The OpenD Programming Language

1 /++
2 $(H1 Ordered string-value associative array)
3 Macros:
4 AlgebraicREF = $(GREF_ALTTEXT mir-core, $(TT $1), $1, mir, algebraic)$(NBSP)
5 +/
7 module mir.string_map;
9 import std.traits;
10 import mir.internal.meta: basicElementType;
12 /++
13 Checks if the type is instance of $(LREF StringMap).
14 +/
15 enum isStringMap(T) = is(Unqual!T == StringMap!V, V);
17 version(mir_test)
18 ///
19 unittest
20 {
21     static assert(isStringMap!(StringMap!int));
22     static assert(isStringMap!(const StringMap!int));
23     static assert(!isStringMap!int);
24 }
26 private alias U = uint;
28 /++
29 Ordered string-value associative array with extremely fast lookup.
31 Params:
32     T = mutable value type, can be instance of $(AlgebraicREF Algebraic) for example.
33     U = an unsigned type that can hold an index of keys. `U.max` must be less then the maximum possible number of struct members.
34 +/
35 struct StringMap(T)
36     // if (!is(typeof(T.opPostMove)))
37 {
38     import mir.utility: _expect;
39     import core.lifetime: move;
40     import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
41     import mir.algebraic: Algebraic;
43     ///
44     static struct KeyValue
45     {
46         ///
47         string key;
48         ///
49         T value;
50     }
52     /// `hashOf` Implementation. Doesn't depend on order
53     static if (is(T == Algebraic!Union, Union) && is(Union == union))
54     size_t toHash() scope @trusted const nothrow pure @nogc
55     {
56         if (implementation is null)
57             return 0;
58         size_t hash;
59         foreach (i, index; implementation.indices)
60         {
61             hash = hashOf(implementation._keys[index], hash);
62             static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "toHash"))
63                hash = hashOf(implementation._values[index].toHash, hash);
64             else
65                hash = hashOf(implementation._values[index], hash);
66         }
67         return hash;
68     }
69     else
70     size_t toHash() scope @trusted const nothrow // pure @nogc
71     {
72         if (implementation is null)
73             return 0;
74         size_t hash;
75         foreach (i, index; implementation.indices)
76         {
77             hash = hashOf(implementation._keys[index], hash);
78             static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "toHash"))
79                hash = hashOf(implementation._values[index].toHash, hash);
80             else
81                hash = hashOf(implementation._values[index], hash);
82         }
83         return hash;
84     }
86     /// `==` implementation. Doesn't depend on order
87     // current implementation is workaround for linking bugs when used in self referencing algebraic types
88     bool opEquals(V)(scope const StringMap!V rhs) scope const @trusted pure @nogc nothrow
89     {
90         import std.traits: isAggregateType;
91         // NOTE: moving this to template restriction fails with recursive template instanation
92         if (implementation is null)
93             return rhs.length == 0;
94         if (rhs.implementation is null)
95             return length == 0;
96         if (implementation._length != rhs.implementation._length)
97             return false;
98         foreach (const i, const index; implementation.indices)
99             if (implementation._keys[index] != rhs.implementation._keys[rhs.implementation._indices[i]] ||
100                 implementation._values[index] != rhs.implementation._values[rhs.implementation._indices[i]])
101                 return false;
102         return true;
103     }
105     /// ditto
106     bool opEquals(K, V)(scope const const(V)[const(K)] rhs) scope const
107     if (is(typeof(K.init == string.init) : bool) &&
108         is(typeof(V.init == T.init) : bool))
109     {
110         if (implementation is null)
111             return rhs.length == 0;
112         if (implementation._length != rhs.length)
113             return false;
114         foreach (const i; 0 .. implementation._length)
115         {
116             if (const valuePtr = implementation.keys[i] in rhs)
117             {
118                 if (*valuePtr != implementation.values[i])
119                     return false;
120             }
121             else
122                 return false;
123         }
124         return true;
125     }
127     // // linking bug
128     // version(none)
129     // {
130     //     /++
131     //     +/
132     //     bool opEquals()(typeof(null)) @safe pure nothrow @nogc const
133     //     {
134     //         return implementation is null;
135     //     }
137     //     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
138     //     ///
139     //     @safe pure unittest
140     //     {
141     //         StringMap!int map;
142     //         assert(map == null);
143     //         map = StringMap!int(["key" : 1]);
144     //         assert(map != null);
145     //         map.remove("key");
146     //         assert(map != null);
147     //     }
148     // }
150     /++
151     Reset the associative array
152     +/
153     ref opAssign()(typeof(null)) return @safe pure nothrow @nogc
154     {
155         implementation = null;
156         return this;
157     }
159     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
160     ///
161     @safe pure unittest
162     {
163         StringMap!int map = ["key" : 1];
164         map = null;
165     }
167     /++
168     Initialize the associative array with default value.
169     +/
170     this()(typeof(null) aa) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
171     {
172         implementation = null;
173     }
175     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
176     /// Usefull for default funcion argument.
