The OpenD Programming Language

1 module requests.ssl_adapter;
3 version(staticssl) {
4     public import requests.ssl_adapter_static;
5 } else:
7 import std.stdio;
8 import std.string;
9 import std.format;
10 import std.typecons;
11 import core.stdc.stdlib;
12 import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;
13 import std.experimental.logger;
14 import core.stdc.config;
16 version(Windows) {
17     import;
18     alias DLSYM = GetProcAddress;
19 } else {
20     alias DLSYM = dlsym;
21 }
23 version(RequestsSkipSSL)
24 {
25     enum enableSSL = false;
26 }
27 else
28 {
29     enum enableSSL = true;
30 }
32 /*
33  * /usr/include/openssl/tls1.h:# define TLS_ANY_VERSION 0x10000
34  */
36 immutable int TLS_ANY_VERSION = 0x10000;
37 immutable int TLS1_VERSION = 0x0301;
38 immutable int TLS1_2_VERSION = 0x0303;
40 struct SSL {};
41 struct SSL_CTX {};
42 struct SSL_METHOD {};
44 //
45 // N  - function name, R - return type, A - args
46 //
47 string SSL_Function_decl(string N, R, A...)() {
48     string F = "extern (C) @nogc nothrow %s function %s adapter_%s;".format(R.stringof, A.stringof, N);
49     return F;
50 }
51 string SSL_Function_set_i(string N, R, A...)() {
52     string F = "openssl.adapter_%s = cast(typeof(openssl.adapter_%s))DLSYM(cast(void*)openssl._libssl, \"%s\");".format(N, N, N);
53     return F;
54 }
55 string CRYPTO_Function_set_i(string N, R, A...)() {
56     string F = "openssl.adapter_%s = cast(typeof(openssl.adapter_%s))DLSYM(cast(void*)openssl._libcrypto, \"%s\");".format(N, N, N);
57     return F;
58 }
60 private alias Version = Tuple!(int, "major", int, "minor");
62 immutable static OpenSSL openssl;
64 shared static this() {
65     version(OSX) {
66         enum loadFunction = "dlopen(lib.ptr, RTLD_LAZY)";
67         immutable string[] libsslname = [
68             "libssl.46.dylib",
69             "libssl.44.dylib",
70             "libssl.43.dylib",
71             "libssl.35.dylib",
72             "libssl.dylib",
73         ];
74         immutable string[] libcryptoname = [
75             "libcrypto.44.dylib",
76             "libcrypto.42.dylib",
77             "libcrypto.41.dylib",
78             "libcrypto.35.dylib",
79             "libcrypto.dylib",
80         ];
81     } else
82     version(linux) {
83         enum loadFunction = "dlopen(lib.ptr, RTLD_LAZY)";
84         immutable string[] libsslname = [
85             "",
86             "",
87             "",
88             "",
89             "",
90             "",
91         ];
92         immutable string[] libcryptoname = [
93             "",
94             "",
95             "",
96             "",
97             "",
98             "",
99         ];
100     } else
101     version(FreeBSD) {
102         enum loadFunction = "dlopen(lib.ptr, RTLD_LAZY)";
103         immutable string[] libsslname = [
104             "",
105             "",
106             "",
107             "",
108             "",
109         ];
110         immutable string[] libcryptoname = [
111             "",
112             "",
113             "",
114             "",
115             "",
116         ];
117     } else
118     version(Windows) {
119         enum loadFunction = "LoadLibrary(lib.ptr)";
120         immutable wstring[] libsslname = [
121              "libssl32.dll"w,
122              "libssl-1_1"w,
123              "libssl-1_1-x64"w,
124          ];
125          immutable wstring[] libcryptoname = [
126              "libeay32.dll"w,
127              "libcrypto-1_1"w,
128              "libcrypto-1_1-x64"w,
129         ];
130     } else {
131         debug(requests) trace("error loading openssl: unsupported system - first access over https will fail");
132         return;
133     }
135     static if ( enableSSL && is(typeof(loadFunction)) ) {
136         foreach(lib; libsslname) {
137             openssl._libssl = cast(typeof(openssl._libssl))mixin(loadFunction);
138             if ( openssl._libssl !is null ) {
139                 debug(requests) tracef("will use %s".format(lib));
140                 break;
141             }
142         }
143         foreach(lib; libcryptoname) {
144             openssl._libcrypto = cast(typeof(openssl._libcrypto))mixin(loadFunction);
145             if ( openssl._libcrypto !is null ) {
146                 debug(requests) tracef("will use %s".format(lib));
147                 break;
148             }
149         }
150     }
152     if ( openssl._libssl is null ) {
153         debug(requests) trace("warning: failed to load libssl - first access over https will fail");
154         return;
155     }
156     if ( openssl._libcrypto is null ) {
157         debug(requests) trace("warning: failed to load libcrypto - first access over https will fail");
158         return;
159     }
160     openssl._ver = openssl.OpenSSL_version_detect();
162     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_library_init", int));
163     mixin(CRYPTO_Function_set_i!("OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers", void));
164     mixin(CRYPTO_Function_set_i!("OpenSSL_add_all_digests", void));
165     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_load_error_strings", void));
167     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("OPENSSL_init_ssl", int, ulong, void*));
