The OpenD Programming Language

1 /**
2    This is an interface to the libcurl library.
4    Converted to D from curl headers by $(LINK2, htod) and
5    cleaned up by Jonas Drewsen (jdrewsen)
7    Windows x86 note:
8    A DMD compatible libcurl static library can be downloaded from the
9    $(LINK2, download page).
10 */
12 /* **************************************************************************
13  *                                  _   _ ____  _
14  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
15  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
16  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
17  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
18  */
20 /**
21  * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2010, Daniel Stenberg, &lt;;, et al.
22  *
23  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
24  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
25  * are also available at $(LINK
26  *
27  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
28  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
29  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
30  *
31  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
32  * KIND, either express or implied.
33  *
34  ***************************************************************************/
36 module etc.c.curl;
38 version(WebAssembly) {} else:
40 import core.stdc.config;
41 import core.stdc.time;
42 import std.socket;
44 // linux
45 import core.sys.posix.sys.socket;
47 //
49 //
51 /** This is the global package copyright */
52 enum LIBCURL_COPYRIGHT = "1996 - 2010 Daniel Stenberg, <>.";
54 /** This is the version number of the libcurl package from which this header
55    file origins: */
56 enum LIBCURL_VERSION = "7.21.4";
58 /** The numeric version number is also available "in parts" by using these
59    constants */
61 /// ditto
63 /// ditto
66 /** This is the numeric version of the libcurl version number, meant for easier
67    parsing and comparions by programs. The LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM define will
68    always follow this syntax:
70          0xXXYYZZ
72    Where XX, YY and ZZ are the main version, release and patch numbers in
73    hexadecimal (using 8 bits each). All three numbers are always represented
74    using two digits.  1.2 would appear as "0x010200" while version 9.11.7
75    appears as "0x090b07".
77    This 6-digit (24 bits) hexadecimal number does not show pre-release number,
78    and it is always a greater number in a more recent release. It makes
79    comparisons with greater than and less than work.
80 */
82 enum LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM = 0x071504;
84 /**
85  * This is the date and time when the full source package was created. The
86  * timestamp is not stored in git, as the timestamp is properly set in the
87  * tarballs by the maketgz script.
88  *
89  * The format of the date should follow this template:
90  *
91  * "Mon Feb 12 11:35:33 UTC 2007"
92  */
93 enum LIBCURL_TIMESTAMP = "Thu Feb 17 12:19:40 UTC 2011";
95 /** Data type definition of curl_off_t.
96  *
97  * jdrewsen - Always 64bit signed and that is what long is in D.
98  *
99  * Comment below is from curlbuild.h:
100  *
101  * NOTE 2:
102  *
103  * For any given platform/compiler curl_off_t must be typedef'ed to a
104  * 64-bit wide signed integral data type. The width of this data type
105  * must remain constant and independent of any possible large file
106  * support settings.
107  *
108  * As an exception to the above, curl_off_t shall be typedef'ed to a
109  * 32-bit wide signed integral data type if there is no 64-bit type.
110  */
111 alias curl_off_t = long;
113 ///
114 alias CURL = void;
116 /// jdrewsen - Get socket alias from std.socket
117 alias curl_socket_t = socket_t;
119 /// jdrewsen - Would like to get socket error constant from std.socket by it is private atm.
120 version (Windows)
121 {
122   import,;
124 }
125 version (Posix) enum CURL_SOCKET_BAD = -1;
127 ///
128 extern (C) struct curl_httppost
129 {
130     curl_httppost *next;        /** next entry in the list */
131     char *name;                 /** pointer to allocated name */
132     c_long namelength;          /** length of name length */
133     char *contents;             /** pointer to allocated data contents */
134     c_long contentslength;      /** length of contents field */
135     char *buffer;               /** pointer to allocated buffer contents */
136     c_long bufferlength;        /** length of buffer field */
137     char *contenttype;          /** Content-Type */
138     curl_slist *contentheader;  /** list of extra headers for this form */
139     curl_httppost *more;        /** if one field name has more than one
140                                     file, this link should link to following
141                                     files */
142     c_long flags;               /** as defined below */
143     char *showfilename;         /** The file name to show. If not set, the
144                                     actual file name will be used (if this
145                                     is a file part) */
146     void *userp;                /** custom pointer used for
147                                     HTTPPOST_CALLBACK posts */
148 }
150 enum HTTPPOST_FILENAME    = 1;  /** specified content is a file name */
151 enum HTTPPOST_READFILE    = 2;  /** specified content is a file name */
152 enum HTTPPOST_PTRNAME     = 4;  /** name is only stored pointer
153                                     do not free in formfree */
154 enum HTTPPOST_PTRCONTENTS = 8;  /** contents is only stored pointer
155                                     do not free in formfree */
156 enum HTTPPOST_BUFFER      = 16; /** upload file from buffer */
157 enum HTTPPOST_PTRBUFFER   = 32; /** upload file from pointer contents */
158 enum HTTPPOST_CALLBACK    = 64; /** upload file contents by using the
159                                     regular read callback to get the data
160                                     and pass the given pointer as custom
161                                     pointer */
163 ///
164 alias curl_progress_callback = int function(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow);
166 /** Tests have proven that 20K is a very bad buffer size for uploads on
167    Windows, while 16K for some odd reason performed a lot better.
168    We do the ifndef check to allow this value to easier be changed at build
169    time for those who feel adventurous. The practical minimum is about
170    400 bytes since libcurl uses a buffer of this size as a scratch area
171    (unrelated to network send operations). */
172 enum CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE = 16_384;
174 /** The only reason to have a max limit for this is to avoid the risk of a bad
175    server feeding libcurl with a never-ending header that will cause reallocs
176    infinitely */
177 enum CURL_MAX_HTTP_HEADER = (100*1024);
180 /** This is a magic return code for the write callback that, when returned,
181    will signal libcurl to pause receiving on the current transfer. */
182 enum CURL_WRITEFUNC_PAUSE = 0x10000001;
184 ///
185 alias curl_write_callback = size_t function(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *outstream);
187 /** enumeration of file types */
188 enum CurlFileType {
189     file,       ///
190     directory,  ///
191     symlink,    ///
192     device_block, ///
193     device_char, ///
194     namedpipe,  ///
195     socket,     ///
196     door,       ///
197     unknown /** is possible only on Sun Solaris now */
198 }
200 ///
201 alias curlfiletype = int;
203 ///
204 enum CurlFInfoFlagKnown {
205   filename    = 1,      ///
206   filetype    = 2,      ///
207   time        = 4,      ///
208   perm        = 8,      ///
209   uid         = 16,     ///
210   gid         = 32,     ///
211   size        = 64,     ///
212   hlinkcount  = 128     ///
213 }
215 /** Content of this structure depends on information which is known and is
216    achievable (e.g. by FTP LIST parsing). Please see the url_easy_setopt(3) man
217    page for callbacks returning this structure -- some fields are mandatory,
218    some others are optional. The FLAG field has special meaning. */
221 /** If some of these fields is not NULL, it is a pointer to b_data. */
222 extern (C) struct _N2
223 {
224     char *time;   ///
225     char *perm;   ///
226     char *user;   ///
227     char *group;  ///
228     char *target; /** pointer to the target filename of a symlink */
229 }
231 /** Content of this structure depends on information which is known and is
232    achievable (e.g. by FTP LIST parsing). Please see the url_easy_setopt(3) man
233    page for callbacks returning this structure -- some fields are mandatory,
234    some others are optional. The FLAG field has special meaning. */
235 extern (C) struct curl_fileinfo
236 {
237     char *filename;             ///
238     curlfiletype filetype;      ///
239     time_t time;                ///
240     uint perm;                  ///
241     int uid;                    ///
242     int gid;                    ///
243     curl_off_t size;            ///
244     c_long hardlinks;           ///
245     _N2 strings;                ///
246     uint flags;                 ///
247     char *b_data;               ///
248     size_t b_size;              ///
249     size_t b_used;              ///
250 }
252 /** return codes for CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION */
253 enum CurlChunkBgnFunc {
254   ok = 0,   ///
255   fail = 1, /** tell the lib to end the task */
256   skip = 2 /** skip this chunk over */
257 }
259 /** if splitting of data transfer is enabled, this callback is called before
260    download of an individual chunk started. Note that parameter "remains" works
261    only for FTP wildcard downloading (for now), otherwise is not used */
262 alias curl_chunk_bgn_callback = c_long function(const(void) *transfer_info, void *ptr, int remains);
264 /** return codes for CURLOPT_CHUNK_END_FUNCTION */
265 enum CurlChunkEndFunc {
266   ok = 0,       ///
267   fail = 1,     ///
268 }
269 /** If splitting of data transfer is enabled this callback is called after
270    download of an individual chunk finished.
271    Note! After this callback was set then it have to be called FOR ALL chunks.
272    Even if downloading of this chunk was skipped in CHUNK_BGN_FUNC.
273    This is the reason why we don't need "transfer_info" parameter in this
274    callback and we are not interested in "remains" parameter too. */
275 alias curl_chunk_end_callback = c_long function(void *ptr);
277 /** return codes for FNMATCHFUNCTION */
278 enum CurlFnMAtchFunc {
279   match = 0,    ///
280   nomatch = 1,  ///
281   fail = 2      ///
282 }
284 /** callback type for wildcard downloading pattern matching. If the
285    string matches the pattern, return CURL_FNMATCHFUNC_MATCH value, etc. */
286 alias curl_fnmatch_callback = int function(void *ptr, in const(char) *pattern, in const(char) *string);
288 /// seek whence...
289 enum CurlSeekPos {
290   set,          ///
291   current,      ///
292   end           ///
293 }
295 /** These are the return codes for the seek callbacks */
296 enum CurlSeek {
297   ok,       ///
298   fail,     /** fail the entire transfer */
299   cantseek  /** tell libcurl seeking can't be done, so
300                libcurl might try other means instead */
301 }
303 ///
304 alias curl_seek_callback = int function(void *instream, curl_off_t offset, int origin);
306 ///
307 enum CurlReadFunc {
308   /** This is a return code for the read callback that, when returned, will
309      signal libcurl to immediately abort the current transfer. */
310   abort = 0x10000000,
312   /** This is a return code for the read callback that, when returned,
313      will const signal libcurl to pause sending data on the current
314      transfer. */
315   pause = 0x10000001
316 }
318 ///
319 alias curl_read_callback = size_t function(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *instream);
321 ///
322 enum CurlSockType {
323     ipcxn, /** socket created for a specific IP connection */
324     last   /** never use */
325 }
326 ///
327 alias curlsocktype = int;
329 ///
330 alias curl_sockopt_callback = int function(void *clientp, curl_socket_t curlfd, curlsocktype purpose);
332 /** addrlen was a socklen_t type before 7.18.0 but it turned really
333    ugly and painful on the systems that lack this type */
334 extern (C) struct curl_sockaddr
335 {
336     int family;   ///
337     int socktype; ///
338     int protocol; ///
339     uint addrlen; /** addrlen was a socklen_t type before 7.18.0 but it
340                      turned really ugly and painful on the systems that
341                      lack this type */
342     sockaddr addr; ///
343 }
345 ///
346 alias curl_opensocket_callback = curl_socket_t function(void *clientp, curlsocktype purpose, curl_sockaddr *address);
348 ///
349 enum CurlIoError
350 {
351     ok,            /** I/O operation successful */
352     unknowncmd,    /** command was unknown to callback */
353     failrestart,   /** failed to restart the read */
354     last           /** never use */
355 }
356 ///
357 alias curlioerr = int;
359 ///
360 enum CurlIoCmd {
361     nop,         /** command was unknown to callback */
362     restartread, /** failed to restart the read */
363     last,        /** never use */
364 }
365 ///
366 alias curliocmd = int;
368 ///
369 alias curl_ioctl_callback = curlioerr function(CURL *handle, int cmd, void *clientp);
371 /**
372  * The following typedef's are signatures of malloc, free, realloc, strdup and
373  * calloc respectively.  Function pointers of these types can be passed to the
374  * curl_global_init_mem() function to set user defined memory management
375  * callback routines.
