The OpenD Programming Language


Forms the symbols available to all D programs. Includes Object, which is the root of the class object hierarchy. This module is implicitly imported.



alias noreturn = typeof(*null)

Bottom type. See .


class Error

The base class of all unrecoverable runtime errors.

class Exception

The base class of all errors that are safe to catch and handle.

class Object

All D class objects inherit from Object.

class Throwable

The base class of all thrown objects.

class TypeInfo

Runtime type information about a type. Can be retrieved for any type using a $(GLINK2 expression,TypeidExpression, TypeidExpression).

class TypeInfo_Class

Runtime type information about a class. Can be retrieved from an object instance by using the typeid expression.

class TypeInfo_Function
Undocumented in source.
class TypeInfo_Interface
Undocumented in source.


__ArrayCast (from core.internal.array.casting)
TTo[] __ArrayCast(TFrom[] from) via public import core.internal.array.casting : __ArrayCast;

The compiler lowers expressions of cast(TTo[])TFrom[] to this implementation. Note that this does not detect alignment problems.

__ArrayDtor (from core.internal.destruction)
void __ArrayDtor(T[] a) via public import core.internal.destruction : __ArrayDtor;
Undocumented in source.
__ArrayPostblit (from core.internal.postblit)
void __ArrayPostblit(T[] a) via public import core.internal.postblit : __ArrayPostblit;
Undocumented in source.
__cmp (from core.internal.array.comparison)
auto __cmp(T1[] s1, T2[] s2) via public import core.internal.array.comparison : __cmp;
Undocumented in source.
__ctfeWrite (from core.builtins)
void __ctfeWrite(const(char)[] s) via public import core.builtins : __ctfeWrite;

Writes s to stderr during CTFE (does nothing at runtime).

__equals (from core.internal.array.equality)
bool __equals(T1[] lhs, T2[] rhs) via public import core.internal.array.equality : __equals;
Undocumented in source.
__move_post_blt (from core.internal.moving)
void __move_post_blt(S newLocation, S oldLocation) via public import core.internal.moving : __move_post_blt;
Undocumented in source.
__switch (from core.internal.switch_)
int __switch(T[] condition) via public import core.internal.switch_ : __switch;

Support for switch statements switching on strings.

__switch_error (from core.internal.switch_)
void __switch_error(string file, size_t line) via public import core.internal.switch_ : __switch_error;

Compiler lowers final switch default case to this (which is a runtime error) Old implementation is in core/exception.d

_d_arrayappendT (from core.internal.array.appending)
Tarr _d_arrayappendT(Tarr x, Tarr y) via public import core.internal.array.appending : _d_arrayappendT;

Implementation of _d_arrayappendT

_d_arrayappendTTrace (from core.internal.array.appending)
Tarr _d_arrayappendTTrace(string file, int line, string funcname, Tarr x, Tarr y) via public import core.internal.array.appending : _d_arrayappendTTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around core.internal.array.appending._d_arrayappendT.

_d_arrayappendcTX (from core.internal.array.appending)
Tarr _d_arrayappendcTX(Tarr px, size_t n) via public import core.internal.array.appending : _d_arrayappendcTX;

Extend an array px by n elements. Caller must initialize those elements.

_d_arrayappendcTXTrace (from core.internal.array.appending)
Tarr _d_arrayappendcTXTrace(string file, int line, string funcname, Tarr px, size_t n) via public import core.internal.array.appending : _d_arrayappendcTXTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around core.internal.array.appending._d_arrayappendT.

_d_arrayassign_l (from core.internal.array.arrayassign)
Tarr _d_arrayassign_l(Tarr to, Tarr from) via public import core.internal.array.arrayassign : _d_arrayassign_l;

Does array assignment (not construction) from another array of the same element type. Handles overlapping copies. Assumes the right hand side is an lvalue,

_d_arrayassign_r (from core.internal.array.arrayassign)
Tarr _d_arrayassign_r(Tarr to, Tarr from) via public import core.internal.array.arrayassign : _d_arrayassign_r;

Does array assignment (not construction) from another array of the same element type. Does not support overlapping copies. Assumes the right hand side is an rvalue,

_d_arraycatnTX (from core.internal.array.concatenation)
Tret _d_arraycatnTX(Tarr froms) via public import core.internal.array.concatenation : _d_arraycatnTX;

Concatenate the arrays inside of froms. _d_arraycatnTX(a, b, c) means a ~ b ~ c.

