The OpenD Programming Language

1 /**
2  * This module provides an interface to the garbage collector used by
3  * applications written in the D programming language. It allows the
4  * garbage collector in the runtime to be swapped without affecting
5  * binary compatibility of applications.
6  *
7  * Using this module is not necessary in typical D code. It is mostly
8  * useful when doing low-level _memory management.
9  *
10  * Notes_to_users:
11  *
12    $(OL
13    $(LI The GC is a conservative mark-and-sweep collector. It only runs a
14         collection cycle when an allocation is requested of it, never
15         otherwise. Hence, if the program is not doing allocations,
16         there will be no GC collection pauses. The pauses occur because
17         all threads the GC knows about are halted so the threads' stacks
18         and registers can be scanned for references to GC allocated data.
19    )
21    $(LI The GC does not know about threads that were created by directly calling
22         the OS/C runtime thread creation APIs and D threads that were detached
23         from the D runtime after creation.
24         Such threads will not be paused for a GC collection, and the GC might not detect
25         references to GC allocated data held by them. This can cause memory corruption.
26         There are several ways to resolve this issue:
27         $(OL
28         $(LI Do not hold references to GC allocated data in such threads.)
29         $(LI Register/unregister such data with calls to $(LREF addRoot)/$(LREF removeRoot) and
30         $(LREF addRange)/$(LREF removeRange).)
31         $(LI Maintain another reference to that same data in another thread that the
32         GC does know about.)
33         $(LI Disable GC collection cycles while that thread is active with $(LREF disable)/$(LREF enable).)
34         $(LI Register the thread with the GC using $(REF thread_attachThis, core,thread,osthread)/$(REF thread_detachThis, core,thread,threadbase).)
35         )
36    )
37    )
38  *
39  * Notes_to_implementors:
40  * $(UL
41  * $(LI On POSIX systems, the signals `SIGRTMIN` and `SIGRTMIN + 1` are reserved
42  *   by this module for use in the garbage collector implementation.
43  *   Typically, they will be used to stop and resume other threads
44  *   when performing a collection, but an implementation may choose
45  *   not to use this mechanism (or not stop the world at all, in the
46  *   case of concurrent garbage collectors).)
47  *
48  * $(LI Registers, the stack, and any other _memory locations added through
49  *   the $(D GC.$(LREF addRange)) function are always scanned conservatively.
50  *   This means that even if a variable is e.g. of type $(D float),
51  *   it will still be scanned for possible GC pointers. And, if the
52  *   word-interpreted representation of the variable matches a GC-managed
53  *   _memory block's address, that _memory block is considered live.)
54  *
55  * $(LI Implementations are free to scan the non-root heap in a precise
56  *   manner, so that fields of types like $(D float) will not be considered
57  *   relevant when scanning the heap. Thus, casting a GC pointer to an
58  *   integral type (e.g. $(D size_t)) and storing it in a field of that
59  *   type inside the GC heap may mean that it will not be recognized
60  *   if the _memory block was allocated with precise type info or with
61  *   the $(D GC.BlkAttr.$(LREF NO_SCAN)) attribute.)
62  *
63  * $(LI Destructors will always be executed while other threads are
64  *   active; that is, an implementation that stops the world must not
65  *   execute destructors until the world has been resumed.)
66  *
67  * $(LI A destructor of an object must not access object references
68  *   within the object. This means that an implementation is free to
69  *   optimize based on this rule.)
70  *
71  * $(LI An implementation is free to perform heap compaction and copying
72  *   so long as no valid GC pointers are invalidated in the process.
73  *   However, _memory allocated with $(D GC.BlkAttr.$(LREF NO_MOVE)) must
74  *   not be moved/copied.)
75  *
76  * $(LI Implementations must support interior pointers. That is, if the
77  *   only reference to a GC-managed _memory block points into the
78  *   middle of the block rather than the beginning (for example), the
79  *   GC must consider the _memory block live. The exception to this
80  *   rule is when a _memory block is allocated with the
81  *   $(D GC.BlkAttr.$(LREF NO_INTERIOR)) attribute; it is the user's
82  *   responsibility to make sure such _memory blocks have a proper pointer
83  *   to them when they should be considered live.)
84  *
85  * $(LI It is acceptable for an implementation to store bit flags into
86  *   pointer values and GC-managed _memory blocks, so long as such a
87  *   trick is not visible to the application. In practice, this means
88  *   that only a stop-the-world collector can do this.)
89  *
90  * $(LI Implementations are free to assume that GC pointers are only
91  *   stored on word boundaries. Unaligned pointers may be ignored
92  *   entirely.)
93  *
94  * $(LI Implementations are free to run collections at any point. It is,
95  *   however, recommendable to only do so when an allocation attempt
96  *   happens and there is insufficient _memory available.)
97  * )
98  *
99  * Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2015.
100  * License:   $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
101  * Authors:   Sean Kelly, Alex Rønne Petersen
102  * Source:    $(DRUNTIMESRC core/_memory.d)
103  */
105 module core.memory;
107 version (ARM)
108     version = AnyARM;
109 else version (AArch64)
110     version = AnyARM;
112 version (iOS)
113     version = iOSDerived;
114 else version (TVOS)
115     version = iOSDerived;
116 else version (WatchOS)
117     version = iOSDerived;
119 private
120 {
121     extern (C) uint gc_getAttr( void* p ) pure nothrow;
122     extern (C) uint gc_setAttr( void* p, uint a ) pure nothrow;
123     extern (C) uint gc_clrAttr( void* p, uint a ) pure nothrow;
125     extern (C) void*   gc_addrOf( void* p ) pure nothrow @nogc;
126     extern (C) size_t  gc_sizeOf( void* p ) pure nothrow @nogc;
128     struct BlkInfo_
129     {
130         void*  base;
131         size_t size;
132         uint   attr;
133     }
135     extern (C) BlkInfo_ gc_query(return scope void* p) pure nothrow;
136     extern (C) GC.Stats gc_stats ( ) @safe nothrow @nogc;
137     extern (C) GC.ProfileStats gc_profileStats ( ) nothrow @nogc @safe;
138 }
140 version (CoreDoc)
141 {
142     /**
143      * The minimum size of a system page in bytes.
144      *
145      * This is a compile time, platform specific value. This value might not
146      * be accurate, since it might be possible to change this value. Whenever
147      * possible, please use $(LREF pageSize) instead, which is initialized
148      * during runtime.
149      *
150      * The minimum size is useful when the context requires a compile time known
151      * value, like the size of a static array: `ubyte[minimumPageSize] buffer`.