376  */
377 alias curl_malloc_callback = void* function(size_t size);
378 /// ditto
379 alias curl_free_callback = void function(void *ptr);
380 /// ditto
381 alias curl_realloc_callback = void* function(void *ptr, size_t size);
382 /// ditto
383 alias curl_strdup_callback = char * function(in const(char) *str);
384 /// ditto
385 alias curl_calloc_callback = void* function(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
387 /** the kind of data that is passed to information_callback*/
388 enum CurlCallbackInfo {
389     text,       ///
390     header_in,  ///
391     header_out, ///
392     data_in,    ///
393     data_out,   ///
394     ssl_data_in, ///
395     ssl_data_out, ///
396     end         ///
397 }
398 ///
399 alias curl_infotype = int;
401 ///
402 alias curl_debug_callback =
403         int function(CURL *handle,        /** the handle/transfer this concerns */
404                      curl_infotype type,  /** what kind of data */
405                      char *data,          /** points to the data */
406                      size_t size,         /** size of the data pointed to */
407                      void *userptr        /** whatever the user please */
408                     );
410 /** All possible error codes from all sorts of curl functions. Future versions
411    may return other values, stay prepared.
413    Always add new return codes last. Never *EVER* remove any. The return
414    codes must remain the same!
415  */
416 enum CurlError
417 {
418     ok,                          ///
419     unsupported_protocol,        /** 1 */
420     failed_init,                 /** 2 */
421     url_malformat,               /** 3 */
422     not_built_in,                /** 4 - [was obsoleted in August 2007 for
423                                     7.17.0, reused in April 2011 for 7.21.5] */
424     couldnt_resolve_proxy,       /** 5 */
425     couldnt_resolve_host,        /** 6 */
426     couldnt_connect,             /** 7 */
427     ftp_weird_server_reply,      /** 8 */
428     remote_access_denied,        /** 9 a service was denied by the server
429                                     due to lack of access - when login fails
430                                     this is not returned. */
431     obsolete10,                  /** 10 - NOT USED */
432     ftp_weird_pass_reply,        /** 11 */
433     obsolete12,                  /** 12 - NOT USED */
434     ftp_weird_pasv_reply,        /** 13 */
435     ftp_weird_227_format,        /** 14 */
436     ftp_cant_get_host,           /** 15 */
437     obsolete16,                  /** 16 - NOT USED */
438     ftp_couldnt_set_type,        /** 17 */
439     partial_file,                /** 18 */
440     ftp_couldnt_retr_file,       /** 19 */
441     obsolete20,                  /** 20 - NOT USED */
442     quote_error,                 /** 21 - quote command failure */
443     http_returned_error,         /** 22 */
444     write_error,                 /** 23 */
445     obsolete24,                  /** 24 - NOT USED */
446     upload_failed,               /** 25 - failed upload "command" */
447     read_error,                  /** 26 - couldn't open/read from file */
448     out_of_memory,               /** 27 */
449     /** Note: CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY may sometimes indicate a conversion error
450              instead of a memory allocation error if CURL_DOES_CONVERSIONS
451              is defined
452     */
453     operation_timedout,          /** 28 - the timeout time was reached */
454     obsolete29,                  /** 29 - NOT USED */
455     ftp_port_failed,             /** 30 - FTP PORT operation failed */
456     ftp_couldnt_use_rest,        /** 31 - the REST command failed */
457     obsolete32,                  /** 32 - NOT USED */
458     range_error,                 /** 33 - RANGE "command" didn't work */
459     http_post_error,             /** 34 */
460     ssl_connect_error,           /** 35 - wrong when connecting with SSL */
461     bad_download_resume,         /** 36 - couldn't resume download */
462     file_couldnt_read_file,      /** 37 */
463     ldap_cannot_bind,            /** 38 */
464     ldap_search_failed,          /** 39 */
465     obsolete40,                  /** 40 - NOT USED */
466     function_not_found,          /** 41 */
467     aborted_by_callback,         /** 42 */
468     bad_function_argument,       /** 43 */
469     obsolete44,                  /** 44 - NOT USED */
470     interface_failed,            /** 45 - CURLOPT_INTERFACE failed */
471     obsolete46,                  /** 46 - NOT USED */
472     too_many_redirects,          /** 47 - catch endless re-direct loops */
473     unknown_option,              /** 48 - User specified an unknown option */
474     telnet_option_syntax,        /** 49 - Malformed telnet option */
475     obsolete50,                  /** 50 - NOT USED */
476     peer_failed_verification,    /** 51 - peer's certificate or fingerprint
477                                          wasn't verified fine */
478     got_nothing,                 /** 52 - when this is a specific error */
479     ssl_engine_notfound,         /** 53 - SSL crypto engine not found */
480     ssl_engine_setfailed,        /** 54 - can not set SSL crypto engine as default */
481     send_error,                  /** 55 - failed sending network data */
482     recv_error,                  /** 56 - failure in receiving network data */
483     obsolete57,                  /** 57 - NOT IN USE */
484     ssl_certproblem,             /** 58 - problem with the local certificate */
485     ssl_cipher,                  /** 59 - couldn't use specified cipher */
486     ssl_cacert,                  /** 60 - problem with the CA cert (path?) */
487     bad_content_encoding,        /** 61 - Unrecognized transfer encoding */
488     ldap_invalid_url,            /** 62 - Invalid LDAP URL */
489     filesize_exceeded,           /** 63 - Maximum file size exceeded */
490     use_ssl_failed,              /** 64 - Requested FTP SSL level failed */
491     send_fail_rewind,            /** 65 - Sending the data requires a rewind that failed */
492     ssl_engine_initfailed,       /** 66 - failed to initialise ENGINE */
493     login_denied,                /** 67 - user, password or similar was not accepted and we failed to login */
494     tftp_notfound,               /** 68 - file not found on server */
495     tftp_perm,                   /** 69 - permission problem on server */
496     remote_disk_full,            /** 70 - out of disk space on server */
497     tftp_illegal,                /** 71 - Illegal TFTP operation */
498     tftp_unknownid,              /** 72 - Unknown transfer ID */
499     remote_file_exists,          /** 73 - File already exists */
500     tftp_nosuchuser,             /** 74 - No such user */
501     conv_failed,                 /** 75 - conversion failed */
502     conv_reqd,                   /** 76 - caller must register conversion
503                                     callbacks using curl_easy_setopt options
504                                     CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION,
505                                     CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION, and
506                                     CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION */
507     ssl_cacert_badfile,          /** 77 - could not load CACERT file, missing  or wrong format */
508     remote_file_not_found,       /** 78 - remote file not found */
509     ssh,                         /** 79 - error from the SSH layer, somewhat
510                                     generic so the error message will be of
511                                     interest when this has happened */
512     ssl_shutdown_failed,         /** 80 - Failed to shut down the SSL connection */
513     again,                       /** 81 - socket is not ready for send/recv,
514                                     wait till it's ready and try again (Added
515                                     in 7.18.2) */
516     ssl_crl_badfile,             /** 82 - could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format (Added in 7.19.0) */
517     ssl_issuer_error,            /** 83 - Issuer check failed.  (Added in 7.19.0) */
518     ftp_pret_failed,             /** 84 - a PRET command failed */
519     rtsp_cseq_error,             /** 85 - mismatch of RTSP CSeq numbers */
520     rtsp_session_error,          /** 86 - mismatch of RTSP Session Identifiers */
521     ftp_bad_file_list,           /** 87 - unable to parse FTP file list */
522     chunk_failed,                /** 88 - chunk callback reported error */
523     curl_last                    /** never use! */
524 }
525 ///
526 alias CURLcode = int;
528 /** This prototype applies to all conversion callbacks */
529 alias curl_conv_callback = CURLcode function(char *buffer, size_t length);
531 /** actually an OpenSSL SSL_CTX */
532 alias curl_ssl_ctx_callback =
533         CURLcode function(CURL *curl,    /** easy handle */
534                           void *ssl_ctx, /** actually an OpenSSL SSL_CTX */
535                           void *userptr
536                          );
538 ///
539 enum CurlProxy {
540     http,         /** added in 7.10, new in 7.19.4 default is to use CONNECT HTTP/1.1 */
541     http_1_0,     /** added in 7.19.4, force to use CONNECT HTTP/1.0  */
542     socks4 = 4,   /** support added in 7.15.2, enum existed already in 7.10 */
543     socks5 = 5,   /** added in 7.10 */
544     socks4a = 6,  /** added in 7.18.0 */
545     socks5_hostname =7   /** Use the SOCKS5 protocol but pass along the
546                          host name rather than the IP address. added
547                          in 7.18.0 */
548 }
549 ///
550 alias curl_proxytype = int;
552 ///
553 enum CurlAuth : ulong {
554   none =         0UL,        /** None */
555   basic =        1UL << 0,   /** Basic (default) */
556   digest =       1UL << 1,   /** Digest */
557   negotiate =    1UL << 2,   /** Negotiate (SPNEGO) */
558   gssnegotiate = negotiate,  /** GSS-Negotiate */
559   gssapi =       negotiate,  /** GSS-Negoatiate */
560   ntlm =         1UL << 3,   /** NTLM */
561   digest_ie =    1UL << 4,   /** Digest with IE flavour */
562   ntlm_WB =      1UL << 5,   /** NTML delegated to winbind helper */
563   bearer =       1UL << 6,   /** Bearer token authentication */
564   only =         1UL << 31,  /** used together with a single other
565                                  type to force no auth or just that
566                                  single type */
567   any =          ~digest_ie, /** any allows */
568   anysafe =      ~(basic | digest_ie) /** any except basic */
569 }
571 ///
572 enum CurlSshAuth {
573   any       = ~0,     /** all types supported by the server */
574   none      = 0,      /** none allowed, silly but complete */
