function used to center input, default is mean
function used as divisor, default is dispersion
The scaled result
center, $(SUB2REF univariate, VarianceAlgo), $(MATHREF sum, Summation), $(SUB2REF univariate, mean), $(SUB2REF univariate, standardDeviation), $(SUB2REF univariate, median), $(SUB2REF univariate, gmean), $(SUB2REF univariate, hmean), $(SUB2REF univariate, variance), $(SUB2REF univariate, dispersion)
Scales the input.
By default, the input is first centered using the mean of the input. A custom function may also be provided using centralTendency. The centered input is then divided by the sample standard deviation of the input. A custom function may also be provided using dispersion.
Overloads are also provided to scale with variables m and d, which correspond to the results of centralTendency and dispersion. This function is equivalent to center when passing d = 1.