The OpenD Programming Language


This function searches with policy sp to find the largest right subrange on which pred(value, x) is true for all x (e.g., if pred is "less than", returns the portion of the range with elements strictly greater than value). The search schedule and its complexity are documented in SearchPolicy.

For ranges that do not offer random access, SearchPolicy.linear is the only policy allowed (and it must be specified explicitly lest it exposes user code to unexpected inefficiencies). For random-access searches, all policies are allowed, and SearchPolicy.binarySearch is the default.

struct SortedRange(Range, alias pred = "a < b", SortedRangeOptions opt = SortedRangeOptions.assumeSorted)
if (
isTwoWayCompatible!(predFun, ElementType!Range, V)
if ()


import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = assumeSorted([ 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6 ]);
auto p = a.upperBound(3);
assert(equal(p, [4, 4, 5, 6]));
