The OpenD Programming Language

1 /++
2 $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
4 $(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Multidimensional Random Variables),
6     $(TR $(TH Generator name) $(TH Description))
7     $(RVAR Sphere, Uniform distribution on a unit-sphere)
8     $(RVAR Simplex, Uniform distribution on a standard-simplex)
9     $(RVAR Dirichlet, $(WIKI_D Dirichlet))
10     $(RVAR Multinomial, $(WIKI_D Multinomial))
11     $(RVAR MultivariateNormal, $(WIKI_D Multivariate_normal))
12 )
14 Authors: Simon Bürger, Ilya Yaroshenko
15 Copyright: Mir Community 2017-.
16 License:    $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
18 Macros:
19     WIKI_D = $(HTTP$1_distribution, $1 random variable)
20     WIKI_D2 = $(HTTP$1_distribution, $2 random variable)
21     T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+))
22     RVAR = $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1Variable)) $(TD $+))
23 +/
24 module mir.random.ndvariable;
26 import mir.random;
27 import std.traits;
28 import mir.math.common;
30 /++
31 Test if T is an n-dimensional random variable.
32 +/
33 template isNdRandomVariable(T)
34 {
35     static if (is(typeof(T.isNdRandomVariable) : bool))
36     {
37         static if (T.isNdRandomVariable)
38         {
39             alias E = T.Element;
40             enum isNdRandomVariable =
41                 is(typeof(((T rv, Random* gen) => rv(*gen, E[].init))(T.init, null)) == void)
42                 &&
43                 is(typeof(((T rv, Random* gen) => rv.opCall!Random(*gen, E[].init))(T.init, null)) == void);
44         }
45         else
46         {
47             enum isNdRandomVariable = false;
48         }
49     }
50     else
51     {
52         enum isNdRandomVariable = false;
53     }
54 }
56 ///
57 unittest
58 {
59     static assert(isNdRandomVariable!(SphereVariable!double));
60 }
62 /++
63 Uniform distribution on a sphere.
64 Returns: `X ~ 1` with `X[0]^^2 + .. + X[$-1]^^2 = 1`
65 +/
66 struct SphereVariable(T)
67     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
68 {
69     ///
70     enum isNdRandomVariable = true;
71     ///
72     alias Element = T;
75     ///
76     pragma(inline, false)
77     void opCall(G)(scope ref G gen, scope T[] result)
78         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
79     {
80         import mir.random.variable : NormalVariable;
82         assert(result.length);
83         T summator = 0;
84         auto norm = NormalVariable!T(0, 1);
85         foreach (ref e; result)
86         {
87             auto x = e = norm(gen);
88             summator += x * x;
89         }
90         result[] /= summator.sqrt;
91     }
92     /// ditto
93     void opCall(G)(scope G* gen, scope T[] result)
94         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
95     {
96         pragma(inline, true);
97         opCall(*gen, result);
98     }
99 }
101 /// ditto
102 SphereVariable!T sphereVar(T = double)()
103     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
104 {
105     return typeof(return).init;
106 }
108 /// ditto
109 alias sphereVariable = sphereVar;
111 /// Generate random points on a circle
112 @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
113 {
114     import mir.random.engine;
115     import mir.math.common: fabs;
117     double[2] x;
118     sphereVar()(rne, x);
119     assert(fabs(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] - 1) < 1e-10);
120 }
122 @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
123 {
124     import mir.math.common: fabs;
126     Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random;
127     double[2] x;
128     sphereVar()(gen, x);
129     assert(fabs(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] - 1) < 1e-10);
