The OpenD Programming Language

1 /++
2 $(H2 Cubic Spline Interpolation)
4 The module provides common C2 splines, monotone (PCHIP) splines, Akima splines and others.
6 See_also: $(LREF SplineType), $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT interp1), interp1, mir, interpolate)
8 License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0)
9 Copyright: 2020 Ilia Ki, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments
10 Authors: Ilia Ki
12 Macros:
13 SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, interpolate, $1)$(NBSP)
14 T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+))
15 +/
16 module mir.interpolate.spline;
18 import core.lifetime: move;
19 import mir.functional;
20 import mir.internal.utility;
21 import mir.interpolate;
22 import mir.math.common;
23 import mir.ndslice.slice;
24 import mir.primitives;
25 import mir.rc.array;
26 import mir.utility: min, max;
27 import std.meta: AliasSeq, staticMap;
28 import std.traits: Unqual;
30 ///
31 public import mir.interpolate: atInterval;
33 static immutable msg_min =  "spline interpolant: minimal allowed length for the grid equals 2.";
34 static immutable msg_eq =  "spline interpolant: X and Y values length should be equal.";
35 static immutable splineConfigurationMsg = "spline configuration: .boundary method requires equal left and right boundaries";
37 version(D_Exceptions)
38 {
39     static immutable exc_min = new Exception(msg_min);
40     static immutable exc_eq = new Exception(msg_eq);
41     static immutable splineConfigurationException = new Exception(splineConfigurationMsg);
42 }
44 private template ValueType(T, X)
45 {
46     static if (__traits(compiles, {enum N = T.dimensionCount;}))
47         alias ValueType = typeof(T.init.opCall(Repeat!(T.dimensionCount, X.init)));
48     else
49         alias ValueType = typeof(T.init.opCall(X.init));
50 }
52 @fmamath:
54 ///
55 @safe pure @nogc version(mir_test) unittest
56 {
57     import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
58     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
59     import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
60     import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
61     import mir.ndslice.topology: vmap;
63     static immutable xdata = [-1.0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 22];
64     auto x = xdata.rcslice;
65     static immutable ydata = [17.0, 0, 16, 4, 10, 15, 19, 5, 18, 6];
66     auto y = ydata.sliced;
68     auto interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineConfiguration!double()); // constructs Spline
69     auto xs = x + 0.5;                     // input X values for cubic spline
71     static immutable test_data0 = [
72         -0.68361541,   7.28568719,  10.490694  ,   0.36192032,
73         11.91572713,  16.44546433,  17.66699525,   4.52730869,
74         19.22825394,  -2.3242592 ];
75     /// not-a-knot (default)
76     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data0));
78     static immutable test_data1 = [
79         10.85298372,   5.26255911,  10.71443229,   0.1824536 ,
80         11.94324989,  16.45633939,  17.59185094,   4.86340188,
81         17.8565408 ,   2.81856494];
82     /// natural cubic spline
83     interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineBoundaryType.secondDerivative);
84     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data1));
86     static immutable test_data2 = [
87         9.94191781,  5.4223652 , 10.69666392,  0.1971149 , 11.93868415,
88         16.46378847, 17.56521661,  4.97656997, 17.39645585, 4.54316446];
89     /// set both boundary second derivatives to 3
90     interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineBoundaryType.secondDerivative, 3);
91     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data2));
93     static immutable test_data3 = [
94         16.45728263,   4.27981687,  10.82295092,   0.09610695,
95         11.95252862,  16.47583126,  17.49964521,   5.26561539,
96         16.21803478,   8.96104974];
97     /// set both boundary derivatives to 3
98     interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineBoundaryType.firstDerivative, 3);
99     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data3));
101     static immutable test_data4 = [
102             16.45730084,   4.27966112,  10.82337171,   0.09403945,
103             11.96265209,  16.44067375,  17.6374694 ,   4.67438921,
104             18.6234452 ,  -0.05582876];
105     /// different boundary conditions
106     interpolant = spline!double(x, y,
107             SplineBoundaryCondition!double(SplineBoundaryType.firstDerivative, 3),
108             SplineBoundaryCondition!double(SplineBoundaryType.secondDerivative, -5));
109     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data4));
112     static immutable test_data5 = [
113             12.37135558,   4.99638066,  10.74362441,   0.16008641,
114             11.94073593,  16.47908148,  17.49841853,   5.26600921,
115             16.21796051,   8.96102894];
116     // ditto
117     interpolant = spline!double(x, y,
118             SplineBoundaryCondition!double(SplineBoundaryType.secondDerivative, -5),
119             SplineBoundaryCondition!double(SplineBoundaryType.firstDerivative, 3));
120     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data5));
122     static immutable test_data6 = [
123         11.40871379,  2.64278898,  9.55774317,  4.84791141, 11.24842121,
124         16.16794267, 18.58060557,  5.2531411 , 17.45509005,  1.86992521];
125     /// Akima spline
126     interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineType.akima);
127     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data6));
129     static immutable test_data7 = [
130         12.363463972190182, 3.066421497605127, 9.848385331143952, 4.429544487015751, 11.244211106655975,
131         16.255750063889600, 18.140374440374440, 5.291585909796099, 17.722477222271888, 3.181558328118484,
132     ];
133     /// Modified Akima spline
134     interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineType.makima);
135     assert(xs.vmap(interpolant).all!approxEqual(test_data7));
137     /// Double Quadratic spline
138     interpolant = spline!double(x, y, SplineType.doubleQuadratic);
139     import mir.interpolate.utility: ParabolaKernel;
140     auto kernel1 = ParabolaKernel!double(x[2], x[3], x[4],        y[2], y[3], y[4]);
141     auto kernel2 = ParabolaKernel!double(      x[3], x[4], x[5],        y[3], y[4], y[5]);
142     // weighted sum of quadratic functions
143     auto c = 0.35; // from [0 .. 1]
144     auto xp = c * x[3] + (1 - c) * x[4];
145     auto yp = c * kernel1(xp) + (1 - c) * kernel2(xp);
146     assert(interpolant(xp).approxEqual(yp));
147     // check parabolic extrapolation of the boundary intervals
148     kernel1 = ParabolaKernel!double(x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2]);
149     kernel2 = ParabolaKernel!double(x[$ - 3], x[$ - 2], x[$ - 1], y[$ - 3], y[$ - 2], y[$ - 1]);
150     assert(interpolant(x[0] - 23.421).approxEqual(kernel1(x[0] - 23.421)));
151     assert(interpolant(x[$ - 1] + 23.421).approxEqual(kernel2(x[$ - 1] + 23.421)));
152 }
154 ///
155 @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest
156 {
157     import mir.rc.array: rcarray;
158     import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
159     import mir.functional: aliasCall;
160     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
161     import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice;
162     import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
163     import mir.ndslice.topology: vmap, map;
165     auto x = rcarray!(immutable double)(-1.0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 22).asSlice;
166     auto y = rcarray(
167        8.77842512,
168        7.96429686,
169        7.77074363,
170        1.10838032,
171        2.69925191,
172        1.84922654,
173        1.48167283,
174        2.8267636 ,
175        0.40200172,
176        7.78980608).asSlice;
178     auto interpolant = x.spline!double(y); // default boundary condition is 'not-a-knot'
180     auto xs = x + 0.5;
182     auto ys = xs.vmap(interpolant);
184     auto r =
185        [5.56971848,
186         9.30342403,
187         4.44139761,
188         -0.74740285,
189         3.00994108,
190         1.50750417,
191         1.73144979,
192         2.64860361,
193         0.64413911,
194         10.81768928];
196     assert(all!approxEqual(ys, r));
198     // first derivative
199     auto d1 = xs.vmap(interpolant.aliasCall!"withDerivative").map!"a[1]";
200     auto r1 =
201        [-4.51501279,
202         2.15715986,
203         -7.28363308,
204         -2.14050449,
205         0.03693092,
206         -0.49618999,
207         0.58109933,
208         -0.52926703,
209         0.7819035 ,
210         6.70632693];
211     assert(all!approxEqual(d1, r1));
213     // second derivative
214     auto d2 = xs.vmap(interpolant.aliasCall!"withTwoDerivatives").map!"a[2]";
215     auto r2 =
216        [7.07104751,
217         -2.62293241,
218         -0.01468508,
219         5.70609505,
220         -2.02358911,
221         0.72142061,
222         0.25275483,
223         -0.6133589 ,
224         1.26894416,
225         2.68067146];
226     assert(all!approxEqual(d2, r2));
228     // third derivative (6 * a)
229     auto d3 = xs.vmap(interpolant.aliasCall!("opCall", 3)).map!"a[3]";
230     auto r3 =
231        [-3.23132664,
232         -3.23132664,
233         14.91047457,
234         -3.46891432,
235         1.88520325,
236         -0.16559031,
237         -0.44056064,
238         0.47057577,
239         0.47057577,
240         0.47057577];
241     assert(all!approxEqual(d3, r3));
242 }
244 /// R -> R: Cubic interpolation
245 version(mir_test)
246 @safe unittest
247 {
248     import mir.test;
249     import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
250     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
251     import mir.ndslice;
253     static immutable x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5.00274, 7.00274, 10.0055, 20.0137, 30.0192];
254     static immutable y = [0.0011, 0.0011, 0.0030, 0.0064, 0.0144, 0.0207, 0.0261, 0.0329, 0.0356,];
255     auto xs = [1, 2, 3, 4.00274, 5.00274, 6.00274, 7.00274, 8.00548, 9.00548, 10.0055, 11.0055, 12.0082, 13.0082, 14.0082, 15.0082, 16.011, 17.011, 18.011, 19.011, 20.0137, 21.0137, 22.0137, 23.0137, 24.0164, 25.0164, 26.0164, 27.0164, 28.0192, 29.0192, 30.0192];
257     auto interpolation = spline!double(x.rcslice, y.sliced);