177     @safe pure unittest
178     {
179         StringMap!int map = null; //
180     }
182     /++
183     Constructs an associative array using keys and values from the builtin associative array
184     Complexity: `O(n log(n))`
185     +/
186     this()(T[string] aa) @trusted pure nothrow
187     {
188         this(aa.keys, aa.values);
189     }
191     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
192     ///
193     @safe pure unittest
194     {
195         StringMap!int map = ["key" : 1];
196         assert(map.findPos("key") == 0);
197     }
199     ///
200     string toString()() const scope
201     {
202         import mir.format: stringBuf;
203         stringBuf buffer;
204         toString(buffer);
205         return;
206     }
208     ///ditto
209     void toString(W)(ref scope W w) const scope
210     {
211         bool next;
212         w.put('[');
213         import mir.format: printEscaped, EscapeFormat, print;
214         foreach (i, ref value; values)
215         {
216             if (next)
217                 w.put(`, `);
218             next = true;
219             w.put('\"');
220             printEscaped!(char, EscapeFormat.ion)(w, keys[i]);
221             w.put(`": `);
222             print(w, value);
223         }
224         w.put(']');
225     }
227     /++
228     Constructs an associative array using keys and values.
229     Params:
230         keys = mutable array of keys
231         values = mutable array of values
232     Key and value arrays must have the same length.
234     Complexity: `O(n log(n))`
235     +/
236     this()(string[] keys, T[] values) @trusted pure nothrow
237     {
238         assert(keys.length == values.length);
239         implementation = new Impl(keys, values);
240     }
242     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
243     ///
244     @safe pure unittest
245     {
246         auto keys = ["ba", "a"];
247         auto values = [1.0, 3.0];
248         auto map = StringMap!double(keys, values);
249         assert(map.keys is keys);
250         assert(map.values is values);
251     }
253     /++
254     Returns: number of elements in the table.
255     +/
256     size_t length()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
257     {
258         return implementation ? implementation.length : 0;
259     }
261     /++
262     Returns: number of elements in the table.
263     +/
264     bool empty()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
265     {
266         return !implementation || implementation.length == 0;
267     }
269     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
270     ///
271     @safe pure unittest
272     {
273         StringMap!double map;
274         assert(map.length == 0);
275         map["a"] = 3.0;
276         assert(map.length == 1);
277         map["c"] = 4.0;
278         assert(map.length == 2);
279         assert(map.remove("c"));
280         assert(map.length == 1);
281         assert(!map.remove("c"));
282         assert(map.length == 1);
283         assert(map.remove("a"));
284         assert(map.length == 0);
285     }
287     /++
288     Returns a dynamic array, the elements of which are the keys in the associative array.
289     Doesn't allocate a new copy.
291     The keys returned are guaranteed to be in the ordered inserted as long as no
292     key removals followed by at least one key insertion has been performed.
294     Complexity: `O(1)`
295     +/
296     const(string)[] keys()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
297     {
298         return implementation ? implementation.keys : null;
299     }
300     ///
301     alias byKey = keys;
303     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
304     ///
305     @safe pure unittest
306     {
307         StringMap!double map;
308         assert(map.keys == []);
309         map["c"] = 4.0;
310         assert(map.keys == ["c"]);
311         map["a"] = 3.0;
312         assert(map.keys == ["c", "a"]);
313         map.remove("c");
314         assert(map.keys == ["a"]);
315         map.remove("a");
316         assert(map.keys == []);
317         map["c"] = 4.0;
318         assert(map.keys == ["c"]);
319     }
321     /++
322     Returns a dynamic array, the elements of which are the values in the associative array.
323     Doesn't allocate a new copy.
325     The values returned are guaranteed to be in the ordered inserted as long as no
326     key removals followed by at least one key insertion has been performed.
328     Complexity: `O(1)`
329     +/
330     inout(T)[] values()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc inout @property
331     {
332         return implementation ? implementation.values : null;
333     }
335     /// ditto
336     alias byValue = values;
338     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
339     ///
340     @safe pure unittest
341     {
342         StringMap!double map;
343         assert(map.byKeyValue == StringMap!double.KeyValue[].init);
344         map["c"] = 4.0;
345         map["a"] = 3.0;
346         assert(map.byKeyValue == [StringMap!double.KeyValue("c", 4.0), StringMap!double.KeyValue("a", 3.0)]);
347     }
349     /** Return a range over all elements (key-values pairs) currently stored in the associative array.
