The OpenD Programming Language


Response - result of request execution.

Response.code - response HTTP code. Response.status_line - received HTTP status line. Response.responseHeaders - received headers. Response.responseBody - container for received body Response.history - for redirected responses contain all history

class HTTPResponse : Response {}


A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.

Inherited Members

From Response

ushort _code;

Server status code

Buffer!ubyte _responseBody;

Response body

string[string] _responseHeaders;

Response headers

URI _uri;

Initial URI

URI _finalURI;

Final URI. Can differ from uri() if request go through redirections.

ReceiveAsRange _receiveAsRange;

stream range stored here

long _contentReceived;

Length of received content

long _contentLength;

Server-supplied content length (can be -1 when unknown)

string toString()

string representation of response

string format(string fmt)

%h - remote hostname