259     auto data = 
260       [ 0.0011    ,  0.003     ,  0.0064    ,  0.01042622,  0.0144    ,
261         0.01786075,  0.0207    ,  0.02293441,  0.02467983,  0.0261    ,
262         0.02732764,  0.02840225,  0.0293308 ,  0.03012914,  0.03081002,
263         0.03138766,  0.03187161,  0.03227637,  0.03261468,  0.0329    ,
264         0.03314357,  0.03335896,  0.03355892,  0.03375674,  0.03396413,
265         0.03419436,  0.03446018,  0.03477529,  0.03515072,  0.0356    ];
267     assert(all!approxEqual(xs.sliced.vmap(interpolation), data));
268 }
270 /// R^2 -> R: Bicubic interpolation
271 version(mir_test)
272 unittest
273 {
274     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
275     import mir.ndslice;
276     alias appreq = (a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 10e-10, 10e-10);
278     ///// set test function ////
279     const double y_x0 = 2;
280     const double y_x1 = -7;
281     const double y_x0x1 = 3;
283     // this function should be approximated very well
284     alias f = (x0, x1) => y_x0 * x0 + y_x1 * x1 + y_x0x1 * x0 * x1 - 11;
286     ///// set interpolant ////
287     static immutable x0 = [-1.0, 2, 8, 15];
288     static immutable x1 = [-4.0, 2, 5, 10, 13];
289     auto grid = cartesian(x0, x1);
291     auto interpolant = spline!(double, 2)(x0.rcslice, x1.rcslice,!f);
293     ///// compute test data ////
294     auto test_grid = cartesian(x0.sliced + 1.23, x1.sliced + 3.23);
295     // auto test_grid = cartesian(x0 + 0, x1 + 0);
296     auto real_data =!f;
297     auto interp_data = test_grid.vmap(interpolant);
299     ///// verify result ////
300     assert(all!appreq(interp_data, real_data));
302     //// check derivatives ////
303     auto z0 = 1.23;
304     auto z1 = 3.21;
305     // writeln("-----------------");
306     // writeln("-----------------");
307     auto d = interpolant.withDerivative(z0, z1);
308     assert(appreq(interpolant(z0, z1), f(z0, z1)));
309     // writeln("d = ", d);
310     // writeln("interpolant.withTwoDerivatives(z0, z1) = ", interpolant.withTwoDerivatives(z0, z1));
311     // writeln("-----------------");
312     // writeln("-----------------");
313     // writeln("interpolant(z0, z1) = ", interpolant(z0, z1));
314     // writeln("y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1 = ", y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1);
315     // writeln("y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0 = ", y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0);
316     // writeln("-----------------");
317     // writeln("-----------------");
318     // assert(appreq(d[0][0], f(z0, z1)));
319     // assert(appreq(d[1][0], y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1));
320     // assert(appreq(d[0][1], y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0));
321     // assert(appreq(d[1][1], y_x0x1));
322 }
324 /// R^3 -> R: Tricubic interpolation
325 version(mir_test)
326 unittest
327 {
328     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
329     import mir.ndslice;
330     alias appreq = (a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 10e-10, 10e-10);
332     ///// set test function ////
333     enum y_x0 = 2;
334     enum y_x1 = -7;
335     enum y_x2 = 5;
336     enum y_x0x1 = 10;
337     enum y_x0x1x2 = 3;
339     // this function should be approximated very well
340     alias f = (x0, x1, x2) => y_x0 * x0 + y_x1 * x1 + y_x2 * x2
341          + y_x0x1 * x0 * x1 + y_x0x1x2 * x0 * x1 * x2 - 11;
343     ///// set interpolant ////
344     static immutable x0 = [-1.0, 2, 8, 15];
345     static immutable x1 = [-4.0, 2, 5, 10, 13];
346     static immutable x2 = [3, 3.7, 5];
347     auto grid = cartesian(x0, x1, x2);
349     auto interpolant = spline!(double, 3)(x0.rcslice, x1.rcslice, x2.rcslice,!f);
350     assert(interpolant.convexity == [SplineConvexity.none, SplineConvexity.none, SplineConvexity.convex]);
352     ///// compute test data ////
353     auto test_grid = cartesian(x0.sliced + 1.23, x1.sliced + 3.23, x2.sliced - 3);
354     auto real_data =!f;
355     auto interp_data = test_grid.vmap(interpolant);
357     ///// verify result ////
358     assert(all!appreq(interp_data, real_data));
360     //// check derivatives ////
361     auto z0 = 1.23;
362     auto z1 = 3.23;
363     auto z2 = -3;
364     auto d = interpolant.withDerivative(z0, z1, z2);
365     assert(appreq(interpolant(z0, z1, z2), f(z0, z1, z2)));
366     assert(appreq(d[0][0][0], f(z0, z1, z2)));
368     // writeln("-----------------");
369     // writeln("-----------------");
370     // auto d = interpolant.withDerivative(z0, z1);
371     assert(appreq(interpolant(z0, z1, z2), f(z0, z1, z2)));
372     // writeln("interpolant(z0, z1, z2) = ", interpolant(z0, z1, z2));
373     // writeln("d = ", d);
374     // writeln("interpolant.withTwoDerivatives(z0, z1, z2) = ", interpolant.withTwoDerivatives(z0, z1, z2));
375     // writeln("-----------------");
376     // writeln("-----------------");
377     // writeln("interpolant(z0, z1) = ", interpolant(z0, z1));
378     // writeln("y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1 = ", y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1);
379     // writeln("y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0 = ", y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0);
380     // writeln("-----------------");
381     // writeln("-----------------");
383     // writeln("y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1 + y_x0x1x2 * z1 * z2 = ", y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1 + y_x0x1x2 * z1 * z2);
384     // assert(appreq(d[1][0][0], y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1 + y_x0x1x2 * z1 * z2));
385     // writeln("y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0 + y_x0x1x2 * z0 * z2 = ", y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0 + y_x0x1x2 * z0 * z2);
386     // assert(appreq(d[0][1][0], y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0 + y_x0x1x2 * z0 * z2));
387     // writeln("y_x0x1 + y_x0x1x2 * z2 = ", y_x0x1 + y_x0x1x2 * z2);
388     // assert(appreq(d[1][1][0], y_x0x1 + y_x0x1x2 * z2));
389     // writeln("y_x0x1x2 = ", y_x0x1x2);
390     // assert(appreq(d[1][1][1], y_x0x1x2));
391 }
394 /// Monotone PCHIP
395 version(mir_test)
396 @safe unittest
397 {
398     import mir.test;
399     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
400     import mir.algorithm.iteration: all;
401     import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
402     import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
403     import mir.ndslice.topology: vmap;
405     static immutable x = [1.0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 22];
406     static immutable y = [17.0, 0, 16, 4, 10, 15, 19, 5, 18, 6];
407     auto interpolant = spline!double(x.rcslice, y.sliced, SplineType.monotone);
408     interpolant.argmin.should == 2;
409     interpolant.withDerivative(2)[1].should == 0;
410     interpolant.argmax.should == 12;
411     interpolant.withDerivative(12)[1].should == 0;
413     auto xs = x[0 .. $ - 1].sliced + 0.5;
415     auto ys = xs.vmap(interpolant);
417     assert(ys.all!approxEqual([
418         5.333333333333334,
419         2.500000000000000,
420         10.000000000000000,
421         4.288971807628524,
422         11.202580845771145,
423         16.250000000000000,
424         17.962962962962962,
425         5.558593750000000,
426         17.604662698412699,
427         ]));
428 }
430 // Check direction equality
431 version(mir_test)
432 @safe unittest
433 {
434     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
435     import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
436     import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
437     import mir.ndslice.topology: retro, vmap;
439     static immutable points = [1.0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 22];
440     static immutable values = [17.0, 0, 16, 4, 10, 15, 19, 5, 18, 6];
442     auto results = [
443         5.333333333333334,
444         2.500000000000000,
445         10.000000000000000,
446         4.288971807628524,
447         11.202580845771145,
448         16.250000000000000,
449         17.962962962962962,
450         5.558593750000000,
451         17.604662698412699,
452         ];
453     auto interpolant = spline!double(points.rcslice, values.sliced, SplineType.monotone);
455     auto pointsR = rcslice(-points.retro);
456     auto valuesR = values.retro.rcslice;
457     auto interpolantR = spline!double(pointsR, valuesR, SplineType.monotone);
459     version(X86_64)
460     assert(vmap(points[0 .. $ - 1].sliced +  0.5, interpolant) == vmap(pointsR.retro[0 .. $ - 1] - 0.5, interpolantR));
461 }
463 /// argmin, +, - tests
464 version(mir_test)
465 unittest
466 {
467     import mir.test;
468     import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced;
469     import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
471     static immutable points = [1.0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 22];
472     static immutable values = [17.0, 0, 16, 4, 10, 15, 19, 5, 18, 6];
473     auto interpolant = spline!double(points.rcslice, values.sliced);
475     auto argmin = 5.898317667706634;
476     interpolant.argmin.shouldApprox == argmin;
477     interpolant(argmin).shouldApprox == -0.8684781710737299;
478     interpolant.opCall!2(argmin)[1].shouldApprox == 0;
480     auto argmax = 19.8816211020945;
481     interpolant.argmax.shouldApprox == argmax;
482     interpolant.withDerivative(argmax)[1].shouldApprox == 0;
483     interpolant(argmax).shouldApprox == 19.54377309088673;
485     auto zeroInterpolant = interpolant - interpolant;
486     zeroInterpolant.opCall!3(13.3).should == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
488     static immutable pointsR = [1.0, 3, 4,];
489     static immutable valuesR = [13.0, 12, 10];
490     auto interpolantR = spline!double(pointsR.rcslice, valuesR.sliced);
492     auto sumInterpolant = interpolant + interpolantR;
494     sumInterpolant(2.3).shouldApprox == interpolant(2.3) + interpolantR(2.3);
495     sumInterpolant(3.3).shouldApprox == interpolant(3.3) + interpolantR(3.3);
496 }
498 /++
499 Cubic Spline types.
501 The first derivatives are guaranteed to be continuous for all cubic splines.
502 +/
503 extern(C++, "mir", "interpolate")
504 enum SplineType
505 {
506     /++
507     Spline with contiguous second derivative.
508     +/
509     c2,
510     /++
511     $(HTTPS, Cardinal) and Catmull–Rom splines.