351         The elements returned are guaranteed to be in the ordered inserted as
352         long as no key removals nor no value mutations has been performed.
353     */
354     auto byKeyValue(this This)() @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
355     {
356         import mir.ndslice.topology: map;
357         return!KeyValue;
358     }
360     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
361     ///
362     @safe pure unittest
363     {
364         StringMap!double map;
365         assert(map.values == []);
366         map["c"] = 4.0;
367         assert(map.values == [4.0]);
368         map["a"] = 3.0;
369         assert(map.values == [4.0, 3.0]);
370         map.values[0]++;
371         assert(map.values == [5.0, 3.0]);
372         map.remove("c");
373         assert(map.values == [3.0]);
374         map.remove("a");
375         assert(map.values == []);
376         map["c"] = 4.0;
377         assert(map.values == [4.0]);
378     }
380     ///
381     auto opIndex(this This)() @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
382     {
383         import mir.ndslice.topology: zip;
384         return;
385     }
387     ///
388     auto dup(this This)() @trusted
389     {
390         return StringMap(keys.dup, values.dup);
391     }
393     /++
394     (Property) Gets the current capacity of an associative array.
395     The capacity is the size that the underlaynig slices can grow to before the underlying arrays may be reallocated or extended.
397     Complexity: `O(1)`
398     +/
399     size_t capacity()() @safe pure nothrow const @property
400     {
401         import mir.utility: min;
403         return !implementation ? 0 : min(
404             implementation.keys.capacity,
405             implementation.values.capacity,
406             implementation.indices.capacity,
407         );
408     }
410     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
411     ///
412     unittest
413     {
414         StringMap!double map;
415         assert(map.capacity == 0);
416         map["c"] = 4.0;
417         assert(map.capacity >= 1);
418         map["a"] = 3.0;
419         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
420         map.remove("c");
421         map.assumeSafeAppend;
422         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
423     }
425     /++
426     Reserves capacity for an associative array.
427     The capacity is the size that the underlaying slices can grow to before the underlying arrays may be reallocated or extended.
428     +/
429     size_t reserve()(size_t newcapacity) @trusted pure nothrow
430     {
431         import mir.utility: min;
433         if (_expect(!implementation, false))
434         {
435             implementation = new Impl;
436         }
438         auto keysV = implementation.keys;
439         auto keysVCaacity = keysV.reserve(newcapacity);
440         implementation._keys = keysV.ptr;
442         auto valuesV = implementation.values;
443         auto valuesCapacity = valuesV.reserve(newcapacity);
444         implementation._values = valuesV.ptr;
446         auto indicesV = implementation.indices;
447         auto indicesCapacity = indicesV.reserve(newcapacity);
448         implementation._indices = indicesV.ptr;
450         return min(
451             keysVCaacity,
452             valuesCapacity,
453             indicesCapacity,
454         );
455     }
457     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
458     ///
459     unittest
460     {
461         StringMap!double map;
462         auto capacity = map.reserve(10);
463         assert(capacity >= 10);
464         assert(map.capacity == capacity);
465         map["c"] = 4.0;
466         assert(map.capacity == capacity);
467         map["a"] = 3.0;
468         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
469         assert(map.remove("c"));
470         capacity = map.reserve(20);
471         assert(capacity >= 20);
472         assert(map.capacity == capacity);
473     }
475     /++
476     Assume that it is safe to append to this associative array.
477     Appends made to this associative array after calling this function may append in place, even if the array was a slice of a larger array to begin with.
478     Use this only when it is certain there are no elements in use beyond the associative array in the memory block. If there are, those elements will be overwritten by appending to this associative array.
480     Warning: Calling this function, and then using references to data located after the given associative array results in undefined behavior.
