The OpenD Programming Language

This is a submodule of std.format.

It provides two functions for reading formatted input: unformatValue and formattedRead. The former reads a single value. The latter reads several values at once and matches the characters found between format specifiers.

Parameters are ignored, except for the ones consisting of a single '*'. See formattedRead for more information.

A space outside of a format specifier has a special meaning: it matches any sequence of whitespace characters, not just a single space.

The following combinations of format characters and types are available:

scd, u, b, o, x, Xe, E, f, g, Grcompound
floating pointyesyesyes
associative arrayyesyes

Below are highlighted examples on how these combinations are used with unformatValue, however, they apply for formattedRead also



uint formattedRead(Range r, const(Char)[] fmt, Args args)
uint formattedRead(Range r, Args args)

Reads an input range according to a format string and stores the read values into its arguments.

T unformatValue(Range input, FormatSpec!Char spec)

Reads a value from the given input range and converts it according to a format specifier.



import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

auto str = "false";
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!bool(spec) == false);

str = "1";
spec = singleSpec("%d");
assert(str.unformatValue!bool(spec) == true);

Null values

import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

auto str = "null";
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!(typeof(null))(spec) == null);


import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

// signed decimal values
auto str = "123";
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!int(spec) == 123);

// hexadecimal values
str = "ABC";
spec = singleSpec("%X");
assert(str.unformatValue!int(spec) == 2748);

// octal values
str = "11610";
spec = singleSpec("%o");
assert(str.unformatValue!int(spec) == 5000);

// raw read, depends on endianess
str = "\x75\x01";
spec = singleSpec("%r");
auto result = str.unformatValue!short(spec);
assert(result == 373 /* little endian */ || result == 29953 /* big endian */ );

Floating point numbers

import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
import std.math.operations : isClose;

// natural notation
auto str = "123.456";
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");

// scientific notation
str = "1e17";
spec = singleSpec("%e");

// raw read, depends on endianess
str = "\x40\x00\x00\xBF";
spec = singleSpec("%r");
auto result = str.unformatValue!float(spec);
assert(isClose(result, -0.5) /* little endian */ || isClose(result, 2.0) /* big endian */ );


import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

// only the first character is read
auto str = "abc";
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!char(spec) == 'a');

// using a numerical format character treats the read number as unicode code point
str = "65";
spec = singleSpec("%d");
assert(str.unformatValue!char(spec) == 'A');

str = "41";
spec = singleSpec("%x");
assert(str.unformatValue!char(spec) == 'A');

str = "10003";
spec = singleSpec("%d");
assert(str.unformatValue!dchar(spec) == '✓');


import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

// string value
string str = "aaa";
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!(dchar[])(spec) == "aaa"d);

// fixed size array with characters
str = "aaa";
spec = singleSpec("%s");
dchar[3] ret = ['a', 'a', 'a'];
assert(str.unformatValue!(dchar[3])(spec) == ret);

// dynamic array
str = "[1, 2, 3, 4]";
spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!(int[])(spec) == [1, 2, 3, 4]);

// fixed size array with integers
str = "[1, 2, 3, 4]";
spec = singleSpec("%s");
int[4] ret2 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
assert(str.unformatValue!(int[4])(spec) == ret2);

// compound specifiers can be used for more control
str = "1,2,3";
spec = singleSpec("%(%s,%)");
assert(str.unformatValue!(int[])(spec) == [1, 2, 3]);

str = "cool";
spec = singleSpec("%(%c%)");
assert(str.unformatValue!(char[])(spec) == ['c', 'o', 'o', 'l']);

Associative arrays

import std.format.spec : singleSpec;

// as single value
auto str = `["one": 1, "two": 2]`;
auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
assert(str.unformatValue!(int[string])(spec) == ["one": 1, "two": 2]);

// with compound specifier for more control
str = "1/1, 2/4, 3/9";
spec = singleSpec("%(%d/%d%|, %)");
assert(str.unformatValue!(int[int])(spec) == [1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9]);
