237                 if(n_parents > 0  &&  ctx.containers[n_parents-1].ch != '>'  &&
6238                    n_brothers + n_children == 0  &&  ctx.current_block == null  &&
6239                    ctx.n_block_bytes > cast(int) MD_BLOCK.sizeof)
6240                 {
6241                     MD_BLOCK* top_block = cast(MD_BLOCK*) (cast(char*)ctx.block_bytes + ctx.n_block_bytes - MD_BLOCK.sizeof);
6242                     if(top_block.type == MD_BLOCK_LI)
6243                         n_parents--;
6244                 }
6246                 ctx.last_list_item_starts_with_two_blank_lines = FALSE;
6247             }
6248         }
6250         /* Check whether we are Setext underline. */
6251         if(line.indent < ctx.code_indent_offset  &&  pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TEXT
6252             &&  (ctx.CH(off) == '=' || ctx.CH(off) == '-')
6253             &&  (n_parents == ctx.n_containers))
6254         {
6255             uint level;
6257             if(md_is_setext_underline(ctx, off, &off, &level)) {
6258                 line.type = MD_LINE_SETEXTUNDERLINE;
6259        = level;
6260                 break;
6261             }
6262         }
6264         /* Check for thematic break line. */
6265         if(line.indent < ctx.code_indent_offset  &&  ctx.ISANYOF(off, "-_*")  &&  off >= hr_killer) {
6266             if(md_is_hr_line(ctx, off, &off, &hr_killer)) {
6267                 line.type = MD_LINE_HR;
6268                 break;
6269             }
6270         }
6272         /* Check for "brother" container. I.e. whether we are another list item
6273          * in already started list. */
6274         if(n_parents < ctx.n_containers  &&  n_brothers + n_children == 0) {
6275             OFF tmp;
6277             if(md_is_container_mark(ctx, line.indent, off, &tmp, &container)  &&
6278                md_is_container_compatible(&ctx.containers[n_parents], &container))
6279             {
6280                 pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
6282                 off = tmp;
6284                 total_indent += container.contents_indent - container.mark_indent;
6285                 line.indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
6286                 total_indent += line.indent;
6287                 line.beg = off;
6289                 /* Some of the following whitespace actually still belongs to the mark. */
6290                 if(off >= ctx.size || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
6291                     container.contents_indent++;
6292                 } else if(line.indent <= ctx.code_indent_offset) {
6293                     container.contents_indent += line.indent;
6294                     line.indent = 0;
6295                 } else {
6296                     container.contents_indent += 1;
6297                     line.indent--;
6298                 }
6300                 ctx.containers[n_parents].mark_indent = container.mark_indent;
6301                 ctx.containers[n_parents].contents_indent = container.contents_indent;
6303                 n_brothers++;
6304                 continue;
6305             }
6306         }
6308         /* Check for indented code.
6309          * Note indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph. */
6310         if(line.indent >= ctx.code_indent_offset  &&
6311             (pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_BLANK || pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE))
6312         {
6313             line.type = MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE;
6314             assert(line.indent >= ctx.code_indent_offset);
6315             line.indent -= ctx.code_indent_offset;
6316    = 0;
6317             break;
6318         }
6320         /* Check for start of a new container block. */
6321         if(line.indent < ctx.code_indent_offset  &&
6322            md_is_container_mark(ctx, line.indent, off, &off, &container))
6323         {
6324             if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TEXT  &&  n_parents == ctx.n_containers  &&
6325                         (off >= ctx.size || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))  && != '>')
6326             {
6327                 /* Noop. List mark followed by a blank line cannot interrupt a paragraph. */
6328             } else if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TEXT  &&  n_parents == ctx.n_containers  &&
6329                         ( == '.' || == ')')  &&  container.start != 1)
6330             {
6331                 /* Noop. Ordered list cannot interrupt a paragraph unless the start index is 1. */
6332             } else {
6333                 total_indent += container.contents_indent - container.mark_indent;
6334                 line.indent = md_line_indentation(ctx, total_indent, off, &off);
6335                 total_indent += line.indent;
6337                 line.beg = off;
6338        =;
6340                 /* Some of the following whitespace actually still belongs to the mark. */
6341                 if(off >= ctx.size || ctx.ISNEWLINE(off)) {
6342                     container.contents_indent++;
6343                 } else if(line.indent <= ctx.code_indent_offset) {
6344                     container.contents_indent += line.indent;
6345                     line.indent = 0;
6346                 } else {
6347                     container.contents_indent += 1;
6348                     line.indent--;
6349                 }
6351                 if(n_brothers + n_children == 0)
6352                     pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
6354                 if(n_children == 0)
6355                 {
6356                     ret = (md_leave_child_containers(ctx, n_parents + n_brothers));
6357                     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6358                 }
6360                 n_children++;
6361                 ret = (md_push_container(ctx, &container));
6362                 if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6363                 continue;
6364             }
6365         }
6367         /* Check whether we are table continuation. */
6368         if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TABLE  &&  md_is_table_row(ctx, off, &off)  &&
6369            n_parents == ctx.n_containers)
6370         {
6371             line.type = MD_LINE_TABLE;
6372             break;
6373         }
6375         /* Check for ATX header. */
6376         if(line.indent < ctx.code_indent_offset  &&  ctx.CH(off) == '#') {
6377             uint level;
6379             if(md_is_atxheader_line(ctx, off, &line.beg, &off, &level)) {
6380                 line.type = MD_LINE_ATXHEADER;
6381        = level;
6382                 break;
6383             }
6384         }
6386         /* Check whether we are starting code fence. */
6387         if(ctx.CH(off) == '`' || ctx.CH(off) == '~') {
6388             if(md_is_opening_code_fence(ctx, off, &off)) {
6389                 line.type = MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE;
6390        = 1;
6391                 break;
6392             }
6393         }
6395         /* Check for start of raw HTML block. */
6396         if(ctx.CH(off) == '<'  &&  !(ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_NOHTMLBLOCKS))
6397         {
6398             ctx.html_block_type = md_is_html_block_start_condition(ctx, off);
6400             /* HTML block type 7 cannot interrupt paragraph. */
6401             if(ctx.html_block_type == 7  &&  pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TEXT)
6402                 ctx.html_block_type = 0;
6404             if(ctx.html_block_type > 0) {
6405                 /* The line itself also may immediately close the block. */
6406                 if(md_is_html_block_end_condition(ctx, off, &off) == ctx.html_block_type) {
6407                     /* Make sure this is the last line of the block. */
6408                     ctx.html_block_type = 0;
6409                 }
6411                 line.type = MD_LINE_HTML;
6412                 break;
6413             }
6414         }
6416         /* Check for table underline. */
6417         if((ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_TABLES)  &&  pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TEXT  &&
6418            (ctx.CH(off) == '|' || ctx.CH(off) == '-' || ctx.CH(off) == ':')  &&
6419            n_parents == ctx.n_containers)
6420         {
6421             uint col_count;
6423             if(ctx.current_block != null  &&  ctx.current_block.n_lines == 1  &&
6424                 md_is_table_underline(ctx, off, &off, &col_count)  &&
6425                 md_is_table_row(ctx, pivot_line.beg, null))
6426             {
6427        = col_count;
6428                 line.type = MD_LINE_TABLEUNDERLINE;
6429                 break;
6430             }
6431         }
6433         /* By default, we are normal text line. */
6434         line.type = MD_LINE_TEXT;
6435         if(pivot_line.type == MD_LINE_TEXT  &&  n_brothers + n_children == 0) {
6436             /* Lazy continuation. */
6437             n_parents = ctx.n_containers;
6438         }
6440         /* Check for task mark. */
6441         if((ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_TASKLISTS)  &&  n_brothers + n_children > 0  &&
6442            ISANYOF_(ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers-1].ch, "-+*.)"))
6443         {
6444             OFF tmp = off;
6446             while(tmp < ctx.size  &&  tmp < off + 3  &&  ctx.ISBLANK(tmp))
6447                 tmp++;
6448             if(tmp + 2 < ctx.size  &&  ctx.CH(tmp) == '['  &&
6449                ctx.ISANYOF(tmp+1, "xX ")  &&  ctx.CH(tmp+2) == ']'  &&
6450                (tmp + 3 == ctx.size  ||  ctx.ISBLANK(tmp+3)  ||  ctx.ISNEWLINE(tmp+3)))
6451             {
6452                 MD_CONTAINER* task_container = (n_children > 0 ? &ctx.containers[ctx.n_containers-1] : &container);
6453                 task_container.is_task = TRUE;
6454                 task_container.task_mark_off = tmp + 1;
6455                 off = tmp + 3;
6456                 while(ctx.ISWHITESPACE(off))
6457                     off++;
6458                 line.beg = off;
6459             }
6460         }
6462         break;
6463     }
6465     /* Scan for end of the line.
6466      *
6467      * Note this is quite a bottleneck of the parsing as we here iterate almost
6468      * over compete document.
6469      */
6470     {
6471         /* Optimization: Use some loop unrolling. */
6472         while(off + 3 < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+0)  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+1)
6473                                    &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+2)  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off+3))
6474             off += 4;
6475         while(off < ctx.size  &&  !ctx.ISNEWLINE(off))
6476             off++;
6477     }
6479     /* Set end of the line. */
6480     line.end = off;
6482     /* But for ATX header, we should exclude the optional trailing mark. */
6483     if(line.type == MD_LINE_ATXHEADER) {
6484         OFF tmp = line.end;
6485         while(tmp > line.beg && ctx.CH(tmp-1) == ' ')
6486             tmp--;
6487         while(tmp > line.beg && ctx.CH(tmp-1) == '#')
6488             tmp--;
6489         if(tmp == line.beg || ctx.CH(tmp-1) == ' ' || (ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_PERMISSIVEATXHEADERS))
6490             line.end = tmp;
6491     }
6493     /* Trim trailing spaces. */
6494     if(line.type != MD_LINE_INDENTEDCODE  &&  line.type != MD_LINE_FENCEDCODE) {
6495         while(line.end > line.beg && ctx.CH(line.end-1) == ' ')
6496             line.end--;
6497     }
6499     /* Eat also the new line. */
6500     if(off < ctx.size && ctx.CH(off) == '\r')
6501         off++;
6502     if(off < ctx.size && ctx.CH(off) == '\n')
6503         off++;
6505     *p_end = off;
6507     /* If we belong to a list after seeing a blank line, the list is loose. */
6508     if(prev_line_has_list_loosening_effect  &&  line.type != MD_LINE_BLANK  &&  n_parents + n_brothers > 0) {
6509         MD_CONTAINER* c = &ctx.containers[n_parents + n_brothers - 1];
6510         if( != '>') {
6511             MD_BLOCK* block = cast(MD_BLOCK*) ((cast(char*)ctx.block_bytes) + c.block_byte_off);
6512             block.flags = block.flags | MD_BLOCK_LOOSE_LIST;
6513         }
6514     }
6516     /* Leave any containers we are not part of anymore. */
6517     if(n_children == 0  &&  n_parents + n_brothers < ctx.n_containers)
6518     {
6519         ret = (md_leave_child_containers(ctx, n_parents + n_brothers));
6520         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6521     }
6523     /* Enter any container we found a mark for. */
6524     if(n_brothers > 0) {
6525         assert(n_brothers == 1);
6526         ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
6527                     ctx.containers[n_parents].task_mark_off,
6528                     (ctx.containers[n_parents].is_task ? ctx.CH(ctx.containers[n_parents].task_mark_off) : 0),
6529                     MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_CLOSER));
6530         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6531         ret = (md_push_container_bytes(ctx, MD_BLOCK_LI,
6532                     container.task_mark_off,
6533                     (container.is_task ? ctx.CH(container.task_mark_off) : 0),
6534                     MD_BLOCK_CONTAINER_OPENER));
6535         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6536         ctx.containers[n_parents].is_task = container.is_task;
6537         ctx.containers[n_parents].task_mark_off = container.task_mark_off;
6538     }
6540     if(n_children > 0)
6541     {
6542         ret = (md_enter_child_containers(ctx, n_children,;
6543         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6544     }
6546 abort:
6547     return ret;
6548 }
6550 int md_process_line(MD_CTX* ctx, const(MD_LINE_ANALYSIS)** p_pivot_line, MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line)
6551 {
6552     const(MD_LINE_ANALYSIS)* pivot_line = *p_pivot_line;
6553     int ret = 0;
6555     /* Blank line ends current leaf block. */
6556     if(line.type == MD_LINE_BLANK) {
6557         ret = (md_end_current_block(ctx));
6558         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6559         *p_pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
6560         return 0;
6561     }
6563     /* Some line types form block on their own. */
6564     if(line.type == MD_LINE_HR || line.type == MD_LINE_ATXHEADER) {
6565         ret = (md_end_current_block(ctx));
6566         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6568         /* Add our single-line block. */
6569         ret = (md_start_new_block(ctx, line));
6570         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6571         ret = (md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
6572         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6573         ret = (md_end_current_block(ctx));
6574         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6575         *p_pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
6576         return 0;
6577     }
6579     /* MD_LINE_SETEXTUNDERLINE changes meaning of the current block and ends it. */
6580     if(line.type == MD_LINE_SETEXTUNDERLINE) {
6581         assert(ctx.current_block != null);
6582         ctx.current_block.type = MD_BLOCK_H;
6583 =;
6584         ctx.current_block.flags = ctx.current_block.flags | MD_BLOCK_SETEXT_HEADER;
6585         ret = (md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
6586         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6587         ret = (md_end_current_block(ctx));
6588         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6589         if(ctx.current_block == null) {
6590             *p_pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
6591         } else {
6592             /* This happens if we have consumed all the body as link ref. defs.
6593              * and downgraded the underline into start of a new paragraph block. */
6594             line.type = MD_LINE_TEXT;
6595             *p_pivot_line = line;
6596         }
6597         return 0;
6598     }
6600     /* MD_LINE_TABLEUNDERLINE changes meaning of the current block. */
6601     if(line.type == MD_LINE_TABLEUNDERLINE) {
6602         assert(ctx.current_block != null);
6603         assert(ctx.current_block.n_lines == 1);
6604         ctx.current_block.type = MD_BLOCK_TABLE;
6605 =;
6606         assert(pivot_line != &md_dummy_blank_line);
6607         (cast(MD_LINE_ANALYSIS*)pivot_line).type = MD_LINE_TABLE;
6608         ret = (md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
6609         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6610         return 0;
6611     }
6613     /* The current block also ends if the line has different type. */
6614     if(line.type != pivot_line.type)
6615     {
6616         ret = (md_end_current_block(ctx));
6617         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6618     }
6620     /* The current line may start a new block. */
6621     if(ctx.current_block == null) {
6622         ret = (md_start_new_block(ctx, line));
6623         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6624         *p_pivot_line = line;
6625     }
6627     /* In all other cases the line is just a continuation of the current block. */
6628     ret = (md_add_line_into_current_block(ctx, line));
6629     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6631 abort:
6632     return ret;
6633 }
6635 int md_process_doc(MD_CTX *ctx)
6636 {
6637     const(MD_LINE_ANALYSIS)* pivot_line = &md_dummy_blank_line;
6638     MD_LINE_ANALYSIS[2] line_buf;
6639     MD_LINE_ANALYSIS* line = &line_buf[0];
6640     OFF off = 0;
6641     int ret = 0;
6643     ret = MD_ENTER_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_DOC, null);
6644     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
6646     while(off < ctx.size) {
6647         if(line == pivot_line)
6648             line = (line == &line_buf[0] ? &line_buf[1] : &line_buf[0]);
6650         ret = (md_analyze_line(ctx, off, &off, pivot_line, line));
6651         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6652         ret = (md_process_line(ctx, &pivot_line, line));
6653         if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6654     }
6656     md_end_current_block(ctx);
6658     ret = (md_build_ref_def_hashtable(ctx));
6659     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6661     /* Process all blocks. */
6662     ret = (md_leave_child_containers(ctx, 0));
6663     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6664     ret = (md_process_all_blocks(ctx));
6665     if (ret < 0) goto abort;
6667     ret = MD_LEAVE_BLOCK(ctx, MD_BLOCK_DOC, null);
6668     if (ret != 0) goto abort;
6670 abort:
6672     debug(bench)
6673     /* Output some memory consumption statistics. */
6674     {
6675         char[256] buffer;
6676         sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for block buffer.",
6677                     cast(uint)(ctx.alloc_block_bytes));
6678         ctx.MD_LOG(buffer);
6680         sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for containers buffer.",
6681                     cast(uint)(ctx.alloc_containers * MD_CONTAINER.sizeof));
6682         ctx.MD_LOG(buffer);
6684         sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for marks buffer.",
6685                     cast(uint)(ctx.alloc_marks * MD_MARK.sizeof));
6686         ctx.MD_LOG(buffer);
6688         sprintf(buffer, "Alloced %u bytes for aux. buffer.",
6689                     cast(uint)(ctx.alloc_buffer * MD_CHAR.sizeof));
6690         ctx.MD_LOG(buffer);
6691     }
6693     return ret;
6694 }
6697 /********************
6698  ***  Public API  ***
6699  ********************/
6701 /**
6702  * Parse the Markdown document stored in the string 'text' of size 'size'.
6703  * The renderer provides callbacks to be called during the parsing so the
6704  * caller can render the document on the screen or convert the Markdown
6705  * to another format.
6706  *
6707  * Zero is returned on success. If a runtime error occurs (e.g. a memory
6708  * fails), -1 is returned. If the processing is aborted due any callback
6709  * returning non-zero, md_parse() the return value of the callback is returned.
6710  */
6711 int md_parse(const MD_CHAR* text, MD_SIZE size, const MD_PARSER* parser, void* userdata)
6712 {
6713     MD_CTX ctx;
6714     int i;
6715     int ret;
6717     if(parser.abi_version != 0) {
6718         if(parser.debug_log != null)
6719             parser.debug_log("Unsupported abi_version.", userdata);
6720         return -1;
6721     }
6723     /* Setup context structure. */
6724     memset(&ctx, 0, MD_CTX.sizeof);
6725     ctx.text = text;
6726     ctx.size = size;
6727     memcpy(&ctx.parser, parser, MD_PARSER.sizeof);
6728     ctx.userdata = userdata;
6729     ctx.code_indent_offset = (ctx.parser.flags & MD_FLAG_NOINDENTEDCODEBLOCKS) ? cast(OFF)(-1) : 4;
6730     md_build_mark_char_map(&ctx);
6731     ctx.doc_ends_with_newline = (size > 0  &&  ISNEWLINE_(text[size-1]));
6733     /* Reset all unresolved opener mark chains. */
6734     for(i = 0; i < cast(int) (ctx.mark_chains.length); i++) {
6735         ctx.mark_chains[i].head = -1;
6736         ctx.mark_chains[i].tail = -1;
6737     }
6738     ctx.unresolved_link_head = -1;
6739     ctx.unresolved_link_tail = -1;
6741     /* All the work. */
6742     ret = md_process_doc(&ctx);
6744     /* Clean-up. */
6745     md_free_ref_defs(&ctx);
6746     md_free_ref_def_hashtable(&ctx);
6747     free(ctx.buffer);
6748     free(ctx.marks);
6749     free(ctx.block_bytes);
6750     free(ctx.containers);
6752     return ret;
6753 }
6755 //
6757 //
6759 /* Most entities are formed by single Unicode codepoint, few by two codepoints.