512     +/
513     cardinal,
514     /++
515     The interpolant preserves monotonicity in the interpolation data and does not overshoot if the data is not smooth.
516     It is also known as   $(HTTPS, PCHIP)
517     in numpy and Matlab.
518     +/
519     monotone,
520     /++
521     Weighted sum of two nearbor quadratic functions.
522     It is used in $(HTTPS, financial analysis).
523     +/
524     doubleQuadratic,
525     /++
526     $(HTTPS, Akima spline).
527     +/
528     akima,
529     /++
530     $(HTTPS, Modified Akima spline).
531     +/
532     makima,
533 }
535 /++
536 Spline convexity type
537 +/
538 enum SplineConvexity
539 {
540     /// Neither convex nor concave spline
541     none = 0,
542     /// Concave spline
543     concave = -1,
544     /// Convex spline
545     convex = 1,
546 }
548 /++
549 Constructs multivariate cubic spline in symmetrical form with nodes on rectilinear grid.
550 Result has continues second derivatives throughout the curve / nd-surface.
551 +/
552 template spline(T, size_t N = 1, X = T)
553     if (isFloatingPoint!T && is(T == Unqual!T) && N <= 6)
554 {
555     /++
556     Params:
557         grid = immutable `x` values for interpolant
558         values = `f(x)` values for interpolant
559         typeOfBoundaries = $(LREF SplineBoundaryType) for both tails (optional).
560         valueOfBoundaryConditions = value of the boundary type (optional). 
561     Constraints:
562         `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
563     Returns: $(LREF Spline)
564     +/
565     Spline!(T, N, X) spline(yIterator, SliceKind ykind)(
566         Repeat!(N, Slice!(RCI!(immutable X))) grid,
567         Slice!(yIterator, N, ykind) values,
568         SplineBoundaryType typeOfBoundaries = SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot,
569         in T valueOfBoundaryConditions = 0,
570         )
571     {
572         import core.lifetime: forward;
573         return spline(forward!grid, forward!values, SplineType.c2, 0, typeOfBoundaries, valueOfBoundaryConditions);
574     }
576     Spline!(T, N, X) spline(yIterator, SliceKind ykind)(
577         Repeat!(N, Slice!(RCI!(immutable X))) grid,
578         Slice!(yIterator, N, ykind) values,
579         SplineType kind,
580         in T param = 0,
581         SplineBoundaryType typeOfBoundaries = SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot,
582         in T valueOfBoundaryConditions = 0,
583         )
584     {
585         import core.lifetime: forward;
586         return spline(forward!grid, forward!values, SplineBoundaryCondition!T(typeOfBoundaries, valueOfBoundaryConditions), kind, param);
587     }
589     /++
590     Params:
591         grid = immutable `x` values for interpolant
592         values = `f(x)` values for interpolant
593         boundaries = $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) for both tails.
594         kind = $(LREF SplineType) type of cubic spline.
595         param = tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
596             Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
597     Constraints:
598         `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
599     Returns: $(LREF Spline)
600     +/
601     Spline!(T, N, X) spline(yIterator, SliceKind ykind)(
602         Repeat!(N, Slice!(RCI!(immutable X))) grid,
603         Slice!(yIterator, N, ykind) values,
604         SplineBoundaryCondition!T boundaries,
605         SplineType kind = SplineType.c2,
606         in T param = 0,
607         )
608     {
609         import core.lifetime: forward;
610         return spline(forward!grid, forward!values, boundaries, boundaries, kind, param);
611     }
613     /++
614     Params:
615         grid = immutable `x` values for interpolant
616         values = `f(x)` values for interpolant
617         lBoundary = $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) for left tail.
618         rBoundary = $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) for right tail.
619         kind = $(LREF SplineType) type of cubic spline.
620         param = tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
621             Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
622     Constraints:
623         `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
624     Returns: $(LREF Spline)
625     +/
626     Spline!(T, N, X) spline(yIterator, SliceKind ykind)(
627         Repeat!(N, Slice!(RCI!(immutable X))) grid,
628         Slice!(yIterator, N, ykind) values,
629         SplineBoundaryCondition!T lBoundary,
630         SplineBoundaryCondition!T rBoundary,
631         SplineType kind = SplineType.c2,
632         in T param = 0,
633         )
634     {
635         auto ret = typeof(return)(forward!grid);
636         ret._values = values;
637         ret._computeDerivatives(kind, param, lBoundary, rBoundary);
638         return ret;
639     }
641     /++
642     Params:
643         grid = immutable `x` values for interpolant
644         values = `f(x)` values for interpolant
645         configuration = $(LREF SplineConfiguration)
646     Constraints:
647         `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
648     Returns: $(LREF Spline)
649     +/
650     Spline!(T, N, X) spline(yIterator, SliceKind ykind)(
651         Repeat!(N, Slice!(RCI!(immutable X))) grid,
652         Slice!(yIterator, N, ykind) values,
653         SplineConfiguration!T configuration,
654         )
655     {
656         auto ret = typeof(return)(forward!grid);
657         ret._values = values;
658         with(configuration)
659             ret._computeDerivatives(kind, param, leftBoundary, rightBoundary);
660         return ret;
661     }
662 }
664 /++
665 Cubic Spline Boundary Condition Type.
667 See_also: $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) $(LREF SplineType)
668 +/
669 extern(C++, "mir", "interpolate")
670 enum SplineBoundaryType
671 {
672     /++
673     Not-a-knot (or cubic) boundary condition.
674     It is an aggresive boundary condition that is used only for C2 splines and is default for all API calls.
675     For other then C2 splines, `notAKnot` is changed internally to
676     a default boundary type for used $(LREF SplineType).
677     +/
678     notAKnot,
679     /++
680     Set the first derivative.
681     +/
682     firstDerivative,
683     /++
684     Set the second derivative.
685     +/
686     secondDerivative,
687     /++
688     Default for Cardinal and Double-Quadratic splines.
689     +/
690     parabolic,
691     /++
692     Default for monotone (aka PHCIP ) splines.
693     +/
694     monotone,
695     /++
696     Default for Akima splines.
697     +/
698     akima,
699     /++
700     Default for Modified Akima splines.
701     +/
702     makima,
703     /++
704     Not implemented.
705     +/
706     periodic = -1,
707 }
709 /++
710 Cubic Spline  Boundary Condition
712 See_also: $(LREF SplineBoundaryType)
713 +/
714 extern(C++, "mir", "interpolate")
715 struct SplineBoundaryCondition(T)
716     if (__traits(isFloating, T))
717 {
718     import mir.serde: serdeOptional, serdeIgnoreDefault;
720     /// type (default is $(LREF SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot))
721     SplineBoundaryType type;
723 @serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreDefault:
725     /// value (default is 0)
726     T value = 0;
727 }
729 /// Spline configuration
730 struct SplineConfiguration(T)
731     if (__traits(isFloating, T))
732 {
733     import mir.serde: serdeOptional, serdeIgnoreDefault, serdeIgnoreOutIfAggregate, serdeIgnore;
735     ///
736     @serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreDefault
737     SplineType kind;
738     ///
739     @serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreOutIfAggregate!"a.symmetric"
740     SplineBoundaryCondition!T leftBoundary;
741     ///
742     @serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreOutIfAggregate!"a.symmetric"
743     SplineBoundaryCondition!T rightBoundary;
745     /++
746     Returns:
747         true of `leftBoundary` equals `rightBoundary`.
748     +/
749     @serdeIgnore
750     bool symmetric() const @property
751     {
752         return leftBoundary == rightBoundary;
753     }
755     ///
756     @serdeOptional
757     void boundary(SplineBoundaryCondition!T boundary) @property
758     {
759         leftBoundary = rightBoundary = boundary;
760     }
762     ///
763     @serdeIgnoreOutIfAggregate!"!a.symmetric"
764     SplineBoundaryCondition!T boundary() const @property
765     {
766         assert(!symmetric, splineConfigurationMsg);
767         return leftBoundary;
768     }
770     /++
771     Tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
772     Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
773     +/
774     @serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreDefault
775     T param = 0;
776 }
778 /// Spline configuration with two boundaries
779 struct SplineSymmetricConfiguration(T)
780     if (__traits(isFloating, T))
781 {
782     import mir.serde: serdeOptional, serdeIgnoreDefault;
784 @serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreDefault:
786     ///
787     SplineType type;
788     ///
789     SplineBoundaryCondition!T boundary;
790     /++
791     Tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
792     Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
793     +/
794     T param = 0;
795 }
797 /++
798 Multivariate cubic spline with nodes on rectilinear grid.
799 +/
800 struct Spline(F, size_t N = 1, X = F)
801     if (N && N <= 6)
802 {
803     import mir.rc.array;
805     /// Aligned buffer allocated with `mir.internal.memory`. $(RED For internal use.)