168     mixin(CRYPTO_Function_set_i!("OPENSSL_init_crypto", int, ulong, void*));
170     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("TLSv1_client_method", SSL_METHOD*));
171     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("TLSv1_2_client_method", SSL_METHOD*));
172     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("TLS_method", SSL_METHOD*));
173     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSLv23_client_method", SSL_METHOD*));
174     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_new", SSL_CTX*, SSL_METHOD*));
175     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths", int, SSL_CTX*));
176     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations", int, SSL_CTX*, char*, char*));
177     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_set_verify", void, SSL_CTX*, int, void*));
178     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file", int, SSL_CTX*, const char*, int));
179     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file", int, SSL_CTX*, const char*, int));
180     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list", int, SSL_CTX*, const char*));
181     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_ctrl", c_long, SSL_CTX*, int, c_long, void*));
182     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_new", SSL*, SSL_CTX*));
183     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_set_fd", int, SSL*, int));
184     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_connect", int, SSL*));
185     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_write", int, SSL*, const void*, int));
186     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_read", int, SSL*, void*, int));
187     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_free", void, SSL*));
188     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_CTX_free", void, SSL_CTX*));
189     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_get_error", int, SSL*, int));
190     mixin(SSL_Function_set_i!("SSL_ctrl", c_long, SSL*, int, c_long, void*));
191     mixin(CRYPTO_Function_set_i!("ERR_reason_error_string", char*, c_ulong));
192     mixin(CRYPTO_Function_set_i!("ERR_get_error", c_ulong));
194     void delegate()[Version] init_matrix;
195     init_matrix[Version(1,0)] = &openssl.init1_0;
196     init_matrix[Version(1,1)] = &openssl.init1_1;
197     init_matrix[Version(2,0)] = &openssl.init1_1;
198     init_matrix[Version(0,2)] = &openssl.init1_1; // libressl >= 2.7.1
199     init_matrix[Version(0,3)] = &openssl.init1_1; // libressl >= 3.0.0
200     init_matrix[Version(3,0)] = &openssl.init1_1; // >=3.0
201     auto initVer = (ver) {
202         if (ver.major == 3 && ver.minor >= 1) // set 3.x to 3.0 for the init matrix
203             return Version(3, 0);
204         else
205             return ver;
206     }(openssl._ver);
207     auto init = init_matrix.get(initVer, null);
208     if ( init is null ) {
209         throw new Exception("loading openssl: unknown version %s for init".format(openssl._ver));
210     }
211     init();
212 }
214 struct OpenSSL {
216     private {
217         Version         _ver;
218         void*           _libssl;
219         void*           _libcrypto;
221         // openssl 1.0.x init functions
222         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_library_init", int));
223         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers", void));
224         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("OpenSSL_add_all_digests", void));
225         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_load_error_strings", void));
227         // openssl 1.1.x init functions
228         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("OPENSSL_init_ssl", int, ulong, void*)); // fixed width 64 bit arg
229         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("OPENSSL_init_crypto", int, ulong, void*)); // fixed width 64 bit arg
231         // all other functions
232         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("TLSv1_client_method", SSL_METHOD*));
233         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("TLSv1_2_client_method", SSL_METHOD*));
234         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("TLS_method", SSL_METHOD*));
235         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSLv23_client_method", SSL_METHOD*));
236         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_new", SSL_CTX*, SSL_METHOD*));
237         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths", int, SSL_CTX*));
238         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations", int, SSL_CTX*, char*, char*));
239         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_set_verify", void, SSL_CTX*, int, void*));
240         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file", int, SSL_CTX*, const char*, int));
241         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file", int, SSL_CTX*, const char*, int));
242         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list", int, SSL_CTX*, const char*));
243         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_ctrl", c_long, SSL_CTX*, int, c_long, void*));