152      */
153     enum minimumPageSize : size_t;
154 }
155 else version (AnyARM)
156 {
157     version (iOSDerived)
158         enum size_t minimumPageSize = 16384;
159     else
160         enum size_t minimumPageSize = 4096;
161 }
162 else
163     enum size_t minimumPageSize = 4096;
165 ///
166 unittest
167 {
168     ubyte[minimumPageSize] buffer;
169 }
171 /**
172  * The size of a system page in bytes.
173  *
174  * This value is set at startup time of the application. It's safe to use
175  * early in the start process, like in shared module constructors and
176  * initialization of the D runtime itself.
177  */
178 immutable size_t pageSize;
180 ///
181 unittest
182 {
183     ubyte[] buffer = new ubyte[pageSize];
184 }
186 // The reason for this elaborated way of declaring a function is:
187 //
188 // * `pragma(crt_constructor)` is used to declare a constructor that is called by
189 // the C runtime, before C main. This allows the `pageSize` value to be used
190 // during initialization of the D runtime. This also avoids any issues with
191 // static module constructors and circular references.
192 //
193 // * `pragma(mangle)` is used because `pragma(crt_constructor)` requires a
194 // function with C linkage. To avoid any name conflict with other C symbols,
195 // standard D mangling is used.
196 //
197 // * The extra function declaration, without the body, is to be able to get the
198 // D mangling of the function without the need to hardcode the value.
199 //
200 // * The extern function declaration also has the side effect of making it
201 // impossible to manually call the function with standard syntax. This is to
202 // make it more difficult to call the function again, manually.
203 private void initialize();
204 pragma(crt_constructor)
205 pragma(mangle, initialize.mangleof)
206 private extern (C) void _initialize() @system
207 {
208     import rt.sys.config;
209     mixin("import " ~ osMemoryImport ~ " : getPageSize;");
211     (cast() pageSize) = getPageSize();
212 }
214 /**
215  * This struct encapsulates all garbage collection functionality for the D
216  * programming language.
217  */
218 struct GC
219 {
220     @disable this();
222     /**
223      * Aggregation of GC stats to be exposed via public API
224      */
225     static struct Stats
226     {
227         /// number of used bytes on the GC heap (might only get updated after a collection)
228         size_t usedSize;
229         /// number of free bytes on the GC heap (might only get updated after a collection)
230         size_t freeSize;
231         /// number of bytes allocated for current thread since program start
232         ulong allocatedInCurrentThread;
233     }
235     /**
236      * Aggregation of current profile information
237      */
238     static struct ProfileStats
239     {
240         import core.time : Duration;
241         /// total number of GC cycles
242         size_t numCollections;
243         /// total time spent doing GC
244         Duration totalCollectionTime;
245         /// total time threads were paused doing GC
246         Duration totalPauseTime;
247         /// largest time threads were paused during one GC cycle
248         Duration maxPauseTime;
249         /// largest time spent doing one GC cycle
250         Duration maxCollectionTime;
251     }
253 extern(C):
255     /**
256      * Enables automatic garbage collection behavior if collections have
257      * previously been suspended by a call to disable.  This function is
258      * reentrant, and must be called once for every call to disable before
259      * automatic collections are enabled.
260      */
261     pragma(mangle, "gc_enable") static void enable() @safe nothrow pure;
264     /**
265      * Disables automatic garbage collections performed to minimize the
266      * process footprint.  Collections may continue to occur in instances
267      * where the implementation deems necessary for correct program behavior,
268      * such as during an out of memory condition.  This function is reentrant,
269      * but enable must be called once for each call to disable.
270      */
271     pragma(mangle, "gc_disable") static void disable() @safe nothrow pure;
274     /**
275      * Begins a full collection.  While the meaning of this may change based
276      * on the garbage collector implementation, typical behavior is to scan
277      * all stack segments for roots, mark accessible memory blocks as alive,
278      * and then to reclaim free space.  This action may need to suspend all
279      * running threads for at least part of the collection process.
280      */
281     pragma(mangle, "gc_collect") static void collect() @safe nothrow pure;
283     /**
284      * Indicates that the managed memory space be minimized by returning free
285      * physical memory to the operating system.  The amount of free memory
286      * returned depends on the allocator design and on program behavior.
287      */
288     pragma(mangle, "gc_minimize") static void minimize() @safe nothrow pure;
290 extern(D):
292     /**
293      * Elements for a bit field representing memory block attributes.  These
294      * are manipulated via the getAttr, setAttr, clrAttr functions.
295      */
296     enum BlkAttr : uint
297     {
298         NONE        = 0b0000_0000, /// No attributes set.
299         FINALIZE    = 0b0000_0001, /// Finalize the data in this block on collect.
300         NO_SCAN     = 0b0000_0010, /// Do not scan through this block on collect.
301         NO_MOVE     = 0b0000_0100, /// Do not move this memory block on collect.
302         /**
303         This block contains the info to allow appending.
305         This can be used to manually allocate arrays. Initial slice size is 0.
307         Note: The slice's usable size will not match the block size. Use
308         $(LREF capacity) to retrieve actual usable capacity.
310         Example:
311         ----
312         // Allocate the underlying array.
313         int*  pToArray = cast(int*)GC.malloc(10 * int.sizeof, GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN | GC.BlkAttr.APPENDABLE);
314         // Bind a slice. Check the slice has capacity information.
315         int[] slice = pToArray[0 .. 0];
316         assert(capacity(slice) > 0);
317         // Appending to the slice will not relocate it.
318         slice.length = 5;
319         slice ~= 1;
320         assert(slice.ptr == p);
321         ----
322         */
323         APPENDABLE  = 0b0000_1000,
325         /**
326         This block is guaranteed to have a pointer to its base while it is
327         alive.  Interior pointers can be safely ignored.  This attribute is
328         useful for eliminating false pointers in very large data structures
329         and is only implemented for data structures at least a page in size.
330         */
331         NO_INTERIOR = 0b0001_0000,
333         STRUCTFINAL = 0b0010_0000, // the block has a finalizer for (an array of) structs
334     }
337     /**
338      * Contains aggregate information about a block of managed memory.  The
339      * purpose of this struct is to support a more efficient query style in
340      * instances where detailed information is needed.
341      *
342      * base = A pointer to the base of the block in question.
343      * size = The size of the block, calculated from base.
344      * attr = Attribute bits set on the memory block.