806     Slice!(RCI!(F[2 ^^ N]), N) _data;
807     /// Grid iterators. $(RED For internal use.)
808     Repeat!(N, RCI!(immutable X)) _grid;
809     ///
810     SplineConvexity[N] convexity;
812     enum uint dimensionCount = N;
814 @fmamath extern(D):
816     bool opEquals()(auto ref scope const typeof(this) rhs) scope const @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
817     {
818         if (rhs._data != this._data)
819             return false;
820         static foreach (d; 0 .. N)
821             if (gridScopeView!d != rhs.gridScopeView!d)
822                 return false;
823         return true;
824     }
826     /++
827     +/
828     this(Repeat!(N, Slice!(RCI!(immutable X))) grid) @safe @nogc
829     {
830         size_t length = 1;
831         size_t[N] shape;
832         foreach(i, ref x; grid)
833         {
834             if (x.length < 2)
835             {
836                 version(D_Exceptions) { import mir.exception : toMutable; throw exc_min.toMutable; }
837                 else assert(0, msg_min);
838             }
839             length *= shape[i] = x.length;
840             this._grid[i] = x._iterator.move;
841         }
842         import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
843         this._data = shape.rcslice!(F[2 ^^ N]);
844     }
846     package static auto pickDataSubslice(D)(auto scope ref D data, size_t index) @trusted
847     {
848         auto strides = data.strides;
849         foreach (i; Iota!(strides.length))
850             strides[i] *= DeepElementType!D.length;
851         return Slice!(F*, strides.length, Universal)(data.shape, strides, data._iterator.ptr + index);
852     }
854     static if (N == 1)
855     /++
856     Note: defined only for 1D splines
857     +/
858     Spline opBinary(string op)(const Spline rhs) @trusted const
859         if (op == "+" || op == "-")
860     {
861         import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
862         import core.lifetime: move;
863         import mir.algorithm.setops: unionLength, multiwayUnion;
865         auto lgrid = this.gridScopeView;
866         auto rgrid = rhs.gridScopeView;
867         scope const(F)[][2] grids = [lgrid, rgrid];
868         auto length = grids[].unionLength;
869         grids = [lgrid, rgrid];
871         size_t j;
872         auto grid = RCArray!X(length);
873         auto data = length.rcslice!(F[2]);
874         auto un = grids[].multiwayUnion;
876         while (!un.empty)
877         {
878             auto x = un.front;
879             un.popFront;
880             auto ly = this.opCall!1(x);
881             auto ry = rhs.opCall!1(x);
882             data[j] = mixin(`[ly[0] ` ~ op ~ ` ry[0], ly[1] ` ~ op ~ ` ry[1]]`);
883             grid[j++] = x;
884         }
886         size_t convexCount;
887         size_t concaveCount;
888         foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. length - 1)
889         {
890             auto xdiff = grid[i + 1] - grid[i];
891             auto ydiff = data[i + 1][0] - data[i][0];
893             auto convex1  = xdiff * (2 * data[i][1] + data[i + 1][1]) <= 3 * ydiff;
894             auto concave1 = xdiff * (2 * data[i][1] + data[i + 1][1]) >= 3 * ydiff;
895             auto convex2  = xdiff * (data[i][1] + 2 * data[i + 1][1]) >= 3 * ydiff;
896             auto concave2 = xdiff * (data[i][1] + 2 * data[i + 1][1]) <= 3 * ydiff;
897             convexCount += convex1 & convex2;
898             convexCount += concave1 & concave2;
899         }
901         Spline ret;
902         ret._data = data.move;
903         ret._grid[0] = RCI!(immutable X)(cast(RCArray!(immutable X))grid) ;
905         ret.convexity =
906             // convex kind has priority for the linear spline
907             convexCount  == length - 1 ? SplineConvexity.convex  :
908             concaveCount == length - 1 ? SplineConvexity.concave :
909             SplineConvexity.none;
911         return ret;
912     }
914     static if (N == 1)
915     template argminImpl(string pred)
916         if (pred == "a < b" || pred == "a > b")
917     {
918         F argminImpl()() @trusted const @property
919         {
920             import mir.functional: naryFun;
922             static if (pred == "a < b")
923                 auto min = F.max;
924             else
925                 auto min = -F.max;
927             F argmin;
929             auto grid = gridScopeView;
930             foreach (i, ref y; _data.lightScope.field)
931             {
932                 if (naryFun!pred(y[0], min))
933                 {
934                     min = y[0];
935                     argmin = grid[i];
936                 }
937             }
939             foreach (i; 0 .. grid.length - 1)
940             {
941                 auto x = grid[i + 0];
943                 auto y = SplineKernel!F(
944                     grid[i + 0],
945                     grid[i + 1],
946                     x, // any point between
947                 ).opCall!3(
948                     _data[i + 0][0],
949                     _data[i + 1][0],
950                     _data[i + 0][1],
951                     _data[i + 1][1],
952                 );
954                 // 3 ax^2 + 2 bx + c = y[1]
955                 // 6 ax + 2 b= y[2]
956                 // 6 a = y[3]
958                 auto a3 = y[3] * 0.5;
959                 auto b2 = y[2] - y[3] * x;
960                 auto c = y[1] - (b2 + a3 * x) * x;
961                 auto d = b2 * b2 - 4 * a3 * c;
962                 if (d < 0)
963                     continue;
965                 import mir.math.common: sqrt;
966                 F[2] x12 = [
967                     (-b2 - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a3),
968                     (-b2 + sqrt(d)) / (2 * a3),
969                 ];
971                 foreach (xi; x12)
972                 if (grid[i + 0] < xi && xi < grid[i + 1])
973                 {
974                     auto yi = SplineKernel!F(
975                         grid[i + 0],
976                         grid[i + 1],
977                         xi,
978                     )(
979                         _data[i + 0][0],
980                         _data[i + 1][0],
981                         _data[i + 0][1],
982                         _data[i + 1][1],
983                     );
985                     if (naryFun!pred(yi, min))
986                     {
987                         min = yi;
988                         argmin = xi;
989                     }
990                 }
991             }
993             return argmin;
994         }
995     }
997     static if (N == 1)
998     /++
999     Returns: spline argmin on the interpolation interval
1000     Note: defined only for 1D splines
1001     +/
1002     alias argmin = argminImpl!"a < b";
1004     static if (N == 1)
1005     /++
1006     Returns: spline argmax on the interpolation interval
1007     Note: defined only for 1D splines
1008     +/
1009     alias argmax = argminImpl!"a > b";
1011     /++
1012     Assigns function values to the internal memory.
1013     $(RED For internal use.)
1014     +/
1015     void _values(SliceKind kind, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) values) scope @property @trusted
1016     {
1017         assert(values.shape == _data.shape, "'values' should have the same shape as the .gridShape");
1018         pickDataSubslice(_data.lightScope, 0)[] = values;
1019     }
1021     /++
1022     Computes derivatives and stores them in `_data`.
1023     `_data` is assumed to be preinitialized with function values filled in `F[2 ^^ N][0]`.
1024     Params:
1025         lBoundary = left boundary condition
1026         rBoundary = right boundary condition
1027         temp = temporal buffer length points count (optional)
1029     $(RED For internal use.)
1030     +/
1031     void _computeDerivatives(SplineType kind, F param, SplineBoundaryCondition!F lBoundary, SplineBoundaryCondition!F rBoundary) scope @trusted nothrow @nogc
1032     {
1033         import mir.algorithm.iteration: maxLength;
1034         auto ml = this._data.maxLength;
1035         auto temp = RCArray!F(ml);
1036         auto tempSlice = temp[].sliced;
1037         _computeDerivativesTemp(kind, param, lBoundary, rBoundary, tempSlice);
1038     }
1040     /// ditto
1041     pragma(inline, false)
1042     void _computeDerivativesTemp(SplineType kind, F param, SplineBoundaryCondition!F lBoundary, SplineBoundaryCondition!F rBoundary, Slice!(F*) temp) scope @system nothrow @nogc
1043     {
1044         import mir.algorithm.iteration: maxLength, each;
1045         import mir.ndslice.topology: map, byDim, evertPack;
1047         assert(temp.length >= _data.maxLength);
1049         static if (N == 1)
1050         {
1051             convexity[0] = splineSlopes!(F, F)(_grid[0]._iterator.sliced(_data._lengths[0]), pickDataSubslice(_data.lightScope, 0), pickDataSubslice(_data.lightScope, 1), temp[0 .. _data._lengths[0]], kind, param, lBoundary, rBoundary);
1052         }
1053         else
1054         foreach_reverse(i; Iota!N)
1055         {
1056             // if (i == _grid.length - 1)
1057             _data
1058                 .lightScope
1059                 .byDim!i
1060                 .evertPack
1061                 .each!((d){
1062                     enum L = 2 ^^ (N - 1 - i);
1063                     foreach(l; Iota!L)
1064                     {
1065                         auto y = pickDataSubslice(d, l);
1066                         auto s = pickDataSubslice(d, L + l);
1067                         // debug printf("ptr = %ld, stride = %ld, stride = %ld, d = %ld i = %ld l = %ld\n", d.iterator, d._stride!0, y._stride!0, d.length, i, l);
1068                         auto c = splineSlopes!(F, F)(_grid[i]._iterator.sliced(_data._lengths[i]), y, s, temp[0 .. _data._lengths[i]], kind, param, lBoundary, rBoundary);
1069                         static if (l)
1070                         {
1071                             if (convexity[i] != c)
1072                                 convexity[i] = SplineConvexity.none;
1073                         }
1074                         else
1075                         {
1076                             convexity[i] = c;
1077                         }
1078                         // debug{
1079                         //     (cast(void delegate() @nogc)(){
1080                         //     writeln("y = ", y);
1081                         //     writeln("s = ", s);
1082                         //     })();
1083                         // }
1084                     }
1085             });
1086         }
1087     }
1089 @trusted:
1091     ///
1092     Spline lightConst() const @property { return *cast(Spline*)&this; }
1093     ///
1094     Spline lightImmutable() immutable @property { return *cast(Spline*)&this; }
1096     ///
1097     Slice!(RCI!(immutable X)) grid(size_t dimension = 0)() return scope const @property
1098         if (dimension < N)
1099     {
1100         return _grid[dimension].lightConst.sliced(_data._lengths[dimension]);
1101     }
1103     ///
1104     immutable(X)[] gridScopeView(size_t dimension = 0)() return scope const @property @trusted
1105         if (dimension < N)
1106     {
1107         return _grid[dimension]._iterator[0 .. _data._lengths[dimension]];