575   publickey = 1 << 0, /** public/private key files */
576   password  = 1 << 1, /** password */
577   host      = 1 << 2, /** host key files */
578   keyboard  = 1 << 3, /** keyboard interactive */
579   agent     = 1 << 4, /** agent (ssh-agent, pageant...) */
580   gssapi    = 1 << 5, /** gssapi (kerberos, ...) */
582   default_  = any // CURLSSH_AUTH_ANY;
583 }
584 ///
585 enum CURL_ERROR_SIZE = 256;
586 /** points to a zero-terminated string encoded with base64
587    if len is zero, otherwise to the "raw" data */
588 enum CurlKHType
589 {
590     unknown,    ///
591     rsa1,       ///
592     rsa,        ///
593     dss         ///
594 }
595 ///
596 extern (C) struct curl_khkey
597 {
598     const(char) *key; /** points to a zero-terminated string encoded with base64
599                          if len is zero, otherwise to the "raw" data */
600     size_t len; ///
601     CurlKHType keytype; ///
602 }
604 /** this is the set of return values expected from the curl_sshkeycallback
605    callback */
606 enum CurlKHStat {
607     fine_add_to_file, ///
608     fine,       ///
609     reject,  /** reject the connection, return an error */
610     defer,   /** do not accept it, but we can't answer right now so
611                 this causes a CURLE_DEFER error but otherwise the
612                 connection will be left intact etc */
613     last     /** not for use, only a marker for last-in-list */
614 }
616 /** this is the set of status codes pass in to the callback */
617 enum CurlKHMatch {
618     ok,       /** match */
619     mismatch, /** host found, key mismatch! */
620     missing,  /** no matching host/key found */
621     last      /** not for use, only a marker for last-in-list */
622 }
624 ///
625 alias curl_sshkeycallback =
626         int function(CURL *easy,            /** easy handle */
627                      const(curl_khkey) *knownkey,  /** known */
628                      const(curl_khkey) *foundkey,  /** found */
629                      CurlKHMatch m,         /** libcurl's view on the keys */
630                      void *clientp          /** custom pointer passed from app */
631                     );
633 /** parameter for the CURLOPT_USE_SSL option */
634 enum CurlUseSSL {
635     none,     /** do not attempt to use SSL */
636     tryssl,   /** try using SSL, proceed anyway otherwise */
637     control,  /** SSL for the control connection or fail */
638     all,      /** SSL for all communication or fail */
639     last      /** not an option, never use */
640 }
641 ///
642 alias curl_usessl = int;
644 /** parameter for the CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC option */
645 enum CurlFtpSSL {
646     ccc_none,     /** do not send CCC */
647     ccc_passive,  /** Let the server initiate the shutdown */
648     ccc_active,   /** Initiate the shutdown */
649     ccc_last      /** not an option, never use */
650 }
651 ///
652 alias curl_ftpccc = int;
654 /** parameter for the CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH option */
655 enum CurlFtpAuth {
656     defaultauth, /** let libcurl decide */
657     ssl,         /** use "AUTH SSL" */
658     tls,         /** use "AUTH TLS" */
659     last         /** not an option, never use */
660 }
661 ///
662 alias curl_ftpauth = int;
664 /** parameter for the CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS option */
665 enum CurlFtp {
666     create_dir_none,   /** do NOT create missing dirs! */
667     create_dir,        /** (FTP/SFTP) if CWD fails, try MKD and then CWD again if MKD
668                           succeeded, for SFTP this does similar magic */
669     create_dir_retry,  /** (FTP only) if CWD fails, try MKD and then CWD again even if MKD
670                           failed! */
671     create_dir_last    /** not an option, never use */
672 }
673 ///
674 alias curl_ftpcreatedir = int;
676 /** parameter for the CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD option */
677 enum CurlFtpMethod {
678     defaultmethod,    /** let libcurl pick */
679     multicwd,         /** single CWD operation for each path part */
680     nocwd,            /** no CWD at all */
681     singlecwd,        /** one CWD to full dir, then work on file */
682     last              /** not an option, never use */
683 }
684 ///
685 alias curl_ftpmethod = int;
687 /** CURLPROTO_ defines are for the CURLOPT_*PROTOCOLS options */
688 enum CurlProto {
689   http   = 1,   ///
690   https  = 2,   ///
691   ftp    = 4,   ///
692   ftps   = 8,   ///
693   scp    = 16,  ///
694   sftp   = 32,  ///
695   telnet = 64,  ///
696   ldap   = 128, ///
697   ldaps  = 256, ///
698   dict   = 512, ///
699   file   = 1024,        ///
700   tftp   = 2048,        ///
701   imap   = 4096,        ///
702   imaps  = 8192,        ///
703   pop3   = 16_384,       ///
704   pop3s  = 32_768,       ///
705   smtp   = 65_536,       ///
706   smtps  = 131_072,      ///
707   rtsp   = 262_144,      ///
708   rtmp   = 524_288,      ///
709   rtmpt  = 1_048_576,     ///
710   rtmpe  = 2_097_152,     ///
711   rtmpte = 4_194_304,     ///
712   rtmps  = 8_388_608,     ///
713   rtmpts = 16_777_216,    ///
714   gopher = 33_554_432,    ///
715   all    = -1 /** enable everything */
716 }
718 /** long may be 32 or 64 bits, but we should never depend on anything else
719    but 32 */
720 enum CURLOPTTYPE_LONG = 0;
721 /// ditto
723 /// ditto
726 /// ditto
727 enum CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T = 30_000;
728 /** name is uppercase CURLOPT_$(LT)name$(GT),
729    type is one of the defined CURLOPTTYPE_$(LT)type$(GT)
730    number is unique identifier */
732 /** The macro "##" is ISO C, we assume pre-ISO C doesn't support it. */
734 /// ditto
736 /// ditto
739 /// ditto
742 ///
743 enum CurlOption {
744   /** This is the FILE * or void * the regular output should be written to. */
745   file = 10_001,
746   /** The full URL to get/put */
747   url,
748   /** Port number to connect to, if other than default. */
749   port = 3,
750   /** Name of proxy to use. */
751   proxy = 10_004,
752   /** "name:password" to use when fetching. */
753   userpwd,
754   /** "name:password" to use with proxy. */
755   proxyuserpwd,
756   /** Range to get, specified as an ASCII string. */
757   range,
758   /** not used */
760   /** Specified file stream to upload from (use as input): */
761   infile = 10_009,
762   /** Buffer to receive error messages in, must be at least CURL_ERROR_SIZE
763    * bytes big. If this is not used, error messages go to stderr instead: */
764   errorbuffer,
765   /** Function that will be called to store the output (instead of fwrite). The
766    * parameters will use fwrite() syntax, make sure to follow them. */
767   writefunction = 20_011,
768   /** Function that will be called to read the input (instead of fread). The
769    * parameters will use fread() syntax, make sure to follow them. */
770   readfunction,
771   /** Time-out the read operation after this amount of seconds */
772   timeout = 13,
773   /** If the CURLOPT_INFILE is used, this can be used to inform libcurl about
774    * how large the file being sent really is. That allows better error
775    * checking and better verifies that the upload was successful. -1 means
776    * unknown size.
777    *
778    * For large file support, there is also a _LARGE version of the key
779    * which takes an off_t type, allowing platforms with larger off_t
780    * sizes to handle larger files.  See below for INFILESIZE_LARGE.
781    */
782   infilesize,
783   /** POST static input fields. */
784   postfields = 10_015,
785   /** Set the referrer page (needed by some CGIs) */
786   referer,
787   /** Set the FTP PORT string (interface name, named or numerical IP address)
788      Use i.e '-' to use default address. */
789   ftpport,
790   /** Set the User-Agent string (examined by some CGIs) */
791   useragent,
792   /** If the download receives less than "low speed limit" bytes/second
793    * during "low speed time" seconds, the operations is aborted.
794    * You could i.e if you have a pretty high speed connection, abort if
795    * it is less than 2000 bytes/sec during 20 seconds.
796    */
798   /** Set the "low speed limit" */
799   low_speed_limit = 19,
800   /** Set the "low speed time" */
801   low_speed_time,
802   /** Set the continuation offset.
803    *
804    * Note there is also a _LARGE version of this key which uses
805    * off_t types, allowing for large file offsets on platforms which
806    * use larger-than-32-bit off_t's.  Look below for RESUME_FROM_LARGE.
807    */
808   resume_from,
809   /** Set cookie in request: */
810   cookie = 10_022,
811   /** This points to a linked list of headers, struct curl_slist kind */
812   httpheader,
813   /** This points to a linked list of post entries, struct curl_httppost */
814   httppost,
815   /** name of the file keeping your private SSL-certificate */
816   sslcert,
817   /** password for the SSL or SSH private key */
818   keypasswd,
819   /** send TYPE parameter? */
820   crlf = 27,
821   /** send linked-list of QUOTE commands */
822   quote = 10_028,
823   /** send FILE * or void * to store headers to, if you use a callback it
824      is simply passed to the callback unmodified */
825   writeheader,
826   /** point to a file to read the initial cookies from, also enables
827      "cookie awareness" */
828   cookiefile = 10_031,
829   /** What version to specifically try to use.
830      See CURL_SSLVERSION defines below. */
831   sslversion = 32,
832   /** What kind of HTTP time condition to use, see defines */
833   timecondition,
834   /** Time to use with the above condition. Specified in number of seconds
835      since 1 Jan 1970 */
836   timevalue,
837   /* 35 = OBSOLETE */
839   /** Custom request, for customizing the get command like
840      HTTP: DELETE, TRACE and others
841      FTP: to use a different list command
842      */
843   customrequest = 10_036,
844   /** HTTP request, for odd commands like DELETE, TRACE and others */
845   stderr,
846   /* 38 is not used */
848   /** send linked-list of post-transfer QUOTE commands */
849   postquote = 10_039,
850   /** Pass a pointer to string of the output using full variable-replacement
851      as described elsewhere. */
852   writeinfo,
853   verbose = 41,       /** talk a lot */
854   header,             /** throw the header out too */
855   noprogress,         /** shut off the progress meter */
856   nobody,             /** use HEAD to get http document */
857   failonerror,        /** no output on http error codes >= 300 */
858   upload,             /** this is an upload */
859   post,               /** HTTP POST method */
860   dirlistonly,        /** return bare names when listing directories */
861   append = 50,        /** Append instead of overwrite on upload! */
862   /** Specify whether to read the user+password from the .netrc or the URL.