345      */
346     alias BlkInfo = BlkInfo_;
349     /**
350      * Returns a bit field representing all block attributes set for the memory
351      * referenced by p.  If p references memory not originally allocated by
352      * this garbage collector, points to the interior of a memory block, or if
353      * p is null, zero will be returned.
354      *
355      * Params:
356      *  p = A pointer to the root of a valid memory block or to null.
357      *
358      * Returns:
359      *  A bit field containing any bits set for the memory block referenced by
360      *  p or zero on error.
361      */
362     static uint getAttr( const scope void* p ) nothrow
363     {
364         return gc_getAttr(cast(void*) p);
365     }
368     /// ditto
369     static uint getAttr(void* p) pure nothrow
370     {
371         return gc_getAttr( p );
372     }
375     /**
376      * Sets the specified bits for the memory references by p.  If p references
377      * memory not originally allocated by this garbage collector, points to the
378      * interior of a memory block, or if p is null, no action will be
379      * performed.
380      *
381      * Params:
382      *  p = A pointer to the root of a valid memory block or to null.
383      *  a = A bit field containing any bits to set for this memory block.
384      *
385      * Returns:
386      *  The result of a call to getAttr after the specified bits have been
387      *  set.
388      */
389     static uint setAttr( const scope void* p, uint a ) nothrow
390     {
391         return gc_setAttr(cast(void*) p, a);
392     }
395     /// ditto
396     static uint setAttr(void* p, uint a) pure nothrow
397     {
398         return gc_setAttr( p, a );
399     }
402     /**
403      * Clears the specified bits for the memory references by p.  If p
404      * references memory not originally allocated by this garbage collector,
405      * points to the interior of a memory block, or if p is null, no action
406      * will be performed.
407      *
408      * Params:
409      *  p = A pointer to the root of a valid memory block or to null.
410      *  a = A bit field containing any bits to clear for this memory block.
411      *
412      * Returns:
413      *  The result of a call to getAttr after the specified bits have been
414      *  cleared.
415      */
416     static uint clrAttr( const scope void* p, uint a ) nothrow
417     {
418         return gc_clrAttr(cast(void*) p, a);
419     }
422     /// ditto
423     static uint clrAttr(void* p, uint a) pure nothrow
424     {
425         return gc_clrAttr( p, a );
426     }
428 extern(C):
430     /**
431      * Requests an aligned block of managed memory from the garbage collector.
432      * This memory may be deleted at will with a call to free, or it may be
433      * discarded and cleaned up automatically during a collection run.  If
434      * allocation fails, this function will call onOutOfMemory which is
435      * expected to throw an OutOfMemoryError.
436      *
437      * Params:
438      *  sz = The desired allocation size in bytes.
439      *  ba = A bitmask of the attributes to set on this block.
440      *  ti = TypeInfo to describe the memory. The GC might use this information
441      *       to improve scanning for pointers or to call finalizers.
442      *
443      * Returns:
444      *  A reference to the allocated memory or null if insufficient memory
445      *  is available.
446      *
447      * Throws:
448      *  OutOfMemoryError on allocation failure.
449      */
450     version (D_ProfileGC)
451         pragma(mangle, "gc_mallocTrace") static void* malloc(size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const scope TypeInfo ti = null,
452             string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, string func = __FUNCTION__) pure nothrow;
453     else
454         pragma(mangle, "gc_malloc") static void* malloc(size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const scope TypeInfo ti = null) pure nothrow;
456     /**
457      * Requests an aligned block of managed memory from the garbage collector.
458      * This memory may be deleted at will with a call to free, or it may be
459      * discarded and cleaned up automatically during a collection run.  If
460      * allocation fails, this function will call onOutOfMemory which is
461      * expected to throw an OutOfMemoryError.
462      *
463      * Params:
464      *  sz = The desired allocation size in bytes.
465      *  ba = A bitmask of the attributes to set on this block.
466      *  ti = TypeInfo to describe the memory. The GC might use this information
467      *       to improve scanning for pointers or to call finalizers.
468      *
469      * Returns:
470      *  Information regarding the allocated memory block or BlkInfo.init on
471      *  error.
472      *
473      * Throws:
474      *  OutOfMemoryError on allocation failure.
475      */
476     version (D_ProfileGC)
477         pragma(mangle, "gc_qallocTrace") static BlkInfo qalloc(size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const scope TypeInfo ti = null,
478             string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, string func = __FUNCTION__) pure nothrow;
479     else
480         pragma(mangle, "gc_qalloc") static BlkInfo qalloc(size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const scope TypeInfo ti = null) pure nothrow;
483     /**
484      * Requests an aligned block of managed memory from the garbage collector,
485      * which is initialized with all bits set to zero.  This memory may be
486      * deleted at will with a call to free, or it may be discarded and cleaned
487      * up automatically during a collection run.  If allocation fails, this
488      * function will call onOutOfMemory which is expected to throw an
489      * OutOfMemoryError.
490      *
491      * Params:
492      *  sz = The desired allocation size in bytes.
493      *  ba = A bitmask of the attributes to set on this block.
494      *  ti = TypeInfo to describe the memory. The GC might use this information
495      *       to improve scanning for pointers or to call finalizers.
496      *
497      * Returns:
498      *  A reference to the allocated memory or null if insufficient memory
499      *  is available.
500      *
501      * Throws:
502      *  OutOfMemoryError on allocation failure.
503      */
504     version (D_ProfileGC)
505         pragma(mangle, "gc_callocTrace") static void* calloc(size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null,
506             string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, string func = __FUNCTION__) pure nothrow;
507     else
508         pragma(mangle, "gc_calloc") static void* calloc(size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null) pure nothrow;
511     /**
512      * Extend, shrink or allocate a new block of memory keeping the contents of
513      * an existing block
514      *
515      * If `sz` is zero, the memory referenced by p will be deallocated as if
516      * by a call to `free`.
517      * If `p` is `null`, new memory will be allocated via `malloc`.
518      * If `p` is pointing to memory not allocated from the GC or to the interior
519      * of an allocated memory block, no operation is performed and null is returned.
520      *
521      * Otherwise, a new memory block of size `sz` will be allocated as if by a
522      * call to `malloc`, or the implementation may instead resize or shrink the memory
523      * block in place.
524      * The contents of the new memory block will be the same as the contents
525      * of the old memory block, up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.
526      *
527      * The caller guarantees that there are no other live pointers to the
528      * passed memory block, still it might not be freed immediately by `realloc`.
529      * The garbage collector can reclaim the memory block in a later
530      * collection if it is unused.
531      * If allocation fails, this function will throw an `OutOfMemoryError`.
