The OpenD Programming Language


convenience member functions, forwarded to corresponding vulkan functions parameters of type VkDevice, const( VkAllocationCallbacks )* and VkCommandBuffer are omitted they will be supplied by the member properties vkDevice, pAllocator and the public member commandBuffer e.g.: auto dd = DispatchDevice( device ); dd.DestroyDevice(); // instead of: dd.vkDestroyDevice( dd.vkDevice, pAllocator );

Same mechanism works with functions which require a VkCommandBuffer as first arg In this case the public member 'commandBuffer' must be set beforehand e.g.: dd.commandBuffer = some_command_buffer; dd.BeginCommandBuffer( &beginInfo ); dd.CmdBindPipeline( VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, some_pipeline );

Does not work with queues, there are just too few queue related functions

struct DispatchDevice
