The OpenD Programming Language

1 // Written in the D programming language.
3 /**
4  * Builtin mathematical intrinsics
5  *
6  * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/_math.d)
7  * Macros:
8  *      TABLE_SV = <table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
9  *              <caption>Special Values</caption>
10  *              $0</table>
11  *
12  *      NAN = $(RED NAN)
13  *      SUP = <span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller">$0</span>
14  *      POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
15  *      PLUSMN = &plusmn;
16  *      INFIN = &infin;
17  *      PLUSMNINF = &plusmn;&infin;
18  *      LT = &lt;
19  *      GT = &gt;
20  *
21  * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2011.
22  * License:   $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
23  * Authors:   $(HTTP, Walter Bright),
24  *                        Don Clugston
25  */
26 module core.math;
28 version (LDC)
29 {
30     import ldc.intrinsics;
32     private enum isRealX87 = (real.mant_dig == 64);
33 }
35 public:
36 @nogc:
37 nothrow:
38 @safe:
40 /*****************************************
41  * Returns x rounded to a long value using the FE_TONEAREST rounding mode.
42  * If the integer value of x is
43  * greater than long.max, the result is
44  * indeterminate.
45  */
46 deprecated("rndtonl is to be removed by 2.100. Please use round instead")
47 extern (C) real rndtonl(real x);
49 pure:
50 /***********************************
51  * Returns cosine of x. x is in radians.
52  *
53  *      $(TABLE_SV
54  *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH cos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
55  *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)     )
56  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)     )
57  *      )
58  * Bugs:
59  *      Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
60  */
62 version (LDC)
63 {
64     alias cos = llvm_cos!float;
65     alias cos = llvm_cos!double;
66     alias cos = llvm_cos!real;
67 }
68 else
69 {
70     float cos(float x);     /* intrinsic */
71     double cos(double x);   /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
72     real cos(real x);       /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
73 }
75 /***********************************
76  * Returns sine of x. x is in radians.
77  *
78  *      $(TABLE_SV
79  *      $(TR $(TH x)               $(TH sin(x))      $(TH invalid?))
80  *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
81  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
82  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMNINF))    $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
83  *      )
84  * Bugs:
85  *      Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
86  */
88 version (LDC)
89 {
90     alias sin = llvm_sin!float;
91     alias sin = llvm_sin!double;
92     alias sin = llvm_sin!real;
93 }
94 else
95 {
96     float sin(float x);     /* intrinsic */
97     double sin(double x);   /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
98     real sin(real x);       /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
99 }
101 /*****************************************
102  * Returns x rounded to a long value using the current rounding mode.
103  * If the integer value of x is
104  * greater than long.max, the result is
105  * indeterminate.
106  */
108 version (LDC)
109 {
110     private extern(C)
111     {
112         long llroundf(float x);
113         long llround(double x);
114         long llroundl(real x);
115     }
117     alias rndtol = llroundf;
118     alias rndtol = llround;
119     alias rndtol = llroundl;
120 }
121 else
122 {
123     long rndtol(float x);   /* intrinsic */
124     long rndtol(double x);  /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
125     long rndtol(real x);    /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
126 }
128 /***************************************
129  * Compute square root of x.
130  *
131  *      $(TABLE_SV
132  *      $(TR $(TH x)         $(TH sqrt(x))   $(TH invalid?))
