The OpenD Programming Language


Implements a simple and fast singly-linked list. It can be used as a stack.

SList uses reference semantics.


this(U[] values)

Constructor taking a number of nodes

this(Stuff stuff)

Constructor taking an input range



alias insert = insertFront
alias stableInsert = insert

Inserts stuff to the front of the container. stuff can be a value convertible to T or a range of objects convertible to T. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

alias stableInsertAfter = insertAfter

Similar to insertAfter above, but accepts a range bounded in count. This is important for ensuring fast insertions in the middle of the list. For fast insertions after a specified position r, use insertAfter(take(r, 1), stuff). The complexity of that operation only depends on the number of elements in stuff.

alias stableInsertFront = insertFront

Inserts stuff to the front of the container. stuff can be a value convertible to T or a range of objects convertible to T. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

alias stableLinearRemove = linearRemove

Removes a Take!Range from the list in linear time.

alias stableRemoveAny = removeAny

Picks one value in an unspecified position in the container, removes it from the container, and returns it. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

alias stableRemoveFront = removeFront

Removes the value at the front of the container. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

alias stableRemoveFront = removeFront

Removes howMany values at the front or back of the container. Unlike the unparameterized versions above, these functions do not throw if they could not remove howMany elements. Instead, if howMany > n, all elements are removed. The returned value is the effective number of elements removed. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.


void clear()

Removes all contents from the SList.

size_t insertAfter(Range r, Stuff stuff)

Inserts stuff after range r, which must be a range previously extracted from this container. Given that all ranges for a list end at the end of the list, this function essentially appends to the list and uses r as a potentially fast way to reach the last node in the list. Ideally r is positioned near or at the last element of the list.

size_t insertAfter(Take!Range r, Stuff stuff)

Similar to insertAfter above, but accepts a range bounded in count. This is important for ensuring fast insertions in the middle of the list. For fast insertions after a specified position r, use insertAfter(take(r, 1), stuff). The complexity of that operation only depends on the number of elements in stuff.

size_t insertFront(Stuff stuff)

Inserts stuff to the front of the container. stuff can be a value convertible to T or a range of objects convertible to T. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

Range linearRemove(Range r)

Removes a range from the list in linear time.

Range linearRemove(Take!Range r)

Removes a Take!Range from the list in linear time.

bool linearRemoveElement(T value)

Removes the first occurence of an element from the list in linear time.

SList opBinary(Stuff rhs)
SList opBinaryRight(Stuff lhs)

Returns a new SList that's the concatenation of this and its argument. opBinaryRight is only defined if Stuff does not define opBinary.

bool opEquals(SList rhs)

Comparison for equality.

Range opSlice()

Returns a range that iterates over all elements of the container, in forward order.

T removeAny()

Picks one value in an unspecified position in the container, removes it from the container, and returns it. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

void removeFront()

Removes the value at the front of the container. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

size_t removeFront(size_t howMany)

Removes howMany values at the front or back of the container. Unlike the unparameterized versions above, these functions do not throw if they could not remove howMany elements. Instead, if howMany > n, all elements are removed. The returned value is the effective number of elements removed. The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.

void reverse()

Reverses SList in-place. Performs no memory allocation.


SList dup [@property getter]

Duplicates the container. The elements themselves are not transitively duplicated.

bool empty [@property getter]

Property returning true if and only if the container has no elements.

T front [@property getter]

Forward to opSlice().front.


struct Range

Defines the container's primary range, which embodies a forward range.