482     Returns: The input is returned.
483     +/
484     ref inout(typeof(this)) assumeSafeAppend()() nothrow inout return
485     {
486         if (implementation)
487         {
488             implementation.keys.assumeSafeAppend;
489             implementation.values.assumeSafeAppend;
490             implementation.indices.assumeSafeAppend;
491         }
492         return this;
493     }
495     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
496     ///
497     unittest
498     {
499         StringMap!double map;
500         map["c"] = 4.0;
501         map["a"] = 3.0;
502         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
503         map.remove("c");
504         assert(map.capacity == 0);
505         map.assumeSafeAppend;
506         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
507     }
509     /++
510     Removes all remaining keys and values from an associative array.
512     Complexity: `O(1)`
513     +/
514     void clear()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
515     {
516         if (implementation)
517         {
518             implementation._length = 0;
519             implementation._lengthTable = implementation._lengthTable[0 .. 0];
520         }
522     }
524     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
525     ///
526     unittest
527     {
528         StringMap!double map;
529         map["c"] = 4.0;
530         map["a"] = 3.0;
531         map.clear;
532         assert(map.length == 0);
533         assert(map.capacity == 0);
534         map.assumeSafeAppend;
535         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
536     }
538     /++
539     `remove(key)` does nothing if the given key does not exist and returns false. If the given key does exist, it removes it from the AA and returns true.
541     Complexity: `O(log(s))` (not exist) or `O(n)` (exist), where `s` is the count of the strings with the same length as they key.
542     +/
543     bool remove()(scope const(char)[] key) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
544     {
545         size_t index;
546         if (implementation && implementation.findIndex(key, index))
547         {
548             implementation.removeAt(index);
549             return true;
550         }
551         return false;
552     }
554     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
555     ///
556     unittest
557     {
558         StringMap!double map;
559         map["a"] = 3.0;
560         map["c"] = 4.0;
561         assert(map.remove("c"));
562         assert(!map.remove("c"));
563         assert(map.remove("a"));
564         assert(map.length == 0);
565         assert(map.capacity == 0);
566         assert(map.assumeSafeAppend.capacity >= 2);
567     }
569     /++
570     Finds position of the key in the associative array .
572     Return: An index starting from `0` that corresponds to the key or `-1` if the associative array doesn't contain the key.
574     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
575     +/
576     ptrdiff_t findPos()(scope const(char)[] key) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const
577     {
578         if (!implementation)
579             return -1;
580         size_t index;
581         if (!implementation.findIndex(key, index))
582             return -1;
583         return implementation._indices[index];
584     }
586     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
587     ///
588     @safe pure unittest
589     {
590         StringMap!double map;
591         map["c"] = 3.0;
592         map["La"] = 4.0;
593         map["a"] = 5.0;
595         assert(map.findPos("C") == -1);
596         assert(map.findPos("c") == 0);
597         assert(map.findPos("La") == 1);
598         assert(map.findPos("a") == 2);
600         map.remove("c");
602         assert(map.findPos("c") == -1);
603         assert(map.findPos("La") == 0);
604         assert(map.findPos("a") == 1);
605     }
607     /++
608     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
609     +/
610     inout(T)* opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(scope const(char)[] key) pure nothrow @nogc inout
611     {
612         if (!implementation)
613             return null;
614         size_t index;
615         if (!implementation.findIndex(key, index))
616             return null;
617         assert (index < length);
618         index = implementation.indices[index];
619         assert (index < length);
620         return &implementation.values[index];
621     }
623     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
624     ///
625     @safe nothrow pure unittest
626     {
627         StringMap!double map;
628         assert(("c" in map) is null);
629         map["c"] = 3.0;
630         assert(*("c" in map) == 3.0);
631     }
633     /++
634     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
635     +/
636     ref inout(T) opIndex()(scope const(char)[] key) @trusted pure inout //@nogc
637     {
638         size_t index;
639         if (implementation && implementation.findIndex(key, index))
640         {
641             assert (index < length);
642             index = implementation._indices[index];
643             assert (index < length);
644             return implementation._values[index];
645         }
646         import mir.exception: MirException;
647         throw new MirException("No member: ", key);
648     }
650     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
651     ///
652     @safe pure unittest
653     {
654         StringMap!double map;
655         map["c"] = 3.0;
656         map["La"] = 4.0;
657         map["a"] = 5.0;
659         map["La"] += 10;
660         assert(map["La"] == 14.0);
661     }
663     /++
664     Complexity: `O(log(s))` (exist) or `O(n)` (not exist), where `s` is the count of the strings with the same length as they key.
