The OpenD Programming Language


Behaves as transformLeafs but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.

The function ignores leafs that can't be handled by the visiting functions.

import mir.algebraic_alias.transform;
alias optionalTransformLeafs(visitors...) = transformLeafsImpl!(optionalVisit, naryFun!visitors)


import mir.format: text;
import mir.algebraic_alias.json;
JsonAlgebraic value = ["key" : [null.JsonAlgebraic, true.JsonAlgebraic, 100.JsonAlgebraic, 2.32.JsonAlgebraic].JsonAlgebraic];

// converts long numbers to a text form, ignores other types
    (long v) => v.text,
    (bool b) => b, // needs special overload for bool to get rid of implicit converion to long/double
assert(value == ["key" : [null.JsonAlgebraic, true.JsonAlgebraic, "100".JsonAlgebraic, 2.32.JsonAlgebraic].JsonAlgebraic].JsonAlgebraic);
