The OpenD Programming Language


Called on the browser process UI thread when the render process is unresponsive as indicated by a lack of input event processing for at least 15 seconds. Return false (0) for the default behavior which is an indefinite wait with the Alloy runtime or display of the "Page unresponsive" dialog with the Chrome runtime. Return true (1) and don't execute the callback for an indefinite wait without display of the Chrome runtime dialog. Return true (1) and call

struct cef_request_handler_t
extern (System)
int function(cef_request_handler_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, cef_unresponsive_process_callback_t* callback) nothrow on_render_process_unresponsive;

Detailed Description

cef unresponsive process callback t

:Wait either in this function or at a later time to reset the wait timer, potentially triggering another call to this function if the process remains unresponsive. Return true (1) and call cef_unresponsive_process_callback_t:: Terminate either in this function or at a later time to terminate the unresponsive process, resulting in a call to OnRenderProcessTerminated. OnRenderProcessResponsive will be called if the process becomes responsive after this function is called. This functionality depends on the hang monitor which can be disabled by passing the --disable-hang-monitor command-line flag.