130 }
132 /++
133 Uniform distribution on a simplex.
134 Returns: `X ~ 1` with `X[i] >= 0` and `X[0] + .. + X[$-1] = 1`
135 +/
136 struct SimplexVariable(T)
137     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
138 {
139     static assert(is(typeof({ import mir.ndslice.slice; })), "mir.ndslice package is required for 'SimplexVariable', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'");
141     ///
142     enum isNdRandomVariable = true;
143     ///
144     alias Element = T;
146     ///
147     pragma(inline, false)
148     void opCall(G)(scope ref G gen, scope T[] result)
149         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
150     {
151         import mir.ndslice.sorting : sort;
152         import mir.ndslice.topology: diff, retro;
154         assert(result.length);
155         foreach (ref e; result[0 .. $ - 1])
156             e = gen.rand!T.fabs;
157         result[$-1] = T(1);
158         sort(result[0 .. $ - 1]);
159         result[1 .. $].retro[] = result.diff.retro;
160     }
161     /// ditto
162     void opCall(G)(scope G* gen, scope T[] result)
163         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
164     {
165         pragma(inline, true);
166         opCall(*gen, result);
167     }
168 }
170 /// ditto
171 SimplexVariable!T simplexVar(T = double)()
172     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
173 {
174     return typeof(return).init;
175 }
177 /// ditto
178 alias simplexVariable = simplexVar;
180 ///
181 @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
182 {
183     import mir.math.common: fabs;
184     // mir.ndslice package is required for 'SimplexVariable', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'
185     static if (is(typeof({ import mir.ndslice.slice; })))
186     {
187         import mir.random.engine;
188         auto rv = simplexVar;
189         double[3] x;
190         rv(rne, x);
191         assert(x[0] >= 0 && x[1] >= 0 && x[2] >= 0);
192         assert(fabs(x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - 1) < 1e-10);
193     }
194 }
196 ///
197 @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
198 {
199     import mir.random.engine;
200     import mir.math.common: fabs;
202     // mir.ndslice package is required for 'SimplexVariable', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'
203     static if (is(typeof({ import mir.ndslice.slice; })))
204     {
205         import mir.ndslice.slice;
207         Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random;
208         SimplexVariable!double rv;
209         double[3] x;
210         rv(gen, x);
211         assert(x[0] >= 0 && x[1] >= 0 && x[2] >= 0);
212         assert(fabs(x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - 1) < 1e-10);
213     }
214 }
216 /++
217 Dirichlet distribution.
218 +/
219 struct DirichletVariable(T)
220     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
221 {
222     import mir.random.variable : GammaVariable;
224     ///
225     enum isNdRandomVariable = true;
226     ///
227     alias Element = T;
229     ///
230     const(T)[] alpha;
232     /++
233     Params:
234         alpha = concentration parameters
235     Constraints: `alpha[i] > 0`
236     +/
238     /// ditto
239     this()(const(T)[] alpha)
240     {
241         this.alpha = alpha;
242     }
244     ///
245     pragma(inline, false)
246     void opCall(G)(scope ref G gen, scope T[] result)
247         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
248     {
249         assert(result.length == alpha.length);
250         T summator = 0;
251         foreach (size_t i; 0 .. result.length)
252             summator += result[i] = GammaVariable!T(alpha[i], 1)(gen);
253         result[] /= summator;
254     }
255     /// ditto
256     void opCall(G)(scope G* gen, scope T[] result)
257         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
258     {
259         pragma(inline, true);
260         opCall(*gen, result);
261     }
262 }
264 /// ditto
265 DirichletVariable!T dirichletVar(T)(in T[] alpha)
266     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
267 {
268     return typeof(return)(alpha);
269 }
271 /// ditto
272 alias dirichletVariable = dirichletVar;
274 ///
275 nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
276 {
277     import mir.random.engine;
278     import mir.math.common: fabs;
280     auto rv = dirichletVar([1.0, 5.7, 0.3]);
281     double[3] x;
282     rv(rne, x);
283     assert(x[0] >= 0 && x[1] >= 0 && x[2] >= 0);
284     assert(fabs(x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - 1) < 1e-10);
285 }
287 ///
288 nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
289 {
290     import mir.random.engine;
291     import mir.math.common: fabs;
293     Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random;
294     auto rv = DirichletVariable!double([1.0, 5.7, 0.3]);
295     double[3] x;
296     rv(gen, x);
297     assert(x[0] >= 0 && x[1] >= 0 && x[2] >= 0);
298     assert(fabs(x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - 1) < 1e-10);
