- wmean
template wmean(F, Summation summation = Summation.appropriate, AssumeWeights assumeWeights = AssumeWeights.primary, G = F, Summation weightsSummation = Summation.appropriate)
template wmean(Summation summation = Summation.appropriate, AssumeWeights assumeWeights = AssumeWeights.primary, Summation weightsSummation = Summation.appropriate)
template wmean(F, AssumeWeights assumeWeights, Summation summation = Summation.appropriate, G = F, Summation weightsSummation = Summation.appropriate)
template wmean(F, bool assumeWeights, string summation = "appropriate", G = F, string weightsSummation = "appropriate")
template wmean(bool assumeWeights, string summation = "appropriate", string weightsSummation = "appropriate")
template wmean(F, string summation, bool assumeWeights = false, G = F, string weightsSummation = "appropriate")
template wmean(string summation, bool assumeWeights = false, string weightsSummation = "appropriate")
template wmean(F, string summation, G, string weightsSummation, bool assumeWeights)
template wmean(string summation, string weightsSummation, bool assumeWeights = false)
Computes the weighted mean of the input.
- wsum
template wsum(F, Summation summation = Summation.appropriate, G = F)
template wsum(Summation summation = Summation.appropriate)
template wsum(F, string summation, G = F)
template wsum(string summation)
Computes the weighted sum of the input.
This module contains algorithms for descriptive statistics with weights.