6760  * Single-codepoint entities have codepoints[1] set to zero. */
6761 struct entity 
6762 {
6763     const(char)* name;
6764     uint[2] codepoints;
6765 }
6767 /* The table is generated from */
6768 static immutable entity[] entity_table = 
6769 [
6770     entity( "&AElig;", [ 198, 0 ] ),
6771     entity( "&AMP;", [ 38, 0 ] ),
6772     entity( "&Aacute;", [ 193, 0 ] ),
6773     entity( "&Abreve;", [ 258, 0 ] ),
6774     entity( "&Acirc;", [ 194, 0 ] ),
6775     entity( "&Acy;", [ 1040, 0 ] ),
6776     entity( "&Afr;", [ 120068, 0 ] ),
6777     entity( "&Agrave;", [ 192, 0 ] ),
6778     entity( "&Alpha;", [ 913, 0 ] ),
6779     entity( "&Amacr;", [ 256, 0 ] ),
6780     entity( "&And;", [ 10835, 0 ] ),
6781     entity( "&Aogon;", [ 260, 0 ] ),
6782     entity( "&Aopf;", [ 120120, 0 ] ),
6783     entity( "&ApplyFunction;", [ 8289, 0 ] ),
6784     entity( "&Aring;", [ 197, 0 ] ),
6785     entity( "&Ascr;", [ 119964, 0 ] ),
6786     entity( "&Assign;", [ 8788, 0 ] ),
6787     entity( "&Atilde;", [ 195, 0 ] ),
6788     entity( "&Auml;", [ 196, 0 ] ),
6789     entity( "&Backslash;", [ 8726, 0 ] ),
6790     entity( "&Barv;", [ 10983, 0 ] ),
6791     entity( "&Barwed;", [ 8966, 0 ] ),
6792     entity( "&Bcy;", [ 1041, 0 ] ),
6793     entity( "&Because;", [ 8757, 0 ] ),
6794     entity( "&Bernoullis;", [ 8492, 0 ] ),
6795     entity( "&Beta;", [ 914, 0 ] ),
6796     entity( "&Bfr;", [ 120069, 0 ] ),
6797     entity( "&Bopf;", [ 120121, 0 ] ),
6798     entity( "&Breve;", [ 728, 0 ] ),
6799     entity( "&Bscr;", [ 8492, 0 ] ),
6800     entity( "&Bumpeq;", [ 8782, 0 ] ),
6801     entity( "&CHcy;", [ 1063, 0 ] ),
6802     entity( "&COPY;", [ 169, 0 ] ),
6803     entity( "&Cacute;", [ 262, 0 ] ),
6804     entity( "&Cap;", [ 8914, 0 ] ),
6805     entity( "&CapitalDifferentialD;", [ 8517, 0 ] ),
6806     entity( "&Cayleys;", [ 8493, 0 ] ),
6807     entity( "&Ccaron;", [ 268, 0 ] ),
6808     entity( "&Ccedil;", [ 199, 0 ] ),
6809     entity( "&Ccirc;", [ 264, 0 ] ),
6810     entity( "&Cconint;", [ 8752, 0 ] ),
6811     entity( "&Cdot;", [ 266, 0 ] ),
6812     entity( "&Cedilla;", [ 184, 0 ] ),
6813     entity( "&CenterDot;", [ 183, 0 ] ),
6814     entity( "&Cfr;", [ 8493, 0 ] ),
6815     entity( "&Chi;", [ 935, 0 ] ),
6816     entity( "&CircleDot;", [ 8857, 0 ] ),
6817     entity( "&CircleMinus;", [ 8854, 0 ] ),
6818     entity( "&CirclePlus;", [ 8853, 0 ] ),
6819     entity( "&CircleTimes;", [ 8855, 0 ] ),
6820     entity( "&ClockwiseContourIntegral;", [ 8754, 0 ] ),
6821     entity( "&CloseCurlyDoubleQuote;", [ 8221, 0 ] ),
6822     entity( "&CloseCurlyQuote;", [ 8217, 0 ] ),
6823     entity( "&Colon;", [ 8759, 0 ] ),
6824     entity( "&Colone;", [ 10868, 0 ] ),
6825     entity( "&Congruent;", [ 8801, 0 ] ),
6826     entity( "&Conint;", [ 8751, 0 ] ),
6827     entity( "&ContourIntegral;", [ 8750, 0 ] ),
6828     entity( "&Copf;", [ 8450, 0 ] ),
6829     entity( "&Coproduct;", [ 8720, 0 ] ),
6830     entity( "&CounterClockwiseContourIntegral;", [ 8755, 0 ] ),
6831     entity( "&Cross;", [ 10799, 0 ] ),
6832     entity( "&Cscr;", [ 119966, 0 ] ),
6833     entity( "&Cup;", [ 8915, 0 ] ),
6834     entity( "&CupCap;", [ 8781, 0 ] ),
6835     entity( "&DD;", [ 8517, 0 ] ),
6836     entity( "&DDotrahd;", [ 10513, 0 ] ),
6837     entity( "&DJcy;", [ 1026, 0 ] ),
6838     entity( "&DScy;", [ 1029, 0 ] ),
6839     entity( "&DZcy;", [ 1039, 0 ] ),
6840     entity( "&Dagger;", [ 8225, 0 ] ),
6841     entity( "&Darr;", [ 8609, 0 ] ),
6842     entity( "&Dashv;", [ 10980, 0 ] ),
6843     entity( "&Dcaron;", [ 270, 0 ] ),
6844     entity( "&Dcy;", [ 1044, 0 ] ),
6845     entity( "&Del;", [ 8711, 0 ] ),
6846     entity( "&Delta;", [ 916, 0 ] ),
6847     entity( "&Dfr;", [ 120071, 0 ] ),
6848     entity( "&DiacriticalAcute;", [ 180, 0 ] ),
6849     entity( "&DiacriticalDot;", [ 729, 0 ] ),
6850     entity( "&DiacriticalDoubleAcute;", [ 733, 0 ] ),
6851     entity( "&DiacriticalGrave;", [ 96, 0 ] ),
6852     entity( "&DiacriticalTilde;", [ 732, 0 ] ),
6853     entity( "&Diamond;", [ 8900, 0 ] ),
6854     entity( "&DifferentialD;", [ 8518, 0 ] ),
6855     entity( "&Dopf;", [ 120123, 0 ] ),
6856     entity( "&Dot;", [ 168, 0 ] ),
6857     entity( "&DotDot;", [ 8412, 0 ] ),
6858     entity( "&DotEqual;", [ 8784, 0 ] ),
6859     entity( "&DoubleContourIntegral;", [ 8751, 0 ] ),
6860     entity( "&DoubleDot;", [ 168, 0 ] ),
6861     entity( "&DoubleDownArrow;", [ 8659, 0 ] ),
6862     entity( "&DoubleLeftArrow;", [ 8656, 0 ] ),
6863     entity( "&DoubleLeftRightArrow;", [ 8660, 0 ] ),
6864     entity( "&DoubleLeftTee;", [ 10980, 0 ] ),
6865     entity( "&DoubleLongLeftArrow;", [ 10232, 0 ] ),
6866     entity( "&DoubleLongLeftRightArrow;", [ 10234, 0 ] ),
6867     entity( "&DoubleLongRightArrow;", [ 10233, 0 ] ),
6868     entity( "&DoubleRightArrow;", [ 8658, 0 ] ),
6869     entity( "&DoubleRightTee;", [ 8872, 0 ] ),
6870     entity( "&DoubleUpArrow;", [ 8657, 0 ] ),
6871     entity( "&DoubleUpDownArrow;", [ 8661, 0 ] ),
6872     entity( "&DoubleVerticalBar;", [ 8741, 0 ] ),
6873     entity( "&DownArrow;", [ 8595, 0 ] ),
6874     entity( "&DownArrowBar;", [ 10515, 0 ] ),
6875     entity( "&DownArrowUpArrow;", [ 8693, 0 ] ),
6876     entity( "&DownBreve;", [ 785, 0 ] ),
6877     entity( "&DownLeftRightVector;", [ 10576, 0 ] ),
6878     entity( "&DownLeftTeeVector;", [ 10590, 0 ] ),
6879     entity( "&DownLeftVector;", [ 8637, 0 ] ),
6880     entity( "&DownLeftVectorBar;", [ 10582, 0 ] ),
6881     entity( "&DownRightTeeVector;", [ 10591, 0 ] ),
6882     entity( "&DownRightVector;", [ 8641, 0 ] ),
6883     entity( "&DownRightVectorBar;", [ 10583, 0 ] ),
6884     entity( "&DownTee;", [ 8868, 0 ] ),
6885     entity( "&DownTeeArrow;", [ 8615, 0 ] ),
6886     entity( "&Downarrow;", [ 8659, 0 ] ),
6887     entity( "&Dscr;", [ 119967, 0 ] ),
6888     entity( "&Dstrok;", [ 272, 0 ] ),
6889     entity( "&ENG;", [ 330, 0 ] ),
6890     entity( "&ETH;", [ 208, 0 ] ),
6891     entity( "&Eacute;", [ 201, 0 ] ),
6892     entity( "&Ecaron;", [ 282, 0 ] ),
6893     entity( "&Ecirc;", [ 202, 0 ] ),
6894     entity( "&Ecy;", [ 1069, 0 ] ),
6895     entity( "&Edot;", [ 278, 0 ] ),
6896     entity( "&Efr;", [ 120072, 0 ] ),
6897     entity( "&Egrave;", [ 200, 0 ] ),
6898     entity( "&Element;", [ 8712, 0 ] ),
6899     entity( "&Emacr;", [ 274, 0 ] ),
6900     entity( "&EmptySmallSquare;", [ 9723, 0 ] ),
6901     entity( "&EmptyVerySmallSquare;", [ 9643, 0 ] ),
6902     entity( "&Eogon;", [ 280, 0 ] ),
6903     entity( "&Eopf;", [ 120124, 0 ] ),
6904     entity( "&Epsilon;", [ 917, 0 ] ),
6905     entity( "&Equal;", [ 10869, 0 ] ),
6906     entity( "&EqualTilde;", [ 8770, 0 ] ),
6907     entity( "&Equilibrium;", [ 8652, 0 ] ),
6908     entity( "&Escr;", [ 8496, 0 ] ),
6909     entity( "&Esim;", [ 10867, 0 ] ),
6910     entity( "&Eta;", [ 919, 0 ] ),
6911     entity( "&Euml;", [ 203, 0 ] ),
6912     entity( "&Exists;", [ 8707, 0 ] ),
6913     entity( "&ExponentialE;", [ 8519, 0 ] ),
6914     entity( "&Fcy;", [ 1060, 0 ] ),
6915     entity( "&Ffr;", [ 120073, 0 ] ),
6916     entity( "&FilledSmallSquare;", [ 9724, 0 ] ),
6917     entity( "&FilledVerySmallSquare;", [ 9642, 0 ] ),
6918     entity( "&Fopf;", [ 120125, 0 ] ),
6919     entity( "&ForAll;", [ 8704, 0 ] ),
6920     entity( "&Fouriertrf;", [ 8497, 0 ] ),
6921     entity( "&Fscr;", [ 8497, 0 ] ),
6922     entity( "&GJcy;", [ 1027, 0 ] ),
6923     entity( "&GT;", [ 62, 0 ] ),
6924     entity( "&Gamma;", [ 915, 0 ] ),
6925     entity( "&Gammad;", [ 988, 0 ] ),
6926     entity( "&Gbreve;", [ 286, 0 ] ),
6927     entity( "&Gcedil;", [ 290, 0 ] ),
6928     entity( "&Gcirc;", [ 284, 0 ] ),
6929     entity( "&Gcy;", [ 1043, 0 ] ),
6930     entity( "&Gdot;", [ 288, 0 ] ),
6931     entity( "&Gfr;", [ 120074, 0 ] ),
6932     entity( "&Gg;", [ 8921, 0 ] ),
6933     entity( "&Gopf;", [ 120126, 0 ] ),
6934     entity( "&GreaterEqual;", [ 8805, 0 ] ),
6935     entity( "&GreaterEqualLess;", [ 8923, 0 ] ),
6936     entity( "&GreaterFullEqual;", [ 8807, 0 ] ),
6937     entity( "&GreaterGreater;", [ 10914, 0 ] ),
6938     entity( "&GreaterLess;", [ 8823, 0 ] ),
6939     entity( "&GreaterSlantEqual;", [ 10878, 0 ] ),
6940     entity( "&GreaterTilde;", [ 8819, 0 ] ),
6941     entity( "&Gscr;", [ 119970, 0 ] ),
6942     entity( "&Gt;", [ 8811, 0 ] ),
6943     entity( "&HARDcy;", [ 1066, 0 ] ),
6944     entity( "&Hacek;", [ 711, 0 ] ),
6945     entity( "&Hat;", [ 94, 0 ] ),
6946     entity( "&Hcirc;", [ 292, 0 ] ),
6947     entity( "&Hfr;", [ 8460, 0 ] ),
6948     entity( "&HilbertSpace;", [ 8459, 0 ] ),
6949     entity( "&Hopf;", [ 8461, 0 ] ),
6950     entity( "&HorizontalLine;", [ 9472, 0 ] ),
6951     entity( "&Hscr;", [ 8459, 0 ] ),
6952     entity( "&Hstrok;", [ 294, 0 ] ),
6953     entity( "&HumpDownHump;", [ 8782, 0 ] ),
6954     entity( "&HumpEqual;", [ 8783, 0 ] ),
6955     entity( "&IEcy;", [ 1045, 0 ] ),
6956     entity( "&IJlig;", [ 306, 0 ] ),
6957     entity( "&IOcy;", [ 1025, 0 ] ),
6958     entity( "&Iacute;", [ 205, 0 ] ),
6959     entity( "&Icirc;", [ 206, 0 ] ),
6960     entity( "&Icy;", [ 1048, 0 ] ),
6961     entity( "&Idot;", [ 304, 0 ] ),
6962     entity( "&Ifr;", [ 8465, 0 ] ),
6963     entity( "&Igrave;", [ 204, 0 ] ),
6964     entity( "&Im;", [ 8465, 0 ] ),
6965     entity( "&Imacr;", [ 298, 0 ] ),
6966     entity( "&ImaginaryI;", [ 8520, 0 ] ),
6967     entity( "&Implies;", [ 8658, 0 ] ),
6968     entity( "&Int;", [ 8748, 0 ] ),
6969     entity( "&Integral;", [ 8747, 0 ] ),
6970     entity( "&Intersection;", [ 8898, 0 ] ),
6971     entity( "&InvisibleComma;", [ 8291, 0 ] ),
6972     entity( "&InvisibleTimes;", [ 8290, 0 ] ),
6973     entity( "&Iogon;", [ 302, 0 ] ),
6974     entity( "&Iopf;", [ 120128, 0 ] ),
6975     entity( "&Iota;", [ 921, 0 ] ),
6976     entity( "&Iscr;", [ 8464, 0 ] ),
6977     entity( "&Itilde;", [ 296, 0 ] ),
6978     entity( "&Iukcy;", [ 1030, 0 ] ),
6979     entity( "&Iuml;", [ 207, 0 ] ),
6980     entity( "&Jcirc;", [ 308, 0 ] ),
6981     entity( "&Jcy;", [ 1049, 0 ] ),
6982     entity( "&Jfr;", [ 120077, 0 ] ),
6983     entity( "&Jopf;", [ 120129, 0 ] ),
6984     entity( "&Jscr;", [ 119973, 0 ] ),
6985     entity( "&Jsercy;", [ 1032, 0 ] ),
6986     entity( "&Jukcy;", [ 1028, 0 ] ),
6987     entity( "&KHcy;", [ 1061, 0 ] ),
6988     entity( "&KJcy;", [ 1036, 0 ] ),
6989     entity( "&Kappa;", [ 922, 0 ] ),
6990     entity( "&Kcedil;", [ 310, 0 ] ),
6991     entity( "&Kcy;", [ 1050, 0 ] ),
6992     entity( "&Kfr;", [ 120078, 0 ] ),
6993     entity( "&Kopf;", [ 120130, 0 ] ),
6994     entity( "&Kscr;", [ 119974, 0 ] ),
6995     entity( "&LJcy;", [ 1033, 0 ] ),
6996     entity( "&LT;", [ 60, 0 ] ),
6997     entity( "&Lacute;", [ 313, 0 ] ),
6998     entity( "&Lambda;", [ 923, 0 ] ),
6999     entity( "&Lang;", [ 10218, 0 ] ),
7000     entity( "&Laplacetrf;", [ 8466, 0 ] ),
7001     entity( "&Larr;", [ 8606, 0 ] ),
7002     entity( "&Lcaron;", [ 317, 0 ] ),
7003     entity( "&Lcedil;", [ 315, 0 ] ),
7004     entity( "&Lcy;", [ 1051, 0 ] ),
7005     entity( "&LeftAngleBracket;", [ 10216, 0 ] ),
7006     entity( "&LeftArrow;", [ 8592, 0 ] ),
7007     entity( "&LeftArrowBar;", [ 8676, 0 ] ),
7008     entity( "&LeftArrowRightArrow;", [ 8646, 0 ] ),
7009     entity( "&LeftCeiling;", [ 8968, 0 ] ),
7010     entity( "&LeftDoubleBracket;", [ 10214, 0 ] ),
7011     entity( "&LeftDownTeeVector;", [ 10593, 0 ] ),
7012     entity( "&LeftDownVector;", [ 8643, 0 ] ),
7013     entity( "&LeftDownVectorBar;", [ 10585, 0 ] ),
7014     entity( "&LeftFloor;", [ 8970, 0 ] ),
7015     entity( "&LeftRightArrow;", [ 8596, 0 ] ),
7016     entity( "&LeftRightVector;", [ 10574, 0 ] ),
7017     entity( "&LeftTee;", [ 8867, 0 ] ),
7018     entity( "&LeftTeeArrow;", [ 8612, 0 ] ),
7019     entity( "&LeftTeeVector;", [ 10586, 0 ] ),
7020     entity( "&LeftTriangle;", [ 8882, 0 ] ),
7021     entity( "&LeftTriangleBar;", [ 10703, 0 ] ),
7022     entity( "&LeftTriangleEqual;", [ 8884, 0 ] ),
7023     entity( "&LeftUpDownVector;", [ 10577, 0 ] ),
7024     entity( "&LeftUpTeeVector;", [ 10592, 0 ] ),
7025     entity( "&LeftUpVector;", [ 8639, 0 ] ),
7026     entity( "&LeftUpVectorBar;", [ 10584, 0 ] ),
7027     entity( "&LeftVector;", [ 8636, 0 ] ),
7028     entity( "&LeftVectorBar;", [ 10578, 0 ] ),
7029     entity( "&Leftarrow;", [ 8656, 0 ] ),
7030     entity( "&Leftrightarrow;", [ 8660, 0 ] ),
7031     entity( "&LessEqualGreater;", [ 8922, 0 ] ),
7032     entity( "&LessFullEqual;", [ 8806, 0 ] ),
7033     entity( "&LessGreater;", [ 8822, 0 ] ),
7034     entity( "&LessLess;", [ 10913, 0 ] ),
7035     entity( "&LessSlantEqual;", [ 10877, 0 ] ),
7036     entity( "&LessTilde;", [ 8818, 0 ] ),
7037     entity( "&Lfr;", [ 120079, 0 ] ),
7038     entity( "&Ll;", [ 8920, 0 ] ),
7039     entity( "&Lleftarrow;", [ 8666, 0 ] ),
7040     entity( "&Lmidot;", [ 319, 0 ] ),
7041     entity( "&LongLeftArrow;", [ 10229, 0 ] ),
7042     entity( "&LongLeftRightArrow;", [ 10231, 0 ] ),
7043     entity( "&LongRightArrow;", [ 10230, 0 ] ),
7044     entity( "&Longleftarrow;", [ 10232, 0 ] ),
7045     entity( "&Longleftrightarrow;", [ 10234, 0 ] ),
7046     entity( "&Longrightarrow;", [ 10233, 0 ] ),
7047     entity( "&Lopf;", [ 120131, 0 ] ),
7048     entity( "&LowerLeftArrow;", [ 8601, 0 ] ),
7049     entity( "&LowerRightArrow;", [ 8600, 0 ] ),
7050     entity( "&Lscr;", [ 8466, 0 ] ),
7051     entity( "&Lsh;", [ 8624, 0 ] ),
7052     entity( "&Lstrok;", [ 321, 0 ] ),
7053     entity( "&Lt;", [ 8810, 0 ] ),
7054     entity( "&Map;", [ 10501, 0 ] ),
7055     entity( "&Mcy;", [ 1052, 0 ] ),
7056     entity( "&MediumSpace;", [ 8287, 0 ] ),
7057     entity( "&Mellintrf;", [ 8499, 0 ] ),
7058     entity( "&Mfr;", [ 120080, 0 ] ),
7059     entity( "&MinusPlus;", [ 8723, 0 ] ),
7060     entity( "&Mopf;", [ 120132, 0 ] ),
7061     entity( "&Mscr;", [ 8499, 0 ] ),
7062     entity( "&Mu;", [ 924, 0 ] ),
7063     entity( "&NJcy;", [ 1034, 0 ] ),
7064     entity( "&Nacute;", [ 323, 0 ] ),
7065     entity( "&Ncaron;", [ 327, 0 ] ),
7066     entity( "&Ncedil;", [ 325, 0 ] ),
7067     entity( "&Ncy;", [ 1053, 0 ] ),
7068     entity( "&NegativeMediumSpace;", [ 8203, 0 ] ),
7069     entity( "&NegativeThickSpace;", [ 8203, 0 ] ),
7070     entity( "&NegativeThinSpace;", [ 8203, 0 ] ),
7071     entity( "&NegativeVeryThinSpace;", [ 8203, 0 ] ),
7072     entity( "&NestedGreaterGreater;", [ 8811, 0 ] ),
7073     entity( "&NestedLessLess;", [ 8810, 0 ] ),
7074     entity( "&NewLine;", [ 10, 0 ] ),
7075     entity( "&Nfr;", [ 120081, 0 ] ),
7076     entity( "&NoBreak;", [ 8288, 0 ] ),
7077     entity( "&NonBreakingSpace;", [ 160, 0 ] ),
7078     entity( "&Nopf;", [ 8469, 0 ] ),
7079     entity( "&Not;", [ 10988, 0 ] ),
7080     entity( "&NotCongruent;", [ 8802, 0 ] ),
7081     entity( "&NotCupCap;", [ 8813, 0 ] ),
7082     entity( "&NotDoubleVerticalBar;", [ 8742, 0 ] ),
7083     entity( "&NotElement;", [ 8713, 0 ] ),
7084     entity( "&NotEqual;", [ 8800, 0 ] ),
7085     entity( "&NotEqualTilde;", [ 8770, 824 ] ),
7086     entity( "&NotExists;", [ 8708, 0 ] ),
7087     entity( "&NotGreater;", [ 8815, 0 ] ),
7088     entity( "&NotGreaterEqual;", [ 8817, 0 ] ),
7089     entity( "&NotGreaterFullEqual;", [ 8807, 824 ] ),
7090     entity( "&NotGreaterGreater;", [ 8811, 824 ] ),
7091     entity( "&NotGreaterLess;", [ 8825, 0 ] ),
7092     entity( "&NotGreaterSlantEqual;", [ 10878, 824 ] ),
7093     entity( "&NotGreaterTilde;", [ 8821, 0 ] ),
7094     entity( "&NotHumpDownHump;", [ 8782, 824 ] ),
7095     entity( "&NotHumpEqual;", [ 8783, 824 ] ),
7096     entity( "&NotLeftTriangle;", [ 8938, 0 ] ),
7097     entity( "&NotLeftTriangleBar;", [ 10703, 824 ] ),
7098     entity( "&NotLeftTriangleEqual;", [ 8940, 0 ] ),
7099     entity( "&NotLess;", [ 8814, 0 ] ),
7100     entity( "&NotLessEqual;", [ 8816, 0 ] ),
7101     entity( "&NotLessGreater;", [ 8824, 0 ] ),
7102     entity( "&NotLessLess;", [ 8810, 824 ] ),
7103     entity( "&NotLessSlantEqual;", [ 10877, 824 ] ),
7104     entity( "&NotLessTilde;", [ 8820, 0 ] ),
7105     entity( "&NotNestedGreaterGreater;", [ 10914, 824 ] ),
7106     entity( "&NotNestedLessLess;", [ 10913, 824 ] ),
7107     entity( "&NotPrecedes;", [ 8832, 0 ] ),
7108     entity( "&NotPrecedesEqual;", [ 10927, 824 ] ),
7109     entity( "&NotPrecedesSlantEqual;", [ 8928, 0 ] ),
7110     entity( "&NotReverseElement;", [ 8716, 0 ] ),
7111     entity( "&NotRightTriangle;", [ 8939, 0 ] ),
7112     entity( "&NotRightTriangleBar;", [ 10704, 824 ] ),
7113     entity( "&NotRightTriangleEqual;", [ 8941, 0 ] ),
7114     entity( "&NotSquareSubset;", [ 8847, 824 ] ),
7115     entity( "&NotSquareSubsetEqual;", [ 8930, 0 ] ),
7116     entity( "&NotSquareSuperset;", [ 8848, 824 ] ),
7117     entity( "&NotSquareSupersetEqual;", [ 8931, 0 ] ),
7118     entity( "&NotSubset;", [ 8834, 8402 ] ),
7119     entity( "&NotSubsetEqual;", [ 8840, 0 ] ),