665     +/
666     ref T opIndexAssign(R)(auto ref R value, string key) @trusted pure nothrow
667     {
668         import core.lifetime: forward, move;
669         T v;
670         v = forward!value;
671         return opIndexAssign(move(v), key);
672     }
674     /// ditto
675     ref T opIndexAssign()(T value, string key) @trusted pure nothrow
676     {
677         size_t index;
678         if (_expect(!implementation, false))
679         {
680             implementation = new Impl;
681         }
682         else
683         {
684             if (key.length + 1 < implementation.lengthTable.length)
685             {
686                 if (implementation.findIndex(key, index))
687                 {
688                     assert (index < length);
689                     index = implementation._indices[index];
690                     assert (index < length);
691                     move(cast()value, cast()(implementation._values[index]));
692                     return implementation._values[index];
693                 }
694                 assert (index <= length);
695             }
696             else
697             {
698                 index = length;
699             }
700         }
701         assert (index <= length);
702         implementation.insertAt(key, move(cast()value), index);
703         index = implementation._indices[index];
704         return implementation._values[index];
705     }
707     /++
708     Looks up key; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates and returns defaultValue.
710     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
711     +/
712     inout(T) get()(scope const(char)[] key, lazy inout(T) defaultValue) inout
713     {
714         size_t index;
715         if (implementation && implementation.findIndex(key, index))
716         {
717             assert (index < length);
718             index = implementation.indices[index];
719             assert (index < length);
720             return implementation.values[index];
721         }
722         return defaultValue;
723     }
725     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
726     ///
727     @safe pure unittest
728     {
729         StringMap!int map;
730         map["c"] = 3;
731         assert(map.get("c", 1) == 3);
732         assert(map.get("C", 1) == 1);
733     }
735     /++
736     Looks up key; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates value, adds it to the associative array and returns it.
738     Complexity: `O(log(s))` (exist) or `O(n)` (not exist), where `s` is the count of the strings with the same length as they key.
739     +/
740     ref T require()(string key, lazy T value = T.init)
741     {
742         size_t index;
743         if (_expect(!implementation, false))
744         {
745             implementation = new Impl;
746         }
747         else
748         {
749             if (key.length + 1 < implementation.lengthTable.length)
750             {
751                 if (implementation.findIndex(key, index))
752                 {
753                     assert (index < length);
754                     index = implementation.indices[index];
755                     assert (index < length);
756                     return implementation.values[index];
757                 }
758                 assert (index <= length);
759             }
760             else
761             {
762                 index = length;
763             }
764         }
765         assert (index <= length);
766         implementation.insertAt(key, value, index);
767         index = implementation.indices[index];
768         return implementation.values[index];
769     }
771     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
772     ///
773     @safe pure unittest
774     {
775         StringMap!int map = ["aa": 1];
776         int add3(ref int x) { x += 3; return x; }
777         assert(add3(map.require("aa", 10)) == 4);
778         assert(add3(map.require("bb", 10)) == 13);
779         assert(map.require("a", 100));
780         assert(map.require("aa") == 4);
781         assert(map.require("bb") == 13);
782         assert(map.keys == ["aa", "bb", "a"]);
783     }
785     /++
786     Converts to a builtin associative array.
788     Complexity: `O(n)`.
789     +/
790     template toAA()
791     {
792         static if (__traits(compiles, (ref const T a) { T b; b = a;}))
793         {
794             ///
795             T[string] toAA()() const
796             {
797                 T[string] ret;
798                 foreach (i; 0 .. length)
799                 {
800                     ret[implementation.keys[i]] = implementation.values[i];
801                 }
802                 return ret;
803             }
804         }
805         else
806         {
807             ///
808             T[string] toAA()()
809             {
810                 T[string] ret;
811                 foreach (i; 0 .. length)
812                 {
813                     ret[implementation.keys[i]] = implementation.values[i];
814                 }
815                 return ret;
816             }
818             ///
819             const(T)[string] toAA()() const
820             {
821                 const(T)[string] ret;
822                 foreach (i; 0 .. length)
823                 {