133  *      $(TR $(TD -0.0)      $(TD -0.0)      $(TD no))
134  *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)  $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD yes))
135  *      $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
136  *      )
137  */
139 version (LDC)
140 {
141     pragma(inline, true):
143     //
144     // sqrt(x) when x is less than zero is undefined
145     float  sqrt(float  x) { return x < 0 ? float.nan  : llvm_sqrt(x); }
146     double sqrt(double x) { return x < 0 ? double.nan : llvm_sqrt(x); }
147     real   sqrt(real   x) { return x < 0 ? real.nan   : llvm_sqrt(x); }
148 }
149 else
150 {
151     float sqrt(float x);    /* intrinsic */
152     double sqrt(double x);  /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
153     real sqrt(real x);      /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
154 }
156 /*******************************************
157  * Compute n * 2$(SUPERSCRIPT exp)
158  * References: frexp
159  */
161 version (LDC)
162 {
163     pragma(inline, true):
165     // Implementation from libmir:
166     //
167     private T ldexpImpl(T)(const T n, int exp) @trusted pure nothrow
168     {
169         enum RealFormat { ieeeSingle, ieeeDouble, ieeeExtended, ieeeQuadruple }
171              static if (T.mant_dig ==  24) enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeSingle;
172         else static if (T.mant_dig ==  53) enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeDouble;
173         else static if (T.mant_dig ==  64) enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeExtended;
174         else static if (T.mant_dig == 113) enum realFormat = RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple;
175         else static assert(false, "Unsupported format for " ~ T.stringof);
177         version (LittleEndian)
178         {
179             enum MANTISSA_LSB = 0;
180             enum MANTISSA_MSB = 1;
181         }
182         else
183         {
184             enum MANTISSA_LSB = 1;
185             enum MANTISSA_MSB = 0;
186         }
188         static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
189         {
190             alias S = int;
191             alias U = ushort;
192             enum sig_mask = U(1) << (U.sizeof * 8 - 1);
193             enum exp_shft = 0;
194             enum man_mask = 0;
195             version (LittleEndian)
196                 enum idx = 4;
197             else
198                 enum idx = 0;
199         }
200         else
201         {
202             static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple || realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble && double.sizeof == size_t.sizeof)
203             {
204                 alias S = long;
205                 alias U = ulong;
206             }
207             else
208             {
209                 alias S = int;
210                 alias U = uint;
211             }
212             static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple)
213                 alias M = ulong;
214             else
215                 alias M = U;
216             enum sig_mask = U(1) << (U.sizeof * 8 - 1);
217             enum uint exp_shft = T.mant_dig - 1 - (T.sizeof > U.sizeof ? U.sizeof * 8 : 0);
218             enum man_mask = (U(1) << exp_shft) - 1;
219             enum idx = T.sizeof > U.sizeof ? MANTISSA_MSB : 0;
220         }
221         enum exp_mask = (U.max >> (exp_shft + 1)) << exp_shft;
222         enum int exp_msh = exp_mask >> exp_shft;
223         enum intPartMask = man_mask + 1;
225         import core.checkedint : adds;
226         alias _expect = llvm_expect;
228         enum norm_factor = 1 / T.epsilon;
229         T vf = n;
231         auto u = (cast(U*)&vf)[idx];
232         int e = (u & exp_mask) >> exp_shft;
233         if (_expect(e != exp_msh, true))
234         {
235             if (_expect(e == 0, false)) // subnormals input
236             {
237                 bool overflow;
238                 vf *= norm_factor;
239                 u = (cast(U*)&vf)[idx];
240                 e = int((u & exp_mask) >> exp_shft) - (T.mant_dig - 1);
241             }
242             bool overflow;
243             exp = adds(exp, e, overflow);
244             if (_expect(overflow || exp >= exp_msh, false)) // infs
245             {
246                 static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
247                 {
248                     return vf * T.infinity;
249                 }
250                 else
251                 {
252                     u &= sig_mask;
253                     u ^= exp_mask;
254                     static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
255                     {
256                         version (LittleEndian)
257                             auto mp = cast(ulong*)&vf;
258                         else
259                             auto mp = cast(ulong*)((cast(ushort*)&vf) + 1);
260                         *mp = 0;
261                     }
262                     else
263                     static if (T.sizeof > U.sizeof)
264                     {
265                         (cast(U*)&vf)[MANTISSA_LSB] = 0;
266                     }
267                 }
268             }
269             else
270             if (_expect(exp > 0, true)) // normal
271             {
272                 u = cast(U)((u & ~exp_mask) ^ (cast(typeof(U.init + 0))exp << exp_shft));
273             }
274             else // subnormal output
275             {
276                 exp = 1 - exp;
277                 static if (realFormat != RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
278                 {
279                     auto m = u & man_mask;
280                     if (exp > T.mant_dig)
281                     {
282                         exp = T.mant_dig;
283                         static if (T.sizeof > U.sizeof)
284                             (cast(U*)&vf)[MANTISSA_LSB] = 0;
285                     }
286                 }
287                 u &= sig_mask;
288                 static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
289                 {
290                     version (LittleEndian)
291                         auto mp = cast(ulong*)&vf;
292                     else
293                         auto mp = cast(ulong*)((cast(ushort*)&vf) + 1);
294                     if (exp >= ulong.sizeof * 8)
295                         *mp = 0;
296                     else
297                         *mp >>>= exp;
298                 }
299                 else
300                 {
301                     m ^= intPartMask;
302                     static if (T.sizeof > U.sizeof)
303                     {
304                         int exp2 = exp - int(U.sizeof) * 8;
305                         if (exp2 < 0)
306                         {
307                             (cast(U*)&vf)[MANTISSA_LSB] = ((cast(U*)&vf)[MANTISSA_LSB] >> exp) ^ (m << (U.sizeof * 8 - exp));
308                             m >>>= exp;
309                             u ^= cast(U) m;
310                         }
311                         else
312                         {
313                             exp = exp2;
314                             (cast(U*)&vf)[MANTISSA_LSB] = (exp < U.sizeof * 8) ? m >> exp : 0;
315                         }
316                     }
317                     else
318                     {
319                         m >>>= exp;
320                         u ^= cast(U) m;
321                     }
322                 }
323             }
324             (cast(U*)&vf)[idx] = u;
325         }
326         return vf;
327     }
329     float  ldexp(float  n, int exp) { return ldexpImpl(n, exp); }
330     double ldexp(double n, int exp) { return ldexpImpl(n, exp); }
331     static if (isRealX87)
332     {
333         // Roughly 20% faster than ldexpImpl() on an i5-3550 CPU.