7120     entity( "&NotSucceeds;", [ 8833, 0 ] ),
7121     entity( "&NotSucceedsEqual;", [ 10928, 824 ] ),
7122     entity( "&NotSucceedsSlantEqual;", [ 8929, 0 ] ),
7123     entity( "&NotSucceedsTilde;", [ 8831, 824 ] ),
7124     entity( "&NotSuperset;", [ 8835, 8402 ] ),
7125     entity( "&NotSupersetEqual;", [ 8841, 0 ] ),
7126     entity( "&NotTilde;", [ 8769, 0 ] ),
7127     entity( "&NotTildeEqual;", [ 8772, 0 ] ),
7128     entity( "&NotTildeFullEqual;", [ 8775, 0 ] ),
7129     entity( "&NotTildeTilde;", [ 8777, 0 ] ),
7130     entity( "&NotVerticalBar;", [ 8740, 0 ] ),
7131     entity( "&Nscr;", [ 119977, 0 ] ),
7132     entity( "&Ntilde;", [ 209, 0 ] ),
7133     entity( "&Nu;", [ 925, 0 ] ),
7134     entity( "&OElig;", [ 338, 0 ] ),
7135     entity( "&Oacute;", [ 211, 0 ] ),
7136     entity( "&Ocirc;", [ 212, 0 ] ),
7137     entity( "&Ocy;", [ 1054, 0 ] ),
7138     entity( "&Odblac;", [ 336, 0 ] ),
7139     entity( "&Ofr;", [ 120082, 0 ] ),
7140     entity( "&Ograve;", [ 210, 0 ] ),
7141     entity( "&Omacr;", [ 332, 0 ] ),
7142     entity( "&Omega;", [ 937, 0 ] ),
7143     entity( "&Omicron;", [ 927, 0 ] ),
7144     entity( "&Oopf;", [ 120134, 0 ] ),
7145     entity( "&OpenCurlyDoubleQuote;", [ 8220, 0 ] ),
7146     entity( "&OpenCurlyQuote;", [ 8216, 0 ] ),
7147     entity( "&Or;", [ 10836, 0 ] ),
7148     entity( "&Oscr;", [ 119978, 0 ] ),
7149     entity( "&Oslash;", [ 216, 0 ] ),
7150     entity( "&Otilde;", [ 213, 0 ] ),
7151     entity( "&Otimes;", [ 10807, 0 ] ),
7152     entity( "&Ouml;", [ 214, 0 ] ),
7153     entity( "&OverBar;", [ 8254, 0 ] ),
7154     entity( "&OverBrace;", [ 9182, 0 ] ),
7155     entity( "&OverBracket;", [ 9140, 0 ] ),
7156     entity( "&OverParenthesis;", [ 9180, 0 ] ),
7157     entity( "&PartialD;", [ 8706, 0 ] ),
7158     entity( "&Pcy;", [ 1055, 0 ] ),
7159     entity( "&Pfr;", [ 120083, 0 ] ),
7160     entity( "&Phi;", [ 934, 0 ] ),
7161     entity( "&Pi;", [ 928, 0 ] ),
7162     entity( "&PlusMinus;", [ 177, 0 ] ),
7163     entity( "&Poincareplane;", [ 8460, 0 ] ),
7164     entity( "&Popf;", [ 8473, 0 ] ),
7165     entity( "&Pr;", [ 10939, 0 ] ),
7166     entity( "&Precedes;", [ 8826, 0 ] ),
7167     entity( "&PrecedesEqual;", [ 10927, 0 ] ),
7168     entity( "&PrecedesSlantEqual;", [ 8828, 0 ] ),
7169     entity( "&PrecedesTilde;", [ 8830, 0 ] ),
7170     entity( "&Prime;", [ 8243, 0 ] ),
7171     entity( "&Product;", [ 8719, 0 ] ),
7172     entity( "&Proportion;", [ 8759, 0 ] ),
7173     entity( "&Proportional;", [ 8733, 0 ] ),
7174     entity( "&Pscr;", [ 119979, 0 ] ),
7175     entity( "&Psi;", [ 936, 0 ] ),
7176     entity( "&QUOT;", [ 34, 0 ] ),
7177     entity( "&Qfr;", [ 120084, 0 ] ),
7178     entity( "&Qopf;", [ 8474, 0 ] ),
7179     entity( "&Qscr;", [ 119980, 0 ] ),
7180     entity( "&RBarr;", [ 10512, 0 ] ),
7181     entity( "&REG;", [ 174, 0 ] ),
7182     entity( "&Racute;", [ 340, 0 ] ),
7183     entity( "&Rang;", [ 10219, 0 ] ),
7184     entity( "&Rarr;", [ 8608, 0 ] ),
7185     entity( "&Rarrtl;", [ 10518, 0 ] ),
7186     entity( "&Rcaron;", [ 344, 0 ] ),
7187     entity( "&Rcedil;", [ 342, 0 ] ),
7188     entity( "&Rcy;", [ 1056, 0 ] ),
7189     entity( "&Re;", [ 8476, 0 ] ),
7190     entity( "&ReverseElement;", [ 8715, 0 ] ),
7191     entity( "&ReverseEquilibrium;", [ 8651, 0 ] ),
7192     entity( "&ReverseUpEquilibrium;", [ 10607, 0 ] ),
7193     entity( "&Rfr;", [ 8476, 0 ] ),
7194     entity( "&Rho;", [ 929, 0 ] ),
7195     entity( "&RightAngleBracket;", [ 10217, 0 ] ),
7196     entity( "&RightArrow;", [ 8594, 0 ] ),
7197     entity( "&RightArrowBar;", [ 8677, 0 ] ),
7198     entity( "&RightArrowLeftArrow;", [ 8644, 0 ] ),
7199     entity( "&RightCeiling;", [ 8969, 0 ] ),
7200     entity( "&RightDoubleBracket;", [ 10215, 0 ] ),
7201     entity( "&RightDownTeeVector;", [ 10589, 0 ] ),
7202     entity( "&RightDownVector;", [ 8642, 0 ] ),
7203     entity( "&RightDownVectorBar;", [ 10581, 0 ] ),
7204     entity( "&RightFloor;", [ 8971, 0 ] ),
7205     entity( "&RightTee;", [ 8866, 0 ] ),
7206     entity( "&RightTeeArrow;", [ 8614, 0 ] ),
7207     entity( "&RightTeeVector;", [ 10587, 0 ] ),
7208     entity( "&RightTriangle;", [ 8883, 0 ] ),
7209     entity( "&RightTriangleBar;", [ 10704, 0 ] ),
7210     entity( "&RightTriangleEqual;", [ 8885, 0 ] ),
7211     entity( "&RightUpDownVector;", [ 10575, 0 ] ),
7212     entity( "&RightUpTeeVector;", [ 10588, 0 ] ),
7213     entity( "&RightUpVector;", [ 8638, 0 ] ),
7214     entity( "&RightUpVectorBar;", [ 10580, 0 ] ),
7215     entity( "&RightVector;", [ 8640, 0 ] ),
7216     entity( "&RightVectorBar;", [ 10579, 0 ] ),
7217     entity( "&Rightarrow;", [ 8658, 0 ] ),
7218     entity( "&Ropf;", [ 8477, 0 ] ),
7219     entity( "&RoundImplies;", [ 10608, 0 ] ),
7220     entity( "&Rrightarrow;", [ 8667, 0 ] ),
7221     entity( "&Rscr;", [ 8475, 0 ] ),
7222     entity( "&Rsh;", [ 8625, 0 ] ),
7223     entity( "&RuleDelayed;", [ 10740, 0 ] ),
7224     entity( "&SHCHcy;", [ 1065, 0 ] ),
7225     entity( "&SHcy;", [ 1064, 0 ] ),
7226     entity( "&SOFTcy;", [ 1068, 0 ] ),
7227     entity( "&Sacute;", [ 346, 0 ] ),
7228     entity( "&Sc;", [ 10940, 0 ] ),
7229     entity( "&Scaron;", [ 352, 0 ] ),
7230     entity( "&Scedil;", [ 350, 0 ] ),
7231     entity( "&Scirc;", [ 348, 0 ] ),
7232     entity( "&Scy;", [ 1057, 0 ] ),
7233     entity( "&Sfr;", [ 120086, 0 ] ),
7234     entity( "&ShortDownArrow;", [ 8595, 0 ] ),
7235     entity( "&ShortLeftArrow;", [ 8592, 0 ] ),
7236     entity( "&ShortRightArrow;", [ 8594, 0 ] ),
7237     entity( "&ShortUpArrow;", [ 8593, 0 ] ),
7238     entity( "&Sigma;", [ 931, 0 ] ),
7239     entity( "&SmallCircle;", [ 8728, 0 ] ),
7240     entity( "&Sopf;", [ 120138, 0 ] ),
7241     entity( "&Sqrt;", [ 8730, 0 ] ),
7242     entity( "&Square;", [ 9633, 0 ] ),
7243     entity( "&SquareIntersection;", [ 8851, 0 ] ),
7244     entity( "&SquareSubset;", [ 8847, 0 ] ),
7245     entity( "&SquareSubsetEqual;", [ 8849, 0 ] ),
7246     entity( "&SquareSuperset;", [ 8848, 0 ] ),
7247     entity( "&SquareSupersetEqual;", [ 8850, 0 ] ),
7248     entity( "&SquareUnion;", [ 8852, 0 ] ),
7249     entity( "&Sscr;", [ 119982, 0 ] ),
7250     entity( "&Star;", [ 8902, 0 ] ),
7251     entity( "&Sub;", [ 8912, 0 ] ),
7252     entity( "&Subset;", [ 8912, 0 ] ),
7253     entity( "&SubsetEqual;", [ 8838, 0 ] ),
7254     entity( "&Succeeds;", [ 8827, 0 ] ),
7255     entity( "&SucceedsEqual;", [ 10928, 0 ] ),
7256     entity( "&SucceedsSlantEqual;", [ 8829, 0 ] ),
7257     entity( "&SucceedsTilde;", [ 8831, 0 ] ),
7258     entity( "&SuchThat;", [ 8715, 0 ] ),
7259     entity( "&Sum;", [ 8721, 0 ] ),
7260     entity( "&Sup;", [ 8913, 0 ] ),
7261     entity( "&Superset;", [ 8835, 0 ] ),
7262     entity( "&SupersetEqual;", [ 8839, 0 ] ),
7263     entity( "&Supset;", [ 8913, 0 ] ),
7264     entity( "&THORN;", [ 222, 0 ] ),
7265     entity( "&TRADE;", [ 8482, 0 ] ),
7266     entity( "&TSHcy;", [ 1035, 0 ] ),
7267     entity( "&TScy;", [ 1062, 0 ] ),
7268     entity( "&Tab;", [ 9, 0 ] ),
7269     entity( "&Tau;", [ 932, 0 ] ),
7270     entity( "&Tcaron;", [ 356, 0 ] ),
7271     entity( "&Tcedil;", [ 354, 0 ] ),
7272     entity( "&Tcy;", [ 1058, 0 ] ),
7273     entity( "&Tfr;", [ 120087, 0 ] ),
7274     entity( "&Therefore;", [ 8756, 0 ] ),
7275     entity( "&Theta;", [ 920, 0 ] ),
7276     entity( "&ThickSpace;", [ 8287, 8202 ] ),
7277     entity( "&ThinSpace;", [ 8201, 0 ] ),
7278     entity( "&Tilde;", [ 8764, 0 ] ),
7279     entity( "&TildeEqual;", [ 8771, 0 ] ),
7280     entity( "&TildeFullEqual;", [ 8773, 0 ] ),
7281     entity( "&TildeTilde;", [ 8776, 0 ] ),
7282     entity( "&Topf;", [ 120139, 0 ] ),
7283     entity( "&TripleDot;", [ 8411, 0 ] ),
7284     entity( "&Tscr;", [ 119983, 0 ] ),
7285     entity( "&Tstrok;", [ 358, 0 ] ),
7286     entity( "&Uacute;", [ 218, 0 ] ),
7287     entity( "&Uarr;", [ 8607, 0 ] ),
7288     entity( "&Uarrocir;", [ 10569, 0 ] ),
7289     entity( "&Ubrcy;", [ 1038, 0 ] ),
7290     entity( "&Ubreve;", [ 364, 0 ] ),
7291     entity( "&Ucirc;", [ 219, 0 ] ),
7292     entity( "&Ucy;", [ 1059, 0 ] ),
7293     entity( "&Udblac;", [ 368, 0 ] ),
7294     entity( "&Ufr;", [ 120088, 0 ] ),
7295     entity( "&Ugrave;", [ 217, 0 ] ),
7296     entity( "&Umacr;", [ 362, 0 ] ),
7297     entity( "&UnderBar;", [ 95, 0 ] ),
7298     entity( "&UnderBrace;", [ 9183, 0 ] ),
7299     entity( "&UnderBracket;", [ 9141, 0 ] ),
7300     entity( "&UnderParenthesis;", [ 9181, 0 ] ),
7301     entity( "&Union;", [ 8899, 0 ] ),
7302     entity( "&UnionPlus;", [ 8846, 0 ] ),
7303     entity( "&Uogon;", [ 370, 0 ] ),
7304     entity( "&Uopf;", [ 120140, 0 ] ),
7305     entity( "&UpArrow;", [ 8593, 0 ] ),
7306     entity( "&UpArrowBar;", [ 10514, 0 ] ),
7307     entity( "&UpArrowDownArrow;", [ 8645, 0 ] ),
7308     entity( "&UpDownArrow;", [ 8597, 0 ] ),
7309     entity( "&UpEquilibrium;", [ 10606, 0 ] ),
7310     entity( "&UpTee;", [ 8869, 0 ] ),
7311     entity( "&UpTeeArrow;", [ 8613, 0 ] ),
7312     entity( "&Uparrow;", [ 8657, 0 ] ),
7313     entity( "&Updownarrow;", [ 8661, 0 ] ),
7314     entity( "&UpperLeftArrow;", [ 8598, 0 ] ),
7315     entity( "&UpperRightArrow;", [ 8599, 0 ] ),
7316     entity( "&Upsi;", [ 978, 0 ] ),
7317     entity( "&Upsilon;", [ 933, 0 ] ),
7318     entity( "&Uring;", [ 366, 0 ] ),
7319     entity( "&Uscr;", [ 119984, 0 ] ),
7320     entity( "&Utilde;", [ 360, 0 ] ),
7321     entity( "&Uuml;", [ 220, 0 ] ),
7322     entity( "&VDash;", [ 8875, 0 ] ),
7323     entity( "&Vbar;", [ 10987, 0 ] ),
7324     entity( "&Vcy;", [ 1042, 0 ] ),
7325     entity( "&Vdash;", [ 8873, 0 ] ),
7326     entity( "&Vdashl;", [ 10982, 0 ] ),
7327     entity( "&Vee;", [ 8897, 0 ] ),
7328     entity( "&Verbar;", [ 8214, 0 ] ),
7329     entity( "&Vert;", [ 8214, 0 ] ),
7330     entity( "&VerticalBar;", [ 8739, 0 ] ),
7331     entity( "&VerticalLine;", [ 124, 0 ] ),
7332     entity( "&VerticalSeparator;", [ 10072, 0 ] ),
7333     entity( "&VerticalTilde;", [ 8768, 0 ] ),
7334     entity( "&VeryThinSpace;", [ 8202, 0 ] ),
7335     entity( "&Vfr;", [ 120089, 0 ] ),
7336     entity( "&Vopf;", [ 120141, 0 ] ),
7337     entity( "&Vscr;", [ 119985, 0 ] ),
7338     entity( "&Vvdash;", [ 8874, 0 ] ),
7339     entity( "&Wcirc;", [ 372, 0 ] ),
7340     entity( "&Wedge;", [ 8896, 0 ] ),
7341     entity( "&Wfr;", [ 120090, 0 ] ),
7342     entity( "&Wopf;", [ 120142, 0 ] ),
7343     entity( "&Wscr;", [ 119986, 0 ] ),
7344     entity( "&Xfr;", [ 120091, 0 ] ),
7345     entity( "&Xi;", [ 926, 0 ] ),
7346     entity( "&Xopf;", [ 120143, 0 ] ),
7347     entity( "&Xscr;", [ 119987, 0 ] ),
7348     entity( "&YAcy;", [ 1071, 0 ] ),
7349     entity( "&YIcy;", [ 1031, 0 ] ),
7350     entity( "&YUcy;", [ 1070, 0 ] ),
7351     entity( "&Yacute;", [ 221, 0 ] ),
7352     entity( "&Ycirc;", [ 374, 0 ] ),
7353     entity( "&Ycy;", [ 1067, 0 ] ),
7354     entity( "&Yfr;", [ 120092, 0 ] ),
7355     entity( "&Yopf;", [ 120144, 0 ] ),
7356     entity( "&Yscr;", [ 119988, 0 ] ),
7357     entity( "&Yuml;", [ 376, 0 ] ),
7358     entity( "&ZHcy;", [ 1046, 0 ] ),
7359     entity( "&Zacute;", [ 377, 0 ] ),
7360     entity( "&Zcaron;", [ 381, 0 ] ),
7361     entity( "&Zcy;", [ 1047, 0 ] ),
7362     entity( "&Zdot;", [ 379, 0 ] ),
7363     entity( "&ZeroWidthSpace;", [ 8203, 0 ] ),
7364     entity( "&Zeta;", [ 918, 0 ] ),
7365     entity( "&Zfr;", [ 8488, 0 ] ),
7366     entity( "&Zopf;", [ 8484, 0 ] ),
7367     entity( "&Zscr;", [ 119989, 0 ] ),
7368     entity( "&aacute;", [ 225, 0 ] ),
7369     entity( "&abreve;", [ 259, 0 ] ),
7370     entity( "&ac;", [ 8766, 0 ] ),
7371     entity( "&acE;", [ 8766, 819 ] ),
7372     entity( "&acd;", [ 8767, 0 ] ),
7373     entity( "&acirc;", [ 226, 0 ] ),
7374     entity( "&acute;", [ 180, 0 ] ),
7375     entity( "&acy;", [ 1072, 0 ] ),
7376     entity( "&aelig;", [ 230, 0 ] ),
7377     entity( "&af;", [ 8289, 0 ] ),
7378     entity( "&afr;", [ 120094, 0 ] ),
7379     entity( "&agrave;", [ 224, 0 ] ),
7380     entity( "&alefsym;", [ 8501, 0 ] ),
7381     entity( "&aleph;", [ 8501, 0 ] ),
7382     entity( "&alpha;", [ 945, 0 ] ),
7383     entity( "&amacr;", [ 257, 0 ] ),
7384     entity( "&amalg;", [ 10815, 0 ] ),
7385     entity( "&amp;", [ 38, 0 ] ),
7386     entity( "&and;", [ 8743, 0 ] ),
7387     entity( "&andand;", [ 10837, 0 ] ),
7388     entity( "&andd;", [ 10844, 0 ] ),
7389     entity( "&andslope;", [ 10840, 0 ] ),
7390     entity( "&andv;", [ 10842, 0 ] ),
7391     entity( "&ang;", [ 8736, 0 ] ),
7392     entity( "&ange;", [ 10660, 0 ] ),
7393     entity( "&angle;", [ 8736, 0 ] ),
7394     entity( "&angmsd;", [ 8737, 0 ] ),
7395     entity( "&angmsdaa;", [ 10664, 0 ] ),
7396     entity( "&angmsdab;", [ 10665, 0 ] ),
7397     entity( "&angmsdac;", [ 10666, 0 ] ),
7398     entity( "&angmsdad;", [ 10667, 0 ] ),
7399     entity( "&angmsdae;", [ 10668, 0 ] ),
7400     entity( "&angmsdaf;", [ 10669, 0 ] ),
7401     entity( "&angmsdag;", [ 10670, 0 ] ),
7402     entity( "&angmsdah;", [ 10671, 0 ] ),
7403     entity( "&angrt;", [ 8735, 0 ] ),
7404     entity( "&angrtvb;", [ 8894, 0 ] ),
7405     entity( "&angrtvbd;", [ 10653, 0 ] ),
7406     entity( "&angsph;", [ 8738, 0 ] ),
7407     entity( "&angst;", [ 197, 0 ] ),
7408     entity( "&angzarr;", [ 9084, 0 ] ),
7409     entity( "&aogon;", [ 261, 0 ] ),
7410     entity( "&aopf;", [ 120146, 0 ] ),
7411     entity( "&ap;", [ 8776, 0 ] ),
7412     entity( "&apE;", [ 10864, 0 ] ),
7413     entity( "&apacir;", [ 10863, 0 ] ),
7414     entity( "&ape;", [ 8778, 0 ] ),
7415     entity( "&apid;", [ 8779, 0 ] ),
7416     entity( "&apos;", [ 39, 0 ] ),
7417     entity( "&approx;", [ 8776, 0 ] ),
7418     entity( "&approxeq;", [ 8778, 0 ] ),
7419     entity( "&aring;", [ 229, 0 ] ),
7420     entity( "&ascr;", [ 119990, 0 ] ),
7421     entity( "&ast;", [ 42, 0 ] ),
7422     entity( "&asymp;", [ 8776, 0 ] ),
7423     entity( "&asympeq;", [ 8781, 0 ] ),
7424     entity( "&atilde;", [ 227, 0 ] ),
7425     entity( "&auml;", [ 228, 0 ] ),
7426     entity( "&awconint;", [ 8755, 0 ] ),
7427     entity( "&awint;", [ 10769, 0 ] ),
7428     entity( "&bNot;", [ 10989, 0 ] ),
7429     entity( "&backcong;", [ 8780, 0 ] ),
7430     entity( "&backepsilon;", [ 1014, 0 ] ),
7431     entity( "&backprime;", [ 8245, 0 ] ),
7432     entity( "&backsim;", [ 8765, 0 ] ),
7433     entity( "&backsimeq;", [ 8909, 0 ] ),
7434     entity( "&barvee;", [ 8893, 0 ] ),
7435     entity( "&barwed;", [ 8965, 0 ] ),
7436     entity( "&barwedge;", [ 8965, 0 ] ),
7437     entity( "&bbrk;", [ 9141, 0 ] ),
7438     entity( "&bbrktbrk;", [ 9142, 0 ] ),
7439     entity( "&bcong;", [ 8780, 0 ] ),
7440     entity( "&bcy;", [ 1073, 0 ] ),
7441     entity( "&bdquo;", [ 8222, 0 ] ),
7442     entity( "&becaus;", [ 8757, 0 ] ),
7443     entity( "&because;", [ 8757, 0 ] ),
7444     entity( "&bemptyv;", [ 10672, 0 ] ),
7445     entity( "&bepsi;", [ 1014, 0 ] ),
7446     entity( "&bernou;", [ 8492, 0 ] ),
7447     entity( "&beta;", [ 946, 0 ] ),
7448     entity( "&beth;", [ 8502, 0 ] ),
7449     entity( "&between;", [ 8812, 0 ] ),
7450     entity( "&bfr;", [ 120095, 0 ] ),
7451     entity( "&bigcap;", [ 8898, 0 ] ),
7452     entity( "&bigcirc;", [ 9711, 0 ] ),
7453     entity( "&bigcup;", [ 8899, 0 ] ),
7454     entity( "&bigodot;", [ 10752, 0 ] ),
7455     entity( "&bigoplus;", [ 10753, 0 ] ),
7456     entity( "&bigotimes;", [ 10754, 0 ] ),
7457     entity( "&bigsqcup;", [ 10758, 0 ] ),
7458     entity( "&bigstar;", [ 9733, 0 ] ),
7459     entity( "&bigtriangledown;", [ 9661, 0 ] ),
7460     entity( "&bigtriangleup;", [ 9651, 0 ] ),
7461     entity( "&biguplus;", [ 10756, 0 ] ),
7462     entity( "&bigvee;", [ 8897, 0 ] ),
7463     entity( "&bigwedge;", [ 8896, 0 ] ),
7464     entity( "&bkarow;", [ 10509, 0 ] ),
7465     entity( "&blacklozenge;", [ 10731, 0 ] ),
7466     entity( "&blacksquare;", [ 9642, 0 ] ),
7467     entity( "&blacktriangle;", [ 9652, 0 ] ),
7468     entity( "&blacktriangledown;", [ 9662, 0 ] ),
7469     entity( "&blacktriangleleft;", [ 9666, 0 ] ),
7470     entity( "&blacktriangleright;", [ 9656, 0 ] ),
7471     entity( "&blank;", [ 9251, 0 ] ),
7472     entity( "&blk12;", [ 9618, 0 ] ),
7473     entity( "&blk14;", [ 9617, 0 ] ),
7474     entity( "&blk34;", [ 9619, 0 ] ),
7475     entity( "&block;", [ 9608, 0 ] ),
7476     entity( "&bne;", [ 61, 8421 ] ),
7477     entity( "&bnequiv;", [ 8801, 8421 ] ),
7478     entity( "&bnot;", [ 8976, 0 ] ),
7479     entity( "&bopf;", [ 120147, 0 ] ),
7480     entity( "&bot;", [ 8869, 0 ] ),
7481     entity( "&bottom;", [ 8869, 0 ] ),
7482     entity( "&bowtie;", [ 8904, 0 ] ),
7483     entity( "&boxDL;", [ 9559, 0 ] ),
7484     entity( "&boxDR;", [ 9556, 0 ] ),
7485     entity( "&boxDl;", [ 9558, 0 ] ),
7486     entity( "&boxDr;", [ 9555, 0 ] ),
7487     entity( "&boxH;", [ 9552, 0 ] ),
7488     entity( "&boxHD;", [ 9574, 0 ] ),
7489     entity( "&boxHU;", [ 9577, 0 ] ),
