The OpenD Programming Language


The fiber module provides OS-indepedent lightweight threads aka fibers.



class Fiber

This class provides a cooperative concurrency mechanism integrated with the threading and garbage collection functionality. Calling a fiber may be considered a blocking operation that returns when the fiber yields (via Fiber.yield()). Execution occurs within the context of the calling thread so synchronization is not necessary to guarantee memory visibility so long as the same thread calls the fiber each time. Please note that there is no requirement that a fiber be bound to one specific thread. Rather, fibers may be freely passed between threads so long as they are not currently executing. Like threads, a new fiber thread may be created using either derivation or composition, as in the following example.



Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)


Sean Kelly, Walter Bright, Alex Rønne Petersen, Martin Nowak