532      *
533      * If `ba` is zero (the default) the attributes of the existing memory
534      * will be used for an allocation.
535      * If `ba` is not zero and no new memory is allocated, the bits in ba will
536      * replace those of the current memory block.
537      *
538      * Params:
539      *  p  = A pointer to the base of a valid memory block or to `null`.
540      *  sz = The desired allocation size in bytes.
541      *  ba = A bitmask of the BlkAttr attributes to set on this block.
542      *  ti = TypeInfo to describe the memory. The GC might use this information
543      *       to improve scanning for pointers or to call finalizers.
544      *
545      * Returns:
546      *  A reference to the allocated memory on success or `null` if `sz` is
547      *  zero or the pointer does not point to the base of an GC allocated
548      *  memory block.
549      *
550      * Throws:
551      *  `OutOfMemoryError` on allocation failure.
552      */
553     version (D_ProfileGC)
554         pragma(mangle, "gc_reallocTrace") static void* realloc(return scope void* p, size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null,
555             string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, string func = __FUNCTION__) pure nothrow;
556     else
557         pragma(mangle, "gc_realloc") static void* realloc(return scope void* p, size_t sz, uint ba = 0, const TypeInfo ti = null) pure nothrow;
559     //
560     ///
561     unittest
562     {
563         enum size1 = 1 << 11 + 1; // page in large object pool
564         enum size2 = 1 << 22 + 1; // larger than large object pool size
566         auto data1 = cast(ubyte*)GC.calloc(size1);
567         auto data2 = cast(ubyte*)GC.realloc(data1, size2);
569         GC.BlkInfo info = GC.query(data2);
570         assert(info.size >= size2);
571     }
574     /**
575      * Requests that the managed memory block referenced by p be extended in
576      * place by at least mx bytes, with a desired extension of sz bytes.  If an
577      * extension of the required size is not possible or if p references memory
578      * not originally allocated by this garbage collector, no action will be
579      * taken.
580      *
581      * Params:
582      *  p  = A pointer to the root of a valid memory block or to null.
583      *  mx = The minimum extension size in bytes.
584      *  sz = The desired extension size in bytes.
585      *  ti = TypeInfo to describe the full memory block. The GC might use
586      *       this information to improve scanning for pointers or to
587      *       call finalizers.
588      *
589      * Returns:
590      *  The size in bytes of the extended memory block referenced by p or zero
591      *  if no extension occurred.
592      *
593      * Note:
594      *  Extend may also be used to extend slices (or memory blocks with
595      *  $(LREF APPENDABLE) info). However, use the return value only
596      *  as an indicator of success. $(LREF capacity) should be used to
597      *  retrieve actual usable slice capacity.
598      */
599     version (D_ProfileGC)
600         pragma(mangle, "gc_extendTrace") static size_t extend(void* p, size_t mx, size_t sz, const TypeInfo ti = null,
601             string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, string func = __FUNCTION__) pure nothrow;
602     else
603         pragma(mangle, "gc_extend") static size_t extend(void* p, size_t mx, size_t sz, const TypeInfo ti = null) pure nothrow;
605     /// Standard extending
606     unittest
607     {
608         size_t size = 1000;
609         int* p = cast(int*)GC.malloc(size * int.sizeof, GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN);
611         //Try to extend the allocated data by 1000 elements, preferred 2000.
612         size_t u = GC.extend(p, 1000 * int.sizeof, 2000 * int.sizeof);
613         if (u != 0)
614             size = u / int.sizeof;
615     }
616     /// slice extending
617     unittest
618     {
619         int[] slice = new int[](1000);
620         int*  p     = slice.ptr;
622         //Check we have access to capacity before attempting the extend
623         if (slice.capacity)
624         {
625             //Try to extend slice by 1000 elements, preferred 2000.
626             size_t u = GC.extend(p, 1000 * int.sizeof, 2000 * int.sizeof);
627             if (u != 0)
628             {
629                 slice.length = slice.capacity;
630                 assert(slice.length >= 2000);
631             }
632         }
633     }
636     /**
637      * Requests that at least sz bytes of memory be obtained from the operating
638      * system and marked as free.
639      *
640      * Params:
641      *  sz = The desired size in bytes.
642      *
643      * Returns:
644      *  The actual number of bytes reserved or zero on error.
645      */
646     pragma(mangle, "gc_reserve") static size_t reserve(size_t sz) nothrow pure;
649     /**
650      * Deallocates the memory referenced by p.  If p is null, no action occurs.
651      * If p references memory not originally allocated by this garbage
652      * collector, if p points to the interior of a memory block, or if this
653      * method is called from a finalizer, no action will be taken.  The block
654      * will not be finalized regardless of whether the FINALIZE attribute is
655      * set.  If finalization is desired, call $(REF1 destroy, object) prior to ``.
656      *
657      * Params:
658      *  p = A pointer to the root of a valid memory block or to null.
659      */
660     pragma(mangle, "gc_free") static void free(void* p) pure nothrow @nogc;
662 extern(D):
664     /**
665      * Returns the base address of the memory block containing p.  This value
666      * is useful to determine whether p is an interior pointer, and the result
667      * may be passed to routines such as sizeOf which may otherwise fail.  If p
668      * references memory not originally allocated by this garbage collector, if
669      * p is null, or if the garbage collector does not support this operation,
670      * null will be returned.
671      *
672      * Params:
673      *  p = A pointer to the root or the interior of a valid memory block or to
674      *      null.
675      *
676      * Returns:
677      *  The base address of the memory block referenced by p or null on error.
678      */
679     static inout(void)* addrOf( inout(void)* p ) nothrow @nogc pure @trusted
680     {
681         return cast(inout(void)*)gc_addrOf(cast(void*)p);
682     }
684     /// ditto
685     static void* addrOf(void* p) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
686     {
687         return gc_addrOf(p);
688     }
690     /**
691      * Returns the true size of the memory block referenced by p.  This value
692      * represents the maximum number of bytes for which a call to realloc may
693      * resize the existing block in place.  If p references memory not
694      * originally allocated by this garbage collector, points to the interior
695      * of a memory block, or if p is null, zero will be returned.
696      *
697      * Params:
698      *  p = A pointer to the root of a valid memory block or to null.
699      *
700      * Returns:
701      *  The size in bytes of the memory block referenced by p or zero on error.