7490     entity( "&boxHd;", [ 9572, 0 ] ),
7491     entity( "&boxHu;", [ 9575, 0 ] ),
7492     entity( "&boxUL;", [ 9565, 0 ] ),
7493     entity( "&boxUR;", [ 9562, 0 ] ),
7494     entity( "&boxUl;", [ 9564, 0 ] ),
7495     entity( "&boxUr;", [ 9561, 0 ] ),
7496     entity( "&boxV;", [ 9553, 0 ] ),
7497     entity( "&boxVH;", [ 9580, 0 ] ),
7498     entity( "&boxVL;", [ 9571, 0 ] ),
7499     entity( "&boxVR;", [ 9568, 0 ] ),
7500     entity( "&boxVh;", [ 9579, 0 ] ),
7501     entity( "&boxVl;", [ 9570, 0 ] ),
7502     entity( "&boxVr;", [ 9567, 0 ] ),
7503     entity( "&boxbox;", [ 10697, 0 ] ),
7504     entity( "&boxdL;", [ 9557, 0 ] ),
7505     entity( "&boxdR;", [ 9554, 0 ] ),
7506     entity( "&boxdl;", [ 9488, 0 ] ),
7507     entity( "&boxdr;", [ 9484, 0 ] ),
7508     entity( "&boxh;", [ 9472, 0 ] ),
7509     entity( "&boxhD;", [ 9573, 0 ] ),
7510     entity( "&boxhU;", [ 9576, 0 ] ),
7511     entity( "&boxhd;", [ 9516, 0 ] ),
7512     entity( "&boxhu;", [ 9524, 0 ] ),
7513     entity( "&boxminus;", [ 8863, 0 ] ),
7514     entity( "&boxplus;", [ 8862, 0 ] ),
7515     entity( "&boxtimes;", [ 8864, 0 ] ),
7516     entity( "&boxuL;", [ 9563, 0 ] ),
7517     entity( "&boxuR;", [ 9560, 0 ] ),
7518     entity( "&boxul;", [ 9496, 0 ] ),
7519     entity( "&boxur;", [ 9492, 0 ] ),
7520     entity( "&boxv;", [ 9474, 0 ] ),
7521     entity( "&boxvH;", [ 9578, 0 ] ),
7522     entity( "&boxvL;", [ 9569, 0 ] ),
7523     entity( "&boxvR;", [ 9566, 0 ] ),
7524     entity( "&boxvh;", [ 9532, 0 ] ),
7525     entity( "&boxvl;", [ 9508, 0 ] ),
7526     entity( "&boxvr;", [ 9500, 0 ] ),
7527     entity( "&bprime;", [ 8245, 0 ] ),
7528     entity( "&breve;", [ 728, 0 ] ),
7529     entity( "&brvbar;", [ 166, 0 ] ),
7530     entity( "&bscr;", [ 119991, 0 ] ),
7531     entity( "&bsemi;", [ 8271, 0 ] ),
7532     entity( "&bsim;", [ 8765, 0 ] ),
7533     entity( "&bsime;", [ 8909, 0 ] ),
7534     entity( "&bsol;", [ 92, 0 ] ),
7535     entity( "&bsolb;", [ 10693, 0 ] ),
7536     entity( "&bsolhsub;", [ 10184, 0 ] ),
7537     entity( "&bull;", [ 8226, 0 ] ),
7538     entity( "&bullet;", [ 8226, 0 ] ),
7539     entity( "&bump;", [ 8782, 0 ] ),
7540     entity( "&bumpE;", [ 10926, 0 ] ),
7541     entity( "&bumpe;", [ 8783, 0 ] ),
7542     entity( "&bumpeq;", [ 8783, 0 ] ),
7543     entity( "&cacute;", [ 263, 0 ] ),
7544     entity( "&cap;", [ 8745, 0 ] ),
7545     entity( "&capand;", [ 10820, 0 ] ),
7546     entity( "&capbrcup;", [ 10825, 0 ] ),
7547     entity( "&capcap;", [ 10827, 0 ] ),
7548     entity( "&capcup;", [ 10823, 0 ] ),
7549     entity( "&capdot;", [ 10816, 0 ] ),
7550     entity( "&caps;", [ 8745, 65024 ] ),
7551     entity( "&caret;", [ 8257, 0 ] ),
7552     entity( "&caron;", [ 711, 0 ] ),
7553     entity( "&ccaps;", [ 10829, 0 ] ),
7554     entity( "&ccaron;", [ 269, 0 ] ),
7555     entity( "&ccedil;", [ 231, 0 ] ),
7556     entity( "&ccirc;", [ 265, 0 ] ),
7557     entity( "&ccups;", [ 10828, 0 ] ),
7558     entity( "&ccupssm;", [ 10832, 0 ] ),
7559     entity( "&cdot;", [ 267, 0 ] ),
7560     entity( "&cedil;", [ 184, 0 ] ),
7561     entity( "&cemptyv;", [ 10674, 0 ] ),
7562     entity( "&cent;", [ 162, 0 ] ),
7563     entity( "&centerdot;", [ 183, 0 ] ),
7564     entity( "&cfr;", [ 120096, 0 ] ),
7565     entity( "&chcy;", [ 1095, 0 ] ),
7566     entity( "&check;", [ 10003, 0 ] ),
7567     entity( "&checkmark;", [ 10003, 0 ] ),
7568     entity( "&chi;", [ 967, 0 ] ),
7569     entity( "&cir;", [ 9675, 0 ] ),
7570     entity( "&cirE;", [ 10691, 0 ] ),
7571     entity( "&circ;", [ 710, 0 ] ),
7572     entity( "&circeq;", [ 8791, 0 ] ),
7573     entity( "&circlearrowleft;", [ 8634, 0 ] ),
7574     entity( "&circlearrowright;", [ 8635, 0 ] ),
7575     entity( "&circledR;", [ 174, 0 ] ),
7576     entity( "&circledS;", [ 9416, 0 ] ),
7577     entity( "&circledast;", [ 8859, 0 ] ),
7578     entity( "&circledcirc;", [ 8858, 0 ] ),
7579     entity( "&circleddash;", [ 8861, 0 ] ),
7580     entity( "&cire;", [ 8791, 0 ] ),
7581     entity( "&cirfnint;", [ 10768, 0 ] ),
7582     entity( "&cirmid;", [ 10991, 0 ] ),
7583     entity( "&cirscir;", [ 10690, 0 ] ),
7584     entity( "&clubs;", [ 9827, 0 ] ),
7585     entity( "&clubsuit;", [ 9827, 0 ] ),
7586     entity( "&colon;", [ 58, 0 ] ),
7587     entity( "&colone;", [ 8788, 0 ] ),
7588     entity( "&coloneq;", [ 8788, 0 ] ),
7589     entity( "&comma;", [ 44, 0 ] ),
7590     entity( "&commat;", [ 64, 0 ] ),
7591     entity( "&comp;", [ 8705, 0 ] ),
7592     entity( "&compfn;", [ 8728, 0 ] ),
7593     entity( "&complement;", [ 8705, 0 ] ),
7594     entity( "&complexes;", [ 8450, 0 ] ),
7595     entity( "&cong;", [ 8773, 0 ] ),
7596     entity( "&congdot;", [ 10861, 0 ] ),
7597     entity( "&conint;", [ 8750, 0 ] ),
7598     entity( "&copf;", [ 120148, 0 ] ),
7599     entity( "&coprod;", [ 8720, 0 ] ),
7600     entity( "&copy;", [ 169, 0 ] ),
7601     entity( "&copysr;", [ 8471, 0 ] ),
7602     entity( "&crarr;", [ 8629, 0 ] ),
7603     entity( "&cross;", [ 10007, 0 ] ),
7604     entity( "&cscr;", [ 119992, 0 ] ),
7605     entity( "&csub;", [ 10959, 0 ] ),
7606     entity( "&csube;", [ 10961, 0 ] ),
7607     entity( "&csup;", [ 10960, 0 ] ),
7608     entity( "&csupe;", [ 10962, 0 ] ),
7609     entity( "&ctdot;", [ 8943, 0 ] ),
7610     entity( "&cudarrl;", [ 10552, 0 ] ),
7611     entity( "&cudarrr;", [ 10549, 0 ] ),
7612     entity( "&cuepr;", [ 8926, 0 ] ),
7613     entity( "&cuesc;", [ 8927, 0 ] ),
7614     entity( "&cularr;", [ 8630, 0 ] ),
7615     entity( "&cularrp;", [ 10557, 0 ] ),
7616     entity( "&cup;", [ 8746, 0 ] ),
7617     entity( "&cupbrcap;", [ 10824, 0 ] ),
7618     entity( "&cupcap;", [ 10822, 0 ] ),
7619     entity( "&cupcup;", [ 10826, 0 ] ),
7620     entity( "&cupdot;", [ 8845, 0 ] ),
7621     entity( "&cupor;", [ 10821, 0 ] ),
7622     entity( "&cups;", [ 8746, 65024 ] ),
7623     entity( "&curarr;", [ 8631, 0 ] ),
7624     entity( "&curarrm;", [ 10556, 0 ] ),
7625     entity( "&curlyeqprec;", [ 8926, 0 ] ),
7626     entity( "&curlyeqsucc;", [ 8927, 0 ] ),
7627     entity( "&curlyvee;", [ 8910, 0 ] ),
7628     entity( "&curlywedge;", [ 8911, 0 ] ),
7629     entity( "&curren;", [ 164, 0 ] ),
7630     entity( "&curvearrowleft;", [ 8630, 0 ] ),
7631     entity( "&curvearrowright;", [ 8631, 0 ] ),
7632     entity( "&cuvee;", [ 8910, 0 ] ),
7633     entity( "&cuwed;", [ 8911, 0 ] ),
7634     entity( "&cwconint;", [ 8754, 0 ] ),
7635     entity( "&cwint;", [ 8753, 0 ] ),
7636     entity( "&cylcty;", [ 9005, 0 ] ),
7637     entity( "&dArr;", [ 8659, 0 ] ),
7638     entity( "&dHar;", [ 10597, 0 ] ),
7639     entity( "&dagger;", [ 8224, 0 ] ),
7640     entity( "&daleth;", [ 8504, 0 ] ),
7641     entity( "&darr;", [ 8595, 0 ] ),
7642     entity( "&dash;", [ 8208, 0 ] ),
7643     entity( "&dashv;", [ 8867, 0 ] ),
7644     entity( "&dbkarow;", [ 10511, 0 ] ),
7645     entity( "&dblac;", [ 733, 0 ] ),
7646     entity( "&dcaron;", [ 271, 0 ] ),
7647     entity( "&dcy;", [ 1076, 0 ] ),
7648     entity( "&dd;", [ 8518, 0 ] ),
7649     entity( "&ddagger;", [ 8225, 0 ] ),
7650     entity( "&ddarr;", [ 8650, 0 ] ),
7651     entity( "&ddotseq;", [ 10871, 0 ] ),
7652     entity( "&deg;", [ 176, 0 ] ),
7653     entity( "&delta;", [ 948, 0 ] ),
7654     entity( "&demptyv;", [ 10673, 0 ] ),
7655     entity( "&dfisht;", [ 10623, 0 ] ),
7656     entity( "&dfr;", [ 120097, 0 ] ),
7657     entity( "&dharl;", [ 8643, 0 ] ),
7658     entity( "&dharr;", [ 8642, 0 ] ),
7659     entity( "&diam;", [ 8900, 0 ] ),
7660     entity( "&diamond;", [ 8900, 0 ] ),
7661     entity( "&diamondsuit;", [ 9830, 0 ] ),
7662     entity( "&diams;", [ 9830, 0 ] ),
7663     entity( "&die;", [ 168, 0 ] ),
7664     entity( "&digamma;", [ 989, 0 ] ),
7665     entity( "&disin;", [ 8946, 0 ] ),
7666     entity( "&div;", [ 247, 0 ] ),
7667     entity( "&divide;", [ 247, 0 ] ),
7668     entity( "&divideontimes;", [ 8903, 0 ] ),
7669     entity( "&divonx;", [ 8903, 0 ] ),
7670     entity( "&djcy;", [ 1106, 0 ] ),
7671     entity( "&dlcorn;", [ 8990, 0 ] ),
7672     entity( "&dlcrop;", [ 8973, 0 ] ),
7673     entity( "&dollar;", [ 36, 0 ] ),
7674     entity( "&dopf;", [ 120149, 0 ] ),
7675     entity( "&dot;", [ 729, 0 ] ),
7676     entity( "&doteq;", [ 8784, 0 ] ),
7677     entity( "&doteqdot;", [ 8785, 0 ] ),
7678     entity( "&dotminus;", [ 8760, 0 ] ),
7679     entity( "&dotplus;", [ 8724, 0 ] ),
7680     entity( "&dotsquare;", [ 8865, 0 ] ),
7681     entity( "&doublebarwedge;", [ 8966, 0 ] ),
7682     entity( "&downarrow;", [ 8595, 0 ] ),
7683     entity( "&downdownarrows;", [ 8650, 0 ] ),
7684     entity( "&downharpoonleft;", [ 8643, 0 ] ),
7685     entity( "&downharpoonright;", [ 8642, 0 ] ),
7686     entity( "&drbkarow;", [ 10512, 0 ] ),
7687     entity( "&drcorn;", [ 8991, 0 ] ),
7688     entity( "&drcrop;", [ 8972, 0 ] ),
7689     entity( "&dscr;", [ 119993, 0 ] ),
7690     entity( "&dscy;", [ 1109, 0 ] ),
7691     entity( "&dsol;", [ 10742, 0 ] ),
7692     entity( "&dstrok;", [ 273, 0 ] ),
7693     entity( "&dtdot;", [ 8945, 0 ] ),
7694     entity( "&dtri;", [ 9663, 0 ] ),
7695     entity( "&dtrif;", [ 9662, 0 ] ),
7696     entity( "&duarr;", [ 8693, 0 ] ),
7697     entity( "&duhar;", [ 10607, 0 ] ),
7698     entity( "&dwangle;", [ 10662, 0 ] ),
7699     entity( "&dzcy;", [ 1119, 0 ] ),
7700     entity( "&dzigrarr;", [ 10239, 0 ] ),
7701     entity( "&eDDot;", [ 10871, 0 ] ),
7702     entity( "&eDot;", [ 8785, 0 ] ),
7703     entity( "&eacute;", [ 233, 0 ] ),
7704     entity( "&easter;", [ 10862, 0 ] ),
7705     entity( "&ecaron;", [ 283, 0 ] ),
7706     entity( "&ecir;", [ 8790, 0 ] ),
7707     entity( "&ecirc;", [ 234, 0 ] ),
7708     entity( "&ecolon;", [ 8789, 0 ] ),
7709     entity( "&ecy;", [ 1101, 0 ] ),
7710     entity( "&edot;", [ 279, 0 ] ),
7711     entity( "&ee;", [ 8519, 0 ] ),
7712     entity( "&efDot;", [ 8786, 0 ] ),
7713     entity( "&efr;", [ 120098, 0 ] ),
7714     entity( "&eg;", [ 10906, 0 ] ),
7715     entity( "&egrave;", [ 232, 0 ] ),
7716     entity( "&egs;", [ 10902, 0 ] ),
7717     entity( "&egsdot;", [ 10904, 0 ] ),
7718     entity( "&el;", [ 10905, 0 ] ),
7719     entity( "&elinters;", [ 9191, 0 ] ),
7720     entity( "&ell;", [ 8467, 0 ] ),
7721     entity( "&els;", [ 10901, 0 ] ),
7722     entity( "&elsdot;", [ 10903, 0 ] ),
7723     entity( "&emacr;", [ 275, 0 ] ),
7724     entity( "&empty;", [ 8709, 0 ] ),
7725     entity( "&emptyset;", [ 8709, 0 ] ),
7726     entity( "&emptyv;", [ 8709, 0 ] ),
7727     entity( "&emsp13;", [ 8196, 0 ] ),
7728     entity( "&emsp14;", [ 8197, 0 ] ),
7729     entity( "&emsp;", [ 8195, 0 ] ),
7730     entity( "&eng;", [ 331, 0 ] ),
7731     entity( "&ensp;", [ 8194, 0 ] ),
7732     entity( "&eogon;", [ 281, 0 ] ),
7733     entity( "&eopf;", [ 120150, 0 ] ),
7734     entity( "&epar;", [ 8917, 0 ] ),
7735     entity( "&eparsl;", [ 10723, 0 ] ),
7736     entity( "&eplus;", [ 10865, 0 ] ),
7737     entity( "&epsi;", [ 949, 0 ] ),
7738     entity( "&epsilon;", [ 949, 0 ] ),
7739     entity( "&epsiv;", [ 1013, 0 ] ),
7740     entity( "&eqcirc;", [ 8790, 0 ] ),
7741     entity( "&eqcolon;", [ 8789, 0 ] ),
7742     entity( "&eqsim;", [ 8770, 0 ] ),
7743     entity( "&eqslantgtr;", [ 10902, 0 ] ),
7744     entity( "&eqslantless;", [ 10901, 0 ] ),
7745     entity( "&equals;", [ 61, 0 ] ),
7746     entity( "&equest;", [ 8799, 0 ] ),
7747     entity( "&equiv;", [ 8801, 0 ] ),
7748     entity( "&equivDD;", [ 10872, 0 ] ),
7749     entity( "&eqvparsl;", [ 10725, 0 ] ),
7750     entity( "&erDot;", [ 8787, 0 ] ),
7751     entity( "&erarr;", [ 10609, 0 ] ),
7752     entity( "&escr;", [ 8495, 0 ] ),
7753     entity( "&esdot;", [ 8784, 0 ] ),
7754     entity( "&esim;", [ 8770, 0 ] ),
7755     entity( "&eta;", [ 951, 0 ] ),
7756     entity( "&eth;", [ 240, 0 ] ),
7757     entity( "&euml;", [ 235, 0 ] ),
7758     entity( "&euro;", [ 8364, 0 ] ),
7759     entity( "&excl;", [ 33, 0 ] ),
7760     entity( "&exist;", [ 8707, 0 ] ),
7761     entity( "&expectation;", [ 8496, 0 ] ),
7762     entity( "&exponentiale;", [ 8519, 0 ] ),
7763     entity( "&fallingdotseq;", [ 8786, 0 ] ),
7764     entity( "&fcy;", [ 1092, 0 ] ),
7765     entity( "&female;", [ 9792, 0 ] ),
7766     entity( "&ffilig;", [ 64259, 0 ] ),
7767     entity( "&fflig;", [ 64256, 0 ] ),
7768     entity( "&ffllig;", [ 64260, 0 ] ),
7769     entity( "&ffr;", [ 120099, 0 ] ),
7770     entity( "&filig;", [ 64257, 0 ] ),
7771     entity( "&fjlig;", [ 102, 106 ] ),
7772     entity( "&flat;", [ 9837, 0 ] ),
7773     entity( "&fllig;", [ 64258, 0 ] ),
7774     entity( "&fltns;", [ 9649, 0 ] ),
7775     entity( "&fnof;", [ 402, 0 ] ),
7776     entity( "&fopf;", [ 120151, 0 ] ),
7777     entity( "&forall;", [ 8704, 0 ] ),
7778     entity( "&fork;", [ 8916, 0 ] ),
7779     entity( "&forkv;", [ 10969, 0 ] ),
7780     entity( "&fpartint;", [ 10765, 0 ] ),
7781     entity( "&frac12", [ 189, 0 ] ),
7782     entity( "&frac12;", [ 189, 0 ] ),
7783     entity( "&frac13;", [ 8531, 0 ] ),
7784     entity( "&frac14",  [ 188, 0 ] ),
7785     entity( "&frac14;", [ 188, 0 ] ),
7786     entity( "&frac15;", [ 8533, 0 ] ),
7787     entity( "&frac16;", [ 8537, 0 ] ),
7788     entity( "&frac18;", [ 8539, 0 ] ),
7789     entity( "&frac23;", [ 8532, 0 ] ),
7790     entity( "&frac25;", [ 8534, 0 ] ),
7791     entity( "&frac34",  [ 190, 0 ] ),
7792     entity( "&frac34;", [ 190, 0 ] ),
7793     entity( "&frac35;", [ 8535, 0 ] ),
7794     entity( "&frac38;", [ 8540, 0 ] ),
7795     entity( "&frac45;", [ 8536, 0 ] ),
7796     entity( "&frac56;", [ 8538, 0 ] ),
7797     entity( "&frac58;", [ 8541, 0 ] ),
7798     entity( "&frac78;", [ 8542, 0 ] ),
7799     entity( "&frasl;", [ 8260, 0 ] ),
7800     entity( "&frown;", [ 8994, 0 ] ),
7801     entity( "&fscr;", [ 119995, 0 ] ),
7802     entity( "&gE;", [ 8807, 0 ] ),
7803     entity( "&gEl;", [ 10892, 0 ] ),
7804     entity( "&gacute;", [ 501, 0 ] ),
7805     entity( "&gamma;", [ 947, 0 ] ),
7806     entity( "&gammad;", [ 989, 0 ] ),
7807     entity( "&gap;", [ 10886, 0 ] ),
7808     entity( "&gbreve;", [ 287, 0 ] ),
7809     entity( "&gcirc;", [ 285, 0 ] ),
7810     entity( "&gcy;", [ 1075, 0 ] ),
7811     entity( "&gdot;", [ 289, 0 ] ),
7812     entity( "&ge;", [ 8805, 0 ] ),
7813     entity( "&gel;", [ 8923, 0 ] ),
7814     entity( "&geq;", [ 8805, 0 ] ),
7815     entity( "&geqq;", [ 8807, 0 ] ),
7816     entity( "&geqslant;", [ 10878, 0 ] ),
7817     entity( "&ges;", [ 10878, 0 ] ),
7818     entity( "&gescc;", [ 10921, 0 ] ),
7819     entity( "&gesdot;", [ 10880, 0 ] ),
7820     entity( "&gesdoto;", [ 10882, 0 ] ),
7821     entity( "&gesdotol;", [ 10884, 0 ] ),
7822     entity( "&gesl;", [ 8923, 65024 ] ),
7823     entity( "&gesles;", [ 10900, 0 ] ),
7824     entity( "&gfr;", [ 120100, 0 ] ),
7825     entity( "&gg;", [ 8811, 0 ] ),
7826     entity( "&ggg;", [ 8921, 0 ] ),
7827     entity( "&gimel;", [ 8503, 0 ] ),
7828     entity( "&gjcy;", [ 1107, 0 ] ),
7829     entity( "&gl;", [ 8823, 0 ] ),
7830     entity( "&glE;", [ 10898, 0 ] ),
7831     entity( "&gla;", [ 10917, 0 ] ),
7832     entity( "&glj;", [ 10916, 0 ] ),
7833     entity( "&gnE;", [ 8809, 0 ] ),
7834     entity( "&gnap;", [ 10890, 0 ] ),
7835     entity( "&gnapprox;", [ 10890, 0 ] ),
7836     entity( "&gne;", [ 10888, 0 ] ),
7837     entity( "&gneq;", [ 10888, 0 ] ),
7838     entity( "&gneqq;", [ 8809, 0 ] ),
7839     entity( "&gnsim;", [ 8935, 0 ] ),
7840     entity( "&gopf;", [ 120152, 0 ] ),
7841     entity( "&grave;", [ 96, 0 ] ),
7842     entity( "&gscr;", [ 8458, 0 ] ),
7843     entity( "&gsim;", [ 8819, 0 ] ),
7844     entity( "&gsime;", [ 10894, 0 ] ),
7845     entity( "&gsiml;", [ 10896, 0 ] ),
7846     entity( "&gt;", [ 62, 0 ] ),
7847     entity( "&gtcc;", [ 10919, 0 ] ),
7848     entity( "&gtcir;", [ 10874, 0 ] ),
7849     entity( "&gtdot;", [ 8919, 0 ] ),
7850     entity( "&gtlPar;", [ 10645, 0 ] ),
7851     entity( "&gtquest;", [ 10876, 0 ] ),
7852     entity( "&gtrapprox;", [ 10886, 0 ] ),
7853     entity( "&gtrarr;", [ 10616, 0 ] ),
7854     entity( "&gtrdot;", [ 8919, 0 ] ),
7855     entity( "&gtreqless;", [ 8923, 0 ] ),
7856     entity( "&gtreqqless;", [ 10892, 0 ] ),
7857     entity( "&gtrless;", [ 8823, 0 ] ),
7858     entity( "&gtrsim;", [ 8819, 0 ] ),
7859     entity( "&gvertneqq;", [ 8809, 65024 ] ),
7860     entity( "&gvnE;", [ 8809, 65024 ] ),
7861     entity( "&hArr;", [ 8660, 0 ] ),
7862     entity( "&hairsp;", [ 8202, 0 ] ),
7863     entity( "&half;", [ 189, 0 ] ),
7864     entity( "&hamilt;", [ 8459, 0 ] ),
7865     entity( "&hardcy;", [ 1098, 0 ] ),
7866     entity( "&harr;", [ 8596, 0 ] ),
7867     entity( "&harrcir;", [ 10568, 0 ] ),
7868     entity( "&harrw;", [ 8621, 0 ] ),
7869     entity( "&hbar;", [ 8463, 0 ] ),
7870     entity( "&hcirc;", [ 293, 0 ] ),
7871     entity( "&hearts;", [ 9829, 0 ] ),
7872     entity( "&heartsuit;", [ 9829, 0 ] ),
7873     entity( "&hellip;", [ 8230, 0 ] ),