299 }
301 /++
302 Multinomial distribution.
303 +/
304 struct MultinomialVariable(T)
305     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
306 {
307     import mir.random.variable : binomialVar;
309     ///
310     enum isNdRandomVariable = true;
311     ///
312     alias Element = uint;
314     ///
315     const(T)[] probs;
316     size_t N;
319     /++
320     Params:
321         probs = probabilities of the multinomial distribution
322         N = Number of rolls
323     Constraints: `sum(probs[i]) <= 1`
324     +/
325     this()(size_t N, const(T)[] probs)
326     {
327         this.N = N;
328         this.probs = probs;
329          /// Makes sure probabilities add up to one, by calculating a normalization factor
330         version(assert)
331         {
332             T norm = 0;
333             foreach(k, p; this.probs)
334             {
335                 norm += p;
336             }
337             assert(fabs(norm - 1) <= T.epsilon * probs.length * 2);
338         }
340     }
342     ///
343     pragma(inline, false)
344     void opCall(G)(scope ref G gen, scope uint[] result)
345         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
346     {
347         T sum_p = 0.0;
348         size_t sum_n = 0;
350         foreach(k, p; this.probs)
351         {
352             if (p > 0.0)
353             {
354                 auto rv = binomialVar!T(this.N - sum_n, p / (1 - sum_p));
355                 result[k] = cast(uint)rv(gen);
357             }
358             else
359             {
360                 result[k] = 0;
361             }
363             sum_p += p;
364             sum_n += result[k];
365         }
368     }
369     /// ditto
370     void opCall(G)(scope G* gen, scope uint[] result)
371         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
372     {
373         pragma(inline, true);
374         opCall(*gen, result);
375     }
376 }
378 /// ditto
379 MultinomialVariable!(T) multinomialVar(T)(size_t N, return const T[] probs)
380     if (isFloatingPoint!T)
381 {
382     return typeof(return)(N, probs);
383 }
385 /// ditto
386 alias multinomialVariable = multinomialVar;
388 /// Tests if sample returned is of correct size.
389 nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
390 {
391     import mir.random.engine;
392     size_t s = 10000;
393     double[6] p =[1/6., 1/6., 1/6., 1/6., 1/6., 1/6.]; // probs must add up to one
394     auto rv = multinomialVar(s, p);
395     uint[6] x;
396     rv(rne, x[]);
397     assert(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4]+x[5] == s);
398 }
400 nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
401 {
402     import mir.random.engine;
404     Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random;
405     size_t s = 1000;
406     double[3] p = [0.1, 0.5, 0.4];
407     auto rv = MultinomialVariable!(double)(s, p);
408     uint[3] x;
409     rv(gen, x[]);
410     assert(x[0]+x[1]+x[2] == s);
411 }
413 /++
414 Multivariate normal distribution.
415 Beta version (has not properly tested).
416 +/
417 struct MultivariateNormalVariable(T)
418     if(isFloatingPoint!T)
419 {
420     static assert(is(typeof({ import mir.ndslice.slice; })), "mir.ndslice package is required for 'MultivariateNormalVariable', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'");
423     /++
424     Compute Cholesky decomposition in place. Only accesses lower/left half of
425     the matrix. Returns false if the matrix is not positive definite.
426     +/
427     static bool cholesky()(Slice!(T*, 2) m)
428     {
429         import mir.algorithm.iteration: reduce;
430         assert(m.length!0 == m.length!1);
432         /* this is a straight-forward implementation of the Cholesky-Crout algorithm
433         from */
434         foreach(size_t i; 0 .. m.length)
435         {
436             auto r = m[i];
437             foreach(size_t j; 0 .. i)
438                 r[j] = (r[j] - reduce!"a + b * c"(typeof(r[j])(0), r[0 .. j], m[j, 0 .. j])) / m[j, j];
439             r[i] -= reduce!"a + b * b"(typeof(r[i])(0), r[0 .. i]);
440             if (!(r[i] > 0)) // this catches nan's as well
441                 return false;
442             r[i] = sqrt(r[i]);
443         }
444         return true;
445     }
447     ///
448     enum isNdRandomVariable = true;
449     ///
450     alias Element = T;
452     private size_t n;
453     private const(T)* sigma; // cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix
454     private const(T)* mu; // mean vector (can be empty)
456     /++
457     Constructor computes the Cholesky decomposition of `sigma` in place without
458     memory allocation. Furthermore it is assumed to be a symmetric matrix, but
459     only the lower/left half is actually accessed.
461     Params:
462         mu = mean vector (assumed zero if not supplied)
463         sigma = covariance matrix
464         chol = optional flag indicating that sigma is already Cholesky decomposed
466     Constraints: sigma has to be positive-definite
467     +/
468     this()(Slice!(const(T)*) mu, Slice!(T*, 2) sigma, bool chol = false)
469     {
470         //Check the dimenstions even in release mode to _guarantee_
471         //that unless memory corruption has already occurred sigma
472         //and mu have the correct dimensions and it is correct in opCall
473         //to "@trust" slicing sigma to [n x n] and mu to [n].