863    * This must be one of the CURL_NETRC_* enums below. */
864   netrc,
865   followlocation, /** use Location: Luke! */
866   transfertext,  /** transfer data in text/ASCII format */
867   put,           /** HTTP PUT */
868   /* 55 = OBSOLETE */
870   /** Function that will be called instead of the internal progress display
871    * function. This function should be defined as the curl_progress_callback
872    * prototype defines. */
873   progressfunction = 20_056,
874   /** Data passed to the progress callback */
875   progressdata = 10_057,
876   /** We want the referrer field set automatically when following locations */
877   autoreferer = 58,
878   /** Port of the proxy, can be set in the proxy string as well with:
879      `[host]:[port]` */
880   proxyport,
881   /** size of the POST input data, if strlen() is not good to use */
882   postfieldsize,
883   /** tunnel non-http operations through a HTTP proxy */
884   httpproxytunnel,
885   /** Set the interface string to use as outgoing network interface */
886   intrface = 10_062,
887   /** Set the krb4/5 security level, this also enables krb4/5 awareness.  This
888    * is a string, 'clear', 'safe', 'confidential' or 'private'.  If the string
889    * is set but doesn't match one of these, 'private' will be used.  */
890   krblevel,
891   /** Set if we should verify the peer in ssl handshake, set 1 to verify. */
892   ssl_verifypeer = 64,
893   /** The CApath or CAfile used to validate the peer certificate
894      this option is used only if SSL_VERIFYPEER is true */
895   cainfo = 10_065,
896   /* 66 = OBSOLETE */
897   /* 67 = OBSOLETE */
899   /** Maximum number of http redirects to follow */
900   maxredirs = 68,
901   /** Pass a long set to 1 to get the date of the requested document (if
902      possible)! Pass a zero to shut it off. */
903   filetime,
904   /** This points to a linked list of telnet options */
905   telnetoptions = 10_070,
906   /** Max amount of cached alive connections */
907   maxconnects = 71,
908   /** What policy to use when closing connections when the cache is filled
909      up */
910   closepolicy,
911   /* 73 = OBSOLETE */
913   /** Set to explicitly use a new connection for the upcoming transfer.
914      Do not use this unless you're absolutely sure of this, as it makes the
915      operation slower and is less friendly for the network. */
916   fresh_connect = 74,
917   /** Set to explicitly forbid the upcoming transfer's connection to be re-used
918      when done. Do not use this unless you're absolutely sure of this, as it
919      makes the operation slower and is less friendly for the network. */
920   forbid_reuse,
921   /** Set to a file name that contains random data for libcurl to use to
922      seed the random engine when doing SSL connects. */
923   random_file = 10_076,
924   /** Set to the Entropy Gathering Daemon socket pathname */
925   egdsocket,
926   /** Time-out connect operations after this amount of seconds, if connects
927      are OK within this time, then fine... This only aborts the connect
928      phase. [Only works on unix-style/SIGALRM operating systems] */
929   connecttimeout = 78,
930   /** Function that will be called to store headers (instead of fwrite). The
931    * parameters will use fwrite() syntax, make sure to follow them. */
932   headerfunction = 20_079,
933   /** Set this to force the HTTP request to get back to GET. Only really usable
934      if POST, PUT or a custom request have been used first.
935    */
936   httpget = 80,
937   /** Set if we should verify the Common name from the peer certificate in ssl
938    * handshake, set 1 to check existence, 2 to ensure that it matches the
939    * provided hostname. */
940   ssl_verifyhost,
941   /** Specify which file name to write all known cookies in after completed
942      operation. Set file name to "-" (dash) to make it go to stdout. */
943   cookiejar = 10_082,
944   /** Specify which SSL ciphers to use */
945   ssl_cipher_list,
946   /** Specify which HTTP version to use! This must be set to one of the
947      CURL_HTTP_VERSION* enums set below. */
948   http_version = 84,
949   /** Specifically switch on or off the FTP engine's use of the EPSV command. By
950      default, that one will always be attempted before the more traditional
951      PASV command. */
952   ftp_use_epsv,
953   /** type of the file keeping your SSL-certificate ("DER", "PEM", "ENG") */
954   sslcerttype = 10_086,
955   /** name of the file keeping your private SSL-key */
956   sslkey,
957   /** type of the file keeping your private SSL-key ("DER", "PEM", "ENG") */
958   sslkeytype,
959   /** crypto engine for the SSL-sub system */
960   sslengine,
961   /** set the crypto engine for the SSL-sub system as default
962      the param has no meaning...
963    */
964   sslengine_default = 90,
965   /** Non-zero value means to use the global dns cache */
966   dns_use_global_cache,
967   /** DNS cache timeout */
968   dns_cache_timeout,
969   /** send linked-list of pre-transfer QUOTE commands */
970   prequote = 10_093,
971   /** set the debug function */
972   debugfunction = 20_094,
973   /** set the data for the debug function */
974   debugdata = 10_095,
975   /** mark this as start of a cookie session */
976   cookiesession = 96,
977   /** The CApath directory used to validate the peer certificate
978      this option is used only if SSL_VERIFYPEER is true */
979   capath = 10_097,
980   /** Instruct libcurl to use a smaller receive buffer */
981   buffersize = 98,
982   /** Instruct libcurl to not use any signal/alarm handlers, even when using
983      timeouts. This option is useful for multi-threaded applications.
984      See libcurl-the-guide for more background information. */
985   nosignal,
986   /** Provide a CURLShare for mutexing non-ts data */
987   share = 10_100,
988   /** indicates type of proxy. accepted values are CURLPROXY_HTTP (default),
990   proxytype = 101,
991   /** Set the Accept-Encoding string. Use this to tell a server you would like
992      the response to be compressed. */
993   encoding = 10_102,
994   /** Set pointer to private data */
995   private_opt,
996   /** Set aliases for HTTP 200 in the HTTP Response header */
997   http200aliases,
998   /** Continue to send authentication (user+password) when following locations,
999      even when hostname changed. This can potentially send off the name
1000      and password to whatever host the server decides. */
1001   unrestricted_auth = 105,
1002   /** Specifically switch on or off the FTP engine's use of the EPRT command ( it
1003      also disables the LPRT attempt). By default, those ones will always be
1004      attempted before the good old traditional PORT command. */
1005   ftp_use_eprt,
1006   /** Set this to a bitmask value to enable the particular authentications
1007      methods you like. Use this in combination with CURLOPT_USERPWD.
1008      Note that setting multiple bits may cause extra network round-trips. */
1009   httpauth,
1010   /** Set the ssl context callback function, currently only for OpenSSL ssl_ctx
1011      in second argument. The function must be matching the
1012      curl_ssl_ctx_callback proto. */
1013   ssl_ctx_function = 20_108,
1014   /** Set the userdata for the ssl context callback function's third
1015      argument */
1016   ssl_ctx_data = 10_109,
1017   /** FTP Option that causes missing dirs to be created on the remote server.
1018      In 7.19.4 we introduced the convenience enums for this option using the
1019      CURLFTP_CREATE_DIR prefix.
1020   */
1021   ftp_create_missing_dirs = 110,
1022   /** Set this to a bitmask value to enable the particular authentications
1023      methods you like. Use this in combination with CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD.
1024      Note that setting multiple bits may cause extra network round-trips. */
1025   proxyauth,
1026   /** FTP option that changes the timeout, in seconds, associated with
1027      getting a response.  This is different from transfer timeout time and
1028      essentially places a demand on the FTP server to acknowledge commands
1029      in a timely manner. */
1030   ftp_response_timeout,
1031   /** Set this option to one of the CURL_IPRESOLVE_* defines (see below) to
1032      tell libcurl to resolve names to those IP versions only. This only has
1033      affect on systems with support for more than one, i.e IPv4 _and_ IPv6. */
1034   ipresolve,
1035   /** Set this option to limit the size of a file that will be downloaded from
1036      an HTTP or FTP server.
1038      Note there is also _LARGE version which adds large file support for
1039      platforms which have larger off_t sizes.  See MAXFILESIZE_LARGE below. */
1040   maxfilesize,
1041   /** See the comment for INFILESIZE above, but in short, specifies
1042    * the size of the file being uploaded.  -1 means unknown.
1043    */
1044   infilesize_large = 30_115,
1045   /** Sets the continuation offset.  There is also a LONG version of this;
1046    * look above for RESUME_FROM.
1047    */
1048   resume_from_large,
1049   /** Sets the maximum size of data that will be downloaded from
1050    * an HTTP or FTP server.  See MAXFILESIZE above for the LONG version.
1051    */
1052   maxfilesize_large,
1053   /** Set this option to the file name of your .netrc file you want libcurl
1054      to parse (using the CURLOPT_NETRC option). If not set, libcurl will do
1055      a poor attempt to find the user's home directory and check for a .netrc
1056      file in there. */
1057   netrc_file = 10_118,
1058   /** Enable SSL/TLS for FTP, pick one of:
1059      CURLFTPSSL_TRY     - try using SSL, proceed anyway otherwise
1060      CURLFTPSSL_CONTROL - SSL for the control connection or fail
1061      CURLFTPSSL_ALL     - SSL for all communication or fail
1062   */
1063   use_ssl = 119,
1064   /** The _LARGE version of the standard POSTFIELDSIZE option */
1065   postfieldsize_large = 30_120,
1066   /** Enable/disable the TCP Nagle algorithm */
1067   tcp_nodelay = 121,
1068   /* 122 OBSOLETE, used in 7.12.3. Gone in 7.13.0 */
1069   /* 123 OBSOLETE. Gone in 7.16.0 */
1070   /* 124 OBSOLETE, used in 7.12.3. Gone in 7.13.0 */
1071   /* 125 OBSOLETE, used in 7.12.3. Gone in 7.13.0 */
1072   /* 126 OBSOLETE, used in 7.12.3. Gone in 7.13.0 */
1073   /* 127 OBSOLETE. Gone in 7.16.0 */
1074   /* 128 OBSOLETE. Gone in 7.16.0 */
1076   /** When FTP over SSL/TLS is selected (with CURLOPT_USE_SSL), this option
1077      can be used to change libcurl's default action which is to first try
1078      "AUTH SSL" and then "AUTH TLS" in this order, and proceed when a OK
1079      response has been received.
1081      Available parameters are:
1082      CURLFTPAUTH_DEFAULT - let libcurl decide
1083      CURLFTPAUTH_SSL     - try "AUTH SSL" first, then TLS
1084      CURLFTPAUTH_TLS     - try "AUTH TLS" first, then SSL
1085   */
1086   ftpsslauth = 129,
1087   ioctlfunction = 20_130,        ///
1088   ioctldata = 10_131,            ///
1089   /* 132 OBSOLETE. Gone in 7.16.0 */
1090   /* 133 OBSOLETE. Gone in 7.16.0 */
1092   /** zero terminated string for pass on to the FTP server when asked for
1093      "account" info */
1094   ftp_account = 10_134,
1095   /** feed cookies into cookie engine */
1096   cookielist,
1097   /** ignore Content-Length */
1098   ignore_content_length = 136,
1099   /** Set to non-zero to skip the IP address received in a 227 PASV FTP server
1100      response. Typically used for FTP-SSL purposes but is not restricted to
1101      that. libcurl will then instead use the same IP address it used for the
1102      control connection. */
1103   ftp_skip_pasv_ip,
1104   /** Select "file method" to use when doing FTP, see the curl_ftpmethod
1105      above. */
1106   ftp_filemethod,
1107   /** Local port number to bind the socket to */
1108   localport,
1109   /** Number of ports to try, including the first one set with LOCALPORT.