_d_arraycatnTXTrace (from core.internal.array.concatenation)
Tret _d_arraycatnTXTrace(string file, int line, string funcname, Tarr froms) via public import core.internal.array.concatenation : _d_arraycatnTXTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around core.internal.array.concatenation._d_arraycatnTX.

_d_arrayctor (from
Tarr _d_arrayctor(Tarr to, Tarr from, char* makeWeaklyPure) via public import : _d_arrayctor;

Does array initialization (not assignment) from another array of the same element type.

_d_arraysetassign (from core.internal.array.arrayassign)
Tarr _d_arraysetassign(Tarr to, T value) via public import core.internal.array.arrayassign : _d_arraysetassign;

Sets all elements of an array to a single value. Takes into account postblits, copy constructors and destructors. For Plain Old Data elements,rt/memset.d is used.

_d_arraysetctor (from
void _d_arraysetctor(Tarr p, T value) via public import : _d_arraysetctor;

Do construction of an array. ticount p = value;

_d_newThrowable (from core.lifetime)
T _d_newThrowable() via public import core.lifetime : _d_newThrowable;

Allocate an exception of type T from the exception pool. T must be Throwable or derived from it and cannot be a COM or C++ class.

_d_newarrayT (from
T[] _d_newarrayT(size_t length, bool isShared) via public import : _d_newarrayT;

Allocate an array with the garbage collector. Also initalize elements if their type has an initializer. Otherwise, not zero-initialize the array.

_d_newarrayTTrace (from
T[] _d_newarrayTTrace(string file, int line, string funcname, size_t length, bool isShared) via public import : _d_newarrayTTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around core.lifetime._d_newitemT.

_d_newarraymTX (from
Tarr _d_newarraymTX(size_t[] dims, bool isShared) via public import : _d_newarraymTX;

Create a new multi-dimensional array. Also initalize elements if their type has an initializer. Otherwise, not zero-initialize the array.

_d_newarraymTXTrace (from
Tarr _d_newarraymTXTrace(string file, int line, string funcname, size_t[] dims, bool isShared) via public import : _d_newarraymTXTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around

_d_newclassT (from core.lifetime)
T _d_newclassT() via public import core.lifetime : _d_newclassT;

Create a new class instance. Allocates memory and sets fields to their initial value, but does not call a constructor.

_d_newclassTTrace (from core.lifetime)
T _d_newclassTTrace(string file, int line, string funcname) via public import core.lifetime : _d_newclassTTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around core.lifetime._d_newclassT.

_d_newitemT (from core.lifetime)
T* _d_newitemT() via public import core.lifetime : _d_newitemT;

Allocate an initialized non-array item.

_d_newitemTTrace (from core.lifetime)
T* _d_newitemTTrace(string file, int line, string funcname) via public import core.lifetime : _d_newitemTTrace;

TraceGC wrapper around core.lifetime._d_newitemT.

inout(T[]) assumeSafeAppend(inout(T[]) arr)

Assume that it is safe to append to this array. Appends made to this array after calling this function may append in place, even if the array was a slice of a larger array to begin with.

auto byKey(T aa)
auto byKey(T* aa)

Returns a forward range which will iterate over the keys of the associative array. The keys are returned by reference.

auto byKeyValue(T aa)
auto byKeyValue(T* aa)

Returns a forward range which will iterate over the key-value pairs of the associative array. The returned pairs are represented by an opaque type with .key and .value properties for accessing references to the key and value of the pair, respectively.

auto byValue(T aa)
auto byValue(T* aa)

Returns a forward range which will iterate over the values of the associative array. The values are returned by reference.

void clear(Value[Key] aa)
void clear(Value[Key]* aa)

Removes all remaining keys and values from an associative array.

void destroy(T obj)

Destroys the given object and optionally resets to initial state. It's used to destroy an object, calling its destructor or finalizer so it no longer references any other objects. It does not initiate a GC cycle or free any GC memory. If initialize is supplied false, the object is considered invalid after destruction, and should not be referenced.

