The OpenD Programming Language


Encode and decode UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 strings.

UTF character support is restricted to '\u0000' <= character <= '\U0010FFFF'.



alias UseReplacementDchar = Flag!"useReplacementDchar"

Whether or not to replace invalid UTF with replacementDchar

alias byChar = byUTF!char
alias byDchar = byUTF!dchar
alias byWchar = byUTF!wchar

Iterate an input range of characters by char, wchar, or dchar. These aliases simply forward to byUTF with the corresponding C argument.


class UTFException

Exception thrown on errors in std.utf functions.


auto byCodeUnit(R r)

Iterate a range of char, wchar, or dchars by code unit.

ubyte codeLength(dchar c)

Returns the number of code units that are required to encode the code point c when C is the character type used to encode it.

size_t codeLength(InputRange input)

Returns the number of code units that are required to encode str in a string whose character type is C. This is particularly useful when slicing one string with the length of another and the two string types use different character types.

size_t count(const(C)[] str)

Returns the total number of code points encoded in str.

dchar decode(S str, size_t index)

Decodes and returns the code point starting at str[index]. index is advanced to one past the decoded code point. If the code point is not well-formed, then a UTFException is thrown and index remains unchanged.

dchar decodeBack(S str, size_t numCodeUnits)
dchar decodeBack(S str)

decodeBack is a variant of decode which specifically decodes the last code point. Unlike decode, decodeBack accepts any bidirectional range of code units (rather than just a string or random access range). It also takes the range by ref and pops off the elements as it decodes them. If numCodeUnits is passed in, it gets set to the number of code units which were in the code point which was decoded.

dchar decodeFront(S str, size_t numCodeUnits)
dchar decodeFront(S str)

decodeFront is a variant of decode which specifically decodes the first code point. Unlike decode, decodeFront accepts any input range of code units (rather than just a string or random access range). It also takes the range by ref and pops off the elements as it decodes them. If numCodeUnits is passed in, it gets set to the number of code units which were in the code point which was decoded.

size_t encode(char[4] buf, dchar c)
size_t encode(wchar[2] buf, dchar c)
size_t encode(dchar[1] buf, dchar c)

Encodes c into the static array, buf, and returns the actual length of the encoded character (a number between 1 and 4 for char[4] buffers and a number between 1 and 2 for wchar[2] buffers).

void encode(char[] str, dchar c)
void encode(wchar[] str, dchar c)
void encode(dchar[] str, dchar c)

Encodes c in str's encoding and appends it to str.

bool isValidCodepoint(Char c)

Checks if a single character forms a valid code point.

bool isValidDchar(dchar c)

Check whether the given Unicode code point is valid.

uint stride(S str, size_t index)
uint stride(S str)

Calculate the length of the UTF sequence starting at index in str.

uint strideBack(S str, size_t index)
uint strideBack(S str)

Calculate the length of the UTF sequence ending one code unit before index in str.

size_t toUCSindex(const(C)[] str, size_t index)

Given index into str and assuming that index is at the start of a UTF sequence, toUCSindex determines the number of UCS characters up to index. So, index is the index of a code unit at the beginning of a code point, and the return value is how many code points into the string that that code point is.

wstring toUTF16(S s)

Encodes the elements of s to UTF-16 and returns a newly GC allocated wstring of the elements.

const(wchar)* toUTF16z(const(C)[] str)

toUTF16z is a convenience function for toUTFz!(const(wchar)*).

dstring toUTF32(S s)

Encodes the elements of s to UTF-32 and returns a newly GC allocated dstring of the elements.

string toUTF8(S s)

Encodes the elements of s to UTF-8 and returns a newly allocated string of the elements.

size_t toUTFindex(const(C)[] str, size_t n)

Given a UCS index n into str, returns the UTF index. So, n is how many code points into the string the code point is, and the array index of the code unit is returned.

void validate(S str)

Checks to see if str is well-formed unicode or not.


template byUTF(C, UseReplacementDchar useReplacementDchar = Yes.useReplacementDchar)

Iterate an input range of characters by char type C by encoding the elements of the range.

template toUTFz(P)

Returns a C-style zero-terminated string equivalent to str. str must not contain embedded '\0''s as any C function will treat the first '\0' that it sees as the end of the string. If str.empty is true, then a string containing only '\0' is returned.


enum dchar replacementDchar;

Inserted in place of invalid UTF sequences.

See Also