1110      Thus, setting it to 1 will make no additional attempts but the first.
1111   */
1112   localportrange,
1113   /** no transfer, set up connection and let application use the socket by
1114      extracting it with CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET */
1115   connect_only,
1116   /** Function that will be called to convert from the
1117      network encoding (instead of using the iconv calls in libcurl) */
1118   conv_from_network_function = 20_142,
1119   /** Function that will be called to convert to the
1120      network encoding (instead of using the iconv calls in libcurl) */
1121   conv_to_network_function,
1122   /** Function that will be called to convert from UTF8
1123      (instead of using the iconv calls in libcurl)
1124      Note that this is used only for SSL certificate processing */
1125   conv_from_utf8_function,
1126   /** If the connection proceeds too quickly then need to slow it down */
1127   /** */
1128   /** limit-rate: maximum number of bytes per second to send or receive */
1129   max_send_speed_large = 30_145,
1130   max_recv_speed_large, /// ditto
1131   /** Pointer to command string to send if USER/PASS fails. */
1132   ftp_alternative_to_user = 10_147,
1133   /** callback function for setting socket options */
1134   sockoptfunction = 20_148,
1135   sockoptdata = 10_149,
1136   /** set to 0 to disable session ID re-use for this transfer, default is
1137      enabled (== 1) */
1138   ssl_sessionid_cache = 150,
1139   /** allowed SSH authentication methods */
1140   ssh_auth_types,
1141   /** Used by scp/sftp to do public/private key authentication */
1142   ssh_public_keyfile = 10_152,
1143   ssh_private_keyfile,
1144   /** Send CCC (Clear Command Channel) after authentication */
1145   ftp_ssl_ccc = 154,
1146   /** Same as TIMEOUT and CONNECTTIMEOUT, but with ms resolution */
1147   timeout_ms,
1148   connecttimeout_ms, /// ditto
1149   /** set to zero to disable the libcurl's decoding and thus pass the raw body
1150      data to the application even when it is encoded/compressed */
1151   http_transfer_decoding,
1152   http_content_decoding,        /// ditto
1153   /** Permission used when creating new files and directories on the remote
1154      server for protocols that support it, SFTP/SCP/FILE */
1155   new_file_perms,
1156   new_directory_perms,          /// ditto
1157   /** Set the behaviour of POST when redirecting. Values must be set to one
1158      of CURL_REDIR* defines below. This used to be called CURLOPT_POST301 */
1159   postredir,
1160   /** used by scp/sftp to verify the host's public key */
1161   ssh_host_public_key_md5 = 10_162,
1162   /** Callback function for opening socket (instead of socket(2)). Optionally,
1163      callback is able change the address or refuse to connect returning
1164      CURL_SOCKET_BAD.  The callback should have type
1165      curl_opensocket_callback */
1166   opensocketfunction = 20_163,
1167   opensocketdata = 10_164,       /// ditto
1168   /** POST volatile input fields. */
1169   copypostfields,
1170   /** set transfer mode (;type=$(LT)a|i$(GT)) when doing FTP via an HTTP proxy */
1171   proxy_transfer_mode = 166,
1172   /** Callback function for seeking in the input stream */
1173   seekfunction = 20_167,
1174   seekdata = 10_168,     /// ditto
1175   /** CRL file */
1176   crlfile,
1177   /** Issuer certificate */
1178   issuercert,
1179   /** (IPv6) Address scope */
1180   address_scope = 171,
1181   /** Collect certificate chain info and allow it to get retrievable with
1182      CURLINFO_CERTINFO after the transfer is complete. (Unfortunately) only
1183      working with OpenSSL-powered builds. */
1184   certinfo,
1185   /** "name" and "pwd" to use when fetching. */
1186   username = 10_173,
1187   password,     /// ditto
1188   /** "name" and "pwd" to use with Proxy when fetching. */
1189   proxyusername,
1190   proxypassword,        /// ditto
1191   /** Comma separated list of hostnames defining no-proxy zones. These should
1192      match both hostnames directly, and hostnames within a domain. For
1193      example, will match and, but NOT
1194 or For compatibility with other
1195      implementations of this, will be considered to be the same as
1196 A single * is the only valid wildcard, and effectively
1197      disables the use of proxy. */
1198   noproxy,
1199   /** block size for TFTP transfers */
1200   tftp_blksize = 178,
1201   /** Socks Service */
1202   socks5_gssapi_service = 10_179,
1203   /** Socks Service */
1204   socks5_gssapi_nec = 180,
1205   /** set the bitmask for the protocols that are allowed to be used for the
1206      transfer, which thus helps the app which takes URLs from users or other
1207      external inputs and want to restrict what protocol(s) to deal
1208      with. Defaults to CURLPROTO_ALL. */
1209   protocols,
1210   /** set the bitmask for the protocols that libcurl is allowed to follow to,
1211      as a subset of the CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS ones. That means the protocol needs
1212      to be set in both bitmasks to be allowed to get redirected to. Defaults
1213      to all protocols except FILE and SCP. */
1214   redir_protocols,
1215   /** set the SSH knownhost file name to use */
1216   ssh_knownhosts = 10_183,
1217   /** set the SSH host key callback, must point to a curl_sshkeycallback
1218      function */
1219   ssh_keyfunction = 20_184,
1220   /** set the SSH host key callback custom pointer */
1221   ssh_keydata = 10_185,
1222   /** set the SMTP mail originator */
1223   mail_from,
1224   /** set the SMTP mail receiver(s) */
1225   mail_rcpt,
1226   /** FTP: send PRET before PASV */
1227   ftp_use_pret = 188,
1228   /** RTSP request method (OPTIONS, SETUP, PLAY, etc...) */
1229   rtsp_request,
1230   /** The RTSP session identifier */
1231   rtsp_session_id = 10_190,
1232   /** The RTSP stream URI */
1233   rtsp_stream_uri,
1234   /** The Transport: header to use in RTSP requests */
1235   rtsp_transport,
1236   /** Manually initialize the client RTSP CSeq for this handle */
1237   rtsp_client_cseq = 193,
1238   /** Manually initialize the server RTSP CSeq for this handle */
1239   rtsp_server_cseq,
1240   /** The stream to pass to INTERLEAVEFUNCTION. */
1241   interleavedata = 10_195,
1242   /** Let the application define a custom write method for RTP data */
1243   interleavefunction = 20_196,
1244   /** Turn on wildcard matching */
1245   wildcardmatch = 197,
1246   /** Directory matching callback called before downloading of an
1247      individual file (chunk) started */
1248   chunk_bgn_function = 20_198,
1249   /** Directory matching callback called after the file (chunk)
1250      was downloaded, or skipped */
1251   chunk_end_function,
1252   /** Change match (fnmatch-like) callback for wildcard matching */
1253   fnmatch_function,
1254   /** Let the application define custom chunk data pointer */
1255   chunk_data = 10_201,
1256   /** FNMATCH_FUNCTION user pointer */
1257   fnmatch_data,
1258   /** send linked-list of name:port:address sets */
1259   resolve,
1260   /** Set a username for authenticated TLS */
1261   tlsauth_username,
1262   /** Set a password for authenticated TLS */
1263   tlsauth_password,
1264   /** Set authentication type for authenticated TLS */
1265   tlsauth_type,
1266   /** the last unused */
1267   lastentry,
1269   writedata = file, /// convenient alias
1270   readdata = infile, /// ditto
1271   headerdata = writeheader, /// ditto
1272   rtspheader = httpheader, /// ditto
1273 }
1274 ///
1275 alias CURLoption = int;
1276 ///
1277 enum CURLOPT_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = CurlOption.ftp_response_timeout;
1279 /** Below here follows defines for the CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE option. If a host
1280    name resolves addresses using more than one IP protocol version, this
1281    option might be handy to force libcurl to use a specific IP version. */
1282 enum CurlIpResolve {
1283   whatever = 0, /** default, resolves addresses to all IP versions that your system allows */
1284   v4 = 1,       /** resolve to ipv4 addresses */
1285   v6 = 2        /** resolve to ipv6 addresses */
1286 }
1288 /** three convenient "aliases" that follow the name scheme better */
1289 enum CURLOPT_WRITEDATA = CurlOption.file;
1290 /// ditto
1291 enum CURLOPT_READDATA = CurlOption.infile;
1292 /// ditto
1293 enum CURLOPT_HEADERDATA = CurlOption.writeheader;
1294 /// ditto
1295 enum CURLOPT_RTSPHEADER = CurlOption.httpheader;
1297 /** These enums are for use with the CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION option. */
1298 enum CurlHttpVersion {
1299     none, /** setting this means we don't care, and that we'd
1300              like the library to choose the best possible
1301              for us! */
1302     v1_0, /** please use HTTP 1.0 in the request */
1303     v1_1, /** please use HTTP 1.1 in the request */
1304     last  /** *ILLEGAL* http version */
1305 }
1307 /**
1308  * Public API enums for RTSP requests
1309  */
1310 enum CurlRtspReq {
1311     none,       ///
1312     options,    ///
1313     describe,   ///
1314     announce,   ///
1315     setup,      ///
1316     play,       ///
1317     pause,      ///
1318     teardown,   ///
1319     get_parameter,      ///
1320     set_parameter,      ///
1321     record,     ///
1322     receive,    ///
1323     last        ///
1324 }
1326  /** These enums are for use with the CURLOPT_NETRC option. */
1327 enum CurlNetRcOption {
1328     ignored,  /** The .netrc will never be read. This is the default. */
1329     optional  /** A user:password in the URL will be preferred to one in the .netrc. */,
1330     required, /** A user:password in the URL will be ignored.
1331                * Unless one is set programmatically, the .netrc
1332                * will be queried. */
1333     last        ///
1334 }
1336 ///
1337 enum CurlSslVersion {
1338     default_version,    ///
1339     tlsv1,      ///
1340     sslv2,      ///
1341     sslv3,      ///
1342     last /** never use */
1343 }
1345 ///
1346 enum CurlTlsAuth {
1347     none,       ///
1348     srp,        ///
1349     last /** never use */
1350 }
1352 /** symbols to use with CURLOPT_POSTREDIR.