V[K] dup(T aa)
V[K] dup(T* aa)

Creates a new associative array of the same size and copies the contents of the associative array into it.

inout(V) get(inout(V[K]) aa, K key, inout(V) defaultValue)
inout(V) get(inout(V[K])* aa, K key, inout(V) defaultValue)

Looks up key; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates and returns defaultValue.

size_t hashOf(T arg, size_t seed)
size_t hashOf(T arg)

Calculates the hash value of arg with an optional seed initial value. The result might not be equal to typeid(T).getHash(&arg).

hashOf (from core.internal.hash)
size_t hashOf(T aa, size_t seed) via public import core.internal.hash : hashOf;
Undocumented in source.
Key[] keys(T aa)
Key[] keys(T* aa)

Returns a newly allocated dynamic array containing a copy of the keys from the associative array.

bool opEquals(LHS lhs, RHS rhs)

Implementation for class opEquals override. Calls the class-defined methods after a null check. Please note this is not nogc right now, even if your implementation is, because of the typeinfo name string compare. This is because of dmd's dll implementation. However, it can infer to @safe if your class' opEquals is.

T rehash(T aa)
T rehash(T* aa)

Reorganizes the associative array in place so that lookups are more efficient.

V require(V[K] aa, K key, V value)

Looks up key; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates value, adds it to the associative array and returns it.

size_t reserve(T[] arr, size_t newcapacity)

Reserves capacity for a slice. The capacity is the size that the slice can grow to before the underlying array must be reallocated or extended.

void setSameMutex(Object ownee, Object owner)

Makes ownee use owner's mutex. This will initialize owner's mutex if it hasn't been set yet.

void update(V[K] aa, K key, C create, U update)

Calls create if key doesn't exist in the associative array, otherwise calls update. create returns a corresponding value for key. update accepts a key parameter. If it returns a value, the value is set for key.

Value[] values(T aa)
Value[] values(T* aa)

Returns a newly allocated dynamic array containing a copy of the values from the associative array.


size_t capacity [@property getter]

(Property) Gets the current capacity of a slice. The capacity is the size that the slice can grow to before the underlying array must be reallocated or extended.

auto dup [@property getter]
T[] dup [@property getter]

Provide the .dup array property.

immutable(T)[] idup [@property getter]

Provide the .idup array property.


struct Interface

Information about an interface. When an object is accessed via an interface, an Interface* appears as the first entry in its vtbl.

struct ModuleInfo

An instance of ModuleInfo is generated into the object file for each compiled module.

struct OffsetTypeInfo

Array of pairs giving the offset and type information for each member in an aggregate.

__va_list (from core.internal.vararg.aarch64)
struct __va_list via public import core.internal.vararg.aarch64 : __va_list;
Undocumented in source.
__va_list (from core.stdc.stdarg)
struct __va_list via public import core.stdc.stdarg : __va_list;
Undocumented in source.
gnuAbiTag (from core.attribute)
struct gnuAbiTag via public import core.attribute : gnuAbiTag;

Use this attribute to declare an ABI tag on a C++ symbol.

selector (from core.attribute)
deprecated struct selector via public import core.attribute : selector;

Use this attribute to attach an Objective-C selector to a method.


template RTInfoImpl(size_t[] pointerBitmap)

Create RTInfo for type T

_d_arraysetlengthTImpl (from core.internal.array.capacity)
template _d_arraysetlengthTImpl(Tarr : T[], T) via public import core.internal.array.capacity : _d_arraysetlengthTImpl;

Implementation of _d_arraysetlengthT and _d_arraysetlengthTTrace

_d_assert_fail (from core.internal.dassert)
template _d_assert_fail(A...) via public import core.internal.dassert : _d_assert_fail;

Generates rich assert error messages for binary expressions

_d_cmain (from core.internal.entrypoint)
template _d_cmain() via public import core.internal.entrypoint : _d_cmain;

A template containing C main and any call(s) to initialize druntime and call D main. Any module containing a D main function declaration will cause the compiler to generate a mixin _d_cmain(); statement to inject this code into the module.

_d_delstructImpl (from core.lifetime)
template _d_delstructImpl(T) via public import core.lifetime : _d_delstructImpl;

Implementation of _d_delstruct and _d_delstructTrace

template imported(string moduleName)

Provides an "inline import", i.e. an import that is only available for a limited lookup. For example:


enum immutable(void)* rtinfoNoPointers;

shortcuts for the precise GC, also generated by the compiler used instead of the actual pointer bitmap



Walter Bright, Sean Kelly