The OpenD Programming Language

1 module ggplotd.aes;
3 import std.range : front, popFront, empty;
5 version (unittest)
6 {
7     import dunit.toolkit;
8 }
10 import std.typecons : Tuple, Typedef;
12 /**
13   Number of pixels
15   Mainly used to differentiate between drawing in plot coordinates or in pixel based coordinates.
16   */
17 struct Pixel
18 {
19     /// Number of pixels in int
20     this( int val ) { value = val; }
22     /// Copy constructor
23     this( Pixel val ) { value = val; }
26     alias value this;
28     /// Number of pixels
29     int value;
30 }
32 unittest
33 {
34     static if (is(typeof(Pixel(10))==Pixel))
35         {} else 
36         assert(false);
37 }
39 import std.typecons : tuple;
40 /++
41     Map data fields to "aesthetic" fields understood by the ggplotd geom functions
43     The most commonly used aesthetic fields in ggplotd are "x" and "y". Which further data
44     fields are used/required depends on the geom function being called. 
46     Other common fields: 
47     $(UL
48         $(LI "colour": Identifier for the colour. In general data points with different colour ids get different colours. This can be almost any type. You can also specify the colour by name or cairo.Color type if you want to specify an exact colour (any type that isNumeric, cairo.Color.RGB(A), or can be converted to string))
49         $(LI "size": Gives the relative size of points/lineWidth etc.)
50         $(LI "label": Text labels (string))
51         $(LI "angle": Angle of printed labels in radians (double))
52         $(LI "alpha": Alpha value of the drawn object (double))
53         $(LI "mask": Mask the area outside the axes. Prevents you from drawing outside of the area (bool))
54         $(LI "fill": Whether to fill the object/holds the alpha value to fill with (double).))
56     In practice aes is an alias for std.typecons.tuple.
58 Examples:
59 ---------------------------
60 struct Diamond 
61 {
62     string clarity = "SI2";
63     double carat = 0.23;
64     double price = 326;
65 }
67 Diamond diamond;
69 auto mapped = aes!("colour", "x", "y")(diamond.clarity, diamond.carat, diamond.price);
70 assert(mapped.colour == "SI2");
71 assert(mapped.x == 0.23);
72 assert(mapped.y == 326);
73 ---------------------------
75 Examples:
76 ---------------------------
77 import std.typecons : Tuple;
78 // aes returns a named tuple
79 assert(aes!("x", "y")(1.0, 2.0) == Tuple!(double, "x", double, "y")(1.0, 2.0));
80 ---------------------------
82     +/
83 alias aes = tuple;
85 unittest
86 {
87     struct Diamond 
88     {
89         string clarity = "SI2";
90         double carat = 0.23;
91         double price = 326;
92     }
94     Diamond diamond;
96     auto mapped = aes!("colour", "x", "y")(diamond.clarity, diamond.carat, diamond.price);
97     assertEqual(mapped.colour, "SI2");
98     assertEqual(mapped.x, 0.23);
99     assertEqual(mapped.y, 326);
102     import std.typecons : Tuple;
103     // aes is a convenient alternative to a named tuple
104     assert(aes!("x", "y")(1.0, 2.0) == Tuple!(double, "x", double, "y")(1.0, 2.0));
105 }
107 ///
108 unittest
109 {
110     auto a = aes!(int, "y", int, "x")(1, 2);
111     assertEqual( a.y, 1 );
112     assertEqual( a.x, 2 );
114     auto a1 = aes!("y", "x")(1, 2);
115     assertEqual( a1.y, 1 );
116     assertEqual( a1.x, 2 );
118     auto a2 = aes!("y")(1);
119     assertEqual( a2.y, 1 );
122     import std.range : zip;
123     import std.algorithm : map;
124     auto xs = [0,1];
125     auto ys = [2,3];
126     auto points =!((t) => aes!("x", "y")(t[0], t[1]));
127     assertEqual(points.front.x, 0);
128     assertEqual(points.front.y, 2);
129     points.popFront;
130     assertEqual(points.front.x, 1);
131     assertEqual(points.front.y, 3);
132 }
134 // TODO Also update default grouping if appropiate
135 /// Default values for most settings
136 static auto DefaultValues = aes!(
137     "label", "colour", "size",
138     "angle", "alpha", "mask", "fill")
139     ("", "black", 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, true, 0.0);
141 /// Returns field if it exists, otherwise uses the passed default
142 auto fieldWithDefault(alias field, AES, T)(AES aes, T theDefault)
143 {
144     static if (hasAesField!(AES, field))
145         return __traits(getMember, aes, field);
146     else
147         return theDefault;
148 }
150 unittest 
151 {
152     struct Point { double x; double y; string label = "Point"; }
153     auto point = Point(1.0, 2.0);
154     assertEqual(fieldWithDefault!("x")(point, "1"), 1.0);
155     assertEqual(fieldWithDefault!("z")(point, "1"), "1");
156 }
158 /++
159     Aes is used to store and access data for plotting
161     Aes is an InputRange, with named Tuples as the ElementType. The names
162     refer to certain fields, such as x, y, colour etc.