334         real ldexp(real n, int exp)
335         {
336             real r = void;
337             asm @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
338             {
339                 `fildl  %1       # push exp
340                  fxch   %%st(1)  # swap ST(0) and ST(1)
341                  fscale          # ST(0) := ST(0) * (2 ^^ ST(1))
342                  fstp   %%st(1)  # pop and keep ST(0) value on top`
343                 : "=st" (r)
344                 : "m" (exp), "st" (n)
345                 : "flags"; // might clobber x87 flags
346             }
347             return r;
348         }
349     }
350     else
351     {
352         real ldexp(real n, int exp) { return ldexpImpl(n, exp); }
353     }
354 }
355 else
356 {
357     float ldexp(float n, int exp);   /* intrinsic */
358     double ldexp(double n, int exp); /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
359     real ldexp(real n, int exp);     /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
360 }
362 unittest {
363     static if (real.mant_dig == 113)
364     {
365         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -16384) == 0x1p-16384L);
366         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -16382) == 0x1p-16382L);
367     }
368     else static if (real.mant_dig == 106)
369     {
370         assert(ldexp(1.0L,  1023) == 0x1p1023L);
371         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -1022) == 0x1p-1022L);
372         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -1021) == 0x1p-1021L);
373     }
374     else static if (real.mant_dig == 64)
375     {
376         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -16384) == 0x1p-16384L);
377         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -16382) == 0x1p-16382L);
378     }
379     else static if (real.mant_dig == 53)
380     {
381         assert(ldexp(1.0L,  1023) == 0x1p1023L);
382         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -1022) == 0x1p-1022L);
383         assert(ldexp(1.0L, -1021) == 0x1p-1021L);
384     }
385     else
386         assert(false, "Only 128bit, 80bit and 64bit reals expected here");
387 }
389 /*******************************
390  * Compute the absolute value.
391  *      $(TABLE_SV
392  *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH fabs(x)))
393  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD +0.0) )
394  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) )
395  *      )
396  * It is implemented as a compiler intrinsic.
397  * Params:
398  *      x = floating point value
399  * Returns: |x|
400  * References: equivalent to `std.math.fabs`
401  */
402 version (LDC)
403 {
404     alias fabs = llvm_fabs!float;
405     alias fabs = llvm_fabs!double;
406     alias fabs = llvm_fabs!real;
407 }
408 else @safe pure nothrow @nogc
409 {
410     float  fabs(float  x);
411     double fabs(double x); /// ditto
412     real   fabs(real   x); /// ditto
413 }
415 /**********************************
416  * Rounds x to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding
417  * mode.
418  * If the return value is not equal to x, the FE_INEXACT
419  * exception is raised.
420  * $(B nearbyint) performs
421  * the same operation, but does not set the FE_INEXACT exception.
422  */
423 version (LDC)
424 {
425     alias rint = llvm_rint!float;
426     alias rint = llvm_rint!double;
427     alias rint = llvm_rint!real;
428 }
429 else
430 {
431     float rint(float x);    /* intrinsic */
432     double rint(double x);  /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
433     real rint(real x);      /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
434 }
436 /***********************************
437  * Building block functions, they
438  * translate to a single x87 instruction.