7874     entity( "&hercon;", [ 8889, 0 ] ),
7875     entity( "&hfr;", [ 120101, 0 ] ),
7876     entity( "&hksearow;", [ 10533, 0 ] ),
7877     entity( "&hkswarow;", [ 10534, 0 ] ),
7878     entity( "&hoarr;", [ 8703, 0 ] ),
7879     entity( "&homtht;", [ 8763, 0 ] ),
7880     entity( "&hookleftarrow;", [ 8617, 0 ] ),
7881     entity( "&hookrightarrow;", [ 8618, 0 ] ),
7882     entity( "&hopf;", [ 120153, 0 ] ),
7883     entity( "&horbar;", [ 8213, 0 ] ),
7884     entity( "&hscr;", [ 119997, 0 ] ),
7885     entity( "&hslash;", [ 8463, 0 ] ),
7886     entity( "&hstrok;", [ 295, 0 ] ),
7887     entity( "&hybull;", [ 8259, 0 ] ),
7888     entity( "&hyphen;", [ 8208, 0 ] ),
7889     entity( "&iacute;", [ 237, 0 ] ),
7890     entity( "&ic;", [ 8291, 0 ] ),
7891     entity( "&icirc;", [ 238, 0 ] ),
7892     entity( "&icy;", [ 1080, 0 ] ),
7893     entity( "&iecy;", [ 1077, 0 ] ),
7894     entity( "&iexcl;", [ 161, 0 ] ),
7895     entity( "&iff;", [ 8660, 0 ] ),
7896     entity( "&ifr;", [ 120102, 0 ] ),
7897     entity( "&igrave;", [ 236, 0 ] ),
7898     entity( "&ii;", [ 8520, 0 ] ),
7899     entity( "&iiiint;", [ 10764, 0 ] ),
7900     entity( "&iiint;", [ 8749, 0 ] ),
7901     entity( "&iinfin;", [ 10716, 0 ] ),
7902     entity( "&iiota;", [ 8489, 0 ] ),
7903     entity( "&ijlig;", [ 307, 0 ] ),
7904     entity( "&imacr;", [ 299, 0 ] ),
7905     entity( "&image;", [ 8465, 0 ] ),
7906     entity( "&imagline;", [ 8464, 0 ] ),
7907     entity( "&imagpart;", [ 8465, 0 ] ),
7908     entity( "&imath;", [ 305, 0 ] ),
7909     entity( "&imof;", [ 8887, 0 ] ),
7910     entity( "&imped;", [ 437, 0 ] ),
7911     entity( "&in;", [ 8712, 0 ] ),
7912     entity( "&incare;", [ 8453, 0 ] ),
7913     entity( "&infin;", [ 8734, 0 ] ),
7914     entity( "&infintie;", [ 10717, 0 ] ),
7915     entity( "&inodot;", [ 305, 0 ] ),
7916     entity( "&int;", [ 8747, 0 ] ),
7917     entity( "&intcal;", [ 8890, 0 ] ),
7918     entity( "&integers;", [ 8484, 0 ] ),
7919     entity( "&intercal;", [ 8890, 0 ] ),
7920     entity( "&intlarhk;", [ 10775, 0 ] ),
7921     entity( "&intprod;", [ 10812, 0 ] ),
7922     entity( "&iocy;", [ 1105, 0 ] ),
7923     entity( "&iogon;", [ 303, 0 ] ),
7924     entity( "&iopf;", [ 120154, 0 ] ),
7925     entity( "&iota;", [ 953, 0 ] ),
7926     entity( "&iprod;", [ 10812, 0 ] ),
7927     entity( "&iquest;", [ 191, 0 ] ),
7928     entity( "&iscr;", [ 119998, 0 ] ),
7929     entity( "&isin;", [ 8712, 0 ] ),
7930     entity( "&isinE;", [ 8953, 0 ] ),
7931     entity( "&isindot;", [ 8949, 0 ] ),
7932     entity( "&isins;", [ 8948, 0 ] ),
7933     entity( "&isinsv;", [ 8947, 0 ] ),
7934     entity( "&isinv;", [ 8712, 0 ] ),
7935     entity( "&it;", [ 8290, 0 ] ),
7936     entity( "&itilde;", [ 297, 0 ] ),
7937     entity( "&iukcy;", [ 1110, 0 ] ),
7938     entity( "&iuml;", [ 239, 0 ] ),
7939     entity( "&jcirc;", [ 309, 0 ] ),
7940     entity( "&jcy;", [ 1081, 0 ] ),
7941     entity( "&jfr;", [ 120103, 0 ] ),
7942     entity( "&jmath;", [ 567, 0 ] ),
7943     entity( "&jopf;", [ 120155, 0 ] ),
7944     entity( "&jscr;", [ 119999, 0 ] ),
7945     entity( "&jsercy;", [ 1112, 0 ] ),
7946     entity( "&jukcy;", [ 1108, 0 ] ),
7947     entity( "&kappa;", [ 954, 0 ] ),
7948     entity( "&kappav;", [ 1008, 0 ] ),
7949     entity( "&kcedil;", [ 311, 0 ] ),
7950     entity( "&kcy;", [ 1082, 0 ] ),
7951     entity( "&kfr;", [ 120104, 0 ] ),
7952     entity( "&kgreen;", [ 312, 0 ] ),
7953     entity( "&khcy;", [ 1093, 0 ] ),
7954     entity( "&kjcy;", [ 1116, 0 ] ),
7955     entity( "&kopf;", [ 120156, 0 ] ),
7956     entity( "&kscr;", [ 120000, 0 ] ),
7957     entity( "&lAarr;", [ 8666, 0 ] ),
7958     entity( "&lArr;", [ 8656, 0 ] ),
7959     entity( "&lAtail;", [ 10523, 0 ] ),
7960     entity( "&lBarr;", [ 10510, 0 ] ),
7961     entity( "&lE;", [ 8806, 0 ] ),
7962     entity( "&lEg;", [ 10891, 0 ] ),
7963     entity( "&lHar;", [ 10594, 0 ] ),
7964     entity( "&lacute;", [ 314, 0 ] ),
7965     entity( "&laemptyv;", [ 10676, 0 ] ),
7966     entity( "&lagran;", [ 8466, 0 ] ),
7967     entity( "&lambda;", [ 955, 0 ] ),
7968     entity( "&lang;", [ 10216, 0 ] ),
7969     entity( "&langd;", [ 10641, 0 ] ),
7970     entity( "&langle;", [ 10216, 0 ] ),
7971     entity( "&lap;", [ 10885, 0 ] ),
7972     entity( "&laquo;", [ 171, 0 ] ),
7973     entity( "&larr;", [ 8592, 0 ] ),
7974     entity( "&larrb;", [ 8676, 0 ] ),
7975     entity( "&larrbfs;", [ 10527, 0 ] ),
7976     entity( "&larrfs;", [ 10525, 0 ] ),
7977     entity( "&larrhk;", [ 8617, 0 ] ),
7978     entity( "&larrlp;", [ 8619, 0 ] ),
7979     entity( "&larrpl;", [ 10553, 0 ] ),
7980     entity( "&larrsim;", [ 10611, 0 ] ),
7981     entity( "&larrtl;", [ 8610, 0 ] ),
7982     entity( "&lat;", [ 10923, 0 ] ),
7983     entity( "&latail;", [ 10521, 0 ] ),
7984     entity( "&late;", [ 10925, 0 ] ),
7985     entity( "&lates;", [ 10925, 65024 ] ),
7986     entity( "&lbarr;", [ 10508, 0 ] ),
7987     entity( "&lbbrk;", [ 10098, 0 ] ),
7988     entity( "&lbrace;", [ 123, 0 ] ),
7989     entity( "&lbrack;", [ 91, 0 ] ),
7990     entity( "&lbrke;", [ 10635, 0 ] ),
7991     entity( "&lbrksld;", [ 10639, 0 ] ),
7992     entity( "&lbrkslu;", [ 10637, 0 ] ),
7993     entity( "&lcaron;", [ 318, 0 ] ),
7994     entity( "&lcedil;", [ 316, 0 ] ),
7995     entity( "&lceil;", [ 8968, 0 ] ),
7996     entity( "&lcub;", [ 123, 0 ] ),
7997     entity( "&lcy;", [ 1083, 0 ] ),
7998     entity( "&ldca;", [ 10550, 0 ] ),
7999     entity( "&ldquo;", [ 8220, 0 ] ),
8000     entity( "&ldquor;", [ 8222, 0 ] ),
8001     entity( "&ldrdhar;", [ 10599, 0 ] ),
8002     entity( "&ldrushar;", [ 10571, 0 ] ),
8003     entity( "&ldsh;", [ 8626, 0 ] ),
8004     entity( "&le;", [ 8804, 0 ] ),
8005     entity( "&leftarrow;", [ 8592, 0 ] ),
8006     entity( "&leftarrowtail;", [ 8610, 0 ] ),
8007     entity( "&leftharpoondown;", [ 8637, 0 ] ),
8008     entity( "&leftharpoonup;", [ 8636, 0 ] ),
8009     entity( "&leftleftarrows;", [ 8647, 0 ] ),
8010     entity( "&leftrightarrow;", [ 8596, 0 ] ),
8011     entity( "&leftrightarrows;", [ 8646, 0 ] ),
8012     entity( "&leftrightharpoons;", [ 8651, 0 ] ),
8013     entity( "&leftrightsquigarrow;", [ 8621, 0 ] ),
8014     entity( "&leftthreetimes;", [ 8907, 0 ] ),
8015     entity( "&leg;", [ 8922, 0 ] ),
8016     entity( "&leq;", [ 8804, 0 ] ),
8017     entity( "&leqq;", [ 8806, 0 ] ),
8018     entity( "&leqslant;", [ 10877, 0 ] ),
8019     entity( "&les;", [ 10877, 0 ] ),
8020     entity( "&lescc;", [ 10920, 0 ] ),
8021     entity( "&lesdot;", [ 10879, 0 ] ),
8022     entity( "&lesdoto;", [ 10881, 0 ] ),
8023     entity( "&lesdotor;", [ 10883, 0 ] ),
8024     entity( "&lesg;", [ 8922, 65024 ] ),
8025     entity( "&lesges;", [ 10899, 0 ] ),
8026     entity( "&lessapprox;", [ 10885, 0 ] ),
8027     entity( "&lessdot;", [ 8918, 0 ] ),
8028     entity( "&lesseqgtr;", [ 8922, 0 ] ),
8029     entity( "&lesseqqgtr;", [ 10891, 0 ] ),
8030     entity( "&lessgtr;", [ 8822, 0 ] ),
8031     entity( "&lesssim;", [ 8818, 0 ] ),
8032     entity( "&lfisht;", [ 10620, 0 ] ),
8033     entity( "&lfloor;", [ 8970, 0 ] ),
8034     entity( "&lfr;", [ 120105, 0 ] ),
8035     entity( "&lg;", [ 8822, 0 ] ),
8036     entity( "&lgE;", [ 10897, 0 ] ),
8037     entity( "&lhard;", [ 8637, 0 ] ),
8038     entity( "&lharu;", [ 8636, 0 ] ),
8039     entity( "&lharul;", [ 10602, 0 ] ),
8040     entity( "&lhblk;", [ 9604, 0 ] ),
8041     entity( "&ljcy;", [ 1113, 0 ] ),
8042     entity( "&ll;", [ 8810, 0 ] ),
8043     entity( "&llarr;", [ 8647, 0 ] ),
8044     entity( "&llcorner;", [ 8990, 0 ] ),
8045     entity( "&llhard;", [ 10603, 0 ] ),
8046     entity( "&lltri;", [ 9722, 0 ] ),
8047     entity( "&lmidot;", [ 320, 0 ] ),
8048     entity( "&lmoust;", [ 9136, 0 ] ),
8049     entity( "&lmoustache;", [ 9136, 0 ] ),
8050     entity( "&lnE;", [ 8808, 0 ] ),
8051     entity( "&lnap;", [ 10889, 0 ] ),
8052     entity( "&lnapprox;", [ 10889, 0 ] ),
8053     entity( "&lne;", [ 10887, 0 ] ),
8054     entity( "&lneq;", [ 10887, 0 ] ),
8055     entity( "&lneqq;", [ 8808, 0 ] ),
8056     entity( "&lnsim;", [ 8934, 0 ] ),
8057     entity( "&loang;", [ 10220, 0 ] ),
8058     entity( "&loarr;", [ 8701, 0 ] ),
8059     entity( "&lobrk;", [ 10214, 0 ] ),
8060     entity( "&longleftarrow;", [ 10229, 0 ] ),
8061     entity( "&longleftrightarrow;", [ 10231, 0 ] ),
8062     entity( "&longmapsto;", [ 10236, 0 ] ),
8063     entity( "&longrightarrow;", [ 10230, 0 ] ),
8064     entity( "&looparrowleft;", [ 8619, 0 ] ),
8065     entity( "&looparrowright;", [ 8620, 0 ] ),
8066     entity( "&lopar;", [ 10629, 0 ] ),
8067     entity( "&lopf;", [ 120157, 0 ] ),
8068     entity( "&loplus;", [ 10797, 0 ] ),
8069     entity( "&lotimes;", [ 10804, 0 ] ),
8070     entity( "&lowast;", [ 8727, 0 ] ),
8071     entity( "&lowbar;", [ 95, 0 ] ),
8072     entity( "&loz;", [ 9674, 0 ] ),
8073     entity( "&lozenge;", [ 9674, 0 ] ),
8074     entity( "&lozf;", [ 10731, 0 ] ),
8075     entity( "&lpar;", [ 40, 0 ] ),
8076     entity( "&lparlt;", [ 10643, 0 ] ),
8077     entity( "&lrarr;", [ 8646, 0 ] ),
8078     entity( "&lrcorner;", [ 8991, 0 ] ),
8079     entity( "&lrhar;", [ 8651, 0 ] ),
8080     entity( "&lrhard;", [ 10605, 0 ] ),
8081     entity( "&lrm;", [ 8206, 0 ] ),
8082     entity( "&lrtri;", [ 8895, 0 ] ),
8083     entity( "&lsaquo;", [ 8249, 0 ] ),
8084     entity( "&lscr;", [ 120001, 0 ] ),
8085     entity( "&lsh;", [ 8624, 0 ] ),
8086     entity( "&lsim;", [ 8818, 0 ] ),
8087     entity( "&lsime;", [ 10893, 0 ] ),
8088     entity( "&lsimg;", [ 10895, 0 ] ),
8089     entity( "&lsqb;", [ 91, 0 ] ),
8090     entity( "&lsquo;", [ 8216, 0 ] ),
8091     entity( "&lsquor;", [ 8218, 0 ] ),
8092     entity( "&lstrok;", [ 322, 0 ] ),
8093     entity( "&lt;", [ 60, 0 ] ),
8094     entity( "&ltcc;", [ 10918, 0 ] ),
8095     entity( "&ltcir;", [ 10873, 0 ] ),
8096     entity( "&ltdot;", [ 8918, 0 ] ),
8097     entity( "&lthree;", [ 8907, 0 ] ),
8098     entity( "&ltimes;", [ 8905, 0 ] ),
8099     entity( "&ltlarr;", [ 10614, 0 ] ),
8100     entity( "&ltquest;", [ 10875, 0 ] ),
8101     entity( "&ltrPar;", [ 10646, 0 ] ),
8102     entity( "&ltri;", [ 9667, 0 ] ),
8103     entity( "&ltrie;", [ 8884, 0 ] ),
8104     entity( "&ltrif;", [ 9666, 0 ] ),
8105     entity( "&lurdshar;", [ 10570, 0 ] ),
8106     entity( "&luruhar;", [ 10598, 0 ] ),
8107     entity( "&lvertneqq;", [ 8808, 65024 ] ),
8108     entity( "&lvnE;", [ 8808, 65024 ] ),
8109     entity( "&mDDot;", [ 8762, 0 ] ),
8110     entity( "&macr;", [ 175, 0 ] ),
8111     entity( "&male;", [ 9794, 0 ] ),
8112     entity( "&malt;", [ 10016, 0 ] ),
8113     entity( "&maltese;", [ 10016, 0 ] ),
8114     entity( "&map;", [ 8614, 0 ] ),
8115     entity( "&mapsto;", [ 8614, 0 ] ),
8116     entity( "&mapstodown;", [ 8615, 0 ] ),
8117     entity( "&mapstoleft;", [ 8612, 0 ] ),
8118     entity( "&mapstoup;", [ 8613, 0 ] ),
8119     entity( "&marker;", [ 9646, 0 ] ),
8120     entity( "&mcomma;", [ 10793, 0 ] ),
8121     entity( "&mcy;", [ 1084, 0 ] ),
8122     entity( "&mdash;", [ 8212, 0 ] ),
8123     entity( "&measuredangle;", [ 8737, 0 ] ),
8124     entity( "&mfr;", [ 120106, 0 ] ),
8125     entity( "&mho;", [ 8487, 0 ] ),
8126     entity( "&micro;", [ 181, 0 ] ),
8127     entity( "&mid;", [ 8739, 0 ] ),
8128     entity( "&midast;", [ 42, 0 ] ),
8129     entity( "&midcir;", [ 10992, 0 ] ),
8130     entity( "&middot;", [ 183, 0 ] ),
8131     entity( "&minus;", [ 8722, 0 ] ),
8132     entity( "&minusb;", [ 8863, 0 ] ),
8133     entity( "&minusd;", [ 8760, 0 ] ),
8134     entity( "&minusdu;", [ 10794, 0 ] ),
8135     entity( "&mlcp;", [ 10971, 0 ] ),
8136     entity( "&mldr;", [ 8230, 0 ] ),
8137     entity( "&mnplus;", [ 8723, 0 ] ),
8138     entity( "&models;", [ 8871, 0 ] ),
8139     entity( "&mopf;", [ 120158, 0 ] ),
8140     entity( "&mp;", [ 8723, 0 ] ),
8141     entity( "&mscr;", [ 120002, 0 ] ),
8142     entity( "&mstpos;", [ 8766, 0 ] ),
8143     entity( "&mu;", [ 956, 0 ] ),
8144     entity( "&multimap;", [ 8888, 0 ] ),
8145     entity( "&mumap;", [ 8888, 0 ] ),
8146     entity( "&nGg;", [ 8921, 824 ] ),
8147     entity( "&nGt;", [ 8811, 8402 ] ),
8148     entity( "&nGtv;", [ 8811, 824 ] ),
8149     entity( "&nLeftarrow;", [ 8653, 0 ] ),
8150     entity( "&nLeftrightarrow;", [ 8654, 0 ] ),
8151     entity( "&nLl;", [ 8920, 824 ] ),
8152     entity( "&nLt;", [ 8810, 8402 ] ),
8153     entity( "&nLtv;", [ 8810, 824 ] ),
8154     entity( "&nRightarrow;", [ 8655, 0 ] ),
8155     entity( "&nVDash;", [ 8879, 0 ] ),
8156     entity( "&nVdash;", [ 8878, 0 ] ),
8157     entity( "&nabla;", [ 8711, 0 ] ),
8158     entity( "&nacute;", [ 324, 0 ] ),
8159     entity( "&nang;", [ 8736, 8402 ] ),
8160     entity( "&nap;", [ 8777, 0 ] ),
8161     entity( "&napE;", [ 10864, 824 ] ),
8162     entity( "&napid;", [ 8779, 824 ] ),
8163     entity( "&napos;", [ 329, 0 ] ),
8164     entity( "&napprox;", [ 8777, 0 ] ),
8165     entity( "&natur;", [ 9838, 0 ] ),
8166     entity( "&natural;", [ 9838, 0 ] ),
8167     entity( "&naturals;", [ 8469, 0 ] ),
8168     entity( "&nbsp;", [ 160, 0 ] ),
8169     entity( "&nbump;", [ 8782, 824 ] ),
8170     entity( "&nbumpe;", [ 8783, 824 ] ),
8171     entity( "&ncap;", [ 10819, 0 ] ),
8172     entity( "&ncaron;", [ 328, 0 ] ),
8173     entity( "&ncedil;", [ 326, 0 ] ),
8174     entity( "&ncong;", [ 8775, 0 ] ),
8175     entity( "&ncongdot;", [ 10861, 824 ] ),
8176     entity( "&ncup;", [ 10818, 0 ] ),
8177     entity( "&ncy;", [ 1085, 0 ] ),
8178     entity( "&ndash;", [ 8211, 0 ] ),
8179     entity( "&ne;", [ 8800, 0 ] ),
8180     entity( "&neArr;", [ 8663, 0 ] ),
8181     entity( "&nearhk;", [ 10532, 0 ] ),
8182     entity( "&nearr;", [ 8599, 0 ] ),
8183     entity( "&nearrow;", [ 8599, 0 ] ),
8184     entity( "&nedot;", [ 8784, 824 ] ),
8185     entity( "&nequiv;", [ 8802, 0 ] ),
8186     entity( "&nesear;", [ 10536, 0 ] ),
8187     entity( "&nesim;", [ 8770, 824 ] ),
8188     entity( "&nexist;", [ 8708, 0 ] ),
8189     entity( "&nexists;", [ 8708, 0 ] ),
8190     entity( "&nfr;", [ 120107, 0 ] ),
8191     entity( "&ngE;", [ 8807, 824 ] ),
8192     entity( "&nge;", [ 8817, 0 ] ),
8193     entity( "&ngeq;", [ 8817, 0 ] ),
8194     entity( "&ngeqq;", [ 8807, 824 ] ),
8195     entity( "&ngeqslant;", [ 10878, 824 ] ),
8196     entity( "&nges;", [ 10878, 824 ] ),
8197     entity( "&ngsim;", [ 8821, 0 ] ),
8198     entity( "&ngt;", [ 8815, 0 ] ),
8199     entity( "&ngtr;", [ 8815, 0 ] ),
8200     entity( "&nhArr;", [ 8654, 0 ] ),
8201     entity( "&nharr;", [ 8622, 0 ] ),
8202     entity( "&nhpar;", [ 10994, 0 ] ),
8203     entity( "&ni;", [ 8715, 0 ] ),
8204     entity( "&nis;", [ 8956, 0 ] ),
8205     entity( "&nisd;", [ 8954, 0 ] ),
8206     entity( "&niv;", [ 8715, 0 ] ),
8207     entity( "&njcy;", [ 1114, 0 ] ),
8208     entity( "&nlArr;", [ 8653, 0 ] ),
8209     entity( "&nlE;", [ 8806, 824 ] ),
8210     entity( "&nlarr;", [ 8602, 0 ] ),
8211     entity( "&nldr;", [ 8229, 0 ] ),
8212     entity( "&nle;", [ 8816, 0 ] ),
8213     entity( "&nleftarrow;", [ 8602, 0 ] ),
8214     entity( "&nleftrightarrow;", [ 8622, 0 ] ),
8215     entity( "&nleq;", [ 8816, 0 ] ),
8216     entity( "&nleqq;", [ 8806, 824 ] ),
8217     entity( "&nleqslant;", [ 10877, 824 ] ),
8218     entity( "&nles;", [ 10877, 824 ] ),
8219     entity( "&nless;", [ 8814, 0 ] ),
8220     entity( "&nlsim;", [ 8820, 0 ] ),
8221     entity( "&nlt;", [ 8814, 0 ] ),
8222     entity( "&nltri;", [ 8938, 0 ] ),
8223     entity( "&nltrie;", [ 8940, 0 ] ),
8224     entity( "&nmid;", [ 8740, 0 ] ),
8225     entity( "&nopf;", [ 120159, 0 ] ),
8226     entity( "&not;", [ 172, 0 ] ),
8227     entity( "&notin;", [ 8713, 0 ] ),
8228     entity( "&notinE;", [ 8953, 824 ] ),
8229     entity( "&notindot;", [ 8949, 824 ] ),
8230     entity( "&notinva;", [ 8713, 0 ] ),
8231     entity( "&notinvb;", [ 8951, 0 ] ),
8232     entity( "&notinvc;", [ 8950, 0 ] ),
8233     entity( "&notni;", [ 8716, 0 ] ),
8234     entity( "&notniva;", [ 8716, 0 ] ),
8235     entity( "&notnivb;", [ 8958, 0 ] ),
8236     entity( "&notnivc;", [ 8957, 0 ] ),
8237     entity( "&npar;", [ 8742, 0 ] ),
8238     entity( "&nparallel;", [ 8742, 0 ] ),
8239     entity( "&nparsl;", [ 11005, 8421 ] ),
8240     entity( "&npart;", [ 8706, 824 ] ),
8241     entity( "&npolint;", [ 10772, 0 ] ),
8242     entity( "&npr;", [ 8832, 0 ] ),
8243     entity( "&nprcue;", [ 8928, 0 ] ),
8244     entity( "&npre;", [ 10927, 824 ] ),
8245     entity( "&nprec;", [ 8832, 0 ] ),
8246     entity( "&npreceq;", [ 10927, 824 ] ),
8247     entity( "&nrArr;", [ 8655, 0 ] ),
8248     entity( "&nrarr;", [ 8603, 0 ] ),
8249     entity( "&nrarrc;", [ 10547, 824 ] ),
8250     entity( "&nrarrw;", [ 8605, 824 ] ),
8251     entity( "&nrightarrow;", [ 8603, 0 ] ),
8252     entity( "&nrtri;", [ 8939, 0 ] ),
8253     entity( "&nrtrie;", [ 8941, 0 ] ),
8254     entity( "&nsc;", [ 8833, 0 ] ),