1108     }
1110     /++
1111     Returns: intervals count.
1112     +/
1113     size_t intervalCount(size_t dimension = 0)() scope const @property
1114     {
1115         assert(_data._lengths[dimension] > 1);
1116         return _data._lengths[dimension] - 1;
1117     }
1119     ///
1120     size_t[N] gridShape() scope const @property
1121     {
1122         return _data.shape;
1123     }
1125     ///
1126     alias withDerivative = opCall!1;
1127     ///
1128     alias withTwoDerivatives = opCall!2;
1130     ///
1131     enum uint derivativeOrder = 3;
1133     ///
1134     template opCall(uint derivative : 2)
1135     {
1136          auto opCall(X...)(in X xs) scope const
1137             if (X.length == N)
1138             // @FUTURE@
1139             // X.length == N || derivative == 0 && X.length && X.length <= N
1140         {
1141             auto d4 = this.opCall!3(xs);
1142             SplineReturnType!(F, N, 3) d3;
1143             void fun(size_t d, A, B)(ref A a, ref B b)
1144             {
1145                 static if (d)
1146                     foreach(i; Iota!3)
1147                         fun!(d - 1)(a[i], b[i]);
1148                 else
1149                     b = a;
1150             }
1151             fun!N(d4, d3);
1152             return d3;
1153         }
1154     }
1156     ///
1157     template opCall(uint derivative = 0)
1158         if (derivative == 0 || derivative == 1 || derivative == 3)
1159     {
1160         static if (N > 1 && derivative) pragma(msg, "Warning: multivariate cubic spline with derivatives was not tested!!!");
1162         /++
1163         `(x)` operator.
1164         Complexity:
1165             `O(log(points.length))`
1166         +/
1167         auto opCall(X...)(in X xs) scope const @trusted
1168             if (X.length == N)
1169             // @FUTURE@
1170             // X.length == N || derivative == 0 && X.length && X.length <= N
1171         {
1172             import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;
1173             alias Kernel = AliasCall!(SplineKernel!F, "opCall", derivative);
1174             enum rp2d = derivative == 3 ? 2 : derivative;
1176             size_t[N] indices;
1177             Kernel[N] kernels;
1179             foreach(i; Iota!N)
1180             {
1181                 static if (isInterval!(typeof(xs[i])))
1182                 {
1183                     indices[i] = xs[i][1];
1184                     auto x = xs[i][0];
1185                 }
1186                 else
1187                 {
1188                     alias x = xs[i];
1189                     indices[i] = this.findInterval!i(x);
1190                 }
1191                 kernels[i] = SplineKernel!F(_grid[i][indices[i]], _grid[i][indices[i] + 1], x);
1192             }
1194             align(64) F[2 ^^ N * 2 ^^ N][2] local;
1196             void load(sizediff_t i)(const(F[2 ^^ N])* from, F[2 ^^ N]* to)
1197             {
1198                 version(LDC) pragma(inline, true);
1199                 static if (i == -1)
1200                 {
1201                     // copyvec(*from, *to);
1202                     // not aligned:
1203                     *to = *from;
1204                 }
1205                 else
1206                 {
1207                     from += strides[i] * indices[i];
1208                     load!(i - 1)(from, to);
1209                     from += strides[i];
1210                     enum s = 2 ^^ (N - 1 - i);
1211                     to += s;
1212                     load!(i - 1)(from, to);
1213                 }
1214             }
1216             immutable strides = _data._lengths.iota.strides;
1217             load!(N - 1)(_data.ptr, cast(F[2 ^^ N]*) local[0].ptr);
1219                 // debug{
1221                 //         printf("0local[0] = ");
1222                 //         foreach(ref e; local[0][])
1223                 //             printf("%f ", e);
1224                 //         printf("\n");
1225                 // }
1227             foreach(i; Iota!N)
1228             {
1229                 enum P = 2 ^^ (N - 1 - i) * 2 ^^ (i * rp2d);
1230                 enum L = (2 ^^ N) ^^ 2 / (2 ^^ (i * (2 - rp2d))) / 4;
1231                 shuffle2!P(local[0][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[0][1 * L .. 2 * L], local[1][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[1][1 * L .. 2 * L]);
1232                 shuffle2!P(local[0][2 * L .. 3 * L], local[0][3 * L .. 4 * L], local[1][2 * L .. 3 * L], local[1][3 * L .. 4 * L]);
1233                 // debug
1234                 // {
1235                 //         printf("0local[1] = ");
1236                 //         foreach(ref e; local[1][0 ..  L* 4])
1237                 //             printf("%f ", e);
1238                 //         printf("\n");
1239                 // }
1240                 local[0][] = F.init;
1241                 vectorize(
1242                     kernels[i],
1243                     local[1][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[1][2 * L .. 3 * L],
1244                     local[1][1 * L .. 2 * L], local[1][3 * L .. 4 * L],
1245                     *cast(F[L][2 ^^ rp2d]*) local[0].ptr,
1246                     );
1248                 // debug{
1250                 //         printf("1local[0] = ");
1251                 //         foreach(ref e; local[0][0 .. L* 2 ^^ rp2d])
1252                 //             printf("%f ", e);
1253                 //         printf("\n");
1254                 // }
1255                 // printf("local[0][0]", local[0][0]);
1256                 static if (i + 1 == N)
1257                 {
1258                     return *cast(SplineReturnType!(F, N, 2 ^^ rp2d)*) local[0].ptr;
1259                 }
1260                 else
1261                 {
1262                     static if (rp2d == 1)
1263                     {
1264                         shuffle3!1(local[0][0 .. L], local[0][L .. 2 * L], local[1][0 .. L], local[1][L .. 2 * L]);
1265                         copyvec(local[1][0 .. 1 * L], local[0][0 .. 1 * L]);
1266                         copyvec(local[1][L .. 2 * L], local[0][L .. 2 * L]);
1267                     }
1268                     else
1269                     static if (rp2d == 2)
1270                     {
1271                         shuffle3!1(local[0][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[0][1 * L .. 2 * L], local[1][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[1][1 * L .. 2 * L]);
1272                         shuffle3!1(local[0][2 * L .. 3 * L], local[0][3 * L .. 4 * L], local[1][2 * L .. 3 * L], local[1][3 * L .. 4 * L]);
1273                         shuffle3!2(local[1][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[1][2 * L .. 3 * L], local[0][0 * L .. 1 * L], local[0][2 * L .. 3 * L]);
1274                         shuffle3!2(local[1][1 * L .. 2 * L], local[1][3 * L .. 4 * L], local[0][1 * L .. 2 * L], local[0][3 * L .. 4 * L]);
1275                     }
1277                 // debug{
1279                 //         printf("2local[0] = ");
1280                 //         foreach(ref e; local[0][0 .. L * 2 ^^ rp2d])
1281                 //             printf("%f ", e);
1282                 //         printf("\n");
1283                 // }
1285                 }
1286             }
1287         }
1288     }
1289 }
1291 /++
1292 Piecewise cubic hermite interpolating polynomial.
1293 Params:
1294     points = `x` values for interpolant
1295     values = `f(x)` values for interpolant
1296     slopes = uninitialized ndslice to write slopes into
1297     temp = uninitialized temporary ndslice
1298     kind = $(LREF SplineType) type of cubic spline.
1299     param = tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
1300         Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
1301     lBoundary = left boundary condition
1302     rBoundary = right boundary condition
1303 Constraints:
1304     `points`, `values`, and `slopes`, must have the same length > 3;
1305     `temp` must have length greater or equal to points less minus one.