439  */
441 version (LDC)
442 {
443     static if (isRealX87)
444     {
445         pragma(inline, true):
447         // y * log2(x)
448         real yl2x(real x, real y)
449         {
450             real r = void;
451             asm @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { "fyl2x" : "=st" (r) : "st(1)" (y), "st" (x) : "st(1)", "flags"; }
452             return r;
453         }
455         // y * log2(x + 1)
456         real yl2xp1(real x, real y)
457         {
458             real r = void;
459             asm @trusted pure nothrow @nogc { "fyl2xp1" : "=st" (r) : "st(1)" (y), "st" (x) : "st(1)", "flags"; }
460             return r;
461         }
462     }
463 }
464 else
465 {
466     // y * log2(x)
467     float yl2x(float x, float y);    /* intrinsic */
468     double yl2x(double x, double y);  /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
469     real yl2x(real x, real y);      /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
470     // y * log2(x +1)
471     float yl2xp1(float x, float y);    /* intrinsic */
472     double yl2xp1(double x, double y);  /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
473     real yl2xp1(real x, real y);      /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
474 }
476 unittest
477 {
478     version (INLINE_YL2X)
479     {
480         assert(yl2x(1024.0L, 1) == 10);
481         assert(yl2xp1(1023.0L, 1) == 10);
482     }
483 }
485 /*************************************
486  * Round argument to a specific precision.
487  *
488  * D language types specify only a minimum precision, not a maximum. The
489  * `toPrec()` function forces rounding of the argument `f` to the precision
490  * of the specified floating point type `T`.
491  * The rounding mode used is inevitably target-dependent, but will be done in
492  * a way to maximize accuracy. In most cases, the default is round-to-nearest.
493  *
494  * Params:
495  *      T = precision type to round to
496  *      f = value to convert
497  * Returns:
498  *      f in precision of type `T`
499  */
500 T toPrec(T:float)(float f) { pragma(inline, false); return f; }
501 /// ditto
502 T toPrec(T:float)(double f) { pragma(inline, false); return cast(T) f; }
503 /// ditto
504 T toPrec(T:float)(real f)  { pragma(inline, false); return cast(T) f; }
505 /// ditto
506 T toPrec(T:double)(float f) { pragma(inline, false); return f; }
507 /// ditto
508 T toPrec(T:double)(double f) { pragma(inline, false); return f; }
509 /// ditto
510 T toPrec(T:double)(real f)  { pragma(inline, false); return cast(T) f; }
511 /// ditto
512 T toPrec(T:real)(float f) { pragma(inline, false); return f; }
513 /// ditto
514 T toPrec(T:real)(double f) { pragma(inline, false); return f; }
515 /// ditto
516 T toPrec(T:real)(real f)  { pragma(inline, false); return f; }
518 @safe unittest
519 {
520     // Test all instantiations work with all combinations of float.
521     float f = 1.1f;
522     double d = 1.1;
523     real r = 1.1L;
524     f = toPrec!float(f + f);
525     f = toPrec!float(d + d);
526     f = toPrec!float(r + r);
527     d = toPrec!double(f + f);
528     d = toPrec!double(d + d);
529     d = toPrec!double(r + r);
530     r = toPrec!real(f + f);
531     r = toPrec!real(d + d);
532     r = toPrec!real(r + r);
534     // Comparison tests.
535     bool approxEqual(T)(T lhs, T rhs)
536     {
537         return fabs((lhs - rhs) / rhs) <= 1e-2 || fabs(lhs - rhs) <= 1e-5;
538     }
540     enum real PIR = 0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-2;
541     enum double PID = 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1;
542     enum float PIF = 0x1.921fb6p+1;
543     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!float(PIR), PIF));
544     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!double(PIR), PID));
545     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!real(PIR), PIR));
546     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!float(PID), PIF));
547     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!double(PID), PID));
548     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!real(PID), PID));
549     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!float(PIF), PIF));
550     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!double(PIF), PIF));
551     static assert(approxEqual(toPrec!real(PIF), PIF));
553     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!float(PIR), PIF));
554     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!double(PIR), PID));
555     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!real(PIR), PIR));
556     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!float(PID), PIF));
557     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!double(PID), PID));
558     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!real(PID), PID));
559     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!float(PIF), PIF));
560     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!double(PIF), PIF));
561     assert(approxEqual(toPrec!real(PIF), PIF));
562 }