702      */
703     static size_t sizeOf( const scope void* p ) nothrow @nogc /* FIXME pure */
704     {
705         return gc_sizeOf(cast(void*)p);
706     }
709     /// ditto
710     static size_t sizeOf(void* p) pure nothrow @nogc
711     {
712         return gc_sizeOf( p );
713     }
715     // verify that the reallocation doesn't leave the size cache in a wrong state
716     unittest
717     {
718         auto data = cast(int*)realloc(null, 4096);
719         size_t size = GC.sizeOf(data);
720         assert(size >= 4096);
721         data = cast(int*)GC.realloc(data, 4100);
722         size = GC.sizeOf(data);
723         assert(size >= 4100);
724     }
726     /**
727      * Returns aggregate information about the memory block containing p.  If p
728      * references memory not originally allocated by this garbage collector, if
729      * p is null, or if the garbage collector does not support this operation,
730      * BlkInfo.init will be returned.  Typically, support for this operation
731      * is dependent on support for addrOf.
732      *
733      * Params:
734      *  p = A pointer to the root or the interior of a valid memory block or to
735      *      null.
736      *
737      * Returns:
738      *  Information regarding the memory block referenced by p or BlkInfo.init
739      *  on error.
740      */
741     static BlkInfo query(return scope const void* p) nothrow
742     {
743         return gc_query(cast(void*)p);
744     }
747     /// ditto
748     static BlkInfo query(return scope void* p) pure nothrow
749     {
750         return gc_query( p );
751     }
753     /**
754      * Returns runtime stats for currently active GC implementation
755      * See `core.memory.GC.Stats` for list of available metrics.
756      */
757     static Stats stats() @safe nothrow @nogc
758     {
759         return gc_stats();
760     }
762     /**
763      * Returns runtime profile stats for currently active GC implementation
764      * See `core.memory.GC.ProfileStats` for list of available metrics.
765      */
766     static ProfileStats profileStats() nothrow @nogc @safe
767     {
768         return gc_profileStats();
769     }
771 extern(C):
773     /**
774      * Adds an internal root pointing to the GC memory block referenced by p.
775      * As a result, the block referenced by p itself and any blocks accessible
776      * via it will be considered live until the root is removed again.
777      *
778      * If p is null, no operation is performed.
779      *
780      * Params:
781      *  p = A pointer into a GC-managed memory block or null.
782      *
783      * Example:
784      * ---
785      * // Typical C-style callback mechanism; the passed function
786      * // is invoked with the user-supplied context pointer at a
787      * // later point.
788      * extern(C) void addCallback(void function(void*), void*);
789      *
790      * // Allocate an object on the GC heap (this would usually be
791      * // some application-specific context data).
792      * auto context = new Object;
793      *
794      * // Make sure that it is not collected even if it is no
795      * // longer referenced from D code (stack, GC heap, …).
796      * GC.addRoot(cast(void*)context);
797      *
798      * // Also ensure that a moving collector does not relocate
799      * // the object.
800      * GC.setAttr(cast(void*)context, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);
801      *
802      * // Now context can be safely passed to the C library.
803      * addCallback(&myHandler, cast(void*)context);
804      *
805      * extern(C) void myHandler(void* ctx)
806      * {
807      *     // Assuming that the callback is invoked only once, the
808      *     // added root can be removed again now to allow the GC
809      *     // to collect it later.
810      *     GC.removeRoot(ctx);
811      *     GC.clrAttr(ctx, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);
812      *
813      *     auto context = cast(Object)ctx;
814      *     // Use context here…
815      * }
816      * ---
817      */
818     pragma(mangle, "gc_addRoot") static void addRoot(const void* p) nothrow @nogc pure;
821     /**
822      * Removes the memory block referenced by p from an internal list of roots
823      * to be scanned during a collection.  If p is null or is not a value
824      * previously passed to addRoot() then no operation is performed.
825      *
826      * Params:
827      *  p = A pointer into a GC-managed memory block or null.
828      */
829     pragma(mangle, "gc_removeRoot") static void removeRoot(const void* p) nothrow @nogc pure;
832     /**
833      * Adds $(D p[0 .. sz]) to the list of memory ranges to be scanned for
834      * pointers during a collection. If p is null, no operation is performed.
835      *
836      * Note that $(D p[0 .. sz]) is treated as an opaque range of memory assumed
837      * to be suitably managed by the caller. In particular, if p points into a
838      * GC-managed memory block, addRange does $(I not) mark this block as live.
839      *
840      * Params:
841      *  p  = A pointer to a valid memory address or to null.
842      *  sz = The size in bytes of the block to add. If sz is zero then the
843      *       no operation will occur. If p is null then sz must be zero.
844      *  ti = TypeInfo to describe the memory. The GC might use this information
845      *       to improve scanning for pointers or to call finalizers
846      *
847      * Example:
848      * ---
849      * // Allocate a piece of memory on the C heap.
850      * enum size = 1_000;
851      * auto rawMemory = core.stdc.stdlib.malloc(size);
852      *
853      * // Add it as a GC range.
854      * GC.addRange(rawMemory, size);
855      *
856      * // Now, pointers to GC-managed memory stored in
857      * // rawMemory will be recognized on collection.
858      * ---
859      */
860     pragma(mangle, "gc_addRange")
861     static void addRange(const void* p, size_t sz, const TypeInfo ti = null) @nogc nothrow pure;
864     /**
865      * Removes the memory range starting at p from an internal list of ranges
866      * to be scanned during a collection. If p is null or does not represent
867      * a value previously passed to addRange() then no operation is
868      * performed.
869      *
870      * Params:
871      *  p  = A pointer to a valid memory address or to null.
872      */
873     pragma(mangle, "gc_removeRange") static void removeRange(const void* p) nothrow @nogc pure;
876     /**
877      * Runs any finalizer that is located in address range of the
878      * given code segment.  This is used before unloading shared
879      * libraries.  All matching objects which have a finalizer in this
880      * code segment are assumed to be dead, using them while or after
881      * calling this method has undefined behavior.
882      *
883      * Params:
884      *  segment = address range of a code segment.
885      */
886     pragma(mangle, "gc_runFinalizers") static void runFinalizers(const scope void[] segment);
888     /**
889      * Queries the GC whether the current thread is running object finalization
890      * as part of a GC collection, or an explicit call to runFinalizers.
891      *
892      * As some GC implementations (such as the current conservative one) don't
893      * support GC memory allocation during object finalization, this function
894      * can be used to guard against such programming errors.
895      *
896      * Returns:
897      *  true if the current thread is in a finalizer, a destructor invoked by
898      *  the GC.
