Deserialization members final deep proxy types (recursive)
Deserialization members final proxy types (recursive)
Serialization members final deep proxy types (recursive)
Attribute that allow deserializer to don't throw an exception that the field matches multiple keys in the object.
UDA used to force serializer to output members in the alphabetical order of their output keys.
The attribute is used for algebraic deserialization for types like Variant!(string, S) @serdeFallbackStruct struct S {}
Force serialize / deserialize on fields instead of Range API.
Allows to use flexible deserialization rules such as conversion from input string to numeric types.
UDA used to force deserializer to skip the member final deserialization. A user should finalize the member deserialize using the dummy object provided in serdeFinalizeWithDummy(ref SerdeOrderedDummy!(typeof(this)) dummy) struct method and dummy method serdeFinalizeTargetMember.
Ignore keys for object and enum members. Should be applied to members or enum type itself.
Allows serialize / deserialize fields like arrays.
Allows serialize / deserialize fields like objects.
Attribute that allow deserializer to do not throw an exception if the field hasn't been not found in the input.
UDA used to force deserializer to initilize members in the order of their definition in the target object/structure.
UDA used to force deserializer to initilize members in the order of their definition in the target object/structure.
Attribute that force deserializer to throw an exception that the field hasn't been not found in the input.
Can be applied only to strings fields. Does not allocate new data when deserializeing. Raw data is used for strings instead of new memory allocation. Use this attributes only for strings or arrays that would not be used after deallocation.
A dummy structure passed to .serdeFinalizeWithFlags finalizer method.
A dummy structure usefull serdeOrderedIn support.
The UDA used on struct or class definitions to denote an discriminated field and its tag for algebraic deserialization.
Attributes for in transformation. Return type of in transformation must be implicitly convertable to the type of the field. In transformation would be applied after serialization proxy if any.
Attributes for out transformation. Return type of out transformation may be differ from the type of the field. Out transformation would be applied before serialization proxy if any.
Deserialization members final deep proxy types
Deserialization members final proxy types
Deserialization member type
Final deep proxy type serializable members
Final deep proxy type serializable members
Deserialization member final proxy type
Final proxy type deserializable members
Final proxy type deserializable members
Serialization member final proxy type
Deserialization members final proxy keys (recursive)
Final deep proxy type
Final proxy type
Serialization members final proxy keys (recursive)
Is deserializable member
Is deserializable member
Serialization members final deep proxy types
Serialization members final proxy types
Serialization member type
Attributes to conditional ignore field during serialization and deserialization.
The attribute should be combined with serdeRealOrderedIn applied on the aggregate.
The predicate should be aplied to the aggregate value, not to the member.