8255     entity( "&nsccue;", [ 8929, 0 ] ),
8256     entity( "&nsce;", [ 10928, 824 ] ),
8257     entity( "&nscr;", [ 120003, 0 ] ),
8258     entity( "&nshortmid;", [ 8740, 0 ] ),
8259     entity( "&nshortparallel;", [ 8742, 0 ] ),
8260     entity( "&nsim;", [ 8769, 0 ] ),
8261     entity( "&nsime;", [ 8772, 0 ] ),
8262     entity( "&nsimeq;", [ 8772, 0 ] ),
8263     entity( "&nsmid;", [ 8740, 0 ] ),
8264     entity( "&nspar;", [ 8742, 0 ] ),
8265     entity( "&nsqsube;", [ 8930, 0 ] ),
8266     entity( "&nsqsupe;", [ 8931, 0 ] ),
8267     entity( "&nsub;", [ 8836, 0 ] ),
8268     entity( "&nsubE;", [ 10949, 824 ] ),
8269     entity( "&nsube;", [ 8840, 0 ] ),
8270     entity( "&nsubset;", [ 8834, 8402 ] ),
8271     entity( "&nsubseteq;", [ 8840, 0 ] ),
8272     entity( "&nsubseteqq;", [ 10949, 824 ] ),
8273     entity( "&nsucc;", [ 8833, 0 ] ),
8274     entity( "&nsucceq;", [ 10928, 824 ] ),
8275     entity( "&nsup;", [ 8837, 0 ] ),
8276     entity( "&nsupE;", [ 10950, 824 ] ),
8277     entity( "&nsupe;", [ 8841, 0 ] ),
8278     entity( "&nsupset;", [ 8835, 8402 ] ),
8279     entity( "&nsupseteq;", [ 8841, 0 ] ),
8280     entity( "&nsupseteqq;", [ 10950, 824 ] ),
8281     entity( "&ntgl;", [ 8825, 0 ] ),
8282     entity( "&ntilde;", [ 241, 0 ] ),
8283     entity( "&ntlg;", [ 8824, 0 ] ),
8284     entity( "&ntriangleleft;", [ 8938, 0 ] ),
8285     entity( "&ntrianglelefteq;", [ 8940, 0 ] ),
8286     entity( "&ntriangleright;", [ 8939, 0 ] ),
8287     entity( "&ntrianglerighteq;", [ 8941, 0 ] ),
8288     entity( "&nu;", [ 957, 0 ] ),
8289     entity( "&num;", [ 35, 0 ] ),
8290     entity( "&numero;", [ 8470, 0 ] ),
8291     entity( "&numsp;", [ 8199, 0 ] ),
8292     entity( "&nvDash;", [ 8877, 0 ] ),
8293     entity( "&nvHarr;", [ 10500, 0 ] ),
8294     entity( "&nvap;", [ 8781, 8402 ] ),
8295     entity( "&nvdash;", [ 8876, 0 ] ),
8296     entity( "&nvge;", [ 8805, 8402 ] ),
8297     entity( "&nvgt;", [ 62, 8402 ] ),
8298     entity( "&nvinfin;", [ 10718, 0 ] ),
8299     entity( "&nvlArr;", [ 10498, 0 ] ),
8300     entity( "&nvle;", [ 8804, 8402 ] ),
8301     entity( "&nvlt;", [ 60, 8402 ] ),
8302     entity( "&nvltrie;", [ 8884, 8402 ] ),
8303     entity( "&nvrArr;", [ 10499, 0 ] ),
8304     entity( "&nvrtrie;", [ 8885, 8402 ] ),
8305     entity( "&nvsim;", [ 8764, 8402 ] ),
8306     entity( "&nwArr;", [ 8662, 0 ] ),
8307     entity( "&nwarhk;", [ 10531, 0 ] ),
8308     entity( "&nwarr;", [ 8598, 0 ] ),
8309     entity( "&nwarrow;", [ 8598, 0 ] ),
8310     entity( "&nwnear;", [ 10535, 0 ] ),
8311     entity( "&oS;", [ 9416, 0 ] ),
8312     entity( "&oacute;", [ 243, 0 ] ),
8313     entity( "&oast;", [ 8859, 0 ] ),
8314     entity( "&ocir;", [ 8858, 0 ] ),
8315     entity( "&ocirc;", [ 244, 0 ] ),
8316     entity( "&ocy;", [ 1086, 0 ] ),
8317     entity( "&odash;", [ 8861, 0 ] ),
8318     entity( "&odblac;", [ 337, 0 ] ),
8319     entity( "&odiv;", [ 10808, 0 ] ),
8320     entity( "&odot;", [ 8857, 0 ] ),
8321     entity( "&odsold;", [ 10684, 0 ] ),
8322     entity( "&oelig;", [ 339, 0 ] ),
8323     entity( "&ofcir;", [ 10687, 0 ] ),
8324     entity( "&ofr;", [ 120108, 0 ] ),
8325     entity( "&ogon;", [ 731, 0 ] ),
8326     entity( "&ograve;", [ 242, 0 ] ),
8327     entity( "&ogt;", [ 10689, 0 ] ),
8328     entity( "&ohbar;", [ 10677, 0 ] ),
8329     entity( "&ohm;", [ 937, 0 ] ),
8330     entity( "&oint;", [ 8750, 0 ] ),
8331     entity( "&olarr;", [ 8634, 0 ] ),
8332     entity( "&olcir;", [ 10686, 0 ] ),
8333     entity( "&olcross;", [ 10683, 0 ] ),
8334     entity( "&oline;", [ 8254, 0 ] ),
8335     entity( "&olt;", [ 10688, 0 ] ),
8336     entity( "&omacr;", [ 333, 0 ] ),
8337     entity( "&omega;", [ 969, 0 ] ),
8338     entity( "&omicron;", [ 959, 0 ] ),
8339     entity( "&omid;", [ 10678, 0 ] ),
8340     entity( "&ominus;", [ 8854, 0 ] ),
8341     entity( "&oopf;", [ 120160, 0 ] ),
8342     entity( "&opar;", [ 10679, 0 ] ),
8343     entity( "&operp;", [ 10681, 0 ] ),
8344     entity( "&oplus;", [ 8853, 0 ] ),
8345     entity( "&or;", [ 8744, 0 ] ),
8346     entity( "&orarr;", [ 8635, 0 ] ),
8347     entity( "&ord;", [ 10845, 0 ] ),
8348     entity( "&order;", [ 8500, 0 ] ),
8349     entity( "&orderof;", [ 8500, 0 ] ),
8350     entity( "&ordf;", [ 170, 0 ] ),
8351     entity( "&ordm;", [ 186, 0 ] ),
8352     entity( "&origof;", [ 8886, 0 ] ),
8353     entity( "&oror;", [ 10838, 0 ] ),
8354     entity( "&orslope;", [ 10839, 0 ] ),
8355     entity( "&orv;", [ 10843, 0 ] ),
8356     entity( "&oscr;", [ 8500, 0 ] ),
8357     entity( "&oslash;", [ 248, 0 ] ),
8358     entity( "&osol;", [ 8856, 0 ] ),
8359     entity( "&otilde;", [ 245, 0 ] ),
8360     entity( "&otimes;", [ 8855, 0 ] ),
8361     entity( "&otimesas;", [ 10806, 0 ] ),
8362     entity( "&ouml;", [ 246, 0 ] ),
8363     entity( "&ovbar;", [ 9021, 0 ] ),
8364     entity( "&par;", [ 8741, 0 ] ),
8365     entity( "&para;", [ 182, 0 ] ),
8366     entity( "&parallel;", [ 8741, 0 ] ),
8367     entity( "&parsim;", [ 10995, 0 ] ),
8368     entity( "&parsl;", [ 11005, 0 ] ),
8369     entity( "&part;", [ 8706, 0 ] ),
8370     entity( "&pcy;", [ 1087, 0 ] ),
8371     entity( "&percnt;", [ 37, 0 ] ),
8372     entity( "&period;", [ 46, 0 ] ),
8373     entity( "&permil;", [ 8240, 0 ] ),
8374     entity( "&perp;", [ 8869, 0 ] ),
8375     entity( "&pertenk;", [ 8241, 0 ] ),
8376     entity( "&pfr;", [ 120109, 0 ] ),
8377     entity( "&phi;", [ 966, 0 ] ),
8378     entity( "&phiv;", [ 981, 0 ] ),
8379     entity( "&phmmat;", [ 8499, 0 ] ),
8380     entity( "&phone;", [ 9742, 0 ] ),
8381     entity( "&pi;", [ 960, 0 ] ),
8382     entity( "&pitchfork;", [ 8916, 0 ] ),
8383     entity( "&piv;", [ 982, 0 ] ),
8384     entity( "&planck;", [ 8463, 0 ] ),
8385     entity( "&planckh;", [ 8462, 0 ] ),
8386     entity( "&plankv;", [ 8463, 0 ] ),
8387     entity( "&plus;", [ 43, 0 ] ),
8388     entity( "&plusacir;", [ 10787, 0 ] ),
8389     entity( "&plusb;", [ 8862, 0 ] ),
8390     entity( "&pluscir;", [ 10786, 0 ] ),
8391     entity( "&plusdo;", [ 8724, 0 ] ),
8392     entity( "&plusdu;", [ 10789, 0 ] ),
8393     entity( "&pluse;", [ 10866, 0 ] ),
8394     entity( "&plusmn;", [ 177, 0 ] ),
8395     entity( "&plussim;", [ 10790, 0 ] ),
8396     entity( "&plustwo;", [ 10791, 0 ] ),
8397     entity( "&pm;", [ 177, 0 ] ),
8398     entity( "&pointint;", [ 10773, 0 ] ),
8399     entity( "&popf;", [ 120161, 0 ] ),
8400     entity( "&pound;", [ 163, 0 ] ),
8401     entity( "&pr;", [ 8826, 0 ] ),
8402     entity( "&prE;", [ 10931, 0 ] ),
8403     entity( "&prap;", [ 10935, 0 ] ),
8404     entity( "&prcue;", [ 8828, 0 ] ),
8405     entity( "&pre;", [ 10927, 0 ] ),
8406     entity( "&prec;", [ 8826, 0 ] ),
8407     entity( "&precapprox;", [ 10935, 0 ] ),
8408     entity( "&preccurlyeq;", [ 8828, 0 ] ),
8409     entity( "&preceq;", [ 10927, 0 ] ),
8410     entity( "&precnapprox;", [ 10937, 0 ] ),
8411     entity( "&precneqq;", [ 10933, 0 ] ),
8412     entity( "&precnsim;", [ 8936, 0 ] ),
8413     entity( "&precsim;", [ 8830, 0 ] ),
8414     entity( "&prime;", [ 8242, 0 ] ),
8415     entity( "&primes;", [ 8473, 0 ] ),
8416     entity( "&prnE;", [ 10933, 0 ] ),
8417     entity( "&prnap;", [ 10937, 0 ] ),
8418     entity( "&prnsim;", [ 8936, 0 ] ),
8419     entity( "&prod;", [ 8719, 0 ] ),
8420     entity( "&profalar;", [ 9006, 0 ] ),
8421     entity( "&profline;", [ 8978, 0 ] ),
8422     entity( "&profsurf;", [ 8979, 0 ] ),
8423     entity( "&prop;", [ 8733, 0 ] ),
8424     entity( "&propto;", [ 8733, 0 ] ),
8425     entity( "&prsim;", [ 8830, 0 ] ),
8426     entity( "&prurel;", [ 8880, 0 ] ),
8427     entity( "&pscr;", [ 120005, 0 ] ),
8428     entity( "&psi;", [ 968, 0 ] ),
8429     entity( "&puncsp;", [ 8200, 0 ] ),
8430     entity( "&qfr;", [ 120110, 0 ] ),
8431     entity( "&qint;", [ 10764, 0 ] ),
8432     entity( "&qopf;", [ 120162, 0 ] ),
8433     entity( "&qprime;", [ 8279, 0 ] ),
8434     entity( "&qscr;", [ 120006, 0 ] ),
8435     entity( "&quaternions;", [ 8461, 0 ] ),
8436     entity( "&quatint;", [ 10774, 0 ] ),
8437     entity( "&quest;", [ 63, 0 ] ),
8438     entity( "&questeq;", [ 8799, 0 ] ),
8439     entity( "&quot;", [ 34, 0 ] ),
8440     entity( "&rAarr;", [ 8667, 0 ] ),
8441     entity( "&rArr;", [ 8658, 0 ] ),
8442     entity( "&rAtail;", [ 10524, 0 ] ),
8443     entity( "&rBarr;", [ 10511, 0 ] ),
8444     entity( "&rHar;", [ 10596, 0 ] ),
8445     entity( "&race;", [ 8765, 817 ] ),
8446     entity( "&racute;", [ 341, 0 ] ),
8447     entity( "&radic;", [ 8730, 0 ] ),
8448     entity( "&raemptyv;", [ 10675, 0 ] ),
8449     entity( "&rang;", [ 10217, 0 ] ),
8450     entity( "&rangd;", [ 10642, 0 ] ),
8451     entity( "&range;", [ 10661, 0 ] ),
8452     entity( "&rangle;", [ 10217, 0 ] ),
8453     entity( "&raquo;", [ 187, 0 ] ),
8454     entity( "&rarr;", [ 8594, 0 ] ),
8455     entity( "&rarrap;", [ 10613, 0 ] ),
8456     entity( "&rarrb;", [ 8677, 0 ] ),
8457     entity( "&rarrbfs;", [ 10528, 0 ] ),
8458     entity( "&rarrc;", [ 10547, 0 ] ),
8459     entity( "&rarrfs;", [ 10526, 0 ] ),
8460     entity( "&rarrhk;", [ 8618, 0 ] ),
8461     entity( "&rarrlp;", [ 8620, 0 ] ),
8462     entity( "&rarrpl;", [ 10565, 0 ] ),
8463     entity( "&rarrsim;", [ 10612, 0 ] ),
8464     entity( "&rarrtl;", [ 8611, 0 ] ),
8465     entity( "&rarrw;", [ 8605, 0 ] ),
8466     entity( "&ratail;", [ 10522, 0 ] ),
8467     entity( "&ratio;", [ 8758, 0 ] ),
8468     entity( "&rationals;", [ 8474, 0 ] ),
8469     entity( "&rbarr;", [ 10509, 0 ] ),
8470     entity( "&rbbrk;", [ 10099, 0 ] ),
8471     entity( "&rbrace;", [ 125, 0 ] ),
8472     entity( "&rbrack;", [ 93, 0 ] ),
8473     entity( "&rbrke;", [ 10636, 0 ] ),
8474     entity( "&rbrksld;", [ 10638, 0 ] ),
8475     entity( "&rbrkslu;", [ 10640, 0 ] ),
8476     entity( "&rcaron;", [ 345, 0 ] ),
8477     entity( "&rcedil;", [ 343, 0 ] ),
8478     entity( "&rceil;", [ 8969, 0 ] ),
8479     entity( "&rcub;", [ 125, 0 ] ),
8480     entity( "&rcy;", [ 1088, 0 ] ),
8481     entity( "&rdca;", [ 10551, 0 ] ),
8482     entity( "&rdldhar;", [ 10601, 0 ] ),
8483     entity( "&rdquo;", [ 8221, 0 ] ),
8484     entity( "&rdquor;", [ 8221, 0 ] ),
8485     entity( "&rdsh;", [ 8627, 0 ] ),
8486     entity( "&real;", [ 8476, 0 ] ),
8487     entity( "&realine;", [ 8475, 0 ] ),
8488     entity( "&realpart;", [ 8476, 0 ] ),
8489     entity( "&reals;", [ 8477, 0 ] ),
8490     entity( "&rect;", [ 9645, 0 ] ),
8491     entity( "&reg;", [ 174, 0 ] ),
8492     entity( "&rfisht;", [ 10621, 0 ] ),
8493     entity( "&rfloor;", [ 8971, 0 ] ),
8494     entity( "&rfr;", [ 120111, 0 ] ),
8495     entity( "&rhard;", [ 8641, 0 ] ),
8496     entity( "&rharu;", [ 8640, 0 ] ),
8497     entity( "&rharul;", [ 10604, 0 ] ),
8498     entity( "&rho;", [ 961, 0 ] ),
8499     entity( "&rhov;", [ 1009, 0 ] ),
8500     entity( "&rightarrow;", [ 8594, 0 ] ),
8501     entity( "&rightarrowtail;", [ 8611, 0 ] ),
8502     entity( "&rightharpoondown;", [ 8641, 0 ] ),
8503     entity( "&rightharpoonup;", [ 8640, 0 ] ),
8504     entity( "&rightleftarrows;", [ 8644, 0 ] ),
8505     entity( "&rightleftharpoons;", [ 8652, 0 ] ),
8506     entity( "&rightrightarrows;", [ 8649, 0 ] ),
8507     entity( "&rightsquigarrow;", [ 8605, 0 ] ),
8508     entity( "&rightthreetimes;", [ 8908, 0 ] ),
8509     entity( "&ring;", [ 730, 0 ] ),
8510     entity( "&risingdotseq;", [ 8787, 0 ] ),
8511     entity( "&rlarr;", [ 8644, 0 ] ),
8512     entity( "&rlhar;", [ 8652, 0 ] ),
8513     entity( "&rlm;", [ 8207, 0 ] ),
8514     entity( "&rmoust;", [ 9137, 0 ] ),
8515     entity( "&rmoustache;", [ 9137, 0 ] ),
8516     entity( "&rnmid;", [ 10990, 0 ] ),
8517     entity( "&roang;", [ 10221, 0 ] ),
8518     entity( "&roarr;", [ 8702, 0 ] ),
8519     entity( "&robrk;", [ 10215, 0 ] ),
8520     entity( "&ropar;", [ 10630, 0 ] ),
8521     entity( "&ropf;", [ 120163, 0 ] ),
8522     entity( "&roplus;", [ 10798, 0 ] ),
8523     entity( "&rotimes;", [ 10805, 0 ] ),
8524     entity( "&rpar;", [ 41, 0 ] ),
8525     entity( "&rpargt;", [ 10644, 0 ] ),
8526     entity( "&rppolint;", [ 10770, 0 ] ),
8527     entity( "&rrarr;", [ 8649, 0 ] ),
8528     entity( "&rsaquo;", [ 8250, 0 ] ),
8529     entity( "&rscr;", [ 120007, 0 ] ),
8530     entity( "&rsh;", [ 8625, 0 ] ),
8531     entity( "&rsqb;", [ 93, 0 ] ),
8532     entity( "&rsquo;", [ 8217, 0 ] ),
8533     entity( "&rsquor;", [ 8217, 0 ] ),
8534     entity( "&rthree;", [ 8908, 0 ] ),
8535     entity( "&rtimes;", [ 8906, 0 ] ),
8536     entity( "&rtri;", [ 9657, 0 ] ),
8537     entity( "&rtrie;", [ 8885, 0 ] ),
8538     entity( "&rtrif;", [ 9656, 0 ] ),
8539     entity( "&rtriltri;", [ 10702, 0 ] ),
8540     entity( "&ruluhar;", [ 10600, 0 ] ),
8541     entity( "&rx;", [ 8478, 0 ] ),
8542     entity( "&sacute;", [ 347, 0 ] ),
8543     entity( "&sbquo;", [ 8218, 0 ] ),
8544     entity( "&sc;", [ 8827, 0 ] ),
8545     entity( "&scE;", [ 10932, 0 ] ),
8546     entity( "&scap;", [ 10936, 0 ] ),
8547     entity( "&scaron;", [ 353, 0 ] ),
8548     entity( "&sccue;", [ 8829, 0 ] ),
8549     entity( "&sce;", [ 10928, 0 ] ),
8550     entity( "&scedil;", [ 351, 0 ] ),
8551     entity( "&scirc;", [ 349, 0 ] ),
8552     entity( "&scnE;", [ 10934, 0 ] ),
8553     entity( "&scnap;", [ 10938, 0 ] ),
8554     entity( "&scnsim;", [ 8937, 0 ] ),
8555     entity( "&scpolint;", [ 10771, 0 ] ),
8556     entity( "&scsim;", [ 8831, 0 ] ),
8557     entity( "&scy;", [ 1089, 0 ] ),
8558     entity( "&sdot;", [ 8901, 0 ] ),
8559     entity( "&sdotb;", [ 8865, 0 ] ),
8560     entity( "&sdote;", [ 10854, 0 ] ),
8561     entity( "&seArr;", [ 8664, 0 ] ),
8562     entity( "&searhk;", [ 10533, 0 ] ),
8563     entity( "&searr;", [ 8600, 0 ] ),
8564     entity( "&searrow;", [ 8600, 0 ] ),
8565     entity( "&sect;", [ 167, 0 ] ),
8566     entity( "&semi;", [ 59, 0 ] ),
8567     entity( "&seswar;", [ 10537, 0 ] ),
8568     entity( "&setminus;", [ 8726, 0 ] ),
8569     entity( "&setmn;", [ 8726, 0 ] ),
8570     entity( "&sext;", [ 10038, 0 ] ),
8571     entity( "&sfr;", [ 120112, 0 ] ),
8572     entity( "&sfrown;", [ 8994, 0 ] ),
8573     entity( "&sharp;", [ 9839, 0 ] ),
8574     entity( "&shchcy;", [ 1097, 0 ] ),
8575     entity( "&shcy;", [ 1096, 0 ] ),
8576     entity( "&shortmid;", [ 8739, 0 ] ),
8577     entity( "&shortparallel;", [ 8741, 0 ] ),
8578     entity( "&shy;", [ 173, 0 ] ),
8579     entity( "&sigma;", [ 963, 0 ] ),
8580     entity( "&sigmaf;", [ 962, 0 ] ),
8581     entity( "&sigmav;", [ 962, 0 ] ),
8582     entity( "&sim;", [ 8764, 0 ] ),
8583     entity( "&simdot;", [ 10858, 0 ] ),
8584     entity( "&sime;", [ 8771, 0 ] ),
8585     entity( "&simeq;", [ 8771, 0 ] ),
8586     entity( "&simg;", [ 10910, 0 ] ),
8587     entity( "&simgE;", [ 10912, 0 ] ),
8588     entity( "&siml;", [ 10909, 0 ] ),
8589     entity( "&simlE;", [ 10911, 0 ] ),
8590     entity( "&simne;", [ 8774, 0 ] ),
8591     entity( "&simplus;", [ 10788, 0 ] ),
8592     entity( "&simrarr;", [ 10610, 0 ] ),
8593     entity( "&slarr;", [ 8592, 0 ] ),
8594     entity( "&smallsetminus;", [ 8726, 0 ] ),
8595     entity( "&smashp;", [ 10803, 0 ] ),
8596     entity( "&smeparsl;", [ 10724, 0 ] ),
8597     entity( "&smid;", [ 8739, 0 ] ),
8598     entity( "&smile;", [ 8995, 0 ] ),
8599     entity( "&smt;", [ 10922, 0 ] ),
8600     entity( "&smte;", [ 10924, 0 ] ),
8601     entity( "&smtes;", [ 10924, 65024 ] ),
8602     entity( "&softcy;", [ 1100, 0 ] ),
8603     entity( "&sol;", [ 47, 0 ] ),
8604     entity( "&solb;", [ 10692, 0 ] ),
8605     entity( "&solbar;", [ 9023, 0 ] ),
8606     entity( "&sopf;", [ 120164, 0 ] ),
8607     entity( "&spades;", [ 9824, 0 ] ),
8608     entity( "&spadesuit;", [ 9824, 0 ] ),
8609     entity( "&spar;", [ 8741, 0 ] ),
8610     entity( "&sqcap;", [ 8851, 0 ] ),
8611     entity( "&sqcaps;", [ 8851, 65024 ] ),
8612     entity( "&sqcup;", [ 8852, 0 ] ),
8613     entity( "&sqcups;", [ 8852, 65024 ] ),
8614     entity( "&sqsub;", [ 8847, 0 ] ),
8615     entity( "&sqsube;", [ 8849, 0 ] ),
8616     entity( "&sqsubset;", [ 8847, 0 ] ),
8617     entity( "&sqsubseteq;", [ 8849, 0 ] ),
8618     entity( "&sqsup;", [ 8848, 0 ] ),
8619     entity( "&sqsupe;", [ 8850, 0 ] ),
8620     entity( "&sqsupset;", [ 8848, 0 ] ),
8621     entity( "&sqsupseteq;", [ 8850, 0 ] ),
8622     entity( "&squ;", [ 9633, 0 ] ),
8623     entity( "&square;", [ 9633, 0 ] ),
8624     entity( "&squarf;", [ 9642, 0 ] ),
8625     entity( "&squf;", [ 9642, 0 ] ),
8626     entity( "&srarr;", [ 8594, 0 ] ),
8627     entity( "&sscr;", [ 120008, 0 ] ),
8628     entity( "&ssetmn;", [ 8726, 0 ] ),
8629     entity( "&ssmile;", [ 8995, 0 ] ),
8630     entity( "&sstarf;", [ 8902, 0 ] ),
8631     entity( "&star;", [ 9734, 0 ] ),
8632     entity( "&starf;", [ 9733, 0 ] ),
8633     entity( "&straightepsilon;", [ 1013, 0 ] ),
8634     entity( "&straightphi;", [ 981, 0 ] ),
8635     entity( "&strns;", [ 175, 0 ] ),
8636     entity( "&sub;", [ 8834, 0 ] ),