1353    CURL_REDIR_POST_301 and CURL_REDIR_POST_302 can be bitwise ORed so that
1355 enum CurlRedir {
1356   get_all = 0,  ///
1357   post_301 = 1, ///
1358   post_302 = 2, ///
1359   ///
1360   post_all = (1 | 2) // (CURL_REDIR_POST_301|CURL_REDIR_POST_302);
1361 }
1362 ///
1363 enum CurlTimeCond {
1364     none,       ///
1365     ifmodsince, ///
1366     ifunmodsince,       ///
1367     lastmod,    ///
1368     last        ///
1369 }
1370 ///
1371 alias curl_TimeCond = int;
1374 /** curl_strequal() and curl_strnequal() are subject for removal in a future
1375    libcurl, see lib/README.curlx for details */
1376 extern (C) {
1377 int  curl_strequal(scope const(char) *s1, scope const(char) *s2);
1378 /// ditto
1379 int  curl_strnequal(scope const(char) *s1, scope const(char) *s2, size_t n);
1380 }
1381 enum CurlForm {
1382     nothing, /********** the first one is unused ************/
1383     copyname,
1384     ptrname,
1385     namelength,
1386     copycontents,
1387     ptrcontents,
1388     contentslength,
1389     filecontent,
1390     array,
1391     obsolete,
1392     file,
1393     buffer,
1394     bufferptr,
1395     bufferlength,
1396     contenttype,
1397     contentheader,
1398     filename,
1399     end,
1400     obsolete2,
1401     stream,
1402     lastentry /** the last unused */
1403 }
1404 alias CURLformoption = int;
1407 /** structure to be used as parameter for CURLFORM_ARRAY */
1408 extern (C) struct curl_forms
1409 {
1410     CURLformoption option;      ///
1411     const(char) *value;        ///
1412 }
1414 /** Use this for multipart formpost building
1415  *
1416  * Returns code for curl_formadd()
1417  *
1418  * Returns:
1419  *
1420  * $(UL
1421  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_OK             on success )
1422  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY         if the FormInfo allocation fails )
1423  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_OPTION_TWICE   if one option is given twice for one Form )
1424  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_NULL           if a null pointer was given for a char )
1425  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY         if the allocation of a FormInfo struct failed )
1426  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_UNKNOWN_OPTION if an unknown option was used )
1427  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_INCOMPLETE     if the some FormInfo is not complete (or error) )
1428  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY         if a curl_httppost struct cannot be allocated )
1429  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_MEMORY         if some allocation for string copying failed. )
1430  * $(LI CURL_FORMADD_ILLEGAL_ARRAY  if an illegal option is used in an array )
1431  * )
1432  *
1433  ***************************************************************************/
1434 enum CurlFormAdd {
1435     ok, /** first, no error */
1436     memory,     ///
1437     option_twice,       ///
1438     null_ptr,   ///
1439     unknown_option,     ///
1440     incomplete, ///
1441     illegal_array,      ///
1442     disabled,  /** libcurl was built with this disabled */
1443     last        ///
1444 }
1445 ///
1446 alias CURLFORMcode = int;
1448 extern (C) {
1450 /**
1451  * Name: curl_formadd()
1452  *
1453  * Description:
1454  *
1455  * Pretty advanced function for building multi-part formposts. Each invoke
1456  * adds one part that together construct a full post. Then use
1457  * CURLOPT_HTTPPOST to send it off to libcurl.
1458  */
1459 CURLFORMcode  curl_formadd(curl_httppost **httppost, curl_httppost **last_post,...);
1461 /**
1462  * callback function for curl_formget()
1463  * The void *arg pointer will be the one passed as second argument to
1464  *   curl_formget().
1465  * The character buffer passed to it must not be freed.
1466  * Should return the buffer length passed to it as the argument "len" on
1467  *   success.
1468  */
1469 alias curl_formget_callback = size_t function(void *arg, const(char) *buf, size_t len);
1471 /**
1472  * Name: curl_formget()
1473  *
1474  * Description:
1475  *
1476  * Serialize a curl_httppost struct built with curl_formadd().
1477  * Accepts a void pointer as second argument which will be passed to
1478  * the curl_formget_callback function.
1479  * Returns 0 on success.
1480  */
1481 int  curl_formget(curl_httppost *form, void *arg, curl_formget_callback append);
1482 /**
1483  * Name: curl_formfree()
1484  *
1485  * Description:
1486  *
1487  * Free a multipart formpost previously built with curl_formadd().
1488  */
1489 void  curl_formfree(curl_httppost *form);
1491 /**
1492  * Name: curl_getenv()
1493  *
1494  * Description:
1495  *
1496  * Returns a malloc()'ed string that MUST be curl_free()ed after usage is
1497  * complete. DEPRECATED - see lib/README.curlx
1498  */
1499 char * curl_getenv(scope const(char) *variable);
1501 /**
1502  * Name: curl_version()
1503  *
1504  * Description:
1505  *
1506  * Returns a static ascii string of the libcurl version.
1507  */
1508 char * curl_version();
1510 /**
1511  * Name: curl_easy_escape()
1512  *
1513  * Description:
1514  *
1515  * Escapes URL strings (converts all letters consider illegal in URLs to their
1516  * %XX versions). This function returns a new allocated string or NULL if an
1517  * error occurred.
1518  */
1519 char * curl_easy_escape(CURL *handle, scope const(char) *string, int length);
1521 /** the previous version: */
1522 char * curl_escape(scope const(char) *string, int length);
1525 /**
1526  * Name: curl_easy_unescape()
1527  *
1528  * Description:
1529  *
1530  * Unescapes URL encoding in strings (converts all %XX codes to their 8bit
1531  * versions). This function returns a new allocated string or NULL if an error
1532  * occurred.
1533  * Conversion Note: On non-ASCII platforms the ASCII %XX codes are
1534  * converted into the host encoding.
1535  */
1536 char * curl_easy_unescape(CURL *handle, scope const(char) *string, int length, int *outlength);
1538 /** the previous version */
1539 char * curl_unescape(scope const(char) *string, int length);
1541 /**
1542  * Name: curl_free()
1543  *
1544  * Description:
1545  *
1546  * Provided for de-allocation in the same translation unit that did the
1547  * allocation. Added in libcurl 7.10
1548  */
1549 void  curl_free(void *p);
1551 /**
1552  * Name: curl_global_init()
1553  *
1554  * Description:
1555  *
1556  * curl_global_init() should be invoked exactly once for each application that
1557  * uses libcurl and before any call of other libcurl functions.
1558  *
1559  * This function is not thread-safe!
1560  */
1561 CURLcode  curl_global_init(c_long flags);
1563 /**
1564  * Name: curl_global_init_mem()
1565  *
1566  * Description:
1567  *
1568  * curl_global_init() or curl_global_init_mem() should be invoked exactly once
1569  * for each application that uses libcurl.  This function can be used to
1570  * initialize libcurl and set user defined memory management callback
1571  * functions.  Users can implement memory management routines to check for
1572  * memory leaks, check for mis-use of the curl library etc.  User registered
1573  * callback routines with be invoked by this library instead of the system
1574  * memory management routines like malloc, free etc.
1575  */
1576 CURLcode  curl_global_init_mem(
1577   c_long flags,
1578   curl_malloc_callback m,
1579   curl_free_callback f,
1580   curl_realloc_callback r,
1581   curl_strdup_callback s,
1582   curl_calloc_callback c
1583 );
1585 /**
1586  * Name: curl_global_cleanup()
1587  *
1588  * Description:
1589  *
1590  * curl_global_cleanup() should be invoked exactly once for each application
1591  * that uses libcurl
1592  */
1593 void  curl_global_cleanup();
1594 }
1596 /** linked-list structure for the CURLOPT_QUOTE option (and other) */
1597 extern (C) {
1599 struct curl_slist
1600 {
1601     char *data;
1602     curl_slist *next;
1603 }
1605 /**
1606  * Name: curl_slist_append()
1607  *
1608  * Description:
1609  *
1610  * Appends a string to a linked list. If no list exists, it will be created
1611  * first. Returns the new list, after appending.
1612  */
1613 curl_slist * curl_slist_append(curl_slist *, const(char) *);
1615 /**
1616  * Name: curl_slist_free_all()
1617  *
1618  * Description:
1619  *
1620  * free a previously built curl_slist.
1621  */
1622 void  curl_slist_free_all(curl_slist *);
1624 /**
1625  * Name: curl_getdate()
1626  *
1627  * Description:
1628  *
1629  * Returns the time, in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 of the time string given in
1630  * the first argument. The time argument in the second parameter is unused
1631  * and should be set to NULL.
1632  */
1633 time_t  curl_getdate(const(char) *p, const(time_t) *unused);
1635 /** info about the certificate chain, only for OpenSSL builds. Asked
1637 struct curl_certinfo
1638 {
1639     int num_of_certs;      /** number of certificates with information */
1640     curl_slist **certinfo; /** for each index in this array, there's a
1641                               linked list with textual information in the
1642                               format "name: value" */
1643 }
1645 } // extern (C) end
1647 ///
1648 enum CURLINFO_STRING = 0x100000;
1649 ///
1650 enum CURLINFO_LONG = 0x200000;
1651 ///
1652 enum CURLINFO_DOUBLE = 0x300000;
1653 ///
1654 enum CURLINFO_SLIST = 0x400000;
1655 ///
1656 enum CURLINFO_MASK = 0x0fffff;
1658 ///
1659 enum CURLINFO_TYPEMASK = 0xf00000;
1661 ///
1662 enum CurlInfo {
1663     none,       ///
1664     effective_url = 1_048_577,    ///
1665     response_code = 2_097_154,    ///
1666     total_time = 3_145_731,       ///
1667     namelookup_time,    ///
1668     connect_time,       ///
1669     pretransfer_time,   ///
1670     size_upload,        ///
1671     size_download,      ///
1672     speed_download,     ///
1673     speed_upload,       ///
1674     header_size = 2_097_163,      ///
1675     request_size,       ///
1676     ssl_verifyresult,   ///
1677     filetime,   ///
1678     content_length_download = 3_145_743,  ///
1679     content_length_upload,      ///
1680     starttransfer_time, ///
1681     content_type = 1_048_594,     ///
1682     redirect_time = 3_145_747,    ///
1683     redirect_count = 2_097_172,   ///
1684     private_info = 1_048_597,     ///
1685     http_connectcode = 2_097_174, ///
1686     httpauth_avail,     ///
1687     proxyauth_avail,    ///
1688     os_errno,   ///
1689     num_connects,       ///
1690     ssl_engines = 4_194_331,      ///
1691     cookielist, ///
1692     lastsocket = 2_097_181,       ///
1693     ftp_entry_path = 1_048_606,   ///
1694     redirect_url,       ///
1695     primary_ip, ///
1696     appconnect_time = 3_145_761,  ///
1697     certinfo = 4_194_338, ///
1698     condition_unmet = 2_097_187,  ///
1699     rtsp_session_id = 1_048_612,  ///
1700     rtsp_client_cseq = 2_097_189, ///
1701     rtsp_server_cseq,   ///
1702     rtsp_cseq_recv,     ///
1703     primary_port,       ///
1704     local_ip = 1_048_617, ///
1705     local_port = 2_097_194,       ///
1706     /** Fill in new entries below here! */
1707     lastone = 42
1708 }
1709 ///
1710 alias CURLINFO = int;
1712 /** CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE is the new name for the option previously known as
1714 enum CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE = CurlInfo.response_code;
1716 ///
1717 enum CurlClosePolicy {
1718     none,       ///
1719     oldest,     ///
1720     least_recently_used,        ///
1721     least_traffic,      ///
1722     slowest,    ///
1723     callback,   ///
1724     last        ///
1725 }
1726 ///
1727 alias curl_closepolicy = int;
1729 ///
1730 enum CurlGlobal {
1731   ssl = 1,      ///
1732   win32 = 2,    ///
1733   ///
1734   all = (1 | 2), // (CURL_GLOBAL_SSL|CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32);
1735   nothing = 0,  ///
1736   default_ = (1 | 2) /// all
1737 }
1739 /******************************************************************************
1740  * Setup defines, protos etc for the sharing stuff.