244         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_new", SSL*, SSL_CTX*));
245         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_set_fd", int, SSL*, int));
246         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_connect", int, SSL*));
247         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_write", int, SSL*, const void*, int));
248         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_read", int, SSL*, void*, int));
249         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_free", void, SSL*));
250         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_CTX_free", void, SSL_CTX*));
251         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_get_error", int, SSL*, int));
252         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("SSL_ctrl", c_long, SSL*, int, c_long, void*));
253         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("ERR_reason_error_string", char*, c_ulong));
254         mixin(SSL_Function_decl!("ERR_get_error", c_ulong));
255     }
257     Version reportVersion() const @nogc nothrow pure {
258         return _ver;
259     };
261     private Version OpenSSL_version_detect() const {
262         c_ulong function() OpenSSL_version_num = cast(c_ulong function())DLSYM(cast(void*)_libcrypto, "OpenSSL_version_num".ptr);
263         if ( OpenSSL_version_num ) {
264             auto v = OpenSSL_version_num() & 0xffffffff;
265             return Version((v>>>28) & 0xff, (v>>>20) & 0xff);
266         }
267         return Version(1, 0);
268     }
270     private void init1_0() const {
271         adapter_SSL_library_init();
272         adapter_OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers();
273         adapter_OpenSSL_add_all_digests();
274         adapter_SSL_load_error_strings();
275     }
276     private void init1_1() const {
277         /**
278         Standard initialisation options
280         #define OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS       0x00200000L
282         # define OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS    0x00000002L
283         # define OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS        0x00000004L
284         # define OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_DIGESTS        0x00000008L
285         **/
286         enum OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS = 0x00200000L;
287         enum OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS = 0x00000002L;
288         enum OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS = 0x00000004L;
289         enum OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_DIGESTS = 0x00000008L;
290         adapter_OPENSSL_init_ssl(OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS, null);
292     }
294     SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_client_method() const {
295         if ( adapter_TLSv1_client_method is null ) {
296             throw new Exception("openssl not initialized - is it installed?");
297         }
298         return adapter_TLSv1_client_method();
299     }
300     SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_2_client_method() const {
301         if ( adapter_TLSv1_2_client_method is null ) {
302             throw new Exception("openssl not initialized - is it installed?");
303         }
304         return adapter_TLSv1_2_client_method();
305     }
306     SSL_METHOD* SSLv23_client_method() const {
307         if ( adapter_SSLv23_client_method is null ) {
308             throw new Exception("can't complete call to SSLv23_client_method");
309         }
310         return adapter_SSLv23_client_method();
311     }
312     SSL_METHOD* TLS_method() const {
313         if ( adapter_TLS_method !is null ) {
314             return adapter_TLS_method();
315         }
316         if ( adapter_SSLv23_client_method !is null ) {
317             return adapter_SSLv23_client_method();
318         }
319         throw new Exception("can't complete call to TLS_method");
320     }
321     SSL_CTX* SSL_CTX_new(SSL_METHOD* method) const {
322         if ( adapter_SSL_CTX_new is null ) {
323             throw new Exception("openssl not initialized - is it installed?");
324         }
325         return adapter_SSL_CTX_new(method);
326     }
327     int SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(SSL_CTX* ctx) const @nogc nothrow {
328         return adapter_SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx);
329     }
330     int SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(SSL_CTX* ctx, char* CAFile, char* CAPath) const @nogc nothrow {
331         return adapter_SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, CAFile, CAPath);
332     }
333     void SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_CTX* ctx, int mode, void* callback) const @nogc nothrow {
334         adapter_SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, mode, callback);
335     }
336     int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(SSL_CTX* ctx, const char* file, int type) const @nogc nothrow {
337         return adapter_SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, file, type);
338     }
339     int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(SSL_CTX* ctx, const char* file, int type) const @nogc nothrow {
