The OpenD Programming Language


Counts elements in the given forward range until the given predicate is true for one of the given needles.

  1. ptrdiff_t countUntil(R haystack, Rs needles)
    alias pred = "a == b"
    if (
    Rs.length > 0
    isForwardRange!(Rs[0]) == isInputRange!(Rs[0])
    allSatisfy!(canTestStartsWith!(pred, R), Rs)
  2. ptrdiff_t countUntil(R haystack, N needle)
  3. ptrdiff_t countUntil(R haystack)



The predicate for determining when to stop counting.

haystack R

The input range to be counted.

needles Rs

Either a single element, or a forward range of elements, to be evaluated in turn against each element in haystack under the given predicate.

Return Value

Type: ptrdiff_t

The number of elements which must be popped from the front of haystack before reaching an element for which startsWith!pred(haystack, needles) is true. If startsWith!pred(haystack, needles) is not true for any element in haystack, then -1 is returned. If only pred is provided, pred(haystack) is tested for each element.


assert(countUntil("hello world", "world") == 6);
assert(countUntil("hello world", 'r') == 8);
assert(countUntil("hello world", "programming") == -1);
assert(countUntil("日本語", "本語") == 1);
assert(countUntil("日本語", '語')   == 2);
assert(countUntil("日本語", "五") == -1);
assert(countUntil("日本語", '五') == -1);
assert(countUntil([0, 7, 12, 22, 9], [12, 22]) == 2);
assert(countUntil([0, 7, 12, 22, 9], 9) == 4);
assert(countUntil!"a > b"([0, 7, 12, 22, 9], 20) == 3);
import std.ascii : isDigit;
import std.uni : isWhite;

assert(countUntil!(isWhite)("hello world") == 5);
assert(countUntil!(isDigit)("hello world") == -1);
assert(countUntil!"a > 20"([0, 7, 12, 22, 9]) == 3);

See Also