899      */
900     pragma(mangle, "gc_inFinalizer") static bool inFinalizer() nothrow @nogc @safe;
902     ///
903     @safe nothrow @nogc unittest
904     {
905         // Only code called from a destructor is executed during finalization.
906         assert(!GC.inFinalizer);
907     }
909     ///
910     unittest
911     {
912         enum Outcome
913         {
914             notCalled,
915             calledManually,
916             calledFromDruntime
917         }
919         static class Resource
920         {
921             static Outcome outcome;
923             this()
924             {
925                 outcome = Outcome.notCalled;
926             }
928             ~this()
929             {
930                 if (GC.inFinalizer)
931                 {
932                     outcome = Outcome.calledFromDruntime;
934                     import core.exception : InvalidMemoryOperationError;
935                     try
936                     {
937                         /*
938                          * Presently, allocating GC memory during finalization
939                          * is forbidden and leads to
940                          * `InvalidMemoryOperationError` being thrown.
941                          *
942                          * `GC.inFinalizer` can be used to guard against
943                          * programming erros such as these and is also a more
944                          * efficient way to verify whether a destructor was
945                          * invoked by the GC.
946                          */
947                         cast(void) GC.malloc(1);
948                         assert(false);
949                     }
950                     catch (InvalidMemoryOperationError e)
951                     {
952                         return;
953                     }
954                     assert(false);
955                 }
956                 else
957                     outcome = Outcome.calledManually;
958             }
959         }
961         static void createGarbage()
962         {
963             auto r = new Resource;
964             r = null;
965         }
967         assert(Resource.outcome == Outcome.notCalled);
968         createGarbage();
969         GC.collect;
970         assert(
971             Resource.outcome == Outcome.notCalled ||
972             Resource.outcome == Outcome.calledFromDruntime);
974         auto r = new Resource;
975         GC.runFinalizers((cast(const void*)typeid(Resource).destructor)[0..1]);
976         assert(Resource.outcome == Outcome.calledFromDruntime);
977         Resource.outcome = Outcome.notCalled;
979         debug(MEMSTOMP) {} else
980         {
981             // assume Resource data is still available
982             r.destroy;
983             assert(Resource.outcome == Outcome.notCalled);
984         }
986         r = new Resource;
987         assert(Resource.outcome == Outcome.notCalled);
988         r.destroy;
989         assert(Resource.outcome == Outcome.calledManually);
990     }
992     /**
993      * Returns the number of bytes allocated for the current thread
994      * since program start. It is the same as
995      * GC.stats().allocatedInCurrentThread, but faster.
996      */
997     pragma(mangle, "gc_allocatedInCurrentThread") static ulong allocatedInCurrentThread() nothrow;
999     /// Using allocatedInCurrentThread
1000     nothrow unittest
1001     {
1002         ulong currentlyAllocated = GC.allocatedInCurrentThread();
1003         struct DataStruct
1004         {
1005             long l1;
1006             long l2;
1007             long l3;
1008             long l4;
1009         }
1010         DataStruct* unused = new DataStruct;
1011         assert(GC.allocatedInCurrentThread() == currentlyAllocated + 32);
1012         assert(GC.stats().allocatedInCurrentThread == currentlyAllocated + 32);
1013     }
1014 }
1016 /**
1017  * Pure variants of C's memory allocation functions `malloc`, `calloc`, and
1018  * `realloc` and deallocation function `free`.
1019  *
1020  * UNIX 98 requires that errno be set to ENOMEM upon failure.
1021  * Purity is achieved by saving and restoring the value of `errno`, thus
1022  * behaving as if it were never changed.
1023  *
1024  * See_Also:
1025  *     $(LINK2, D's rules for purity),
1026  *     which allow for memory allocation under specific circumstances.
1027  */
1028 void* pureMalloc()(size_t size) @trusted pure @nogc nothrow
1029 {
1030     const errnosave = fakePureErrno;
1031     void* ret = fakePureMalloc(size);
1032     fakePureErrno = errnosave;
1033     return ret;
1034 }
1035 /// ditto
1036 void* pureCalloc()(size_t nmemb, size_t size) @trusted pure @nogc nothrow
1037 {
1038     const errnosave = fakePureErrno;
1039     void* ret = fakePureCalloc(nmemb, size);
1040     fakePureErrno = errnosave;
1041     return ret;
1042 }
1043 /// ditto
1044 void* pureRealloc()(void* ptr, size_t size) @system pure @nogc nothrow
1045 {
1046     const errnosave = fakePureErrno;
1047     void* ret = fakePureRealloc(ptr, size);
1048     fakePureErrno = errnosave;
1049     return ret;
1050 }
1052 /// ditto
1053 void pureFree()(void* ptr) @system pure @nogc nothrow
1054 {
1055     version (Posix)
1056     {
1057         // POSIX free doesn't set errno
1058         fakePureFree(ptr);
1059     }
1060     else
1061     {
1062         const errnosave = fakePureErrno;
1063         fakePureFree(ptr);
1064         fakePureErrno = errnosave;
1065     }
1066 }
1068 ///
1069 @system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
1070 {
1071     ubyte[] fun(size_t n) pure
1072     {
1073         void* p = pureMalloc(n);
1074         p !is null || n == 0 || assert(0);
1075         scope(failure) p = pureRealloc(p, 0);
1076         p = pureRealloc(p, n *= 2);
1077         p !is null || n == 0 || assert(0);
1078         return cast(ubyte[]) p[0 .. n];
1079     }
1081     auto buf = fun(100);
1082     assert(buf.length == 200);
1083     pureFree(buf.ptr);
1084 }
1086 @system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
1087 {
1088     const int errno = fakePureErrno();
1090     void* x = pureMalloc(10);            // normal allocation
1091     assert(errno == fakePureErrno()); // errno shouldn't change
1092     assert(x !is null);                   // allocation should succeed
1094     x = pureRealloc(x, 10);              // normal reallocation
1095     assert(errno == fakePureErrno()); // errno shouldn't change
1096     assert(x !is null);                   // allocation should succeed
1098     fakePureFree(x);
1100     void* y = pureCalloc(10, 1);         // normal zeroed allocation
1101     assert(errno == fakePureErrno()); // errno shouldn't change
1102     assert(y !is null);                   // allocation should succeed
1104     fakePureFree(y);
1106   version (LDC_AddressSanitizer)
1107   {
1108     // Test must be disabled because ASan will report an error: requested allocation size 0xffffffffffffff00 (0x700 after adjustments for alignment, red zones etc.) exceeds maximum supported size of 0x10000000000
1109   }
1110   else
1111   {
1112     // Workaround bug in glibc 2.26
1113     // See also:
1114     void* z = pureMalloc(size_t.max & ~255); // won't affect `errno`
1115     assert(errno == fakePureErrno()); // errno shouldn't change
1116   }
1117   version (LDC)
1118   {
1119     // LLVM's 'Combine redundant instructions' optimization pass
1120     // completely elides allocating `y` and `z`. Allocations with
1121     // sizes > 0 are apparently assumed to always succeed (and
1122     // return non-null), so the following assert fails with -O3.