1306 Returs:
1307     Spline convexity type
1308 +/
1309 SplineConvexity splineSlopes(F, T, P, IV, IS, SliceKind gkind, SliceKind vkind, SliceKind skind)(
1310     Slice!(P*, 1, gkind) points,
1311     Slice!(IV, 1, vkind) values,
1312     Slice!(IS, 1, skind) slopes,
1313     Slice!(T*) temp,
1314     SplineType kind,
1315     F param,
1316     SplineBoundaryCondition!F lBoundary,
1317     SplineBoundaryCondition!F rBoundary,
1318     ) @trusted
1319 {
1320     import mir.ndslice.topology: diff, zip, slide;
1322     assert (points.length >= 2);
1323     assert (points.length == values.length);
1324     assert (points.length == slopes.length);
1325     assert (temp.length == points.length);
1327     auto n = points.length;
1329     typeof(slopes[0]) first, last;
1331     auto xd = points.diff;
1332     auto yd = values.diff;
1333     auto dd = yd / xd;
1334     auto dd2 =!(3, "(c[1] - a[1]) / (c[0] - a[0])");
1336     with(SplineType) final switch(kind)
1337     {
1338         case c2:
1339             break;
1340         case cardinal:
1341             if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1342                 lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1343             if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1344                 rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1345             break;
1346         case monotone:
1347             if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1348                 lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.monotone;
1349             if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1350                 rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.monotone;
1351             break;
1352         case doubleQuadratic:
1353             if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1354                 lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1355             if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1356                 rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1357             break;
1358         case akima:
1359             if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1360                 lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.akima;
1361             if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1362                 rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.akima;
1363             break;
1364         case makima:
1365             if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1366                 lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.makima;
1367             if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1368                 rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.makima;
1369             break;
1370     }
1372     if (n <= 3)
1373     {
1374         if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1375             lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1376         if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot)
1377             rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1379         if (n == 2)
1380         {
1381             if (lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.monotone
1382              || lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.makima
1383              || lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.akima)
1384                 lBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1385             if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.monotone
1386              || rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.makima
1387              || rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.akima)
1388                 rBoundary.type = SplineBoundaryType.parabolic;
1389         }
1390         /// special case
1391         if (rBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.parabolic
1392          && lBoundary.type == SplineBoundaryType.parabolic)
1393         {
1394             import mir.interpolate.utility;
1395             if (n == 3)
1396             {
1397                 auto derivatives = parabolaDerivatives(points[0], points[1], points[2], values[0], values[1], values[2]);
1398                 slopes[0] = derivatives[0];
1399                 slopes[1] = derivatives[1];
1400                 slopes[2] = derivatives[2];
1401             }
1402             else
1403             {
1404                 assert(slopes.length == 2);
1405                 slopes.back = slopes.front = yd.front / xd.front;
1406             }
1407             return slopes.back >= slopes.front ? SplineConvexity.convex : SplineConvexity.concave;
1408         }
1409     }
1411     with(SplineBoundaryType) final switch(lBoundary.type)
1412     {
1413     case periodic:
1415         assert(0);
1417     case notAKnot:
1419         auto dx0 = xd[0];
1420         auto dx1 = xd[1];
1421         auto dy0 = yd[0];
1422         auto dy1 = yd[1];
1423         auto dd0 = dy0 / dx0;
1424         auto dd1 = dy1 / dx1;
1426         slopes.front = dx1;
1427         first = dx0 + dx1;
1428         temp.front = ((dx0 + 2 * first) * dx1 * dd0 + dx0 ^^ 2 * dd1) / first;
1429         break;
1431     case firstDerivative:
1433         slopes.front = 1;
1434         first = 0;
1435         temp.front = lBoundary.value;
1436         break;
1438     case secondDerivative:
1440         slopes.front = 2;
1441         first = 1;
1442         temp.front = 3 * dd.front - 0.5 * lBoundary.value * xd.front;
1443         break;
1445     case parabolic:
1447         slopes.front = 1;
1448         first = 1;
1449         temp.front = 2 * dd.front;
1450         break;
1452     case monotone:
1454         slopes.front = 1;
1455         first = 0;
1456         temp.front = pchipTail(xd[0], xd[1], dd[0], dd[1]);
1457         break;
1459     case akima:
1461         slopes.front = 1;
1462         first = 0;
1463         temp.front = akimaTail(dd[0], dd[1]);
1464         break;
1466     case makima:
1468         slopes.front = 1;
1469         first = 0;
1470         temp.front = makimaTail(dd[0], dd[1]);
1471         break;
1473     }
1475     with(SplineBoundaryType) final switch(rBoundary.type)
1476     {
1477     case periodic:
1478         assert(0);
1480     case notAKnot:
1482         auto dx0 = xd[$ - 1];
1483         auto dx1 = xd[$ - 2];
1484         auto dy0 = yd[$ - 1];
1485         auto dy1 = yd[$ - 2];
1486         auto dd0 = dy0 / dx0;
1487         auto dd1 = dy1 / dx1;
1488         slopes.back = dx1;
1489         last = dx0 + dx1;
1490         temp.back = ((dx0 + 2 * last) * dx1 * dd0 + dx0 ^^ 2 * dd1) / last;
1491         break;
1493     case firstDerivative:
1495         slopes.back = 1;
1496         last = 0;
1497         temp.back = rBoundary.value;
1498         break;
1500     case secondDerivative:
1502         slopes.back = 2;
1503         last = 1;
1504         temp.back = 3 * dd.back + 0.5 * rBoundary.value * xd.back;
1505         break;
1507     case parabolic:
1509         slopes.back = 1;
1510         last = 1;
1511         temp.back = 2 * dd.back;
1512         break;
1514     case monotone:
1516         slopes.back = 1;
1517         last = 0;
1518         temp.back = pchipTail(xd[$ - 1], xd[$ - 2], dd[$ - 1], dd[$ - 2]);
1519         break;
1521     case akima:
1523         slopes.back = 1;
1524         last = 0;
1525         temp.back = akimaTail(dd[$ - 1], dd[$ - 2]);
1526         break;
1528     case makima:
1530         slopes.back = 1;
1531         last = 0;
1532         temp.back = makimaTail(dd[$ - 1], dd[$ - 2]);
1533         break;
1535     }
1537     if (n > 2) with(SplineType) final switch(kind)
1538     {
1539         case c2:
1541             foreach (i; 1 .. n - 1)
1542             {
1543                 auto dx0 = xd[i - 1];
1544                 auto dx1 = xd[i - 0];
1545                 auto dy0 = yd[i - 1];
1546                 auto dy1 = yd[i - 0];
1547                 slopes[i] = 2 * (dx0 + dx1);
1548                 temp[i] = 3 * (dy0 / dx0 * dx1 + dy1 / dx1 * dx0);
1549             }
1550             break;
1552         case cardinal:
1554             foreach (i; 1 .. n - 1)
1555             {
1556                 slopes[i] = 1;
1557                 temp[i] = (1 - param) * dd2[i - 1];
1558             }
1559             break;
1561         case monotone:
1562             {
1563                 auto step0 = cast()xd[0];
1564                 auto step1 = cast()xd[1];
1565                 auto diff0 = cast()yd[0];
1566                 auto diff1 = cast()yd[1];
1567                 diff0 /= step0;
1568                 diff1 /= step1;
1570                 for(size_t i = 1;;)
1571                 {
1572                     slopes[i] = 1;
1573                     if (diff0 && diff1 && copysign(1f, diff0) == copysign(1f, diff1))
1574                     {
1575                         auto w0 = step1 * 2 + step0;
1576                         auto w1 = step0 * 2 + step1;
1577                         temp[i] = (w0 + w1) / (w0 / diff0 + w1 / diff1);
1578                     }
1579                     else
1580                     {
1581                         temp[i] = 0;
1582                     }
1583                     if (++i == n - 1)
1584                     {
1585                         break;
1586                     }
1587                     step0 = step1;
1588                     diff0 = diff1;
1589                     step1 = xd[i];
1590                     diff1 = yd[i];
1591                     diff1 /= step1;
1592                 }
1593             }
1594             break;
1596         case doubleQuadratic:
1598             foreach (i; 1 .. n - 1)
1599             {
1600                 slopes[i] = 1;
1601                 temp[i] = dd[i - 1] + dd[i] - dd2[i - 1];
1602             }
1603             break;
1605         case akima:
1606             {
1607                 auto d3 = dd[1];
1608                 auto d2 = dd[0];
1609                 auto d1 = 2 * d2 - d3;
1610                 auto d0 = d1;
1611                 foreach (i; 1 .. n - 1)
