The OpenD Programming Language


Sets the current value for |content_type| for the specified URLs in the default scope. If both URLs are NULL, and the context is not incognito, the default value will be set. Pass CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_VALUE_DEFAULT for |value| to use the default value for this content type.

WARNING: Incorrect usage of this function may cause instability or security issues in Chromium. Make sure that you first understand the potential impact of any changes to |content_type| by reviewing the related source code in Chromium. For example, if you plan to modify CEF_CONTENT_SETTING_TYPE_POPUPS, first review and understand the usage of ContentSettingsType::POPUPS in Chromium:

struct cef_request_context_t
extern (System)
void function(cef_request_context_t* self, const(cef_string_t)* requesting_url, const(cef_string_t)* top_level_url, cef_content_setting_types_t content_type, cef_content_setting_values_t value) nothrow set_content_setting;