1123   }
1124   else
1125   {
1126     assert(z is null);
1127   }
1128 }
1130 // locally purified for internal use here only
1132 static import core.stdc.errno;
1133 static if (__traits(getOverloads, core.stdc.errno, "errno").length == 1
1134     && __traits(getLinkage, core.stdc.errno.errno) == "C")
1135 {
1136     extern(C) pragma(mangle, __traits(identifier, core.stdc.errno.errno))
1137     private ref int fakePureErrno() @nogc nothrow pure @system;
1138 }
1139 else
1140 {
1141     extern(C) private @nogc nothrow pure @system
1142     {
1143         pragma(mangle, __traits(identifier, core.stdc.errno.getErrno))
1144         @property int fakePureErrno();
1146         pragma(mangle, __traits(identifier, core.stdc.errno.setErrno))
1147         @property int fakePureErrno(int);
1148     }
1149 }
1151 version (D_BetterC) {}
1152 else // TODO: remove this function after Phobos no longer needs it.
1153 extern (C) private @system @nogc nothrow
1154 {
1155     ref int fakePureErrnoImpl()
1156     {
1157         import core.stdc.errno;
1158         return errno();
1159     }
1160 }
1162 extern (C) private pure @system @nogc nothrow
1163 {
1164     pragma(mangle, "malloc") void* fakePureMalloc(size_t);
1165     pragma(mangle, "calloc") void* fakePureCalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
1166     pragma(mangle, "realloc") void* fakePureRealloc(void* ptr, size_t size);
1168     pragma(mangle, "free") void fakePureFree(void* ptr);
1169 }
1171 /**
1172 Destroys and then deallocates an object.
1174 In detail, `__delete(x)` returns with no effect if `x` is `null`. Otherwise, it
1175 performs the following actions in sequence:
1176 $(UL
1177     $(LI
1178         Calls the destructor `~this()` for the object referred to by `x`
1179         (if `x` is a class or interface reference) or
1180         for the object pointed to by `x` (if `x` is a pointer to a `struct`).
1181         Arrays of structs call the destructor, if defined, for each element in the array.
1182         If no destructor is defined, this step has no effect.
1183     )
1184     $(LI
1185         Frees the memory allocated for `x`. If `x` is a reference to a class
1186         or interface, the memory allocated for the underlying instance is freed. If `x` is
1187         a pointer, the memory allocated for the pointed-to object is freed. If `x` is a
1188         built-in array, the memory allocated for the array is freed.
1189         If `x` does not refer to memory previously allocated with `new` (or the lower-level
1190         equivalents in the GC API), the behavior is undefined.
1191     )
1192     $(LI
1193         Lastly, `x` is set to `null`. Any attempt to read or write the freed memory via
1194         other references will result in undefined behavior.
1195     )
1196 )
1198 Note: Users should prefer $(REF1 destroy, object) to explicitly finalize objects,
1199 and only resort to $(REF __delete, core,memory) when $(REF destroy, object)
1200 wouldn't be a feasible option.
1202 Params:
1203     x = aggregate object that should be destroyed
1205 See_Also: $(REF1 destroy, object), $(REF free, core,GC)
1207 History:
1209 The `delete` keyword allowed to free GC-allocated memory.
1210 As this is inherently not `@safe`, it has been deprecated.
1211 This function has been added to provide an easy transition from `delete`.
1212 It performs the same functionality as the former `delete` keyword.
1213 */
1214 void __delete(T)(ref T x) @system
1215 {
1216     static void _destructRecurse(S)(ref S s)
1217     if (is(S == struct))
1218     {
1219         static if (__traits(hasMember, S, "__xdtor") &&
1220                    // Bugzilla 14746: Check that it's the exact member of S.
1221                    __traits(isSame, S, __traits(parent, s.__xdtor)))
1222             s.__xdtor();
1223     }
1225     // See also:
1226     static if (is(T == interface))
1227     {
1228         .object.destroy(x);
1229     }
1230     else static if (is(T == class))
1231     {
1232         .object.destroy(x);
1233     }
1234     else static if (is(T == U*, U))
1235     {
1236         static if (is(U == struct))
1237         {
1238             if (x)
1239                 _destructRecurse(*x);
1240         }
1241     }
1242     else static if (is(T : E[], E))
1243     {
1244         static if (is(E == struct))
1245         {
1246             foreach_reverse (ref e; x)
1247                 _destructRecurse(e);
1248         }
1249     }
1250     else
1251     {
1252         static assert(0, "It is not possible to delete: `" ~ T.stringof ~ "`");
1253     }
1255     static if (is(T == interface) ||
1256               is(T == class) ||
1257               is(T == U2*, U2))
1258     {
1259*) x));
1260         x = null;
1261     }
1262     else static if (is(T : E2[], E2))
1263     {
1264*) x.ptr));
1265         x = null;
1266     }
1267 }
1269 /// Deleting classes
1270 unittest
1271 {
1272     bool dtorCalled;
1273     class B
1274     {
1275         int test;
1276         ~this()
1277         {
1278             dtorCalled = true;
1279         }
1280     }
1281     B b = new B();
1282     B a = b;
1283     b.test = 10;
1285     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) b) != null);
1286     __delete(b);
1287     assert(b is null);
1288     assert(dtorCalled);
1289     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) b) == null);
1290     // but be careful, a still points to it
1291     assert(a !is null);
1292     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) == null); // but not a valid GC pointer
1293 }
1295 /// Deleting interfaces
1296 unittest
1297 {
1298     bool dtorCalled;
1299     interface A
1300     {
1301         int quack();
1302     }
1303     class B : A
1304     {
1305         int a;
1306         int quack()
1307         {
1308             a++;
1309             return a;
1310         }
1311         ~this()
1312         {
1313             dtorCalled = true;
1314         }
1315     }
1316     A a = new B();
1317     a.quack();
1319     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) != null);
1320     __delete(a);
1321     assert(a is null);
