The OpenD Programming Language


Partitions slice around pivot using comparison function less, algorithm akin to Hoare partition. Specifically, permutes elements of slice and returns an index k < slice.length such that:


  • slice[pivot] is swapped to slice[k]
  • More...
    template pivotPartition(alias less = "a < b")
    static if(__traits(isSame, naryFun!less, less))
    size_t N
    SliceKind kind
    Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice
    size_t pivot



    size_t pivotPartition(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, size_t pivot)



    The predicate used for comparison

    Return Value

    The new position of the pivot

    Detailed Description

  • All elements e in subrange slice[0 .. k] satisfy !less(slice[k], e) (i.e. slice[k] is greater than or equal to each element to its left according to predicate less)
  • All elements e in subrange slice[k .. $] satisfy !less(e, slice[k]) (i.e. slice[k] is less than or equal to each element to its right according to predicate less)
  • )

    If slice contains equivalent elements, multiple permutations of slice may satisfy these constraints. In such cases, pivotPartition attempts to distribute equivalent elements fairly to the left and right of k such that k stays close to slice.length / 2.


    pivotPartition with 1-dimensional Slice

    import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
    import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
    auto x = [5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 7].sliced;
    size_t pivot = pivotPartition(x, x.length / 2);
    assert(x[0 .. pivot].all!(a => a <= x[pivot]));
    assert(x[pivot .. $].all!(a => a >= x[pivot]));

    pivotPartition with 2-dimensional Slice

    import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse;
    import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened;
    import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
    auto x = [
        [5, 3, 2, 6],
        [4, 1, 3, 7]
    size_t pivot = pivotPartition(x, x.elementCount / 2);
    auto xFlattened = x.flattened;
    assert(xFlattened[0 .. pivot].all!(a => a <= xFlattened[pivot]));
    assert(xFlattened[pivot .. $].all!(a => a >= xFlattened[pivot]));

    See Also

    Engineering of a Quicksort Partitioning Algorithm, D. Abhyankar, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, February 2011. ACCU 2016 Keynote, Andrei Alexandrescu.