1612                 {
1613                     d0 = d1;
1614                     d1 = d2;
1615                     d2 = d3;
1616                     d3 = i == n - 2 ? 2 * d2 - d1 : dd[i + 1];
1617                     slopes[i] = 1;
1618                     temp[i] = akimaSlope(d0, d1, d2, d3);
1619                 }
1620                 break;
1621             }
1623         case makima:
1624             {
1625                 auto d3 = dd[1];
1626                 auto d2 = dd[0];
1627                 auto d1 = 2 * d2 - d3;
1628                 auto d0 = d1;
1629                 foreach (i; 1 .. n - 1)
1630                 {
1631                     d0 = d1;
1632                     d1 = d2;
1633                     d2 = d3;
1634                     d3 = i == n - 2 ? 2 * d2 - d1 : dd[i + 1];
1635                     slopes[i] = 1;
1636                     temp[i] = makimaSlope(d0, d1, d2, d3);
1637                 }
1638                 break;
1639             }
1640     }
1642     foreach (i; 0 .. n - 1)
1643     {
1644         auto c = i ==     0 ? first : kind == SplineType.c2 ? xd[i - 1] : 0;
1645         auto a = i == n - 2 ?  last : kind == SplineType.c2 ? xd[i + 1] : 0;
1646         auto w = slopes[i] == 1 ? a : a / slopes[i];
1647         slopes[i + 1] -= w * c;
1648         temp[i + 1] -= w * temp[i];
1649     }
1651     slopes.back = temp.back / slopes.back;
1653     size_t convexCount;
1654     size_t concaveCount;
1655     foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. n - 1)
1656     {
1657         auto c = i == 0 ? first : kind == SplineType.c2 ? xd[i - 1] : 0;
1658         auto v = temp[i] - c * slopes[i + 1];
1659         slopes[i] = slopes[i]  == 1 ? v : v / slopes[i];
1661         auto xdiff = points[i + 1] - points[i];
1662         auto ydiff = values[i + 1] - values[i];
1664         auto convex1  = xdiff * (2 * slopes[i] + slopes[i + 1]) <= 3 * ydiff;
1665         auto concave1 = xdiff * (2 * slopes[i] + slopes[i + 1]) >= 3 * ydiff;
1666         auto convex2  = xdiff * (slopes[i] + 2 * slopes[i + 1]) >= 3 * ydiff;
1667         auto concave2 = xdiff * (slopes[i] + 2 * slopes[i + 1]) <= 3 * ydiff;
1668         convexCount += convex1 & convex2;
1669         convexCount += concave1 & concave2;
1670     }
1672     return
1673         // convex kind has priority for the linear spline
1674         convexCount  == n - 1 ? SplineConvexity.convex  :
1675         concaveCount == n - 1 ? SplineConvexity.concave :
1676         SplineConvexity.none;
1677 }
1679 private F akimaTail(F)(in F d2, in F d3)
1680 {
1681     auto d1 = 2 * d2 - d3;
1682     auto d0 = 2 * d1 - d2;
1683     return akimaSlope(d0, d1, d2, d3);
1684 }
1686 private F akimaSlope(F)(in F d0, in F d1, in F d2, in F d3)
1687 {
1688     if (d1 == d2)
1689         return d1;
1690     if (d0 == d1 && d2 == d3)
1691         return (d1 + d2) * 0.5f;
1692     if (d0 == d1)
1693         return d1;
1694     if (d2 == d3)
1695         return d2;
1696     auto w0 = fabs(d1 - d0);
1697     auto w1 = fabs(d3 - d2);
1698     auto ws = w0 + w1;
1699     w0 /= ws;
1700     w1 /= ws;
1701     return w0 * d2 + w1 * d1;
1702 }
1704 private F makimaTail(F)(in F d2, in F d3)
1705 {
1706     auto d1 = 2 * d2 - d3;
1707     auto d0 = 2 * d1 - d2;
1708     return makimaSlope(d0, d1, d2, d3);
1709 }
1711 private F makimaSlope(F)(in F d0, in F d1, in F d2, in F d3)
1712 {
1713     if (d1 == d2)
1714         return d1;
1715     auto w0 = fabs(d1 - d0) + fabs(d1 + d0) * 0.5f;
1716     auto w1 = fabs(d3 - d2) + fabs(d3 + d2) * 0.5f;
1717     auto ws = w0 + w1;
1718     w0 /= ws;
1719     w1 /= ws;
1720     return w0 * d2 + w1 * d1;
1721 }
1723 ///
1724 struct SplineKernel(X)
1725 {
1726     X step = 0;
1727     X w0 = 0;
1728     X w1 = 0;
1729     X wq = 0;
1731 @fmamath:
1733     ///
1734     this(X x0, X x1, X x)
1735     {
1736         step = x1 - x0;
1737         auto c0 = x - x0;
1738         auto c1 = x1 - x;
1739         w0 = c0 / step;
1740         w1 = c1 / step;
1741         wq = w0 * w1;
1742     }
1744     ///
1745     template opCall(uint derivative = 0)
1746         if (derivative <= 3)
1747     {
1748         ///
1749         auto opCall(Y)(const Y y0, const Y y1, const Y s0, const Y s1) const
1750         {
1751             auto diff = y1 - y0;
1752             auto z0 = s0 * step - diff;
1753             auto z1 = s1 * step - diff;
1754             auto a0 = z0 * w1;
1755             auto a1 = z1 * w0;
1756             auto pr = a0 - a1;
1757             auto b0 = y0 * w1;
1758             auto b1 = y1 * w0;
1759             auto pl = b0 + b1;
1760             auto y = pl + wq * pr;
1761             static if (derivative)
1762             {
1763                 Y[derivative + 1] ret = 0;
1764                 ret[0] = y;
1765                 auto wd = w1 - w0;
1766                 auto zd = z1 + z0;
1767                 ret[1] = (diff + (wd * pr - wq * zd)) / step;
1768                 static if (derivative > 1)
1769                 {
1770                     auto astep = zd / (step * step);
1771                     ret[2] = -3 * wd * astep + (s1 - s0) / step;
1772                     static if (derivative > 2)
1773                         ret[3] = 6 * astep / step;
1774                 }
1775                 return ret;
1776             }
1777             else
1778             {
1779                 return y;
1780             }
1781         }
1783         static if (derivative)
1784         auto opCall(Y, size_t N)(scope ref const Y[N] y0, scope ref const Y[N] y1, scope ref const Y[N] s0, scope ref const Y[N] s1)
1785         {
1786             Y[N][derivative + 1] ret = void;
1787             Y[derivative + 1][N] temp = void;
1789             static foreach(i; 0 .. N)
1790                 temp[i] = this.opCall!derivative(y0[i], y1[i], s0[i], s1[i]);
1791             static foreach(i; 0 .. N)
1792             static foreach(d; 0 .. derivative + 1)
1793                 ret[d][i] = temp[i][d];
1794             return ret;
1795         }
1796     }
1798     ///
1799     alias withDerivative = opCall!1;
1800     ///
1801     alias withTwoDerivatives = opCall!2;
1802 }
1804 package T pchipTail(T)(in T step0, in T step1, in T diff0, in T diff1)
1805 {
1806     import mir.math.common: copysign, fabs;
1807     if (!diff0)
1808     {
1809         return 0;
1810     }
1811     auto slope = ((step0 * 2 + step1) * diff0 - step0 * diff1) / (step0 + step1);
1812     if (copysign(1f, slope) != copysign(1f, diff0))
1813     {
1814         return 0;
1815     }
1816     if ((copysign(1f, diff0) != copysign(1f, diff1)) && (fabs(slope) > fabs(diff0 * 3)))
1817     {
1818         return diff0 * 3;
1819     }
1820     return slope;
1821 }
1823 /++
1824 Spline interpolator used for non-rectiliner trapezoid-like greeds.
1825 Params:
1826     grid = rc-array of interpolation grid
1827     data = rc-array of interpolator-like structures
1828     typeOfBoundaries = $(LREF SplineBoundaryType) for both tails (optional).
1829     valueOfBoundaryConditions = value of the boundary type (optional). 
1830 Constraints:
1831     `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
1832 Returns: $(LREF Spline)
1833 +/
1834 MetaSpline!(T, X) metaSpline(F, X, T)(
1835     RCArray!(immutable X) grid,
1836     RCArray!(const T) data,
1837     SplineBoundaryType typeOfBoundaries = SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot,
1838     const F valueOfBoundaryConditions = 0,
1839     )
1840 {
1841     import core.lifetime: move;
1842     return metaSpline!(F, X, T)(grid.move, data.move, SplineType.c2, 0, typeOfBoundaries, valueOfBoundaryConditions);
1843 }
1845 /++
1846 Spline interpolator used for non-rectiliner trapezoid-like greeds.
1847 Params:
1848     grid = rc-array of interpolation grid
1849     data = rc-array of interpolator-like structures
1850     kind = $(LREF SplineType) type of cubic spline.
1851     param = tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
1852         Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
1853     typeOfBoundaries = $(LREF SplineBoundaryType) for both tails (optional).
1854     valueOfBoundaryConditions = value of the boundary type (optional). 
1855 Constraints:
1856     `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
1857 Returns: $(LREF Spline)
1858 +/
1859 MetaSpline!(T, X) metaSpline(F, X, T)(
1860     RCArray!(immutable X) grid,
1861     RCArray!(const T) data,
1862     SplineType kind,
1863     const F param = 0,
1864     SplineBoundaryType typeOfBoundaries = SplineBoundaryType.notAKnot,
1865     const F valueOfBoundaryConditions = 0,
1866     )
1867 {
1868     import core.lifetime: move;
1869     return metaSpline!(F, X, T)(grid.move, data.move, SplineBoundaryCondition!F(typeOfBoundaries, valueOfBoundaryConditions), kind, param);
1870 }
1872 /++
1873 Spline interpolator used for non-rectiliner trapezoid-like greeds.
1874 Params:
1875     grid = rc-array of interpolation grid
1876     data = rc-array of interpolator-like structures
1877     boundaries = $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) for both tails.
1878     kind = $(LREF SplineType) type of cubic spline.
1879     param = tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
1880         Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
1881 Constraints:
1882     `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
1883 Returns: $(LREF Spline)
1884 +/
1885 MetaSpline!(T, X) metaSpline(F, X, T)(
1886     RCArray!(immutable X) grid,
1887     RCArray!(const T) data,
1888     SplineBoundaryCondition!F boundaries,
1889     SplineType kind = SplineType.c2,
1890     const F param = 0,
1891     )
1892 {
1893     import core.lifetime: move;
1894     return metaSpline!(F, X, T)(grid.move, data.move, SplineConfiguration!F(kind, boundaries, boundaries, param));
1895 }
1897 /++
1898 Spline interpolator used for non-rectiliner trapezoid-like greeds.
1899 Params:
1900     grid = rc-array of interpolation grid
1901     data = rc-array of interpolator-like structures
1902     lBoundary = $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) for left tail.