1322     assert(dtorCalled);
1323     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) == null);
1324 }
1326 /// Deleting structs
1327 unittest
1328 {
1329     bool dtorCalled;
1330     struct A
1331     {
1332         string test;
1333         ~this()
1334         {
1335             dtorCalled = true;
1336         }
1337     }
1338     auto a = new A("foo");
1340     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) != null);
1341     __delete(a);
1342     assert(a is null);
1343     assert(dtorCalled);
1344     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) == null);
1346     //
1347     A *aptr;
1348     __delete(aptr);
1349 }
1351 /// Deleting arrays
1352 unittest
1353 {
1354     int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
1355     auto b = a;
1357     assert(GC.addrOf(b.ptr) != null);
1358     __delete(b);
1359     assert(b is null);
1360     assert(GC.addrOf(b.ptr) == null);
1361     // but be careful, a still points to it
1362     assert(a !is null);
1363     assert(GC.addrOf(a.ptr) == null); // but not a valid GC pointer
1364 }
1366 /// Deleting arrays of structs
1367 unittest
1368 {
1369     int dtorCalled;
1370     struct A
1371     {
1372         int a;
1373         ~this()
1374         {
1375             assert(dtorCalled == a);
1376             dtorCalled++;
1377         }
1378     }
1379     auto arr = [A(1), A(2), A(3)];
1380     arr[0].a = 2;
1381     arr[1].a = 1;
1382     arr[2].a = 0;
1384     assert(GC.addrOf(arr.ptr) != null);
1385     __delete(arr);
1386     assert(dtorCalled == 3);
1387     assert(GC.addrOf(arr.ptr) == null);
1388 }
1390 // Deleting raw memory
1391 unittest
1392 {
1393     import core.memory : GC;
1394     auto a = GC.malloc(5);
1395     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) != null);
1396     __delete(a);
1397     assert(a is null);
1398     assert(GC.addrOf(cast(void*) a) == null);
1399 }
1401 // __delete returns with no effect if x is null
1402 unittest
1403 {
1404     Object x = null;
1405     __delete(x);
1407     struct S { ~this() { } }
1408     class C { }
1409     interface I { }
1411     int[] a; __delete(a);
1412     S[] as; __delete(as);
1413     C c; __delete(c);
1414     I i; __delete(i);
1415     C* pc = &c; __delete(*pc);
1416     I* pi = &i; __delete(*pi);
1417     int* pint; __delete(pint);
1418     S* ps; __delete(ps);
1419 }
1421 //
1422 unittest
1423 {
1424     const(int)[] x = [1, 2, 3];
1425     assert(GC.addrOf(x.ptr) != null);
1426     __delete(x);
1427     assert(x is null);
1428     assert(GC.addrOf(x.ptr) == null);
1430     immutable(int)[] y = [1, 2, 3];
1431     assert(GC.addrOf(y.ptr) != null);
1432     __delete(y);
1433     assert(y is null);
1434     assert(GC.addrOf(y.ptr) == null);
1435 }
1437 // test realloc behaviour
1438 unittest
1439 {
1440     static void set(int* p, size_t size)
1441     {
1442         foreach (i; 0 .. size)
1443             *p++ = cast(int) i;
1444     }
1445     static void verify(int* p, size_t size)
1446     {
1447         foreach (i; 0 .. size)
1448             assert(*p++ == i);
1449     }
1450     static void test(size_t memsize)
1451     {
1452         int* p = cast(int*) GC.malloc(memsize * int.sizeof);
1453         assert(p);
1454         set(p, memsize);
1455         verify(p, memsize);
1457         int* q = cast(int*) GC.realloc(p + 4, 2 * memsize * int.sizeof);
1458         assert(q == null);
1460         q = cast(int*) GC.realloc(p + memsize / 2, 2 * memsize * int.sizeof);
1461         assert(q == null);
1463         q = cast(int*) GC.realloc(p + memsize - 1, 2 * memsize * int.sizeof);
1464         assert(q == null);
1466         int* r = cast(int*) GC.realloc(p, 5 * memsize * int.sizeof);
1467         verify(r, memsize);
1468         set(r, 5 * memsize);
1470         int* s = cast(int*) GC.realloc(r, 2 * memsize * int.sizeof);
1471         verify(s, 2 * memsize);
1473         assert(GC.realloc(s, 0) == null); // free
1474         assert(GC.addrOf(p) == null);
1475     }
1477     test(16);
1478     test(200);
1479     test(800); // spans large and small pools
1480     test(1200);
1481     test(8000);
1483     void* p = GC.malloc(100);
1484     assert(GC.realloc(&p, 50) == null); // non-GC pointer
1485 }
1487 // test GC.profileStats
1488 unittest
1489 {
1490     auto stats = GC.profileStats();
1491     GC.collect();
1492     auto nstats = GC.profileStats();
1493     assert(nstats.numCollections > stats.numCollections);
1494 }
1496 // in rt.lifetime:
1497 private extern (C) void* _d_newitemU(scope const TypeInfo _ti) @system pure nothrow;
1499 /**
1500 Moves a value to a new GC allocation.
1502 Params:
1503     value = Value to be moved. If the argument is an lvalue and a struct with a
1504             destructor or postblit, it will be reset to its `.init` value.
1506 Returns:
1507     A pointer to the new GC-allocated value.
1508 */
1509 T* moveToGC(T)(auto ref T value)
1510 {
1511     static T* doIt(ref T value) @trusted
1512     {
1513         import core.lifetime : moveEmplace;
1514         auto mem = cast(T*) _d_newitemU(typeid(T)); // allocate but don't initialize
1515         moveEmplace(value, *mem);
1516         return mem;
1517     }
1519     return doIt(value); // T dtor might be @system
1520 }
1522 ///
1523 @safe pure nothrow unittest
1524 {
1525     struct S
1526     {
1527         int x;
1528         this(this) @disable;
1529         ~this() @safe pure nothrow @nogc {}
1530     }
1532     S* p;
1534     // rvalue
1535     p = moveToGC(S(123));
1536     assert(p.x == 123);
1538     // lvalue
1539     auto lval = S(456);
1540     p = moveToGC(lval);
1541     assert(p.x == 456);
1542     assert(lval.x == 0);
1543 }
1545 // @system dtor
1546 unittest
1547 {
1548     struct S
1549     {
1550         int x;
1551         ~this() @system {}
1552     }
1554     // lvalue case is @safe, ref param isn't destructed
1555     static assert(__traits(compiles, (ref S lval) @safe { moveToGC(lval); }));
1557     // rvalue case is @system, value param is destructed
1558     static assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe { moveToGC(S(0)); }));
1559 }