8637     entity( "&subE;", [ 10949, 0 ] ),
8638     entity( "&subdot;", [ 10941, 0 ] ),
8639     entity( "&sube;", [ 8838, 0 ] ),
8640     entity( "&subedot;", [ 10947, 0 ] ),
8641     entity( "&submult;", [ 10945, 0 ] ),
8642     entity( "&subnE;", [ 10955, 0 ] ),
8643     entity( "&subne;", [ 8842, 0 ] ),
8644     entity( "&subplus;", [ 10943, 0 ] ),
8645     entity( "&subrarr;", [ 10617, 0 ] ),
8646     entity( "&subset;", [ 8834, 0 ] ),
8647     entity( "&subseteq;", [ 8838, 0 ] ),
8648     entity( "&subseteqq;", [ 10949, 0 ] ),
8649     entity( "&subsetneq;", [ 8842, 0 ] ),
8650     entity( "&subsetneqq;", [ 10955, 0 ] ),
8651     entity( "&subsim;", [ 10951, 0 ] ),
8652     entity( "&subsub;", [ 10965, 0 ] ),
8653     entity( "&subsup;", [ 10963, 0 ] ),
8654     entity( "&succ;", [ 8827, 0 ] ),
8655     entity( "&succapprox;", [ 10936, 0 ] ),
8656     entity( "&succcurlyeq;", [ 8829, 0 ] ),
8657     entity( "&succeq;", [ 10928, 0 ] ),
8658     entity( "&succnapprox;", [ 10938, 0 ] ),
8659     entity( "&succneqq;", [ 10934, 0 ] ),
8660     entity( "&succnsim;", [ 8937, 0 ] ),
8661     entity( "&succsim;", [ 8831, 0 ] ),
8662     entity( "&sum;", [ 8721, 0 ] ),
8663     entity( "&sung;", [ 9834, 0 ] ),
8664     entity( "&sup1",  [185, 0 ] ),
8665     entity( "&sup1;", [ 185, 0 ] ),
8666     entity( "&sup2",  [178, 0 ] ),
8667     entity( "&sup2;", [ 178, 0 ] ),
8668     entity( "&sup3",  [179, 0 ] ),
8669     entity( "&sup3;", [ 179, 0 ] ),
8670     entity( "&sup;", [ 8835, 0 ] ),
8671     entity( "&supE;", [ 10950, 0 ] ),
8672     entity( "&supdot;", [ 10942, 0 ] ),
8673     entity( "&supdsub;", [ 10968, 0 ] ),
8674     entity( "&supe;", [ 8839, 0 ] ),
8675     entity( "&supedot;", [ 10948, 0 ] ),
8676     entity( "&suphsol;", [ 10185, 0 ] ),
8677     entity( "&suphsub;", [ 10967, 0 ] ),
8678     entity( "&suplarr;", [ 10619, 0 ] ),
8679     entity( "&supmult;", [ 10946, 0 ] ),
8680     entity( "&supnE;", [ 10956, 0 ] ),
8681     entity( "&supne;", [ 8843, 0 ] ),
8682     entity( "&supplus;", [ 10944, 0 ] ),
8683     entity( "&supset;", [ 8835, 0 ] ),
8684     entity( "&supseteq;", [ 8839, 0 ] ),
8685     entity( "&supseteqq;", [ 10950, 0 ] ),
8686     entity( "&supsetneq;", [ 8843, 0 ] ),
8687     entity( "&supsetneqq;", [ 10956, 0 ] ),
8688     entity( "&supsim;", [ 10952, 0 ] ),
8689     entity( "&supsub;", [ 10964, 0 ] ),
8690     entity( "&supsup;", [ 10966, 0 ] ),
8691     entity( "&swArr;", [ 8665, 0 ] ),
8692     entity( "&swarhk;", [ 10534, 0 ] ),
8693     entity( "&swarr;", [ 8601, 0 ] ),
8694     entity( "&swarrow;", [ 8601, 0 ] ),
8695     entity( "&swnwar;", [ 10538, 0 ] ),
8696     entity( "&szlig;", [ 223, 0 ] ),
8697     entity( "&target;", [ 8982, 0 ] ),
8698     entity( "&tau;", [ 964, 0 ] ),
8699     entity( "&tbrk;", [ 9140, 0 ] ),
8700     entity( "&tcaron;", [ 357, 0 ] ),
8701     entity( "&tcedil;", [ 355, 0 ] ),
8702     entity( "&tcy;", [ 1090, 0 ] ),
8703     entity( "&tdot;", [ 8411, 0 ] ),
8704     entity( "&telrec;", [ 8981, 0 ] ),
8705     entity( "&tfr;", [ 120113, 0 ] ),
8706     entity( "&there4;", [ 8756, 0 ] ),
8707     entity( "&therefore;", [ 8756, 0 ] ),
8708     entity( "&theta;", [ 952, 0 ] ),
8709     entity( "&thetasym;", [ 977, 0 ] ),
8710     entity( "&thetav;", [ 977, 0 ] ),
8711     entity( "&thickapprox;", [ 8776, 0 ] ),
8712     entity( "&thicksim;", [ 8764, 0 ] ),
8713     entity( "&thinsp;", [ 8201, 0 ] ),
8714     entity( "&thkap;", [ 8776, 0 ] ),
8715     entity( "&thksim;", [ 8764, 0 ] ),
8716     entity( "&thorn;", [ 254, 0 ] ),
8717     entity( "&tilde;", [ 732, 0 ] ),
8718     entity( "&times;", [ 215, 0 ] ),
8719     entity( "&timesb;", [ 8864, 0 ] ),
8720     entity( "&timesbar;", [ 10801, 0 ] ),
8721     entity( "&timesd;", [ 10800, 0 ] ),
8722     entity( "&tint;", [ 8749, 0 ] ),
8723     entity( "&toea;", [ 10536, 0 ] ),
8724     entity( "&top;", [ 8868, 0 ] ),
8725     entity( "&topbot;", [ 9014, 0 ] ),
8726     entity( "&topcir;", [ 10993, 0 ] ),
8727     entity( "&topf;", [ 120165, 0 ] ),
8728     entity( "&topfork;", [ 10970, 0 ] ),
8729     entity( "&tosa;", [ 10537, 0 ] ),
8730     entity( "&tprime;", [ 8244, 0 ] ),
8731     entity( "&trade;", [ 8482, 0 ] ),
8732     entity( "&triangle;", [ 9653, 0 ] ),
8733     entity( "&triangledown;", [ 9663, 0 ] ),
8734     entity( "&triangleleft;", [ 9667, 0 ] ),
8735     entity( "&trianglelefteq;", [ 8884, 0 ] ),
8736     entity( "&triangleq;", [ 8796, 0 ] ),
8737     entity( "&triangleright;", [ 9657, 0 ] ),
8738     entity( "&trianglerighteq;", [ 8885, 0 ] ),
8739     entity( "&tridot;", [ 9708, 0 ] ),
8740     entity( "&trie;", [ 8796, 0 ] ),
8741     entity( "&triminus;", [ 10810, 0 ] ),
8742     entity( "&triplus;", [ 10809, 0 ] ),
8743     entity( "&trisb;", [ 10701, 0 ] ),
8744     entity( "&tritime;", [ 10811, 0 ] ),
8745     entity( "&trpezium;", [ 9186, 0 ] ),
8746     entity( "&tscr;", [ 120009, 0 ] ),
8747     entity( "&tscy;", [ 1094, 0 ] ),
8748     entity( "&tshcy;", [ 1115, 0 ] ),
8749     entity( "&tstrok;", [ 359, 0 ] ),
8750     entity( "&twixt;", [ 8812, 0 ] ),
8751     entity( "&twoheadleftarrow;", [ 8606, 0 ] ),
8752     entity( "&twoheadrightarrow;", [ 8608, 0 ] ),
8753     entity( "&uArr;", [ 8657, 0 ] ),
8754     entity( "&uHar;", [ 10595, 0 ] ),
8755     entity( "&uacute;", [ 250, 0 ] ),
8756     entity( "&uarr;", [ 8593, 0 ] ),
8757     entity( "&ubrcy;", [ 1118, 0 ] ),
8758     entity( "&ubreve;", [ 365, 0 ] ),
8759     entity( "&ucirc;", [ 251, 0 ] ),
8760     entity( "&ucy;", [ 1091, 0 ] ),
8761     entity( "&udarr;", [ 8645, 0 ] ),
8762     entity( "&udblac;", [ 369, 0 ] ),
8763     entity( "&udhar;", [ 10606, 0 ] ),
8764     entity( "&ufisht;", [ 10622, 0 ] ),
8765     entity( "&ufr;", [ 120114, 0 ] ),
8766     entity( "&ugrave;", [ 249, 0 ] ),
8767     entity( "&uharl;", [ 8639, 0 ] ),
8768     entity( "&uharr;", [ 8638, 0 ] ),
8769     entity( "&uhblk;", [ 9600, 0 ] ),
8770     entity( "&ulcorn;", [ 8988, 0 ] ),
8771     entity( "&ulcorner;", [ 8988, 0 ] ),
8772     entity( "&ulcrop;", [ 8975, 0 ] ),
8773     entity( "&ultri;", [ 9720, 0 ] ),
8774     entity( "&umacr;", [ 363, 0 ] ),
8775     entity( "&uml;", [ 168, 0 ] ),
8776     entity( "&uogon;", [ 371, 0 ] ),
8777     entity( "&uopf;", [ 120166, 0 ] ),
8778     entity( "&uparrow;", [ 8593, 0 ] ),
8779     entity( "&updownarrow;", [ 8597, 0 ] ),
8780     entity( "&upharpoonleft;", [ 8639, 0 ] ),
8781     entity( "&upharpoonright;", [ 8638, 0 ] ),
8782     entity( "&uplus;", [ 8846, 0 ] ),
8783     entity( "&upsi;", [ 965, 0 ] ),
8784     entity( "&upsih;", [ 978, 0 ] ),
8785     entity( "&upsilon;", [ 965, 0 ] ),
8786     entity( "&upuparrows;", [ 8648, 0 ] ),
8787     entity( "&urcorn;", [ 8989, 0 ] ),
8788     entity( "&urcorner;", [ 8989, 0 ] ),
8789     entity( "&urcrop;", [ 8974, 0 ] ),
8790     entity( "&uring;", [ 367, 0 ] ),
8791     entity( "&urtri;", [ 9721, 0 ] ),
8792     entity( "&uscr;", [ 120010, 0 ] ),
8793     entity( "&utdot;", [ 8944, 0 ] ),
8794     entity( "&utilde;", [ 361, 0 ] ),
8795     entity( "&utri;", [ 9653, 0 ] ),
8796     entity( "&utrif;", [ 9652, 0 ] ),
8797     entity( "&uuarr;", [ 8648, 0 ] ),
8798     entity( "&uuml;", [ 252, 0 ] ),
8799     entity( "&uwangle;", [ 10663, 0 ] ),
8800     entity( "&vArr;", [ 8661, 0 ] ),
8801     entity( "&vBar;", [ 10984, 0 ] ),
8802     entity( "&vBarv;", [ 10985, 0 ] ),
8803     entity( "&vDash;", [ 8872, 0 ] ),
8804     entity( "&vangrt;", [ 10652, 0 ] ),
8805     entity( "&varepsilon;", [ 1013, 0 ] ),
8806     entity( "&varkappa;", [ 1008, 0 ] ),
8807     entity( "&varnothing;", [ 8709, 0 ] ),
8808     entity( "&varphi;", [ 981, 0 ] ),
8809     entity( "&varpi;", [ 982, 0 ] ),
8810     entity( "&varpropto;", [ 8733, 0 ] ),
8811     entity( "&varr;", [ 8597, 0 ] ),
8812     entity( "&varrho;", [ 1009, 0 ] ),
8813     entity( "&varsigma;", [ 962, 0 ] ),
8814     entity( "&varsubsetneq;", [ 8842, 65024 ] ),
8815     entity( "&varsubsetneqq;", [ 10955, 65024 ] ),
8816     entity( "&varsupsetneq;", [ 8843, 65024 ] ),
8817     entity( "&varsupsetneqq;", [ 10956, 65024 ] ),
8818     entity( "&vartheta;", [ 977, 0 ] ),
8819     entity( "&vartriangleleft;", [ 8882, 0 ] ),
8820     entity( "&vartriangleright;", [ 8883, 0 ] ),
8821     entity( "&vcy;", [ 1074, 0 ] ),
8822     entity( "&vdash;", [ 8866, 0 ] ),
8823     entity( "&vee;", [ 8744, 0 ] ),
8824     entity( "&veebar;", [ 8891, 0 ] ),
8825     entity( "&veeeq;", [ 8794, 0 ] ),
8826     entity( "&vellip;", [ 8942, 0 ] ),
8827     entity( "&verbar;", [ 124, 0 ] ),
8828     entity( "&vert;", [ 124, 0 ] ),
8829     entity( "&vfr;", [ 120115, 0 ] ),
8830     entity( "&vltri;", [ 8882, 0 ] ),
8831     entity( "&vnsub;", [ 8834, 8402 ] ),
8832     entity( "&vnsup;", [ 8835, 8402 ] ),
8833     entity( "&vopf;", [ 120167, 0 ] ),
8834     entity( "&vprop;", [ 8733, 0 ] ),
8835     entity( "&vrtri;", [ 8883, 0 ] ),
8836     entity( "&vscr;", [ 120011, 0 ] ),
8837     entity( "&vsubnE;", [ 10955, 65024 ] ),
8838     entity( "&vsubne;", [ 8842, 65024 ] ),
8839     entity( "&vsupnE;", [ 10956, 65024 ] ),
8840     entity( "&vsupne;", [ 8843, 65024 ] ),
8841     entity( "&vzigzag;", [ 10650, 0 ] ),
8842     entity( "&wcirc;", [ 373, 0 ] ),
8843     entity( "&wedbar;", [ 10847, 0 ] ),
8844     entity( "&wedge;", [ 8743, 0 ] ),
8845     entity( "&wedgeq;", [ 8793, 0 ] ),
8846     entity( "&weierp;", [ 8472, 0 ] ),
8847     entity( "&wfr;", [ 120116, 0 ] ),
8848     entity( "&wopf;", [ 120168, 0 ] ),
8849     entity( "&wp;", [ 8472, 0 ] ),
8850     entity( "&wr;", [ 8768, 0 ] ),
8851     entity( "&wreath;", [ 8768, 0 ] ),
8852     entity( "&wscr;", [ 120012, 0 ] ),
8853     entity( "&xcap;", [ 8898, 0 ] ),
8854     entity( "&xcirc;", [ 9711, 0 ] ),
8855     entity( "&xcup;", [ 8899, 0 ] ),
8856     entity( "&xdtri;", [ 9661, 0 ] ),
8857     entity( "&xfr;", [ 120117, 0 ] ),
8858     entity( "&xhArr;", [ 10234, 0 ] ),
8859     entity( "&xharr;", [ 10231, 0 ] ),
8860     entity( "&xi;", [ 958, 0 ] ),
8861     entity( "&xlArr;", [ 10232, 0 ] ),
8862     entity( "&xlarr;", [ 10229, 0 ] ),
8863     entity( "&xmap;", [ 10236, 0 ] ),
8864     entity( "&xnis;", [ 8955, 0 ] ),
8865     entity( "&xodot;", [ 10752, 0 ] ),
8866     entity( "&xopf;", [ 120169, 0 ] ),
8867     entity( "&xoplus;", [ 10753, 0 ] ),
8868     entity( "&xotime;", [ 10754, 0 ] ),
8869     entity( "&xrArr;", [ 10233, 0 ] ),
8870     entity( "&xrarr;", [ 10230, 0 ] ),
8871     entity( "&xscr;", [ 120013, 0 ] ),
8872     entity( "&xsqcup;", [ 10758, 0 ] ),
8873     entity( "&xuplus;", [ 10756, 0 ] ),
8874     entity( "&xutri;", [ 9651, 0 ] ),
8875     entity( "&xvee;", [ 8897, 0 ] ),
8876     entity( "&xwedge;", [ 8896, 0 ] ),
8877     entity( "&yacute;", [ 253, 0 ] ),
8878     entity( "&yacy;", [ 1103, 0 ] ),
8879     entity( "&ycirc;", [ 375, 0 ] ),
8880     entity( "&ycy;", [ 1099, 0 ] ),
8881     entity( "&yen;", [ 165, 0 ] ),
8882     entity( "&yfr;", [ 120118, 0 ] ),
8883     entity( "&yicy;", [ 1111, 0 ] ),
8884     entity( "&yopf;", [ 120170, 0 ] ),
8885     entity( "&yscr;", [ 120014, 0 ] ),
8886     entity( "&yucy;", [ 1102, 0 ] ),
8887     entity( "&yuml;", [ 255, 0 ] ),
8888     entity( "&zacute;", [ 378, 0 ] ),
8889     entity( "&zcaron;", [ 382, 0 ] ),
8890     entity( "&zcy;", [ 1079, 0 ] ),
8891     entity( "&zdot;", [ 380, 0 ] ),
8892     entity( "&zeetrf;", [ 8488, 0 ] ),
8893     entity( "&zeta;", [ 950, 0 ] ),
8894     entity( "&zfr;", [ 120119, 0 ] ),
8895     entity( "&zhcy;", [ 1078, 0 ] ),
8896     entity( "&zigrarr;", [ 8669, 0 ] ),
8897     entity( "&zopf;", [ 120171, 0 ] ),
8898     entity( "&zscr;", [ 120015, 0 ] ),
8899     entity( "&zwj;", [ 8205, 0 ] ),
8900     entity( "&zwnj;", [ 8204, 0 ] ),
8901 ];
8904 struct entity_key 
8905 {
8906     const(char)* name;
8907     size_t name_size;
8908 }
8910 extern(C) int entity_cmp(scope const(void)* p_key, scope const(void)* p_entity)
8911 {
8912     entity_key* key = cast(entity_key*) p_key;
8913     entity* ent = cast(entity*) p_entity;
8914     return strncmp(,, key.name_size);
8915 }
8917 const(entity)* entity_lookup(const(char)* name, size_t name_size)
8918 {
8919     entity_key key = entity_key(name, name_size);
8920     const(void)* result = bsearch(&key, cast(const(void)*)entity_table.ptr, entity_table.length, entity.sizeof, &entity_cmp);
8921     return cast(const(entity)*)result;
8922 }
8924 //
8926 //
8928 /* If set, debug output from md_parse() is sent to stderr. */
8929 enum MD_RENDER_FLAG_DEBUG = 0x0001;
8934 struct MD_RENDER_HTML 
8935 {
8936     void function(const(MD_CHAR)*, MD_SIZE, void*) nothrow @nogc process_output;
8937     void* userdata;
8938     uint flags;
8939     int image_nesting_level;
8940     char[256] escape_map;
8941 }
8944 /*****************************************
8945  ***  HTML rendering helper functions  ***
8946  *****************************************/
8948 /*
8949 #define ISDIGIT(ch)     
8950 #define ISLOWER(ch)     
8951 #define ISUPPER(ch)     
8952 */
8953 bool ISALNUM_HTML(CHAR ch)
8954 {
8955     return ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') || ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9');
8956 }
8958 void render_text(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_CHAR)* text, MD_SIZE size)
8959 {
8960     r.process_output(text, size, r.userdata);
8961 }
8963 void RENDER_LITERAL(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_CHAR)* literal)
8964 {
8965     render_text(r, literal, cast(uint) strlen(literal));
8966 }
8968 /* Some characters need to be escaped in normal HTML text. */
8970 {
8971     return (r.escape_map[cast(ubyte)(ch)] != 0);
8972 }
8974 void render_html_escaped(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* data, MD_SIZE size)
8975 {
8976     MD_OFFSET beg = 0;
8977     MD_OFFSET off = 0;    
8979     while(1) {
8980         /* Optimization: Use some loop unrolling. */
8981         while(off + 3 < size  &&  !HTML_NEED_ESCAPE(r, data[off+0])  &&  !HTML_NEED_ESCAPE(r, data[off+1])
8982                               &&  !HTML_NEED_ESCAPE(r, data[off+2])  &&  !HTML_NEED_ESCAPE(r, data[off+3]))
8983             off += 4;
8984         while(off < size  &&  !HTML_NEED_ESCAPE(r, data[off]))
8985             off++;
8987         if(off > beg)
8988             render_text(r, data + beg, off - beg);
8990         if(off < size) {
8991             switch(data[off]) {
8992                 case '&':   RENDER_LITERAL(r, "&amp;"); break;
8993                 case '<':   RENDER_LITERAL(r, "&lt;"); break;
8994                 case '>':   RENDER_LITERAL(r, "&gt;"); break;
8995                 case '"':   RENDER_LITERAL(r, "&quot;"); break;
8996                 default: break;
8997             }
8998             off++;
8999         } else {
9000             break;
9001         }
9002         beg = off;
9003     }
9004 }
9007 bool URL_NEED_ESCAPE(CHAR ch)
9008 {
9009     return (!ISALNUM_HTML(ch) && strchr("-_.+!*'(),%#@?=;:/,+$", ch) == null);
9010 }
9012 void render_url_escaped(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const MD_CHAR* data, MD_SIZE size)
9013 {
9014     static immutable(MD_CHAR)[] hex_chars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
9015     MD_OFFSET beg = 0;
9016     MD_OFFSET off = 0;
9018     while(1) {
9019         while(off < size  &&  !URL_NEED_ESCAPE(data[off]))
9020             off++;
9021         if(off > beg)
9022             render_text(r, data + beg, off - beg);
9024         if(off < size) {
9025             char[3] hex;
9027             switch(data[off]) {
9028                 case '&':   RENDER_LITERAL(r, "&amp;"); break;
9029                 case '\'':  RENDER_LITERAL(r, "&#x27;"); break;
9030                 default:
9031                     hex[0] = '%';
9032                     hex[1] = hex_chars[(cast(uint)data[off] >> 4) & 0xf];
9033                     hex[2] = hex_chars[(cast(uint)data[off] >> 0) & 0xf];
9034                     render_text(r, hex.ptr, 3);
9035                     break;
9036             }
9037             off++;
9038         } else {
9039             break;
9040         }
9042         beg = off;
9043     }
9044 }
9046 uint hex_val(char ch)
9047 {
9048     if('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
9049         return ch - '0';
9050     if('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')
9051         return ch - 'A' + 10;
9052     else
9053         return ch - 'a' + 10;
9054 }
9056 alias appendFunc = nothrow @nogc void function(MD_RENDER_HTML*, const(MD_CHAR)*, MD_SIZE);
9058 void render_utf8_codepoint(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, uint codepoint,
9059                            appendFunc fn_append)
9060 {
9061     static immutable(MD_CHAR)[] utf8_replacement_char = [ 0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd ];
9063     char[4] utf8;
9064     size_t n;