164     The fields commonly used are data fields, such as "x" and "y". Which data
165     fields are required depends on the geom function being called. 
167     Other common fields: 
168     $(UL
169         $(LI "label": Text labels (string))
170         $(LI "colour": Identifier for the colour. In general data points with different colour ids get different colours. This can be almost any type. You can also specify the colour by name or cairo.Color type if you want to specify an exact colour (any type that isNumeric, cairo.Color.RGB(A), or can be converted to string))
171         $(LI "size": Gives the relative size of points/lineWidth etc.)
172         $(LI "angle": Angle of printed labels in radians (double))
173         $(LI "alpha": Alpha value of the drawn object (double))
174         $(LI "mask": Mask the area outside the axes. Prevents you from drawing outside of the area (bool))
175         $(LI "fill": Whether to fill the object/holds the alpha value to fill with (double).))
176     +/
177 template Aes(Specs...)
178 {
179     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
180     template parseSpecs(Specs...)
181     {
182         import std.range : isInputRange, ElementType;
183         static if (Specs.length < 2)
184         {
185             alias parseSpecs = AliasSeq!();
186         }
187         else static if (
188              isInputRange!(Specs[0])
189              && is(typeof(Specs[1]) : string)
190         )
191         {
192             alias parseSpecs = AliasSeq!(
193             ElementType!(Specs[0]), Specs[1],
194                 parseSpecs!(Specs[2 .. $]));
195         }
196         else
197         {
198             pragma(msg, Specs);
199             static assert(0,
200                 "Attempted to instantiate Tuple with an " ~ "invalid argument: " ~ Specs[0].stringof);
201         }
202     }
204     template parseTypes(Specs...)
205     {
206         import std.range : isInputRange;
207         static if (Specs.length < 2)
208         {
209             alias parseTypes = AliasSeq!();
210         }
211         else static if (
212              isInputRange!(Specs[0])
213              && is(typeof(Specs[1]) : string)
214         )
215         {
216             alias parseTypes = AliasSeq!(
217                 Specs[0], 
218                 parseTypes!(Specs[2 .. $]));
219         }
220         else
221         {
222             pragma(msg, Specs);
223             static assert(0,
224                 "Attempted to instantiate Tuple with an " ~ "invalid argument: " ~ Specs[0].stringof);
225         }
226     }
228     // maps a type to its init value 
229     private auto init(T)()
230     {
231         return T.init; 
232     }
234     // ArgsCall taken from
235     private auto ref ArgCall(alias Func, arg)()
236     {
237         return Func!(arg)();
238     }
240     // Map taken from
241     private template Map(alias Func, args...)
242     {
243         static if (args.length > 1)
244         {
245             alias Map = AliasSeq!(ArgCall!(Func, args[0]), Map!(Func, args[1 .. $]));
246         }
247         else
248         {
249             alias Map = ArgCall!(Func, args[0]);
250         }
251     }
253     alias elementsType = parseSpecs!Specs;
254     alias types = parseTypes!Specs;
256     struct Aes
257     {
258         import std.range : zip;
260         // from 2.080.0 on zip can return not only Zip, but also ZipShortest. On top of that it is not accessible from
261         // outside. Therefore, use "typeof" the accessible convenience template function "zip" only. 