474         if ((mu.length != sigma.length!0) | (mu.length != sigma.length!1))
475             assert(false);
477         if(!chol && !cholesky(sigma))
478             assert(false, "covariance matrix not positive definite");
480         this.n = sigma.length;
481 = mu.iterator;
482         this.sigma = sigma.iterator;
483     }
485     /++ ditto +/
486     this()(Slice!(T*, 2) sigma, bool chol = false)
487     {
488         //Check the dimenstions even in release mode to _guarantee_
489         //that unless memory corruption has already occurred sigma
490         //and mu have the correct dimensions and it is correct in opCall
491         //to "@trust" slicing sigma as (n,n) and slicing mu as (n).
492         if (sigma.length!0 != sigma.length!1)
493             assert(false);
495         if(!chol && !cholesky(sigma))
496             assert(false, "covariance matrix not positive definite");
498         this.n = sigma.length;
499 = null;
500         this.sigma = sigma.iterator;
501     }
503     ///
504     pragma(inline, false)
505     void opCall(G)(scope ref G gen, scope T[] result)
506         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
507     {
508         import mir.algorithm.iteration: reduce;
509         import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
510         assert(result.length == n);
511         import mir.random.variable : NormalVariable;
512         auto norm = NormalVariable!T(0, 1);
514         auto s = (() @trusted => sigma.sliced(n, n))();//sigma is n x n matrix.
515         foreach(ref e; result)
516             e = norm(gen);
517         foreach_reverse(size_t i; 0 .. n)
518             result[i] = reduce!"a + b * c"(T(0), s[i, 0 .. i + 1], result[0 .. i + 1]);
519         if (mu)
520             result.sliced[] +=(() @trusted => mu.sliced(n))();//mu is n vector.
521     }
522     /// ditto
523     void opCall(G)(scope G* gen, scope T[] result)
524         if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G)
525     {
526         pragma(inline, true);
527         opCall(*gen, result);
528     }
529 }
531 static if (is(typeof({import mir.ndslice.slice;})))
532 {
533     import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice;
535     /// ditto
536     MultivariateNormalVariable!T multivariateNormalVar(T)(Slice!(const(T)*) mu, Slice!(T*, 2) sigma, bool chol = false)
537     {
538         return typeof(return)(mu, sigma, chol);
539     }
541     /// ditto
542     MultivariateNormalVariable!T multivariateNormalVar(T)(Slice!(T*, 2) sigma, bool chol = false)
543     {
544         return typeof(return)(sigma, chol);
545     }
546 }
547 else
548 {
549     auto multivariateNormalVar(S)(S sigma, bool chol = false)
550     {
551         static assert(0, "mir.ndslice package is required for 'MultivariateNormalVariable', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'");
552     }
554     auto multivariateNormalVar(M, S)(M mu, S sigma, bool chol = false)
555     {
556         static assert(0, "mir.ndslice package is required for 'MultivariateNormalVariable', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'");
557     }
558 }
561 /// ditto
562 alias multivariateNormalVariable = multivariateNormalVar;
564 ///
565 nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
566 {
567     // mir.ndslice package is required for 'multivariateNormalVar', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'
568     static if (is(typeof({ import mir.ndslice.slice; })))
569     {
570         import mir.random.engine;
571         import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
572         auto mu = [10.0, 0.0].sliced;
573         auto sigma = [2.0, -1.5, -1.5, 2.0].sliced(2,2);
574         auto rv = multivariateNormalVar(mu, sigma);
575         double[2] x;
576         rv(rne, x[]);
577     }
578 }
580 ///
581 nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest
582 {
583     // mir.ndslice package is required for 'multivariateNormalVar', it can be found in 'mir-algorithm'
584     static if (is(typeof({ import mir.ndslice.slice; })))
585     {
586         import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
587         import mir.random.engine;
589         Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random;
590         auto mu = [10.0, 0.0].sliced;
591         auto sigma = [2.0, -1.5, -1.5, 2.0].sliced(2,2);
592         auto rv = multivariateNormalVar(mu, sigma);
593         double[2] x;
594         rv(gen, x[]);
595     }
596 }