9066     if(codepoint <= 0x7f) {
9067         n = 1;
9068         utf8[0] = cast(ubyte) codepoint;
9069     } else if(codepoint <= 0x7ff) {
9070         n = 2;
9071         utf8[0] = 0xc0 | ((codepoint >>  6) & 0x1f);
9072         utf8[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >>  0) & 0x3f);
9073     } else if(codepoint <= 0xffff) {
9074         n = 3;
9075         utf8[0] = 0xe0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0xf);
9076         utf8[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >>  6) & 0x3f);
9077         utf8[2] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >>  0) & 0x3f);
9078     } else {
9079         n = 4;
9080         utf8[0] = 0xf0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x7);
9081         utf8[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3f);
9082         utf8[2] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >>  6) & 0x3f);
9083         utf8[3] = 0x80 + ((codepoint >>  0) & 0x3f);
9084     }
9086     if(0 < codepoint  &&  codepoint <= 0x10ffff)
9087         fn_append(r, utf8.ptr, cast(uint)n);
9088     else
9089         fn_append(r, utf8_replacement_char.ptr, 3);
9090 }
9092 /* Translate entity to its UTF-8 equivalent, or output the verbatim one
9093  * if such entity is unknown (or if the translation is disabled). */
9094 void render_entity(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_CHAR)* text, MD_SIZE size,
9095                    appendFunc fn_append)
9096 {
9097     if(r.flags & MD_RENDER_FLAG_VERBATIM_ENTITIES) {
9098         fn_append(r, text, size);
9099         return;
9100     }
9102     /* We assume UTF-8 output is what is desired. */
9103     if(size > 3 && text[1] == '#') {
9104         uint codepoint = 0;
9106         if(text[2] == 'x' || text[2] == 'X') {
9107             /* Hexadecimal entity (e.g. "&#x1234abcd;")). */
9108             MD_SIZE i;
9109             for(i = 3; i < size-1; i++)
9110                 codepoint = 16 * codepoint + hex_val(text[i]);
9111         } else {
9112             /* Decimal entity (e.g. "&1234;") */
9113             MD_SIZE i;
9114             for(i = 2; i < size-1; i++)
9115                 codepoint = 10 * codepoint + (text[i] - '0');
9116         }
9118         render_utf8_codepoint(r, codepoint, fn_append);
9119         return;
9120     } else {
9121         /* Named entity (e.g. "&nbsp;"). */
9122         const(entity)* ent;
9124         ent = entity_lookup(text, size);
9125         if(ent != null) {
9126             render_utf8_codepoint(r, ent.codepoints[0], fn_append);
9127             if(ent.codepoints[1])
9128                 render_utf8_codepoint(r, ent.codepoints[1], fn_append);
9129             return;
9130         }
9131     }
9133     fn_append(r, text, size);
9134 }
9136 void render_attribute(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const MD_ATTRIBUTE* attr,
9137                       appendFunc fn_append)
9138 {
9139     int i;
9141     for(i = 0; attr.substr_offsets[i] < attr.size; i++) {
9142         MD_TEXTTYPE type = attr.substr_types[i];
9143         MD_OFFSET off = attr.substr_offsets[i];
9144         MD_SIZE size = attr.substr_offsets[i+1] - off;
9145         const MD_CHAR* text = attr.text + off;
9147         switch(type) {
9148             case MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR:  render_utf8_codepoint(r, 0x0000, &render_text); break;
9149             case MD_TEXT_ENTITY:    render_entity(r, text, size, fn_append); break;
9150             default:                fn_append(r, text, size); break;
9151         }
9152     }
9153 }
9156 void render_open_ol_block(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL)* det)
9157 {
9158     char[64] buf;
9160     if(det.start == 1) {
9161         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<ol>\n");
9162         return;
9163     }
9165     snprintf(buf.ptr, buf.length, "<ol start=\"%u\">\n", det.start);
9166     RENDER_LITERAL(r, buf.ptr);
9167 }
9169 void render_open_li_block(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL)* det)
9170 {
9171     if(det.is_task) {
9172         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<li class=\"task-list-item\">" ~
9173                           "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"task-list-item-checkbox\" disabled");
9174         if(det.task_mark == 'x' || det.task_mark == 'X')
9175             RENDER_LITERAL(r, " checked");
9176         RENDER_LITERAL(r, ">");
9177     } else {
9178         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<li>");
9179     }
9180 }
9182 void render_open_code_block(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL)* det)
9183 {
9184     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<pre><code");
9186     /* If known, output the HTML 5 attribute class="language-LANGNAME". */
9187     if(det.lang.text != null) {
9188         RENDER_LITERAL(r, " class=\"language-");
9189         render_attribute(r, &det.lang, &render_html_escaped);
9190         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "\"");
9191     }
9193     RENDER_LITERAL(r, ">");
9194 }
9196 void render_open_td_block(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_CHAR)* cell_type, const(MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL)* det)
9197 {
9198     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<");
9199     RENDER_LITERAL(r, cell_type);
9201     switch(det.align_) 
9202     {
9203         case MD_ALIGN_LEFT:     RENDER_LITERAL(r, " align=\"left\">"); break;
9204         case MD_ALIGN_CENTER:   RENDER_LITERAL(r, " align=\"center\">"); break;
9205         case MD_ALIGN_RIGHT:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, " align=\"right\">"); break;
9206         default:                RENDER_LITERAL(r, ">"); break;
9207     }
9208 }
9210 void render_open_a_span(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL)* det)
9211 {
9212     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<a href=\"");
9213     render_attribute(r, &det.href, &render_url_escaped);
9215     if(det.title.text != null) {
9216         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "\" title=\"");
9217         render_attribute(r, &det.title, &render_html_escaped);
9218     }
9220     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "\">");
9221 }
9223 void render_open_img_span(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL)* det)
9224 {
9225     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<img src=\"");
9226     render_attribute(r, &det.src, &render_url_escaped);
9228     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "\" alt=\"");
9230     r.image_nesting_level++;
9231 }
9233 void render_close_img_span(MD_RENDER_HTML* r, const(MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL)* det)
9234 {
9235     if(det.title.text != null) {
9236         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "\" title=\"");
9237         render_attribute(r, &det.title, &render_html_escaped);
9238     }
9239     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "\" />");
9240     r.image_nesting_level--;
9241 }
9244 /**************************************
9245  ***  HTML renderer implementation  ***
9246  **************************************/
9248 int enter_block_callback(MD_BLOCKTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
9249 {
9250     static immutable(MD_CHAR)*[6] head = [ "<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>", "<h4>", "<h5>", "<h6>" ];
9251     MD_RENDER_HTML* r = cast(MD_RENDER_HTML*) userdata;
9253     switch(type) 
9254     {
9255         case MD_BLOCK_DOC:      /* noop */ break;
9256         case MD_BLOCK_QUOTE:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<blockquote>\n"); break;
9257         case MD_BLOCK_UL:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<ul>\n"); break;
9258         case MD_BLOCK_OL:       render_open_ol_block(r, cast(const(MD_BLOCK_OL_DETAIL)*)detail); break;
9259         case MD_BLOCK_LI:       render_open_li_block(r, cast(const(MD_BLOCK_LI_DETAIL)*)detail); break;
9260         case MD_BLOCK_HR:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<hr />\n"); break;
9261         case MD_BLOCK_H:        RENDER_LITERAL(r, head[(cast(MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL*)detail).level - 1]); break;
9262         case MD_BLOCK_CODE:     render_open_code_block(r, cast(const(MD_BLOCK_CODE_DETAIL)*) detail); break;
9263         case MD_BLOCK_HTML:     /* noop */ break;
9264         case MD_BLOCK_P:        RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<p>"); break;
9265         case MD_BLOCK_TABLE:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<table>\n"); break;
9266         case MD_BLOCK_THEAD:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<thead>\n"); break;
9267         case MD_BLOCK_TBODY:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<tbody>\n"); break;
9268         case MD_BLOCK_TR:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<tr>\n"); break;
9269         case MD_BLOCK_TH:       render_open_td_block(r, "th", cast(MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL*)detail); break;
9270         case MD_BLOCK_TD:       render_open_td_block(r, "td", cast(MD_BLOCK_TD_DETAIL*)detail); break;
9271         default: assert(false);
9272     }
9274     return 0;
9275 }
9277 int leave_block_callback(MD_BLOCKTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
9278 {
9279     static immutable(MD_CHAR)*[6] head = [ "</h1>\n", "</h2>\n", "</h3>\n", "</h4>\n", "</h5>\n", "</h6>\n" ];
9280     MD_RENDER_HTML* r = cast(MD_RENDER_HTML*) userdata;
9282     switch(type) {
9283         case MD_BLOCK_DOC:      /*noop*/ break;
9284         case MD_BLOCK_QUOTE:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</blockquote>\n"); break;
9285         case MD_BLOCK_UL:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</ul>\n"); break;
9286         case MD_BLOCK_OL:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</ol>\n"); break;
9287         case MD_BLOCK_LI:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</li>\n"); break;
9288         case MD_BLOCK_HR:       /*noop*/ break;
9289         case MD_BLOCK_H:        RENDER_LITERAL(r, head[(cast(MD_BLOCK_H_DETAIL*)detail).level - 1]); break;
9290         case MD_BLOCK_CODE:     RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</code></pre>\n"); break;
9291         case MD_BLOCK_HTML:     /* noop */ break;
9292         case MD_BLOCK_P:        RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</p>\n"); break;
9293         case MD_BLOCK_TABLE:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</table>\n"); break;
9294         case MD_BLOCK_THEAD:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</thead>\n"); break;
9295         case MD_BLOCK_TBODY:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</tbody>\n"); break;
9296         case MD_BLOCK_TR:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</tr>\n"); break;
9297         case MD_BLOCK_TH:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</th>\n"); break;
9298         case MD_BLOCK_TD:       RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</td>\n"); break;
9299         default: assert(false);
9300     }
9302     return 0;
9303 }
9305 int enter_span_callback(MD_SPANTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
9306 {
9307     MD_RENDER_HTML* r = cast(MD_RENDER_HTML*) userdata;
9309     if(r.image_nesting_level > 0) {
9310         /* We are inside an image, i.e. rendering the ALT attribute of
9311          * <IMG> tag. */
9312         return 0;
9313     }
9315     switch(type) {
9316         case MD_SPAN_EM:                RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<em>"); break;
9317         case MD_SPAN_STRONG:            RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<strong>"); break;
9318         case MD_SPAN_A:                 render_open_a_span(r, cast(MD_SPAN_A_DETAIL*) detail); break;
9319         case MD_SPAN_IMG:               render_open_img_span(r, cast(MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL*) detail); break;
9320         case MD_SPAN_CODE:              RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<code>"); break;
9321         case MD_SPAN_DEL:               RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<del>"); break;
9322         case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH:         RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<equation>"); break;
9323         case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH_DISPLAY: RENDER_LITERAL(r, "<equation type=\"display\">"); break;
9324         default: assert(false);
9325     }
9327     return 0;
9328 }
9330 int leave_span_callback(MD_SPANTYPE type, void* detail, void* userdata)
9331 {
9332     MD_RENDER_HTML* r = cast(MD_RENDER_HTML*) userdata;
9334     if(r.image_nesting_level > 0) {
9335         /* We are inside an image, i.e. rendering the ALT attribute of
9336          * <IMG> tag. */
9337         if(r.image_nesting_level == 1  &&  type == MD_SPAN_IMG)
9338             render_close_img_span(r, cast(MD_SPAN_IMG_DETAIL*) detail);
9339         return 0;
9340     }
9342     switch(type) {
9343         case MD_SPAN_EM:                RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</em>"); break;
9344         case MD_SPAN_STRONG:            RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</strong>"); break;
9345         case MD_SPAN_A:                 RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</a>"); break;
9346         case MD_SPAN_IMG:               /*noop, handled above*/ break;
9347         case MD_SPAN_CODE:              RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</code>"); break;
9348         case MD_SPAN_DEL:               RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</del>"); break;
9349         case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH:         /*fall through*/
9350         case MD_SPAN_LATEXMATH_DISPLAY: RENDER_LITERAL(r, "</equation>"); break;
9351         default: assert(false);
9352     }
9354     return 0;
9355 }
9357 int text_callback(MD_TEXTTYPE type, const(MD_CHAR)* text, MD_SIZE size, void* userdata)
9358 {
9359     MD_RENDER_HTML* r = cast(MD_RENDER_HTML*) userdata;
9361     switch(type) {
9362         case MD_TEXT_NULLCHAR:  render_utf8_codepoint(r, 0x0000, &render_text); break;
9363         case MD_TEXT_BR:        RENDER_LITERAL(r, (r.image_nesting_level == 0 ? "<br />\n" : " ")); break;
9364         case MD_TEXT_SOFTBR:    RENDER_LITERAL(r, (r.image_nesting_level == 0 ? "\n" : " ")); break;
9365         case MD_TEXT_HTML:      render_text(r, text, size); break;
9366         case MD_TEXT_ENTITY:    render_entity(r, text, size, &render_html_escaped); break;
9367         default:                render_html_escaped(r, text, size); break;
9368     }
9370     return 0;
9371 }
9373 void debug_log_callback(const(char)* msg, void* userdata)
9374 {
9375     MD_RENDER_HTML* r = cast(MD_RENDER_HTML*) userdata;
9376     if(r.flags & MD_RENDER_FLAG_DEBUG)
9377         fprintf(stderr, "MD4C: %s\n", msg);
9378 }
9381 /* Render Markdown into HTML.
9382  *
9383  * Note only contents of <body> tag is generated. Caller must generate
9384  * HTML header/footer manually before/after calling md_render_html().
9385  *
9386  * Params input and input_size specify the Markdown input.
9387  * Callback process_output() gets called with chunks of HTML output.
9388  * (Typical implementation may just output the bytes to file or append to
9389  * some buffer).
9390  * Param userdata is just propagated back to process_output() callback.
9391  * Param parser_flags are flags from md4c.h propagated to md_parse().
9392  * Param render_flags is bitmask of MD_RENDER_FLAG_xxxx.
9393  *
9394  * Returns -1 on error (if md_parse() fails.)
9395  * Returns 0 on success.
9396  */
9397 int md_render_html(const(MD_CHAR)* input, MD_SIZE input_size,
9398                    void function(const(MD_CHAR)*, MD_SIZE, void*) nothrow @nogc process_output,
9399                    void* userdata, uint parser_flags, uint renderer_flags)
9400 {
9401     MD_RENDER_HTML render = MD_RENDER_HTML(process_output, userdata, renderer_flags, 0);
9402     render.escape_map[] = '\x00';
9404     MD_PARSER parser = MD_PARSER(
9405         0,
9406         parser_flags,
9407         &enter_block_callback,
9408         &leave_block_callback,
9409         &enter_span_callback,
9410         &leave_span_callback,
9411         &text_callback,
9412         &debug_log_callback,
9413         null
9414     );
9416     render.escape_map['"'] = 1;
9417     render.escape_map['&'] = 1;
9418     render.escape_map['<'] = 1;
9419     render.escape_map['>'] = 1;
9421     return md_parse(input, input_size, &parser, cast(void*) &render);
9422 }