The OpenD Programming Language

1 /**
2  * Contains compiler-recognized special symbols for dcompute.
3  *
4  * Copyright: Authors 2017
5  * License:   $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
6  * Authors:   Nicholas Wilson
7  */
9 module ldc.dcompute;
11 enum ReflectTarget : uint
12 {
13     // These numbers MUST match DcomputeTarget::target in LDC.
14     Host = 0,
15     OpenCL = 1,
16     CUDA = 2,
17 }
18 /**
19  * The pseudo conditional compilation function.
20  * returns true if t and _version match the target and it's version.
21  * think __ctfe but per target, codegen time conditional compilation.
22  * as oppsed to compiletime/runtime.
23  * arguments MUST be compiletime constants
24  * valid values of _version are for OpenCL 100 110 120 200 210
25  * and for CUDA are x*100 + y*10 for x any valid values of sm x.y
26  * use 0 as a wildcard to match any version.
28  * This is mostly used for selecting the correct intrinsic for the
29  * given target and version, but could also be used to tailor for
30  * performance characteristics. See dcompute.std.index for an example
31  * of how to select intrinsics.
32  */
33 pure nothrow @nogc
34 extern(C) bool __dcompute_reflect(ReflectTarget t, uint _version = 0);
36 ///Readability aliases for compute
37 enum CompileFor : int
38 {
39     deviceOnly = 0,
40     hostAndDevice = 1
41 }
43 /++
44 + When applied to a module, specifies that the module should be compiled for
45 + dcompute (-mdcompute-targets=<...>) using the NVPTX and/or SPIRV backends of
46 + LLVM.
47 +
48 + Examples:
49 + ---
50 + @compute(CompileFor.deviceOnly) module foo;
51 + import ldc.dcompute;
52 + ---
53 +/
54 struct compute
55 {
56     CompileFor codeProduction = CompileFor.deviceOnly;
57 }
59 /++
60 + Mark a function as a 'kernel', a compute API (CUDA, OpenCL) entry point.
61 + Equivalent to __kernel__ in OpenCL and __global__ in CUDA.
62 +
63 + Examples:
64 + ---
65 + @compute(CompileFor.deviceOnly) module foo;
66 + import ldc.dcompute;
67 +
68 + @kernel void bar()
69 + {
70 +     //...
71 + }
72 + ---
73 +/
74 private struct _kernel {}
75 enum kernel = _kernel();
77 /++
78  + DCompute has the notion of adress spaces, provide by the magic structs below.
79  + The numbers are for the DCompute virtual addess space and are translated into
80  + the correct address space for each DCompute backend (SPIRV, NVPTX).
81  + The table below shows the equivalent annotation between DCompute OpenCL and CUDA
82  +
83  +   DCompute   OpenCL      Cuda
84  +   Global     __global    __device__
85  +   Shared     __local     __shared__
86  *   Constant   __constant  __constant__
87  +   Private    __private   __local__
88  +   Generic    __generic   (no qualifier)
89  +/
90 struct Pointer(AddrSpace as, T)
91 {
92     T* ptr;
93     alias ptr this;
94 }
96 struct Variable(AddrSpace as, T)
97 {
98     T val;
99     alias val this;
100 }
102 enum AddrSpace : uint
103 {
104     Private  = 0,
105     Global   = 1,
106     Shared   = 2,
107     Constant = 3,
108     Generic  = 4,
109 }
111 alias PrivatePointer(T)  = Pointer!(AddrSpace.Private,  T);
112 alias GlobalPointer(T)   = Pointer!(AddrSpace.Global,   T);
113 alias SharedPointer(T)   = Pointer!(AddrSpace.Shared,   T);
114 alias ConstantPointer(T) = Pointer!(AddrSpace.Constant, immutable(T));
115 alias GenericPointer(T)  = Pointer!(AddrSpace.Generic,  T);
117 // N.B private variables are declared on the stack and so cannot be declared
118 // at module scope.
119 // No variables exist in the generic address space, it is purely for generalised
120 // pointers to point to.
121 //
122 // The __gshared below does not work. It is kludged into place in `DtoResolveVariable`
124 alias Global(T)   = /*__gshared*/ Variable!(AddrSpace.Global,   T);
125 alias Shared(T)   = shared        Variable!(AddrSpace.Shared,   T);
126 alias Constant(T) = immutable     Variable!(AddrSpace.Constant, T);