- ChannelAftertouch
MidiEvent ChannelAftertouch(int channel, int param)
- Controller
MidiEvent Controller(int channel, int controller, int value)
Conveneince factories for normal events. These just put your given values into the event as raw data so you're responsible to know what they do.
- Copyright
MidiEvent Copyright(string t)
- CuePoint
MidiEvent CuePoint(string t)
- Lyric
MidiEvent Lyric(string t)
- Marker
MidiEvent Marker(string t)
- Name
MidiEvent Name(string t)
Convenience factories for various meta-events
- NoteAftertouch
MidiEvent NoteAftertouch(int channel, int note, int velocity)
- NoteOff
MidiEvent NoteOff(int channel, int note, int velocity)
Conveneince factories for normal events. These just put your given values into the event as raw data so you're responsible to know what they do.
- NoteOn
MidiEvent NoteOn(int channel, int note, int velocity)
- PitchBend
MidiEvent PitchBend(int channel, int fine, int coarse)
- ProgramChange
MidiEvent ProgramChange(int channel, int program)
Conveneince factories for normal events. These just put your given values into the event as raw data so you're responsible to know what they do.
- Text
MidiEvent Text(string t)
Convenience factories for various meta-events