The OpenD Programming Language

Live Functions

Experimental, Subject to Change, use -preview=dip1021 to activate


If a memory object has only one pointer to it, that pointer is the owner of the memory object. With the single owner, it becomes straightforward to manage the memory for the object. It also becomes trivial to synchronize access to that memory object among multiple threads, because it can only be accessed by the thread that controls that single pointer.

This can be generalized to a graph of memory objects interconnected by pointers, where only a single pointer connects to that graph from elsewhere. That single pointer becomes the owner of all the memory objects in that graph.

When the owner of the graph is no longer needed, then the graph of memory objects it points to is no longer needed and can be safely disposed of. If the owner itself is no longer in use (i.e. is no longer live) and the owned memory objects are not disposed of, an error can be diagnosed.

Hence, the following errors can be statically detected:

int* allocate();    // allocate a memory object
void release(int*); // deallocate a memory object

@live void test()
    auto p = allocate();
}   // error: p is not disposed of

@live void test()
    auto p = allocate();
    release(p); // error: p was already disposed of

@live void test()
    int* p = void;
    release(p); // error, p does not have a defined value

@live void test()
    auto p = allocate();
    p = allocate(); // error: p was not disposed of

Functions with the @live attribute enable diagnosing these sorts of errors by tracking the status of owner pointers.


Tracking the ownership status of a pointer can be safely extended by adding the capability of temporarilly borrowing ownership of a pointer from the owner. The owner can no longer use the pointer as long as the borrower is still using the pointer value (i.e. it is live). Once the borrower is no longer live, the owner can resume using it. Only one borrower can be live at any point.

Multiple borrower pointers can simultaneously exist if all of them are pointers to read only (const or immutable) data, i.e. none of them can modify the memory object(s) pointed to.

This is collectively called an Ownership/Borrowing system. It can be stated as:

<blockquote>At any point in the program, for each memory object, there is exactly one live mutable pointer to it or all the live pointers to it are read-only.</blockquote>

@live attribute

Function declarations annotated with the @live attribute are checked for compliance with the Ownership/Borrowing rules. The checks are run after other semantic processing is complete. The checking does not influence code generation.

Whether a pointer is allocated memory using the GC or some other storage allocator is immaterial to OB, they are not distinguished and are handled identically.

Class references are assumed to be allocated using either the GC or are allocated on the stack as scope classes, and are not tracked.

If @live functions call non-@live functions, those called functions are expected to present an @live compatible interface, although it is not checked. if non-@live functions call @live functions, arguments passed are expected to follow @live conventions.

It will not detect attempts to dereference null pointers or possibly null pointers. This is unworkable because there is no current method of annotating a type as a non-null pointer.

Tracked Pointers

The only pointers that are tracked are those declared in the @live function as this, function parameters or local variables. Variables from other functions are not tracked, even @live ones, as the analysis of interactions with other functions depends entirely on that function signature, not its internals. Parameters that are const are not tracked.

Pointer States

Each tracked pointer is in one of the following states:

The pointer is in an invalid state. Dereferencing such a pointer is an error.
The owner is the sole pointer to a memory object graph. An Owner pointer normally does not have a scope attribute. If a pointer with the scope attribute is initialized with an expression not derived from a tracked pointer, it is an Owner.

If an Owner pointer is assigned to another Owner pointer, the former enters the Undefined state.

void consume(int* o); // o is owner

@live int* f(int* p) // p is owner
    // transfer ownership to `consume`
    // p is now undefined
    //writeln(*p); // error

    int* q = new int; // q is owner
    p = q; // transfer ownership
    // q is now undefined
    //writeln(*q); // error
    return p;
A Borrowed pointer is one that temporarily becomes the sole live pointer to a memory object graph. It enters that state via assignment from an owner pointer or another borrowed pointer, and stays in that state until its last use.

A Borrowed pointer must be scope and must be a pointer to mutable. A mutable scope pointer function parameter is a Borrowed pointer.

void consume(int* o); // o is owner
void borrow(scope int* b); // b is borrowed

@live void g(scope int* p) // p is borrowed
    //consume(p); // error, p is not owner

    // lend p to q
    int* q = p; // q is inferred as scope
    // &lt;-- using p here would end q's lifetime
    // lifetime of q ends before p is used
    writeln(*p); // OK
A Readonly pointer acquires its value from an Owner or Borrowed pointer. While the Readonly pointer is live, only Readonly pointers can be acquired from that Owner. A Readonly pointer must be scope and also must not be a pointer to mutable.
@live void h(scope int* p)
    // acquire 2 read only pointers
    const q = p;
    const r = q;
    // &lt;-- borrowing or using p here would end q and r's lifetime

    // both q and r are live
    // using p ends all its read only pointer lifetimes
    //writeln(*q); // error


The lifetime of a Borrowed or Readonly pointer value starts when it is assigned a value from an Owner or another Borrowed pointer, and ends at the last read of that value.

This is also known as Non-Lexical Lifetimes.

Pointer State Transitions

A pointer changes its state when one of these operations is done to it:

  • storage is allocated for it (such as a local variable on the stack), which places the pointer in the Undefined state
  • initialization (treated as assignment)
  • assignment - the source and target pointers change state based on what states they are in and their types and storage classes
  • passed to an out function parameter (changes state after the function returns), treated the same as initialization
  • passed by ref to a function parameter, treated as an assignment to a Borrow or a Readonly depending on the storage class and type of the parameter
  • returned from a function
  • it is passed by value to a function parameter, which is treated as an assignment to that parameter.
  • it is implicitly passed by ref as a closure variable to a nested function
  • the address of the pointer is taken, which is treated as assignment to whoever receives the address
  • the address of any part of the memory object graph is taken, which is treated as assignment to whoever receives that address
  • a pointer value is read from any part of the memory object graph, which is treated as assignment to whoever receives that pointer
  • merging of control flow reconciles the state of each variable based on the states they have from each edge

Borrowers can be Owners

Borrowers are considered Owners if they are initialized from other than a pointer.

@live void uhoh()
    scope p = malloc();  // p is considered an Owner
    scope const pc = malloc(); // pc is not considered an Owner
} // dangling pointer pc is not detected on exit


The analysis assumes no exceptions are thrown.

@live void leaky()
    auto p = malloc();
    pitcher();  // throws exception, p leaks

One solution is to use scope(exit):

@live void waterTight()
    auto p = malloc();
    scope(exit) free(p);

or use RAII objects or call only nothrow functions.

Lazy Parameters

Lazy parameters are not considered.

Mixing Memory Pools

Conflation of different memory pools:

void* xmalloc(size_t);
void xfree(void*);

void* ymalloc(size_t);
void yfree(void*);

auto p = xmalloc(20);
yfree(p);  // should call xfree() instead

is not detected.

This can be mitigated by using type-specific pools:

U* umalloc();
void ufree(U*);

V* vmalloc();
void vfree(V*);

auto p = umalloc();
vfree(p);  // type mismatch

and perhaps disabling implicit conversions to void* in @live functions.

Variadic Function Arguments

Arguments to variadic functions (such as printf) are considered to be consumed.


  1. Race-free Multithreading: Ownership

importc, ImportC, windows, Windows Programming