1741  */
1743 /** Different data locks for a single share */
1744 enum CurlLockData {
1745     none,       ///
1746     /**  CURL_LOCK_DATA_SHARE is used internally to say that
1747      *  the locking is just made to change the internal state of the share
1748      *  itself.
1749      */
1750     share,
1751     cookie,     ///
1752     dns,        ///
1753     ssl_session,        ///
1754     connect,    ///
1755     last        ///
1756 }
1757 ///
1758 alias curl_lock_data = int;
1760 /** Different lock access types */
1761 enum CurlLockAccess {
1762     none,            /** unspecified action */
1763     shared_access,   /** for read perhaps */
1764     single,          /** for write perhaps */
1765     last             /** never use */
1766 }
1767 ///
1768 alias curl_lock_access = int;
1770 ///
1771 alias curl_lock_function = void function(CURL *handle, curl_lock_data data, curl_lock_access locktype, void *userptr);
1772 ///
1773 alias curl_unlock_function = void function(CURL *handle, curl_lock_data data, void *userptr);
1775 ///
1776 alias CURLSH = void;
1778 ///
1779 enum CurlShError {
1780     ok,          /** all is fine */
1781     bad_option,  /** 1 */
1782     in_use,      /** 2 */
1783     invalid,     /** 3 */
1784     nomem,       /** out of memory */
1785     last         /** never use */
1786 }
1787 ///
1788 alias CURLSHcode = int;
1790 /** pass in a user data pointer used in the lock/unlock callback
1791    functions */
1792 enum CurlShOption {
1793     none,         /** don't use */
1794     share,        /** specify a data type to share */
1795     unshare,      /** specify which data type to stop sharing */
1796     lockfunc,     /** pass in a 'curl_lock_function' pointer */
1797     unlockfunc,   /** pass in a 'curl_unlock_function' pointer */
1798     userdata,     /** pass in a user data pointer used in the lock/unlock
1799                      callback functions */
1800     last          /** never use */
1801 }
1802 ///
1803 alias CURLSHoption = int;
1805 extern (C) {
1806 ///
1807 CURLSH * curl_share_init();
1808 ///
1809 CURLSHcode  curl_share_setopt(CURLSH *, CURLSHoption option,...);
1810 ///
1811 CURLSHcode  curl_share_cleanup(CURLSH *);
1812 }
1814 /*****************************************************************************
1815  * Structures for querying information about the curl library at runtime.
1816  */
1819 enum CurlVer {
1820     first,      ///
1821     second,     ///
1822     third,      ///
1823     fourth,     ///
1824     last        ///
1825 }
1826 ///
1827 alias CURLversion = int;
1829 /** The 'CURLVERSION_NOW' is the symbolic name meant to be used by
1830    basically all programs ever that want to get version information. It is
1831    meant to be a built-in version number for what kind of struct the caller
1832    expects. If the struct ever changes, we redefine the NOW to another enum
1833    from above. */
1834 enum CURLVERSION_NOW = CurlVer.fourth;
1836 ///
1837 extern (C) struct _N28
1838 {
1839   CURLversion age;     /** age of the returned struct */
1840   const(char) *version_;      /** LIBCURL_VERSION */
1841   uint version_num;    /** LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM */
1842   const(char) *host;          /** OS/host/cpu/machine when configured */
1843   int features;        /** bitmask, see defines below */
1844   const(char) *ssl_version;   /** human readable string */
1845   c_long ssl_version_num; /** not used anymore, always 0 */
1846   const(char) *libz_version;     /** human readable string */
1847   /** protocols is terminated by an entry with a NULL protoname */
1848   const(char) **protocols;
1849   /** The fields below this were added in CURLVERSION_SECOND */
1850   const(char) *ares;
1851   int ares_num;
1852   /** This field was added in CURLVERSION_THIRD */
1853   const(char) *libidn;
1854   /** These field were added in CURLVERSION_FOURTH. */
1855   /** Same as '_libiconv_version' if built with HAVE_ICONV */
1856   int iconv_ver_num;
1857   const(char) *libssh_version;  /** human readable string */
1858 }
1859 ///
1860 alias curl_version_info_data = _N28;
1862 ///
1863 // CURL_VERSION_*
1864 enum CurlVersion {
1865   ipv6         = 1,     /** IPv6-enabled */
1866   kerberos4    = 2,     /** kerberos auth is supported */
1867   ssl          = 4,     /** SSL options are present */
1868   libz         = 8,     /** libz features are present */
1869   ntlm         = 16,    /** NTLM auth is supported */
1870   gssnegotiate = 32,    /** Negotiate auth support */
1871   dbg          = 64,    /** built with debug capabilities */
1872   asynchdns    = 128,   /** asynchronous dns resolves */
1873   spnego       = 256,   /** SPNEGO auth */
1874   largefile    = 512,   /** supports files bigger than 2GB */
1875   idn          = 1024,  /** International Domain Names support */
1876   sspi         = 2048,  /** SSPI is supported */
1877   conv         = 4096,  /** character conversions supported */
1878   curldebug    = 8192,  /** debug memory tracking supported */
1879   tlsauth_srp  = 16_384  /** TLS-SRP auth is supported */
1880 }
1882 extern (C) {
1883 /**
1884  * Name: curl_version_info()
1885  *
1886  * Description:
1887  *
1888  * This function returns a pointer to a static copy of the version info
1889  * struct. See above.
1890  */
1891 curl_version_info_data * curl_version_info(CURLversion );
1893 /**
1894  * Name: curl_easy_strerror()
1895  *
1896  * Description:
1897  *
1898  * The curl_easy_strerror function may be used to turn a CURLcode value
1899  * into the equivalent human readable error string.  This is useful
1900  * for printing meaningful error messages.
1901  */
1902 const(char)* curl_easy_strerror(CURLcode );
1904 /**
1905  * Name: curl_share_strerror()
1906  *
1907  * Description:
1908  *
1909  * The curl_share_strerror function may be used to turn a CURLSHcode value
1910  * into the equivalent human readable error string.  This is useful
1911  * for printing meaningful error messages.
1912  */
1913 const(char)* curl_share_strerror(CURLSHcode );
1915 /**
1916  * Name: curl_easy_pause()
1917  *
1918  * Description:
1919  *
1920  * The curl_easy_pause function pauses or unpauses transfers. Select the new
1921  * state by setting the bitmask, use the convenience defines below.
1922  *
1923  */
1924 CURLcode  curl_easy_pause(CURL *handle, int bitmask);
1925 }
1928 ///
1929 enum CurlPause {
1930   recv      = 1,        ///
1931   recv_cont = 0,        ///
1932   send      = 4,        ///
1933   send_cont = 0,        ///
1934   ///
1935   all       = (1 | 4), // CURLPAUSE_RECV | CURLPAUSE_SEND
1936   ///
1937   cont      = (0 | 0), // CURLPAUSE_RECV_CONT | CURLPAUSE_SEND_CONT
1938 }
1940 /* unfortunately, the easy.h and multi.h include files need options and info
1941   stuff before they can be included! */
1942 /* ***************************************************************************
1943  *                                  _   _ ____  _
1944  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
1945  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
1946  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
1947  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
1948  *
1949  * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2008, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
1950  *
1951  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
1952  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
1953  * are also available at
1954  *
1955  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
1956  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
1957  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
1958  *
1959  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
1960  * KIND, either express or implied.
1961  *
1962  ***************************************************************************/
1964 extern (C) {
1965   ///
1966   CURL * curl_easy_init();
1967   ///
1968   CURLcode  curl_easy_setopt(CURL *curl, CURLoption option,...);
1969   ///
1970   CURLcode  curl_easy_perform(CURL *curl);
1971   ///
1972   void  curl_easy_cleanup(CURL *curl);
1973 }
1975 /**
1976  * Name: curl_easy_getinfo()
1977  *
1978  * Description:
1979  *
1980  * Request internal information from the curl session with this function.  The
1981  * third argument MUST be a pointer to a long, a pointer to a char * or a
1982  * pointer to a double (as the documentation describes elsewhere).  The data
1983  * pointed to will be filled in accordingly and can be relied upon only if the
1984  * function returns CURLE_OK.  This function is intended to get used *AFTER* a
1985  * performed transfer, all results from this function are undefined until the
1986  * transfer is completed.
1987  */
1988 extern (C) CURLcode  curl_easy_getinfo(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info,...);
1991 /**
1992  * Name: curl_easy_duphandle()
1993  *
1994  * Description:
1995  *
1996  * Creates a new curl session handle with the same options set for the handle
1997  * passed in. Duplicating a handle could only be a matter of cloning data and
1998  * options, internal state info and things like persistant connections cannot
1999  * be transfered. It is useful in multithreaded applications when you can run
2000  * curl_easy_duphandle() for each new thread to avoid a series of identical
2001  * curl_easy_setopt() invokes in every thread.
2002  */
2003 extern (C) CURL * curl_easy_duphandle(CURL *curl);
2005 /**
2006  * Name: curl_easy_reset()
2007  *
2008  * Description:
2009  *
2010  * Re-initializes a CURL handle to the default values. This puts back the
2011  * handle to the same state as it was in when it was just created.
2012  *
2013  * It does keep: live connections, the Session ID cache, the DNS cache and the
2014  * cookies.
2015  */
2016 extern (C) void  curl_easy_reset(CURL *curl);
2018 /**
2019  * Name: curl_easy_recv()
2020  *
2021  * Description:
2022  *
2023  * Receives data from the connected socket. Use after successful
2024  * curl_easy_perform() with CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY option.
2025  */
2026 extern (C) CURLcode  curl_easy_recv(CURL *curl, void *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *n);
2028 /**
2029  * Name: curl_easy_send()
2030  *
2031  * Description:
2032  *
2033  * Sends data over the connected socket. Use after successful
2034  * curl_easy_perform() with CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY option.
2035  */
2036 extern (C) CURLcode  curl_easy_send(CURL *curl, void *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *n);
2039 /*
2040  * This header file should not really need to include "curl.h" since curl.h
2041  * itself includes this file and we expect user applications to do #include
2042  * <curl/curl.h> without the need for especially including multi.h.