824                     ret[implementation.keys[i]] = implementation.values[i];
825                 }
826                 return ret;
827             }
828         }
829     }
831     ///
832     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
833     @safe pure nothrow unittest
834     {
835         StringMap!int map = ["k": 1];
836         int[string] aa = map.toAA;
837         assert(aa["k"] == 1);
838     }
840     private static struct Impl
841     {
842         import core.lifetime: move;
843         import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
845         size_t _length;
846         string* _keys;
847         T* _values;
848         U* _indices;
849         U[] _lengthTable;
851         /++
852          +/
853         this()(string[] keys, T[] values) @trusted pure nothrow
854         {
855             assert(keys.length == values.length);
856             if (keys.length == 0)
857                 return;
858             _length = keys.length;
859             _keys = keys.ptr;
860             _values = values.ptr;
861             _indices = new U[keys.length].ptr;
862             size_t maxKeyLength;
863             foreach(ref key; keys)
864                 if (key.length > maxKeyLength)
865                     maxKeyLength = key.length;
866             _lengthTable = new U[maxKeyLength + 2];
867             sortIndices();
868         }
870         private void sortIndices() pure nothrow
871         {
872             import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort;
873             import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed;
874             import mir.string_table: smallerStringFirst;
875             foreach (i, ref index; indices)
876                 index = cast(U)i;
878             indices.sort!((a, b) => smallerStringFirst(keys[a], keys[b]));
879             auto sortedKeys = _keys.indexed(indices);
880             size_t maxKeyLength = sortedKeys[$ - 1].length;
882             size_t ski;
883             foreach (length; 0 .. maxKeyLength + 1)
884             {
885                 while(ski < sortedKeys.length && sortedKeys[ski].length == length)
886                     ski++;
887                 _lengthTable[length + 1] = cast(U)ski;
888             }
889         }
891         void insertAt()(string key, T value, size_t i) @trusted
892         {
893             pragma(inline, false);
895             assert(i <= length);
896             {
897                 auto a = keys;
898                 a ~= key;
899                 _keys = a.ptr;
900             }
901             {
902                 auto a = values;
903                 a ~= move(cast()value);
904                 _values = a.ptr;
905             }
906             {
907                 auto a = indices;
908                 a ~= 0;
909                 _indices = a.ptr;
911                 if (__ctfe)
912                 {
913                     foreach_reverse (idx; i .. length)
914                     {
915                         _indices[idx + 1] = _indices[idx];
916                     }
917                 }
918                 else
919                 {
920                     import core.stdc.string: memmove;
921                     memmove(_indices + i + 1, _indices + i, (length - i) * U.sizeof);
922                 }
923                 assert(length <= U.max);
924                 _indices[i] = cast(U)length;
925                 _length++;
926             }
927             {
928                 if (key.length + 2 <= lengthTable.length)
929                 {
930                     ++lengthTable[key.length + 1 .. $];
931                 }
932                 else
933                 {
934                     auto oldLen = _lengthTable.length;
935                     _lengthTable.length = key.length + 2;
936                     auto oldVal = oldLen ? _lengthTable[oldLen - 1] : 0;
937                     _lengthTable[oldLen .. key.length + 1] =  oldVal;
938                     _lengthTable[key.length + 1] =  oldVal + 1;
939                 }
940             }
941         }
943         void removeAt()(size_t i)
944         {
945             assert(i < length);
946             auto j = _indices[i];
947             assert(j < length);
948             {
949                 --_lengthTable[_keys[j].length + 1 .. $];
950             }
951             {
952                 if (__ctfe)
953                 {
954                     foreach (idx; i .. length)
955                     {
956                         _indices[idx] = _indices[idx + 1];
957                         _indices[idx] = _indices[idx + 1];
958                     }
959                 }
960                 else
961                 {
962                     import core.stdc.string: memmove;
963                     memmove(_indices + i, _indices + i + 1, (length - 1 - i) * U.sizeof);
964                 }
965                 foreach (ref elem; indices[0 .. $ - 1])
966                     if (elem > j)
967                         elem--;
968             }
969             {
970                 if (__ctfe)
971                 {
972                     foreach_reverse (idx; j .. length - 1)
973                     {
974                         _keys[idx] = _keys[idx + 1];
975                         _values[idx] = move(_values[idx + 1]);
976                     }
977                 }