340         return adapter_SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, file, type);
341     }
342     int SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(SSL_CTX* ssl_ctx, const char* c) const @nogc nothrow {
343         return adapter_SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ssl_ctx, c);
344     }
345     /*
346      *
347      * # define SSL_CTRL_SET_MIN_PROTO_VERSION          123
348      * # define SSL_CTRL_SET_MAX_PROTO_VERSION          124
349     */
350     enum int SSL_CTRL_SET_MIN_PROTO_VERSION = 123;
351     enum int SSL_CTRL_SET_MAX_PROTO_VERSION = 124;
352     int SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(SSL_CTX* ctx, int v) const @nogc nothrow {
353         int r = cast(int)adapter_SSL_CTX_ctrl(ctx, SSL_CTRL_SET_MIN_PROTO_VERSION, cast(c_long)v, null);
354         return r;
355     }
356     int SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(SSL_CTX* ctx, int v) const @nogc nothrow {
357         int r = cast(int)adapter_SSL_CTX_ctrl(ctx, SSL_CTRL_SET_MAX_PROTO_VERSION, cast(c_long)v, null);
358         return r;
359     }
360     SSL* SSL_new(SSL_CTX* ctx) const @nogc nothrow {
361         return adapter_SSL_new(ctx);
362     }
363     int SSL_set_fd(SSL* ssl, int fd) const @nogc nothrow {
364         return adapter_SSL_set_fd(ssl, fd);
365     }
366     int SSL_connect(SSL* ssl) const @nogc nothrow {
367         return adapter_SSL_connect(ssl);
368     }
369     int SSL_read(SSL* ssl, void *b, int n) const @nogc nothrow {
370         return adapter_SSL_read(ssl, b, n);
371     }
372     int SSL_write(SSL* ssl, const void *b, int n) const @nogc nothrow {
373         return adapter_SSL_write(ssl, b, n);
374     }
375     void SSL_free(SSL* ssl) const @nogc nothrow @trusted {
376         adapter_SSL_free(ssl);
377     }
378     void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX* ctx) const @nogc nothrow @trusted {
379         adapter_SSL_CTX_free(ctx);
380     }
381     int SSL_get_error(SSL* ssl, int err) const @nogc nothrow {
382         return adapter_SSL_get_error(ssl, err);
383     }
384     c_long SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(SSL* ssl, const char* host) const @nogc nothrow {
385         enum SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME = 55;
386         enum TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name = 0;
387         return adapter_SSL_ctrl(ssl, SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME,TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name, cast(void*)host);
388     }
389     char* ERR_reason_error_string(c_ulong code) const @nogc nothrow {
390         return adapter_ERR_reason_error_string(code);
391     }
392     c_ulong ERR_get_error() const @nogc nothrow {
393         return adapter_ERR_get_error();
394     }
395 }
396 /*
397 int main() {
398     import std.socket;
400     auto v = openssl.reportVersion();
401     writefln("openSSL v.%s.%s", v.major, v.minor);
402     openssl.SSL_library_init();
403     writeln("InitSSL - ok");
404     SSL_CTX* ctx = openssl.SSL_CTX_new(openssl.TLSv1_client_method());
405     writefln("SSL_CTX_new = %x", ctx);
406     int r = openssl.adapter_SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctx);
407     writefln("SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths = %d(%s)", r, r==1?"ok":"fail");
408     r = openssl.adapter_SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, cast(char*)null, cast(char*)null);
409     writefln("SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations - ok");
410     openssl.SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, 0, null);
411     writefln("SSL_CTX_set_verify - ok");
412     //r = openssl.SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, null, 0);
413     //writefln("SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file = %d(%s)", r, r==1?"ok":"fail");
414     //r = openssl.SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, cast(char*), 0);
415     //writefln("SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file = %d(%s)", r, r==1?"ok":"fail");
416     SSL* ssl = openssl.SSL_new(ctx);
417     writefln("SSL_new = %x", ssl);
418     auto s = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);
419     Address[] a = getAddress("", 443);
420     writeln(a[0]);
421     s.connect(a[0]);
422     r = openssl.SSL_set_fd(ssl, s.handle);
423     writefln("SSL_set_fd = %d(%s)", r, r==1?"ok":"fail");
424     r = openssl.SSL_connect(ssl);
425     writefln("SSL_connect = %d(%s)", r, r==1?"ok":"fail");
426     if ( r < 0 ) {
427         writefln("code: %d", openssl.SSL_get_error(ssl, r));
428     }
429     string req = "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n";
430     r = openssl.SSL_write(ssl, cast(void*)req.ptr, cast(int)req.length);
431     writefln("SSL_write = %d", r);
432     do {
433         ubyte[]  resp = new ubyte[](1024);
434         r = openssl.SSL_read(ssl, cast(void*)resp.ptr, cast(int)1024);
435         writefln("SSL_read = %d", r);
436         if ( r > 0 ) {
437             writeln(cast(string)resp);
438         }
439     } while(r > 0);
440     openssl.SSL_free(ssl);
441     openssl.SSL_CTX_free(ctx);
442     s.close();
443     return 0;
444 }
445 */