1903     rBoundary = $(LREF SplineBoundaryCondition) for right tail.
1904     kind = $(LREF SplineType) type of cubic spline.
1905     param = tangent power parameter for cardinal $(LREF SplineType) (ignored by other spline types).
1906         Use `1` for zero derivatives at knots and `0` for Catmull–Rom spline.
1907 Constraints:
1908     `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
1909 Returns: $(LREF Spline)
1910 +/
1911 MetaSpline!(T, X) metaSpline(F, X, T)(
1912     RCArray!(immutable X) grid,
1913     RCArray!(const T) data,
1914     SplineBoundaryCondition!F lBoundary,
1915     SplineBoundaryCondition!F rBoundary,
1916     SplineType kind = SplineType.c2,
1917     const F param = 0,
1918     )
1919 {
1920     import core.lifetime: move;
1921     return metaSpline(grid.move, data.move, SplineConfiguration!F(kind, lBoundary, rBoundary, param));
1922 }
1924 /++
1925 Spline interpolator used for non-rectiliner trapezoid-like greeds.
1926 Params:
1927     grid = rc-array of interpolation grid
1928     data = rc-array of interpolator-like structures
1929     configuration = $(LREF SplineConfiguration)
1930 Constraints:
1931     `grid` and `values` must have the same length >= 3
1932 Returns: $(LREF Spline)
1933 +/
1934 MetaSpline!(T, X) metaSpline(F, X, T)(
1935     RCArray!(immutable X) grid,
1936     RCArray!(const T) data,
1937     SplineConfiguration!F configuration,
1938     )
1939 {
1940     import core.lifetime: move;
1941     return MetaSpline!(T, X)(grid.move, data.move, configuration);
1942 }
1944 /// ditto
1945 struct MetaSpline(T, X)
1946 {
1947     import mir.interpolate.utility: DeepType;
1948     // alias ElementInterpolator = Linear!(F, N, X);
1949     alias F = ValueType!(T, X);
1950     ///
1951     private Repeat!(3, Spline!F) splines;
1952     ///
1953     RCArray!(const T) data;
1954     //
1955     private RCArray!F _temp;
1956     ///
1957     SplineConfiguration!F configuration;
1959     ///
1960     this(
1961         RCArray!(immutable X) grid,
1962         RCArray!(const T) data,
1963         SplineConfiguration!F configuration,
1964     )
1965     {
1966         import core.lifetime: move;
1968         if (grid.length < 2)
1969         {
1970             version(D_Exceptions) { import mir.exception : toMutable; throw exc_min.toMutable; }
1971             else assert(0, msg_min);
1972         }
1974         if (grid.length != data.length)
1975         {
1976             version(D_Exceptions) { import mir.exception : toMutable; throw exc_eq.toMutable; }
1977             else assert(0, msg_eq);
1978         }
1980 = data.move;
1981         this._temp = grid.length;
1982         this.splines[0] = grid.asSlice;
1983         this.splines[1] = grid.asSlice;
1984         this.splines[2] = grid.moveToSlice;
1985         this.configuration = configuration;
1986     }
1988     ///
1989     bool opEquals()(auto ref scope const typeof(this) rhs) scope const @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
1990     {
1991         return this.gridScopeView == rhs.gridScopeView
1992             && ==
1993             && this.configuration == rhs.configuration;
1994     }
1996     ///
1997     MetaLinear lightConst()() const @property { return *cast(MetaLinear*)&this; }
1999     ///
2000     immutable(X)[] gridScopeView(size_t dimension = 0)() return scope const @property @trusted
2001         if (dimension == 0)
2002     {
2003         return splines[0].gridScopeView;
2004     }
2006     /++
2007     Returns: intervals count.
2008     +/
2009     size_t intervalCount(size_t dimension = 0)() scope const @property
2010         if (dimension == 0)
2011     {
2012         assert(data.length > 1);
2013         return data.length - 1;
2014     }
2016     ///
2017     enum uint derivativeOrder = 3;
2019     static if (__traits(compiles, {enum N = T.dimensionCount;}))
2020     ///
2021     enum uint dimensionCount = T.dimensionCount + 1;
2023     ///
2024     template opCall(uint derivative = 0)
2025         // if (derivative <= derivativeOrder)
2026     {
2027         /++
2028         `(x)` operator.
2029         Complexity:
2030             `O(log(grid.length))`
2031         +/
2032         auto opCall(X...)(const X xs) scope const @trusted
2033             // if (X.length == dimensionCount)
2034         {
2035             F[2][][derivative + 1] mutable;
2037             static foreach (o; 0 .. derivative + 1)
2038             {
2039                 mutable[o] = cast(F[2][]) splines[o]._data.lightScope.field;
2040                 assert(mutable[o].length == data.length);
2041             }
2043             static if (!derivative)
2044             {
2045                 foreach (i, ref d; data)
2046                     mutable[0][i][0] = d(xs[1 .. $]);
2047             }
2048             else
2049             {
2050                 foreach (i, ref d; data)
2051                 {
2052                     auto node = d.opCall!derivative(xs[1 .. $]);
2053                     static foreach (o; 0 .. derivative + 1)
2054                         mutable[o][i][0] = node[o];
2055                 }
2056             }
2058             static foreach (o; 0 .. derivative + 1)
2059             {
2060                 (*cast(Spline!F*)&splines[o])._computeDerivativesTemp(
2061                     configuration.kind,
2062                     configuration.param,
2063                     configuration.leftBoundary,
2064                     configuration.rightBoundary,
2065                     (cast(F[])_temp[]).sliced);
2066             }
2068             static if (!derivative)
2069             {
2070                 return splines[0](xs[0]);
2071             }
2072             else
2073             {
2074                 typeof(splines[0].opCall!derivative(xs[0]))[derivative + 1] ret = void;
2075                 static foreach (o; 0 .. derivative + 1)
2076                 {{
2077                     auto s = splines[o].opCall!derivative(xs[0]);
2078                     static foreach (r; 0 .. derivative + 1)
2079                         ret[r][o] = s[r];
2081                 }}
2082                 return ret;
2083             }
2084         }
2085     }
2087     ///
2088     alias withDerivative = opCall!1;
2089     ///
2090     alias withTwoDerivatives = opCall!2;
2091 }
2093 /// 2D trapezoid-like (not rectilinear) linear interpolation
2094 version(mir_test)
2095 unittest
2096 {
2097     auto x = [
2098         [0.0, 1, 2, 3, 5],
2099         [-4.0, 3, 4],
2100         [0.0, 10],
2101     ];
2102     auto y = [
2103         [4.0, 0, 9, 23, 40],
2104         [9.0, 0, 3],
2105         [4.0, 40],
2106     ];
2108     auto g = [7.0, 10, 15];
2110     import mir.rc.array: RCArray;
2111     import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice;
2113     auto d = RCArray!(Spline!double)(3);
2115     foreach (i; 0 .. x.length)
2116         d[i] = spline!double(x[i].rcslice!(immutable double), y[i].rcslice!(const double));
2118     auto trapezoidInterpolator = metaSpline!double(g.rcarray!(immutable double), d.lightConst);
2120     auto val = trapezoidInterpolator(9.0, 1.8);
2121 }
2123 version(mir_test)
2124 unittest
2125 {
2126     import mir.math.common: approxEqual;
2127     import mir.ndslice;
2128     alias appreq = (a, b) => approxEqual(a, b, 10e-10, 10e-10);
2130     //// set test function ////
2131     enum y_x0 = 2;
2132     enum y_x1 = -7;
2133     enum y_x0x1 = 3;
2135     // this function should be approximated very well
2136     alias f = (x0, x1) => y_x0 * x0 + y_x1 * x1 + y_x0x1 * x0 * x1 - 11;
2138     ///// set interpolant ////
2139     static immutable x0 = [-1.0, 2, 8, 15];
2140     static immutable x1 = [-4.0, 2, 5, 10, 13];
2142     auto grid = cartesian(x0, x1)
2143         .map!f
2144         .rcslice
2145         .lightConst;
2147     auto int0 = spline!double(x1.rcslice!(immutable double), grid[0]);
2148     auto int1 = spline!double(x1.rcslice!(immutable double), grid[1]);
2149     auto int2 = spline!double(x1.rcslice!(immutable double), grid[2]);
2150     auto int3 = spline!double(x1.rcslice!(immutable double), grid[3]);
2152     auto interpolant = metaSpline(x0.rcarray!(immutable double), rcarray(int0, int1, int2, int3).lightConst, SplineConfiguration!double.init);
2153     assert(interpolant == interpolant);
2155     ///// compute test data ////
2156     auto test_grid = cartesian(x0.sliced + 1.23, x1.sliced + 3.23);
2157     // auto test_grid = cartesian(x0 + 0, x1 + 0);
2158     auto real_data =!f;
2159     auto interp_data = test_grid.vmap(interpolant);
2161     ///// verify result ////
2162     assert(all!appreq(interp_data, real_data));
2164     auto z0 = 1.23;
2165     auto z1 = 3.21;
2166     auto d = interpolant.withDerivative(z0, z1);
2167     assert(appreq(d[0][0], f(z0, z1)));
2168     assert(appreq(d[1][0], y_x0 + y_x0x1 * z1));
2169     assert(appreq(d[0][1], y_x1 + y_x0x1 * z0));
2170     assert(appreq(d[1][1], y_x0x1));
2171 }