978                 else
979                 {
980                     import core.stdc.string: memmove;
981                     destroy!false(_values[j]);
982                     memmove(_keys + j, _keys + j + 1, (length - 1 - j) * string.sizeof);
983                     memmove(_values + j, _values + j + 1, (length - 1 - j) * T.sizeof);
984                     emplaceRef(_values[length - 1]);
985                 }
986             }
987             _length--;
988             _lengthTable = _lengthTable[0 .. length ? _keys[_indices[length - 1]].length + 2 : 0];
989         }
991         size_t length()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
992         {
993             return _length;
994         }
996         inout(string)[] keys()() @trusted inout @property pure @nogc nothrow
997         {
998             return _keys[0 .. _length];
999         }
1001         inout(T)[] values()() @trusted inout @property pure @nogc nothrow
1002         {
1003             return _values[0 .. _length];
1004         }
1006         inout(U)[] indices()() @trusted inout @property pure @nogc nothrow
1007         {
1008             return _indices[0 .. _length];
1009         }
1011         inout(U)[] lengthTable()() @trusted inout @property pure @nogc nothrow
1012         {
1013             return _lengthTable;
1014         }
1016         auto sortedKeys()() @trusted const @property
1017         {
1018             import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed;
1019             return _keys.indexed(indices);
1020         }
1022         bool findIndex()(scope const(char)[] key, ref size_t index) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const
1023         {
1024             import mir.utility: _expect;
1025             if (_expect(key.length + 1 < _lengthTable.length, true))
1026             {
1028                 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1029                 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6   8 9 10    12          16
1031                 auto low = _lengthTable[key.length] + 0u;
1032                 auto high = _lengthTable[key.length + 1] + 0u;
1033                 while (low < high)
1034                 {
1035                     const mid = (low + high) / 2;
1037                     import core.stdc.string: memcmp;
1038                     int r = void;
1040                     if (__ctfe)
1041                         r = __cmp(key, _keys[_indices[mid]]);
1042                     else
1043                         r = memcmp(key.ptr, _keys[_indices[mid]].ptr, key.length);
1045                     if (r == 0)
1046                     {
1047                         index = mid;
1048                         return true;
1049                     }
1050                     if (r > 0)
1051                         low = mid + 1;
1052                     else
1053                         high = mid;
1054                 }
1055                 index = low;
1056             }
1057             return false;
1058         }
1059     }
1061     /// Sorts table according to the keys
1062     ref sort(alias less = "a < b")() return
1063     {
1064         import mir.functional: naryFun;
1065         import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort;
1066         import mir.ndslice.topology: zip;
1067         if (length) {
1068             zip(implementation.keys, implementation.values).sort!((l, r) => naryFun!less(l.a, r.a));
1069             implementation.sortIndices;
1070         }
1071         return this;
1072     }
1074     import std.traits: isAssociativeArray, isAggregateType;
1075     // static if (!isAssociativeArray!(.basicElementType!T) && (!isAggregateType!(.basicElementType!T) || __traits(hasMember, .basicElementType!T, "opCmp")))
1076     /// `opCmp` Implementation. Doesn't depend on order
1077     int opCmp()(scope const typeof(this) rhs) scope const @trusted // pure nothrow @nogc
1078     {
1079         if (sizediff_t d = length - rhs.length)
1080             return d < 0 ? -1 : 1;
1081         if (length == 0)
1082             return 0;
1084         foreach (i, index; implementation.indices)
1085             if (auto d = __cmp(implementation._keys[index], rhs.implementation._keys[rhs.implementation._indices[i]]))
1086                 return d;
1087         foreach (i, index; implementation.indices)
1088             static if (__traits(compiles, __cmp(implementation._values[index], rhs.implementation._values[rhs.implementation._indices[i]])))
1089             {
1090                 if (auto d = __cmp(implementation._values[index], rhs.implementation._values[rhs.implementation._indices[i]]))
1091                     return d;
1092             }
1093             else
1094             static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "opCmp"))
1095             {
1096                 if (auto d = implementation._values[index].opCmp(rhs.implementation._values[rhs.implementation._indices[i]]))
1097                     return d;
1098             }
1099             else
1100             {
1101                 return
1102                     implementation._values[index] < rhs.implementation._values[rhs.implementation._indices[i]] ? -1 :
1103                     implementation._values[index] > rhs.implementation._values[rhs.implementation._indices[i]] ? +1 : 0;