262         private typeof(zip!types(Map!(init, types))) aes;
264         // use explicit types as they are known from template argument deduction stage
265         this(types args)
266         {
267             import std.range : zip;
268             aes = zip(args);
269         }
271         void popFront()
272         {
273             aes.popFront;
274         }
276         auto @property empty() 
277         {
278             return aes.empty;
279         }
281         auto @property front()
282         {
283             return Tuple!(elementsType)( aes.front.expand );
284         }
285     }
286 }
288 /// Basic Aes usage
289 unittest
290 {
291     auto aes = Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y", string[], "colour")([0.0, 1],
292         [2, 1.0], ["white", "white2"]);
294     aes.popFront;
295     assertEqual(aes.front.y, 1);
296     assertEqual(aes.front.colour, "white2");
298     auto aes2 = Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y")([0.0, 1], [2.0, 1]);
299     assertEqual(aes2.front.y, 2);
301     import std.range : repeat;
303     auto xs = repeat(0);
304     auto aes3 = Aes!(typeof(xs), "x", double[], "y")(xs, [2.0, 1]);
306     assertEqual(aes3.front.x, 0);
307     aes3.popFront;
308     aes3.popFront;
309     assertEqual(aes3.empty, true);
310 }
313 import std.typetuple : TypeTuple;
314 private template fieldValues( T, Specs... )
315 {
316     import std.typecons : Tuple, tuple;
317     auto fieldValues( T t )
318     {
319         static if (Specs.length == 0)
320             return tuple();
321         else
322             return tuple( __traits(getMember, t, Specs[0]),
323                 (fieldValues!(typeof(t), Specs[1..$])(t)).expand );
324     }
325 }
327 unittest 
328 {
329     struct Point { double x; double y; string label = "Point"; }
330     auto pnt = Point( 1.0, 2.0 );
331     auto fv = fieldValues!(Point, "x","y","label")(pnt);
332     assertEqual(fv[0], 1.0);
333     assertEqual(fv[1], 2.0);
334     assertEqual(fv[2], "Point");
335     auto fv2 = fieldValues!(Point, "x","label")(pnt);
336     assertEqual(fv2[0], 1.0);
337     assertEqual(fv2[1], "Point");
338 }
340 private template typeAndFields( T, Specs... )
341 {
342     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
343     static if (Specs.length == 0)
344         alias typeAndFields = AliasSeq!();
345     else
346         alias typeAndFields = AliasSeq!( 
347             typeof(__traits(getMember, T, Specs[0])), 
348             Specs[0], typeAndFields!(T, Specs[1..$]) );
349 }
351 unittest 
352 {
353     struct Point { double x; double y; string label = "Point"; }
354     alias fts = typeAndFields!(Point, "x","y","label");
356     auto pnt = Point( 1.0, 2.0 );
357     auto fv = fieldValues!(Point, "x","y","label")(pnt);
358     auto tp = Tuple!( fts )( fv.expand );
359     assertEqual(tp.x, 1.0);
360     assertEqual(tp.y, 2.0);
361     assertEqual(tp.label, "Point");
362  }
364 // Default fields to group by
365 alias DefaultGroupFields = TypeTuple!("alpha","colour","label");
367 /++
368     Groups data by colour label etc.
370     Will also add DefaultValues for label etc to the data. It is also possible to specify exactly what to group by on as a template parameter. See example.
371 +/
372 template group(Specs...)
373 {
374     static if (Specs.length == 0)
375     {
376         alias Specs = DefaultGroupFields;
377     }
379     auto extractKey(T)(T a)
380     {
381         import ggplotd.meta : ApplyLeft;
382         import std.meta : Filter;
383         alias hasFieldT = ApplyLeft!(hasAesField, T);
384         alias fields = Filter!(hasFieldT, Specs);
385         static if (fields.length == 0)
386             return 1;
387         else
388             return fieldValues!(T, fields)(a);
389     } 
391     auto group(AES)(AES aes)
392     {
393         import ggplotd.range : groupBy;
394         return aes.groupBy!((a) => extractKey(a)).values;
395     }
396 }
398 ///
399 unittest
400 {
401     import std.range : walkLength;
402     auto aes = Aes!(double[], "x", string[], "colour", double[], "alpha")
403         ([0.0,1,2,3], ["a","a","b","b"], [0.0,1,0,1]);
405     assertEqual(group!("colour","alpha")(aes).walkLength,4);
406     assertEqual(group!("alpha")(aes).walkLength,2);
408     // Ignores field that does not exist
409     assertEqual(group!("alpha","abcdef")(aes).walkLength,2);
411     // Should return one group holding them all
412     assertEqual(group!("abcdef")(aes)[0].walkLength,4);
414     assertEqual(group(aes).walkLength,4);
415 }
417 ///
418 unittest
419 {
420     auto aes = Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y", string[], "colour")([1.0,
421         2.0, 1.1], [3.0, 1.5, 1.1], ["a", "b", "a"]);
423     import std.range : walkLength, front, popFront;
425     auto grouped =;
426     assertEqual(grouped.walkLength, 2);
427     size_t totalLength = grouped.front.walkLength;
428     assertGreaterThan(totalLength, 0);
429     assertLessThan(totalLength, 3);
430     grouped.popFront;
431     assertEqual(totalLength + grouped.front.walkLength, 3);
432 }
434 import std.range : isInputRange;