2043  *
2044  * For some reason we added this include here at one point, and rather than to
2045  * break existing (wrongly written) libcurl applications, we leave it as-is
2046  * but with this warning attached.
2047  */
2048 /* ***************************************************************************
2049  *                                  _   _ ____  _
2050  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
2051  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
2052  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
2053  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
2054  *
2055  * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2010, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
2056  *
2057  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
2058  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
2059  * are also available at
2060  *
2061  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
2062  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
2063  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
2064  *
2065  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
2066  * KIND, either express or implied.
2067  *
2068  ***************************************************************************/
2070 ///
2071 alias CURLM = void;
2073 ///
2074 enum CurlM {
2075     call_multi_perform = -1, /** please call curl_multi_perform() or curl_multi_socket*() soon */
2076     ok, ///
2077     bad_handle,              /** the passed-in handle is not a valid CURLM handle */
2078     bad_easy_handle,       /** an easy handle was not good/valid */
2079     out_of_memory,         /** if you ever get this, you're in deep sh*t */
2080     internal_error,        /** this is a libcurl bug */
2081     bad_socket,            /** the passed in socket argument did not match */
2082     unknown_option,        /** curl_multi_setopt() with unsupported option */
2083     last,       ///
2084 }
2085 ///
2086 alias CURLMcode = int;
2088 /** just to make code nicer when using curl_multi_socket() you can now check
2089    for CURLM_CALL_MULTI_SOCKET too in the same style it works for
2090    curl_multi_perform() and CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM */
2091 enum CURLM_CALL_MULTI_SOCKET = CurlM.call_multi_perform;
2093 ///
2094 enum CurlMsg
2095 {
2096     none,       ///
2097     done, /** This easy handle has completed. 'result' contains
2098              the CURLcode of the transfer */
2099     last, /** no used */
2100 }
2101 ///
2102 alias CURLMSG = int;
2104 ///
2105 extern (C) union _N31
2106 {
2107     void *whatever;  /** message-specific data */
2108     CURLcode result; /** return code for transfer */
2109 }
2111 ///
2112 extern (C) struct CURLMsg
2113 {
2114     CURLMSG msg;        /** what this message means */
2115     CURL *easy_handle;  /** the handle it concerns */
2116     _N31 data;  ///
2117 }
2119 /**
2120  * Name:    curl_multi_init()
2121  *
2122  * Desc:    inititalize multi-style curl usage
2123  *
2124  * Returns: a new CURLM handle to use in all 'curl_multi' functions.
2125  */
2126 extern (C) CURLM * curl_multi_init();
2128 /**
2129  * Name:    curl_multi_add_handle()
2130  *
2131  * Desc:    add a standard curl handle to the multi stack
2132  *
2133  * Returns: CURLMcode type, general multi error code.
2134  */
2135 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_add_handle(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle);
2137  /**
2138   * Name:    curl_multi_remove_handle()
2139   *
2140   * Desc:    removes a curl handle from the multi stack again
2141   *
2142   * Returns: CURLMcode type, general multi error code.
2143   */
2144 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_remove_handle(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle);
2146  /**
2147   * Name:    curl_multi_fdset()
2148   *
2149   * Desc:    Ask curl for its fd_set sets. The app can use these to select() or
2150   *          poll() on. We want curl_multi_perform() called as soon as one of
2151   *          them are ready.
2152   *
2153   * Returns: CURLMcode type, general multi error code.
2154   */
2156 /** tmp decl */
2157 alias fd_set = int;
2158 ///
2159 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_fdset(
2160   CURLM *multi_handle,
2161   fd_set *read_fd_set,
2162   fd_set *write_fd_set,
2163   fd_set *exc_fd_set,
2164   int *max_fd
2165 );
2167  /**
2168   * Name:    curl_multi_perform()
2169   *
2170   * Desc:    When the app thinks there's data available for curl it calls this
2171   *          function to read/write whatever there is right now. This returns
2172   *          as soon as the reads and writes are done. This function does not
2173   *          require that there actually is data available for reading or that
2174   *          data can be written, it can be called just in case. It returns
2175   *          the number of handles that still transfer data in the second
2176   *          argument's integer-pointer.
2177   *
2178   * Returns: CURLMcode type, general multi error code. *NOTE* that this only
2179   *          returns errors etc regarding the whole multi stack. There might
2180   *          still have occurred problems on invidual transfers even when this
2181   *          returns OK.
2182   */
2183 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_perform(CURLM *multi_handle, int *running_handles);
2185  /**
2186   * Name:    curl_multi_cleanup()
2187   *
2188   * Desc:    Cleans up and removes a whole multi stack. It does not free or
2189   *          touch any individual easy handles in any way. We need to define
2190   *          in what state those handles will be if this function is called
2191   *          in the middle of a transfer.
2192   *
2193   * Returns: CURLMcode type, general multi error code.
2194   */
2195 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_cleanup(CURLM *multi_handle);
2197 /**
2198  * Name:    curl_multi_info_read()
2199  *
2200  * Desc:    Ask the multi handle if there's any messages/informationals from
2201  *          the individual transfers. Messages include informationals such as
2202  *          error code from the transfer or just the fact that a transfer is
2203  *          completed. More details on these should be written down as well.
2204  *
2205  *          Repeated calls to this function will return a new struct each
2206  *          time, until a special "end of msgs" struct is returned as a signal
2207  *          that there is no more to get at this point.
2208  *
2209  *          The data the returned pointer points to will not survive calling
2210  *          curl_multi_cleanup().
2211  *
2212  *          The 'CURLMsg' struct is meant to be very simple and only contain
2213  *          very basic informations. If more involved information is wanted,
2214  *          we will provide the particular "transfer handle" in that struct
2215  *          and that should/could/would be used in subsequent
2216  *          curl_easy_getinfo() calls (or similar). The point being that we
2217  *          must never expose complex structs to applications, as then we'll
2218  *          undoubtably get backwards compatibility problems in the future.
2219  *
2220  * Returns: A pointer to a filled-in struct, or NULL if it failed or ran out
2221  *          of structs. It also writes the number of messages left in the
2222  *          queue (after this read) in the integer the second argument points
2223  *          to.
2224  */
2225 extern (C) CURLMsg * curl_multi_info_read(CURLM *multi_handle, int *msgs_in_queue);
2227 /**
2228  * Name:    curl_multi_strerror()
2229  *
2230  * Desc:    The curl_multi_strerror function may be used to turn a CURLMcode
2231  *          value into the equivalent human readable error string.  This is
2232  *          useful for printing meaningful error messages.
2233  *
2234  * Returns: A pointer to a zero-terminated error message.
2235  */
2236 extern (C) const(char)* curl_multi_strerror(CURLMcode );
2238 /**
2239  * Name:    curl_multi_socket() and
2240  *          curl_multi_socket_all()
2241  *
2242  * Desc:    An alternative version of curl_multi_perform() that allows the
2243  *          application to pass in one of the file descriptors that have been
2244  *          detected to have "action" on them and let libcurl perform.
2245  *          See man page for details.
2246  */
2247 enum CurlPoll {
2248   none_ = 0,   /** jdrewsen - underscored in order not to clash with reserved D symbols */
2249   in_ = 1,      ///
2250   out_ = 2,     ///
2251   inout_ = 3,   ///
2252   remove_ = 4   ///
2253 }
2255 ///
2258 ///
2259 enum CurlCSelect {
2260   in_ = 0x01,  /** jdrewsen - underscored in order not to clash with reserved D symbols */
2261   out_ = 0x02,  ///
2262   err_ = 0x04   ///
2263 }
2265 extern (C) {
2266   ///
2267   alias curl_socket_callback =
2268         int function(CURL *easy,            /** easy handle */
2269                      curl_socket_t s,       /** socket */
2270                      int what,              /** see above */
2271                      void *userp,           /** private callback pointer */
2272                      void *socketp);        /** private socket pointer */
2273 }
2275 /**
2276  * Name:    curl_multi_timer_callback
2277  *
2278  * Desc:    Called by libcurl whenever the library detects a change in the
2279  *          maximum number of milliseconds the app is allowed to wait before
2280  *          curl_multi_socket() or curl_multi_perform() must be called
2281  *          (to allow libcurl's timed events to take place).
2282  *
2283  * Returns: The callback should return zero.
2284  */
2286 extern (C) {
2287   alias curl_multi_timer_callback =
2288         int function(CURLM *multi,          /** multi handle */
2289                      c_long timeout_ms,     /** see above */
2290                      void *userp);          /** private callback pointer */
2291   /// ditto
2292   CURLMcode  curl_multi_socket(CURLM *multi_handle, curl_socket_t s, int *running_handles);
2293   /// ditto
2294   CURLMcode  curl_multi_socket_action(CURLM *multi_handle, curl_socket_t s, int ev_bitmask, int *running_handles);
2295   /// ditto
2296   CURLMcode  curl_multi_socket_all(CURLM *multi_handle, int *running_handles);
2297 }
2299 /** This macro below was added in 7.16.3 to push users who recompile to use
2300    the new curl_multi_socket_action() instead of the old curl_multi_socket()
2301 */
2303 /**
2304  * Name:    curl_multi_timeout()
2305  *
2306  * Desc:    Returns the maximum number of milliseconds the app is allowed to
2307  *          wait before curl_multi_socket() or curl_multi_perform() must be
2308  *          called (to allow libcurl's timed events to take place).
2309  *
2310  * Returns: CURLM error code.
2311  */
2312 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_timeout(CURLM *multi_handle, c_long *milliseconds);
2314 ///
2315 enum CurlMOption {
2316     socketfunction = 20_001,    /** This is the socket callback function pointer */
2317     socketdata = 10_002,        /** This is the argument passed to the socket callback */
2318     pipelining = 3,             /** set to 1 to enable pipelining for this multi handle */
2319     timerfunction = 20_004,     /** This is the timer callback function pointer */
2320     timerdata = 10_005,          /** This is the argument passed to the timer callback */
2321     maxconnects = 6,            /** maximum number of entries in the connection cache */
2322     lastentry   ///
2323 }
2324 ///
2325 alias CURLMoption = int;
2327 /**
2328  * Name:    curl_multi_setopt()
2329  *
2330  * Desc:    Sets options for the multi handle.
2331  *
2332  * Returns: CURLM error code.
2333  */
2334 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_setopt(CURLM *multi_handle, CURLMoption option,...);
2336 /**
2337  * Name:    curl_multi_assign()
2338  *
2339  * Desc:    This function sets an association in the multi handle between the
2340  *          given socket and a private pointer of the application. This is
2341  *          (only) useful for curl_multi_socket uses.
2342  *
2343  * Returns: CURLM error code.
2344  */
2345 extern (C) CURLMcode  curl_multi_assign(CURLM *multi_handle, curl_socket_t sockfd, void *sockp);