1104             }
1105         return false;
1106     }
1108     private Impl* implementation;
1110     ///
1111     static if (is(T == const) || is(T == immutable))
1112     {
1113         alias serdeKeysProxy = Unqual!T;
1114     }
1115     else
1116     {
1117         alias serdeKeysProxy = T;
1118     }
1119 }
1121 version(mir_test)
1122 ///
1123 @safe unittest
1124 {
1125     class C
1126     {
1127         this(int x) { this.x = x; }
1128         int x;
1129         bool opEquals(scope const C rhs) const scope @safe pure nothrow @nogc
1130         {
1131             return x == rhs.x;
1132         }
1134         override size_t toHash() @safe const scope pure nothrow @nogc
1135         {
1136             return x;
1137         }
1138     }
1139     StringMap!(const C) table;
1140     const v0 = new C(42);
1141     const v1 = new C(43);
1142     table["0"] = v0;
1143     table["1"] = v1;
1144     assert(table.keys == ["0", "1"]);
1145     assert(table.values == [v0, v1]); // TODO: qualify unittest as `pure` when this is inferred `pure`
1146     static assert(is(typeof(table.values) == const(C)[]));
1147 }
1149 version(mir_test)
1150 ///
1151 @safe pure unittest
1152 {
1153     StringMap!int table;
1154     table["L"] = 3;
1155     table["A"] = 2;
1156     table["val"] = 1;
1157     assert(table.keys == ["L", "A", "val"]);
1158     assert(table.values == [3, 2, 1]);
1159     assert(table["A"] == 2);
1160     table.values[2] += 10;
1161     assert(table["A"] == 2);
1162     assert(table["L"] == 3);
1163     assert(table["val"] == 11);
1164     assert(table.keys == ["L", "A", "val"]);
1165     assert(table.values == [3, 2, 11]);
1166     table.remove("A");
1167     assert(table.keys == ["L", "val"]);
1168     assert(table.values == [3, 11]);
1169     assert(table["L"] == 3);
1170     assert(table["val"] == 11);
1172     assert(table == table);
1174     // sorting
1175     table["A"] = 2;
1176     table.sort;
1177     assert(table.keys == ["A", "L", "val"]);
1178     assert(table.values == [2, 3, 11]);
1179     assert(table["A"] == 2);
1180     assert(table["L"] == 3);
1181     assert(table["val"] == 11);
1182 }
1184 version(mir_test)
1185 ///
1186 @safe pure unittest
1187 {
1188     static void testEquals(X, Y)()
1189     {
1190         X x;
1191         Y y;
1192         assert(x == y);
1194         x["L"] = 3;
1195         assert(x != y);
1196         x["A"] = 2;
1197         assert(x != y);
1198         x["val"] = 1;
1199         assert(x != y);
1201         y["val"] = 1;
1202         assert(x != y);
1203         y["L"] = 3;
1204         assert(x != y);
1205         y["A"] = 2;
1206         assert(x == y);
1208         x = X.init;
1209         assert(x != y);
1211         y = Y.init;
1212         assert(x == y);
1213     }
1215     testEquals!(StringMap!int, StringMap!uint)();
1216     testEquals!(StringMap!int, uint[string])();
1217     testEquals!(uint[string], StringMap!int)();
1218 }
1220 version(mir_test)
1221 @safe pure unittest
1222 {
1223     import mir.algebraic_alias.json: JsonAlgebraic;
1224     import mir.string_map: StringMap;
1226     StringMap!JsonAlgebraic token;
1227     token[`access_token`] = "secret-data";
1228     token[`expires_in`] = 3599;
1229     token[`token_type`] = "Bearer";
1231     assert(token[`access_token`] == "secret-data");
1232     assert(token[`expires_in`] == 3599);
1233     assert(token[`token_type`] == "Bearer"); // mir/string_map.d(511): No member: token_type
1235     const tkType = `token_type` in token;
1237     assert((*tkType) == "Bearer"); // *tkType contains value 3599
1238 }
1240 ///
1241 template intersectionMap(alias merger)
1242 {
1243     ///
1244     StringMap!V intersectionMap(V)(StringMap!V a, StringMap!V b)
1245     {
1246         import mir.functional : naryFun;
1247         typeof(return) res;
1248         foreach (key, ref value; a)
1249             if (auto bValPtr = key in b)
1250                 res[key] = naryFun!merger(value, *bValPtr);
1251         return res;
1252     }
1253 }
1255 ///
1256 version(mir_test)
1257 @safe pure
1258 unittest {
1259     import mir.test: should;
1260     import mir.string_map : StringMap;
1261     auto m0 = StringMap!int(["foo", "bar"], [1, 2]);
1262     auto m1 = StringMap!int(["foo"], [2]);
1263     auto m2 = StringMap!int(["foo"], [3]);
1264     intersectionMap!"a + b"(m0, m1).should == m2;
1265 }
1267 ///
1268 template unionMap(alias merger)
1269 {
1270     ///
1271     StringMap!V unionMap(V)(StringMap!V a, StringMap!V b)
1272     {
1273         import mir.functional : naryFun;
1274         typeof(return) res;
1275         foreach (key, ref value; a)
1276             if (auto bValPtr = key in b)
1277                 res[key] = naryFun!merger(value, *bValPtr);
1278             else
1279                 res[key] = value;
1280         foreach (key, ref value; b)
1281             if (key !in res)
1282                 res[key] = value;
1283         return res;
1284     }
1285 }
1287 ///
1288 version(mir_test)
1289 @safe pure
1290 unittest {
1291     import mir.test: should;
1292     import mir.string_map : StringMap;
1293     auto m0 = StringMap!int(["foo", "bar"], [1, 2]);
1294     auto m1 = StringMap!int(["foo"], [2]);
1295     auto m2 = StringMap!int(["foo", "bar"], [3, 2]);
1296     unionMap!"a + b"(m0, m1).should == m2;
1297 }