436 /**
437   DataID is used to refer represent any type as a usable type
438   */
439 struct DataID
440 {
441     /// Create DataID with given value and id
442     this( double value, string id )
443     {
444         import std.typecons : tuple;
445         state = tuple( value, id );
446     }
448     /// Overloading to for the DataID
449     T to(T)() const
450     {
451         import std.conv : to;
452         static if (is(T==double))
453             return state[0];
454         else 
455             return state[1].to!T;
456     }
458     /// Tuple holding the value and id
459     Tuple!(double, string) state; 
461     alias state this;
462 }
464 unittest
465 {
466     import std.conv : to;
467     auto did = DataID( 0.1, "a" );
468     assertEqual( did[0], 0.1 );
469     assertEqual(!double, 0.1 );
470     assertEqual(!string, "a" );
471 }
473 private template aesFields(T)
474 {
475     import std.traits;
476     template isAesField(alias name)
477     {
478         import painlesstraits : isFieldOrProperty;
479         import std.typecons : Tuple;
480         // To be honest, I am not sure why isFieldOrProperty!name does not
481         // suffice (instead of the first two), but that 
482         // results in toHash for Tuple
483         static if ( __traits(compiles, isFieldOrProperty!(
484             __traits(getMember, T, name) ) )
485              && isFieldOrProperty!(__traits(getMember,T,name))
486              && name[0] != "_"[0]
487              && __traits(compiles, ( in T u ) {
488             auto a = __traits(getMember, u, name); 
489             Tuple!(typeof(a),name)(a); } )
490             )
491             enum isAesField = true;
492         else
493             enum isAesField = false;
494     }
496     import std.meta : Filter;
497     enum aesFields = Filter!(isAesField, __traits(allMembers, T));
498 }
500 unittest
501 {
502     struct Point { double x; double y; string label = "Point"; }
503     assertEqual( "x", aesFields!Point[0] );
504     assertEqual( "y", aesFields!Point[1] );
505     assertEqual( "label", aesFields!Point[2] );
506     assertEqual( 3, aesFields!(Point).length );
508     auto pnt2 = Tuple!(double, "x", double, "y", string, "label" )( 1.0, 2.0, "Point" );
509     assertEqual( "x", aesFields!(typeof(pnt2))[0] );
510     assertEqual( "y", aesFields!(typeof(pnt2))[1] );
511     assertEqual( "label", aesFields!(typeof(pnt2))[2] );
512     assertEqual( 3, aesFields!(typeof(pnt2)).length );
513 }
515 package template hasAesField(T, alias name)
516 {
517     enum bool hasAesField = (function() {
518         bool has = false;
519         foreach (name2; aesFields!T)
520         { 
521             if (name == name2)
522                 has = true;
523         }
524         return has;
525     })();
526 }
528 unittest
529 {
530     struct Point { double x; double y; string label = "Point"; }
531     static assert( hasAesField!(Point, "x") );
532     static assert( !hasAesField!(Point, "z") );
533 }
535 /++
536 Merge two types by their members. 
538 If it has similar named members, then it uses the second one.
540 returns a named Tuple (or Aes) with all the members and their values. 
541 +/
542 template merge(T, U)
543 {
544     auto merge(T base, U other)
545     {
546         import ggplotd.meta : ApplyLeft;
547         import std.meta : Filter, AliasSeq, templateNot;
548         alias fieldsU = aesFields!U;
549         alias notHasAesFieldU = ApplyLeft!(templateNot!(hasAesField),U);
550         alias fieldsT = Filter!(notHasAesFieldU, aesFields!T);
552         auto vT = fieldValues!(T, fieldsT)(base);
553         auto vU = fieldValues!(U, fieldsU)(other);
555         return Tuple!(AliasSeq!(
556             typeAndFields!(T,fieldsT),
557             typeAndFields!(U,fieldsU)
558             ))(vT.expand, vU.expand);
559     }
560 }
562 unittest
563 {
564     auto pnt = Tuple!(double, "x", double, "y", string, "label" )( 1.0, 2.0, "Point" );
565     auto merged = DefaultValues.merge( pnt );
566     assertEqual( merged.x, 1.0 );
567     assertEqual( merged.y, 2.0 );
568     assertEqual( merged.colour, "black" );
569     assertEqual( merged.label, "Point" );
571     // Test whether type/ordering is consistent
572     // Given enough benefit we can break this, but we'll have to adapt plotcli to match,
573     // which to be fair is relatively straightforward
574     static assert( is(Tuple!(string, "colour", double, "size", 
575 		double, "angle", double, "alpha", bool, "mask", 
576 		double, "fill", double, "x", double, "y", string, "label") == typeof(merged) ) );
577 }
579 /// 
580 unittest
581 {
582     struct Point { double x; double y; string label = "Point"; }
583     auto pnt = Point( 1.0, 2.0 );
585     auto merged = DefaultValues.merge( pnt );
586     assertEqual( merged.x, 1.0 );
587     assertEqual( merged.y, 2.0 );
588     assertEqual( merged.colour, "black" );
589     assertEqual( merged.label, "Point" );
590 }
593 static import ggplotd.range;
594 /**
595 Deprecated: Moved to ggplotd.range;
596 */
597 deprecated alias mergeRange = ggplotd.range.mergeRange;